"And not a shot is fired" -- Progressive takeover of America

There's a reason why no shots have been fired. Right-wing, all talk, no action.

We talk a good game but at the end of the day we don't do jackshit. We stood by and let the Democrat filth destroy this country when the stole the 2020 election. All we did was take selfies in Pelosi office and type strongly worded posts on Internet forums. Hell, we didn't do anything to stop the 2020 Negro Insurrection. We are letting millions of goddamn Illegals flood into this country and we don't seem to care. We should be on the border with our ARs doing the job the Federal government won't do.

Our Founding Fathers would be very disappointed in us for letting the Leftest shitheads destroy our country. That is what they had to endure winters at Valley Forge for?

We talk a good game but at the end of the day we don't do jackshit. We stood by and let the Democrat filth destroy this country when the stole the 2020 election. All we did was take selfies in Pelosi office and type strongly worded posts on Internet forums. Hell, we didn't do anything to stop the 2020 Negro Insurrection. We are letting millions of goddamn Illegals flood into this country and we don't seem to care. We should be on the border with our ARs doing the job the Federal government won't do.

Our Founding Fathers would be very disappointed in us for letting the Leftest shitheads destroy our country. That is what they had to endure winters at Valley Forge for?

You don't even talk a good game.

The only thing the right wing excels at is playing the victim.

We talk a good game but at the end of the day we don't do jackshit. We stood by and let the Democrat filth destroy this country when the stole the 2020 election. All we did was take selfies in Pelosi office and type strongly worded posts on Internet forums. Hell, we didn't do anything to stop the 2020 Negro Insurrection. We are letting millions of goddamn Illegals flood into this country and we don't seem to care. We should be on the border with our ARs doing the job the Federal government won't do.
Is that what you should be doing? Why don't you at least cosplay about something constructive.😄 Showing up to the border with your A.R.s to cosplay as border patrol is going to go as well as it did for the McMichaels cosplaying as law enforcement. You don't have the right to just roll up on anyone you 'think' is doing wrong and hold them at gun point. That's not a legal right you have. It's actually an assault with a deadly weapon charge just for pointing your A.R. in someone's direction. How is getting yourself caught up on gun charges constructive?
Our Founding Fathers would be very disappointed in us for letting the Leftest shitheads destroy our country. That is what they had to endure winters at Valley Forge for?
At least you acknowledge you're a failure to your ancestors. 😂
From DEC2020 to 2021, First line of defense. Elected "R" lol in the last 5 big fraud shutdown States did nothing. In fact, many of them actually worked hard to block any look at millions of fraudulent envelopes, online machines, machine printed ballots & Military ballot editing.

Translation: those on Trumps side are actually working with DEMCommee. Ratt Kemp Douchey Fann WI PA MI etc.

To date: despite AZ Supreme Court order, Lake team is blocked from exposing the Mail-in fraudulent ballot signature issue by corrupted R MCBOS. Over 10% rejection rate ignored in AZ 2020-2022. Result several hundred thousand bad ballots dumped in Maricopa county.

And a whole lot more, log & election files missing. Deleted/moved prior to Audit by phony "R" who then mocked those daring to question. The Filthy MSM runs cover.
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Housing Bust, Phony Russian Collusion Hoax, China virus launch & spread, 2020, 2022 ElectionFraud not punished. It took 15 years but the final nail is in the coffin lid.

We are here now powerless to stop this takeover of America. $32T debt bomb lurking. No plan to cut spending or find $2T more tax that wont tank the economy to financial collapse.

Yet board maggots cheer "gimme more" as they stare Communist takeover in the face? Enjoy your Children in GOVT camps eating rice and pinto beans you dumb Oxyen. You own this collapse.

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