Ancient records confirm Arctic warming due to man

What these scientist need to do is instead of trying to forecast 100 or 300 years in the future, they would be better served putting out a 10 year forecast of how much warmer and than another for 25 years. We would be able than to measure the progress of the warming and see if their forecast are within the "area"(margin of error) of warming expected. If they where able to do so and get it right it would go along ways towards given the global warming supporting scientist more support with the public and may even draw some of us; that as of this moment don't believe in global warming if the data for once shown that it was in fact occurring. In if it shown that it was not warming then the denier side would be proven right.

Sounds like a good idea.

Also Antarctica and I believe the northern pole didn't have nearly as much ice(Antarctica had none for much of this period) 30 million years ago to around 250 million years ago. That is a hell of a lot more of a simple than the last 5-15 million years I would say. We also see within the last million years that we've been in and out of ice ages every 100-150 thousand years divided by interglacial like the one we're in today. So it happens that we live on a planet that has cycles for pretty much everything...Sure man could have some slight effects, but to say in the middle of a interglacial that this can't happen is the level of stupidity.
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I don't know how seriously we should take your comments, as the article was about the Arctic but, using the usual denier tricks, tried to confuse the subject by talking about the Antarctic!!!

It is very typical. Walleyed and the slack-jawed-idiot are true trolls so none of their ignorant, propaganda laden comments can be taken seriously. They don't understand science or what is at stake so they just parrot the lies and misinformation they get from Rush, FauxNews and the various oil industry sponsored denier cult blogs. Their motivations are ideological rather than scientific so they aren't really interested in the truth of the matter or scientific evidence. They've been brainwashed by the fossil fuel industry propaganda into believing the most idiotic paranoid conspiracy theories about all of the world's scientists and government and business leaders being in cahoots to deceive everybody and fake the evidence for AGW. LOL. As if the evidence was not all around us these days. The rightwingnut trolls who fall for that nonsense generally seem to be very poorly educated and have sub-room-temperature IQ's.

What degrees do you have? Going for the MENSA test in September for fun and to end the BS from turds like you.

Wow, you're actually stupid enough not to realize that this is an anonymous forum so any claims anyone makes about their degrees or 'MENSA membership' or whatever are completely meaningless. The only thing that matters here is what you deliver in the way of rational debate and your ability to support your views with verifiable evidence from reputable sources. You have already failed on both counts there.
It is very typical. Walleyed and the slack-jawed-idiot are true trolls so none of their ignorant, propaganda laden comments can be taken seriously. They don't understand science or what is at stake so they just parrot the lies and misinformation they get from Rush, FauxNews and the various oil industry sponsored denier cult blogs. Their motivations are ideological rather than scientific so they aren't really interested in the truth of the matter or scientific evidence. They've been brainwashed by the fossil fuel industry propaganda into believing the most idiotic paranoid conspiracy theories about all of the world's scientists and government and business leaders being in cahoots to deceive everybody and fake the evidence for AGW. LOL. As if the evidence was not all around us these days. The rightwingnut trolls who fall for that nonsense generally seem to be very poorly educated and have sub-room-temperature IQ's.

What degrees do you have? Going for the MENSA test in September for fun and to end the BS from turds like you.

Wow, you're actually stupid enough not to realize that this is an anonymous forum so any claims anyone makes about their degrees or 'MENSA membership' or whatever are completely meaningless. The only thing that matters here is what you deliver in the way of rational debate and your ability to support your views with verifiable evidence from reputable sources. You have already failed on both counts there.

WOW you are actually stupid enough to think this statement vindicates you somehow.... Well no, actually it vilifies you.. You have repeatedly posted the same article over multiple threads despite it being beaten down, and despite the headline of it lying outright about what the article and the scientists in it said.... You do this despite being reminded of it and despite knowing it is bogus....

So going by your performance on here we can safely say that YOU are not a MENSA member, nor will you be anytime soon.....:lol:
It is very typical. Walleyed and the slack-jawed-idiot are true trolls so none of their ignorant, propaganda laden comments can be taken seriously. They don't understand science or what is at stake so they just parrot the lies and misinformation they get from Rush, FauxNews and the various oil industry sponsored denier cult blogs. Their motivations are ideological rather than scientific so they aren't really interested in the truth of the matter or scientific evidence. They've been brainwashed by the fossil fuel industry propaganda into believing the most idiotic paranoid conspiracy theories about all of the world's scientists and government and business leaders being in cahoots to deceive everybody and fake the evidence for AGW. LOL. As if the evidence was not all around us these days. The rightwingnut trolls who fall for that nonsense generally seem to be very poorly educated and have sub-room-temperature IQ's.

What degrees do you have? Going for the MENSA test in September for fun and to end the BS from turds like you.

Wow, you're actually stupid enough not to realize that this is an anonymous forum so any claims anyone makes about their degrees or 'MENSA membership' or whatever are completely meaningless. The only thing that matters here is what you deliver in the way of rational debate and your ability to support your views with verifiable evidence from reputable sources. You have already failed on both counts there.

I'll take that as a, Rolling Thunder doesn't have a four year college degree or any hope of an IQ over 135. In addition, I did give supporting info, so I'll add being a liar to your list of things you actually are.
So, now what?

"Arctic Warming due to Man."

What is the "Average Joe 6-Pack" supposed to do?


Lemme Guess: Vote Democrat.:tomato:
It is more simple than that Samson. Just let government regulate your travel, home environment and work conditions. After all, they really just want the power.
It is more simple than that Samson. Just let government regulate your travel, home environment and work conditions. After all, they really just want the power.

So, I could vote either Democrat or Republcan.

Ok I "just wanna be clear:" Because Arctic Warming is Due to Man, I should pay more Taxes, and support the Growth of the Federal Government, right?
It is more simple than that Samson. Just let government regulate your travel, home environment and work conditions. After all, they really just want the power.

So, I could vote either Democrat or Republcan.

Ok I "just wanna be clear:" Because Arctic Warming is Due to Man, I should pay more Taxes, and support the Growth of the Federal Government, right?

Democrat or Republican makes no difference. Carry on and pay up.

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