And Disney Keeps Getting Pummeled

You run on your pro pedo platform, Sparky.

Fuck you, you cum-guzzling bitch.

You're too fucking stupid to address any of the valid points in my post, so you belch up the stupid tripe we see in your idiotic post.

With the Reedy Creek Improvement District, the goal was removing from one corporation their ability to "self govern". I can certainly see a very valid argument for that.

But what would be the goal driving the opening up of the air space? It's attempting a solution to a non-existent problem.

Also, those who think this is a good idea should probably keep in mind the fact that, if someone else's planes can fly over Disney, Disney's planes can fly there, and other places, as well. Do you think for a moment that Disney will just sit back and do nothing?

The right's not thinking this through...
I am against Florida removing the no fly zone for Disney because of their recent comments. I am for the removal of the no fly zone because the company is getting preferential treatment and by not flying over you are restricting advertising which is a free speech issue.

I spend a lot of time in Orlando, as I have both friends and business interests there.

I've never seen; not once, a plane flying around Orlando pulling an advertising sign, and I've been going to Orlando regularly for ten years. Planes aren't flying over Universal, and there's no "no fly" zone there.

So why is this suddenly a problem because it's Disney?

Again, this is someone looking for a solution to a problem which doesn't actually exist...
Disney sold $185M tix in 3 days for Dr Strange. Seem to be doing just fine.
Using the government to silence free speech.
Then, Disney doesn't need a bunch of government hand outs and special privileges, right?
Meh. I don’t care what kind of business environment GOP makes for Disney. Disney supported the GOP for years financially. Companies can learn that the GOP is an organized crime family that you need protection from them by them.
Yeah this is going to end well. The terrorist can now take a plane down in the middle of a park in Florida. Easy picking.

These cons are losing it.
So you believe that without a no fly zone terrorists would target Disney? How would that work? Terrorists today could decide to strike Disney and within a few seconds with that small of a fly zone, there would be no way to stop a terrorist. Terrorist don't care about no fly zones.
Then no problem with advertising planes flying over the Tragic Kingdom then.
BTW - that’s squat.
That’s a good opening and it’s getting good reviews. No one cares about a company’s politics. Here’s the list of right wing boycott targets. All doing fine. Last I check even the other way (Chick-fil-A) is doing fine.

That’s a good opening and it’s getting good reviews. No one cares about a company’s politics. Here’s the list of right wing boycott targets. All doing fine. Last I check even the other way (Chick-fil-A) is doing fine.

You freaks protesting CFA was hilarious. I stood in a line literally half a mile long at one. There were 3 of you freaks there protesting. Everyone kept offering to buy them a meal.


You freaks are freaks and society rejects you.
You freaks protesting CFA was hilarious. I stood in a line literally half a mile long at one. There were 3 of you freaks there protesting. Everyone kept offering to buy them a meal.

View attachment 642385
You freaks are freaks and society rejects you.
You’re a dipshit.


Somebody puts a nazi flag in front of Florida Disney and lefties are outraged and blame DeSantis. Abortion protestors harass Supreme Court Justices, Catholic church services and firebomb in Wisconsin but not a freaking peep from democrats.
That's because Dems are worthless scum who applaud hypocrisy and double standards.
Hilarious. It’s like you Leftards taking credit for California being a large economy.
Both were built by conservatives. And now you Leftards have taken over and are destroying both.
Funny. Conservatives must be good at everything, including California’s success. You outed yourself as a partisan chump.
Punch them back twice as hard. If someone wants to fly advertising banners over Disneyland they should have the right to.

Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, is looking to strip Disney of its no-fly-zone privileges over both of its stateside theme parks.
"Major corporations should not get unreasonable privileges just because they have the ability to bankroll Congress, especially when they are trying to force their ideology on our children," Nehls told Fox News Digital in a Monday statement.

Since when does an entertainment company own the airspace over itself? You mean the government or airlines can't fly over? That is ridiculous.

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