And it begins: Murkowski to be primaried by Trumpster

It's time to say goodbye to the RINOs.
Trump fans are the RINOs. Real Republicans, like Reagan et al., wouldn't recognize them.
The populists are the abberation because of all the filth that has crept into the tent along with them. First the racists, then the Q people, now the militia morons. And they are so pathetically gullible. If there was an actual decent America First argument, it got flushed with the excrement. Nothing they say can be believed, and they did it to themselves.
Alls I can say to Kelly? Good luck with that. Murkowski beat a teabagger as a WRITE IN.
AK loves her because she has something Rump and his candidate never will ...
Honesty and Integrity
We knew this was coming, and now Murkowski has to worry. She's just the first -- no doubt we'll be seeing a lot more of this, as Trump will be picking the winners and losers in the GOP primaries.

So the questions going forward will be:

1. How many Trump acolytes will be "primarying" GOP holdovers
2. How many of them will win the party nomination
3. How they'll do in their general elections

Any predictions?

Murkowski almost got pushed out in the Teabagger Wave of 2010... when she lost the primary and then won in a write in vote....

The problem here being that so few people participate in primaries that you can get some real nuts.

The Democrats need to recruit a strong candidate for the race and be ready to benefit when the Trumpster acts like a Trumpster.
The question will be whether she choses to run in the general to challenge the winner of the gop primary. I suppose its possible that Alaska will go full out Trump, but I doubt it. I don't know much about Alaska.
Not for nothing is she known, in Alaska, as "Lease-A". As in: "Why buy a politician when you can lease a......?"

But she's safe.

Alaska voted in ranked choice voting; did away with primaries. And all designed to make Daddy's Little Girl (she inherited her daddy's seat) invulnerable. It's being challenged in court - that confusing way of distorting elections - but the court is ultra-leftist so there's no real expectation of sanity prevailing.
We knew this was coming, and now Murkowski has to worry. She's just the first -- no doubt we'll be seeing a lot more of this, as Trump will be picking the winners and losers in the GOP primaries.

So the questions going forward will be:

1. How many Trump acolytes will be "primarying" GOP holdovers
2. How many of them will win the party nomination
3. How they'll do in their general elections

Any predictions?


:206: waaaaaaaaaa........Murkowski is going to have to win the right to keep her seat in office....this is all Trump's fault!

Trump is gone...yet he still scares the crap out of snowflakes.

He isn't running for office...but he frightens snowflakes with his mere presence / influence

Earlier some snowflake posted a poll supposedly showing Trump's support has eroded and continues to do so *seems like they were trying to convince themselves).

Either Murkowski can convince voters she has earned their trust and the right to keep her seat, or she has / sill not. The same for the other candidates.

Personally I have never cared who endorses a candidate, as their endorsement is meaningless. I actually think for myself. I look at their voting records - what they have done, not what they say or hat someone else says for them. I also ignore what Partythey belong to. Joe Manchin is an excellent example of why that is necessary.
What does it mean when lefties defend a republican senator? Lefties are becoming more moderate? Don't make me laugh.
What is funny about that is how you snowflakes are addicted and can't let him go....proving he remains living rent-free in your heads 24/7.


We knew this was coming, and now Murkowski has to worry. She's just the first -- no doubt we'll be seeing a lot more of this, as Trump will be picking the winners and losers in the GOP primaries.

So the questions going forward will be:

1. How many Trump acolytes will be "primarying" GOP holdovers
2. How many of them will win the party nomination
3. How they'll do in their general elections

Any predictions?


My prediction is that you'll continue to allow Donald Trump to own you totally. I don't expect to be proven wrong.
We knew this was coming, and now Murkowski has to worry. She's just the first -- no doubt we'll be seeing a lot more of this, as Trump will be picking the winners and losers in the GOP primaries.

So the questions going forward will be:

1. How many Trump acolytes will be "primarying" GOP holdovers
2. How many of them will win the party nomination
3. How they'll do in their general elections

Any predictions?


My prediction is that you'll continue to allow Donald Trump to own you totally. I don't expect to be proven wrong.
Okie dokie!
No doubt she'll have decisions to make. I don't know the state very well, but I'd guess the Trump candidate wins that primary.
Before trump was president Murkowski was defeated in the Repub primary by a Tea Party candidate

so she ran as 3rd party and split the republican vote

That caused a runnoff between her and the Tea Party patriot

The democrats voted for murmowsky and republican conservatives have hated her ever since
She is RINO of the first order. She'd switch to the Dem party except that would guarantee she'd lose. Alaska needs to kick that loser to the curb.
A primary is a legitimate constitutional political function. Why are lefties so concerned about a primary in the republican party? The short answer is that they can't let go of their incoherent hatred for the former president even though they won the election.
Alls I can say to Kelly? Good luck with that. Murkowski beat a teabagger as a WRITE IN.
AK loves her because she has something Rump and his candidate never will ...
Honesty and Integrity

Alaska does not love her. Her approval rating across the board is in the toilet

Mere voters cannot remove the appointed Princess. She'll win again and continue to vote against all of Alaska's interests. She won't stop until there is no job creation and Alaska becomes an eco-refuge . A place where no new residency is allowed and people who leave for education are forbidden to return.

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