and just like that, that zuckerberg fellow lost $16 billion dollars

They just lost their acceptance into China too. I expect they're going to drop further cause it was a massive market.
billion? i will admit i didnt count the zeros...just assume it was does one person have that much money from doing social media? amazing....
billion? i will admit i didnt count the zeros...just assume it was does one person have that much money from doing social media? amazing....

Did you miss the part where they sell your personal information across all platforms? There is a fuck ton of money in marketing and advertising. Some other places you can look for evidence: NFL salaries (or the cost of an ad during the Super Bowl) Look at the MSM; it's why they've given up on journalistic integrity and post shit before confirming or doing any research on it; "click bait" Look at Time Square...

The last study I saw was that just internet advertising was worth some $62B a year (and that study was back in 2013, I bet it's into the $100B range these days honestly.)
yes i have missed all that....selling personal info on me is not worth much....they are targeting the much younger i would guess
yes i have missed all that....selling personal info on me is not worth much....they are targeting the much younger i would guess

They target /everyone/ because the advertising and marketing peeps need all ages for all different kind of products. FB is a bit hmmm shady on how they get your permission to sell your infos, it's buried in the terms and agreement (which like 99% don't ever read heh) Terms of Service

They dress it up with statements like "we help connect you to" <businesses, groups, blah blah blah> - That's online marketing, it's the ads that popup when your on FB - mine is almost always Amazon connected (I don't really FB) so it's products related to things I've looked at on Amazon (at the moment it's luggage and nail polish cause I had to do my nails for the wedding and I bought some new luggage for that trip lol)
Oh and for the record, FB is doing the same thing nearly every single website on the internet does so I'm not like saying there's anything wrong with it - It's just what happens on the internet is all.
yes i have missed all that....selling personal info on me is not worth much....they are targeting the much younger i would guess
they're not targeting anyone per se initially - just getting all data they can and they will then filter back on it.

but regardless, facebook/google and most services "track you" and where you go. not cause they care really but if you never go to ladies dress sites, there's no point in showing you ladies dress ads. they want to know where you go so they can give you ads you have a higher chance of clicking.

on that that usually worked like this.

iceberg needs new tires.
iceberg researches for 30 minutes on what to get.
iceberg goes to discount tire and gets new tires.
google decides iceberg needs to see tire ads for the next few weeks.

there needs to be an "opt out" in ads themselves so we don't continue to get ads for things we've bought from our searches from people trying to sell us more.
The little asshole is dumping his shares.

Never a good omen when CEO does that
as long as he does it legally. there could be many reasons to dump in a time like this, bailing on the co may be 1, but its just one of many reasons.
yes i have missed all that....selling personal info on me is not worth much....they are targeting the much younger i would guess
they're not targeting anyone per se initially - just getting all data they can and they will then filter back on it.

but regardless, facebook/google and most services "track you" and where you go. not cause they care really but if you never go to ladies dress sites, there's no point in showing you ladies dress ads. they want to know where you go so they can give you ads you have a higher chance of clicking.

on that that usually worked like this.

iceberg needs new tires.
iceberg researches for 30 minutes on what to get.
iceberg goes to discount tire and gets new tires.
google decides iceberg needs to see tire ads for the next few weeks.

there needs to be an "opt out" in ads themselves so we don't continue to get ads for things we've bought from our searches from people trying to sell us more.

And all this is why the internet is still free :p
yes i have missed all that....selling personal info on me is not worth much....they are targeting the much younger i would guess
they're not targeting anyone per se initially - just getting all data they can and they will then filter back on it.

but regardless, facebook/google and most services "track you" and where you go. not cause they care really but if you never go to ladies dress sites, there's no point in showing you ladies dress ads. they want to know where you go so they can give you ads you have a higher chance of clicking.

on that that usually worked like this.

iceberg needs new tires.
iceberg researches for 30 minutes on what to get.
iceberg goes to discount tire and gets new tires.
google decides iceberg needs to see tire ads for the next few weeks.

there needs to be an "opt out" in ads themselves so we don't continue to get ads for things we've bought from our searches from people trying to sell us more.

And all this is why the internet is still free :p

costs me $60 a month for my connection. cut the cable and watch streaming services? you can try the droid tv boxes but those are not quite legal and not the quality people expect. so you pay netflix, hulu, amazon and other content holders for their services.

free websites? sure those will always be there as people do things for a hobby and cover the expenses. like my own radio station. but major sites either have gone subscription content or looking at it to be "ad free" and guarantee a revenue stream.

youtube also has subscription services to get rid of ads. if you want the ads to "pay" for your content then you're "selling" your time to do so and that's not free but how you choose to spend your time vs. cash.

advertising isn't going anywhere at all. but the ability to be sneaky about it has all changed and that is killing facebook right now who sold this "free" data.

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