and just like that, the Obama legacy is reduced to...


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
  • cash for clunkers
  • overpriced shitty insurance (with no mandate)
  • allowing men in girls bathrooms
am I missing anything?

progs should be so proud...
300,000 dead..six million migrants/democrat voters swarming into the world from the Obama/Clinton "Arab Spring"/Syrian war.
The creation of ISIS
homosexual marriage
Hey whatever happened to the brilliant gems such as "midnight basketball"?
300,000 dead..six million migrants/democrat voters swarming into the world from the Obama/Clinton "Arab Spring"/Syrian war.
The creation of ISIS
homosexual marriage

You mean Civil Rights and right wingers making stuff up?

ISIS existed BEFORE Obama became president.
Trump has built on his legacy

A legacy of destruction
  • cash for clunkers
  • overpriced shitty insurance (with no mandate)
  • allowing men in girls bathrooms
am I missing anything?

progs should be so proud...
The Obama legacy will be enhanced if Trump pulling us out of the Iran nuclear deal puts us in a worse position than we were without the deal both in safety and economically. Time will tell.

Obama's legacy will be enhanced if Trump does not replace Obama care with something better for the American people. Time will tell.

Obama's and Trump's place in history is still to be determined.

Obama will be known as the first African American president and Trump will be known as the first demagogue president.
what is about being duped in to war TWICE that you like?

this is Iraq all over again..... :(
homosexual marriage
NOPE! That was under George W Bush
Timeline of same-sex marriage - Wikipedia

    • 2000
    • 26 April: Governor Howard Dean from the U.S. state of Vermont signs a civil unions bill into law after the state's Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples were entitled to the same rights as opposite sex couples, thus making Vermont the first state in the U.S. to give full marriage rights to same-sex couples.[43] It became law on 1 July.
    • 17 May: Same-sex marriage becomes legal in the U.S. state of Massachusetts after the Legislature failed to take any action in the 180 days period given by the state's Supreme Court. It became the first U.S. state to legalize same-sex marriage.[62]
  • cash for clunkers
  • overpriced shitty insurance (with no mandate)
  • allowing men in girls bathrooms
am I missing anything?

progs should be so proud...
The Obama legacy will be enhanced if Trump pulling us out of the Iran nuclear deal puts us in a worse position than we were without the deal both in safety and economically. Time will tell.

Obama's legacy will be enhanced if Trump does not replace Obama care with something better for the American people. Time will tell.

Obama's and Trump's place in history is still to be determined.

Obama will be known as the first African American president and Trump will be known as the first demagogue president.

In what way does the Iran deal impact this economy other then all the pallets of cash token half negro gave them? Far as Obama’s legacy go’s, running an effort to overturn a duely elected president, funding terriorest activity, and selling guns to drug dealers that have been used in the murder of federal agents, Yeah, Bammer will go down as one of the best presidents ever!
The Obama Legacy is longer and will outshine that of the Neocon's wretched past known as the Confederacy.

So sorry WeakWhyte Supremacists but Obama was loved by the World!
  • cash for clunkers
  • overpriced shitty insurance (with no mandate)
  • allowing men in girls bathrooms
am I missing anything?

progs should be so proud...
The Obama legacy will be enhanced if Trump pulling us out of the Iran nuclear deal puts us in a worse position than we were without the deal both in safety and economically. Time will tell.

Obama's legacy will be enhanced if Trump does not replace Obama care with something better for the American people. Time will tell.

Obama's and Trump's place in history is still to be determined.

Obama will be known as the first African American president and Trump will be known as the first demagogue president.

In what way does the Iran deal impact this economy other then all the pallets of cash token half negro gave them?

Ask Boeing who lost a 3 billion dollar deal to provide commercial airliners to Iran.

And then we will have to wait and see what happens with the new sanctions that Russia, China and the EU are going to ignore. Will we then have to place sanctions on the whole fucking world because Trump took his ball and went home?
  • cash for clunkers
  • overpriced shitty insurance (with no mandate)
  • allowing men in girls bathrooms
am I missing anything?

progs should be so proud...
The Obama legacy will be enhanced if Trump pulling us out of the Iran nuclear deal puts us in a worse position than we were without the deal both in safety and economically. Time will tell.

Obama's legacy will be enhanced if Trump does not replace Obama care with something better for the American people. Time will tell.

Obama's and Trump's place in history is still to be determined.

Obama will be known as the first African American president and Trump will be known as the first demagogue president.

In what way does the Iran deal impact this economy other then all the pallets of cash token half negro gave them?

Ask Boeing who lost a 3 billion dollar deal to provide commercial airliners to Iran.

And then we will have to wait and see what happens with the new sanctions that Russia, China and the EU are going to ignore. Will we then have to place sanctions on the whole fucking world because Trump took his ball and went home?

Boeing selling airplanes to Iran? This is the end of the world? They ain’t out of business so Who cares. They will get the money elsware. Far as them sanctions go, you bitch when Token negro put them on?
The Obama Legacy is longer and will outshine that of the Neocon's wretched past known as the Confederacy.

So sorry WeakWhyte Supremacists but Obama was loved by the World!

Spoken like a true butthurt libtard.

You are a Weak Whyte Racist and a Filthy Don coddling cuck. But thanks for playing!

You are an impetuous spoiled brat on a year long temper tantrum. To cry it out Jr. you will feel better.

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