And now a message from a Snowflake

You better get used to this. He's the most despised president in history ALREADY... for more reasons than I can count.
Butthurt: You were elected as chief executive of the United States. I won’t belabor the fact that you won with a minority of the popular vote and a little help from your friends, FBI Director James Comey and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The bottom line is, you were elected.

Pampering said butthurt by taking things out of context:
Just last Sunday, senior policy adviser Stephen Miller declared on CBS’ “Face The Nation” that “our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”

What you do “will not be questioned?” Lord, have mercy. That’s the kind of statement that, in another time and place, would have been greeted with an out-thrust palm and a hearty “Sieg heil!” Here in this time and place, however, it demands a different response:

Just who the hell do you think you are?

Balance of his "editorial"???????????????????????? Without looking it's pampering butthurt.

You figure the author went to college? Yeah, probably. If I were him I'd want my money back. He didn't learn to write, yet writes as a profession without so much as a report.
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You better get used to this. He's the most despised president in history ALREADY... for more reasons than I can count.

You should change your handle to something appropriate, like Emotional. Must have been opposite day
Facts bewilder you dont they.
Ever see millions of people from every state in the country andin32 countries demonstrate against a president in his first week ?
Me neither.
Without a doubt hes the most despised president in history and our own intelligence community doesn't trust thefat bastard.
You must be proud.
Hilarious... Trump wins in a landslide and the Snowflake brigade declares that everyone wants him gone.

Like I said, nuttier than the birthers.
Hilarious... Trump wins in a landslide and the Snowflake brigade declares that everyone wants him gone.

Like I said, nuttier than the birthers.
His approval rating started out as the lowest in history for anew president ( 46%) and has dropped to 41% in just 3 weeks.
Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval
You see I back up my comments with facts.
How long before the doofus in chief drops down into the 30's?
Yes... this country is already sick and tired of his incessant lying and his Russian connections. .
You better get used to this. He's the most despised president in history ALREADY... for more reasons than I can count.

You should change your handle to something appropriate, like Emotional. Must have been opposite day
Facts bewilder you dont they.
Ever see millions of people from every state in the country andin32 countries demonstrate against a president in his first week ?
Me neither.
Without a doubt hes the most despised president in history and our own intelligence community doesn't trust thefat bastard.
You must be proud.

Facts bewilder you dont they. No, I'm a truth seeker to a fault. I like details.

Ever see millions of people from every state in the country andin32 countries demonstrate against a president in his first week ? What does that tell you snowflake? Note, you contradicted yourself.

Me neither. I bet you like it huh?

Without a doubt hes the most despised president in history and our own intelligence community doesn't trust thefat bastard. Without a doubt? And you've said this twice now. Perhaps some insecurity is involved here?
Hilarious... Trump wins in a landslide and the Snowflake brigade declares that everyone wants him gone.

Like I said, nuttier than the birthers.
His approval rating started out as the lowest in history for anew president ( 46%) and has dropped to 41% in just 3 weeks.
Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval
You see I back up my comments with facts.
How long before the doofus in chief drops down into the 30's?
Yes... this country is already sick and tired of his incessant lying and his Russian connections. .

Kind of like Hillary would win the election because the polls promised so? All that caused was butthurt, on topic.
Hilarious... Trump wins in a landslide and the Snowflake brigade declares that everyone wants him gone.

Like I said, nuttier than the birthers.
His approval rating started out as the lowest in history for anew president ( 46%) and has dropped to 41% in just 3 weeks.
Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval
You see I back up my comments with facts.
How long before the doofus in chief drops down into the 30's?
Yes... this country is already sick and tired of his incessant lying and his Russian connections. .
Dear lord you're still paying attention to polls? Is Hillary still up in the election polls?
Great article by a Pulitzer winner. Hopefully Trump learns on the job- still hoping.

When the Hell did this snowflake crap start? As usual, it's a stupid personal insult that the ignorant dupes use. Don't expect us to melt away if you people go full on brainwashed nutjob fascist....
Hilarious... Trump wins in a landslide and the Snowflake brigade declares that everyone wants him gone.

Like I said, nuttier than the birthers.
His approval rating started out as the lowest in history for anew president ( 46%) and has dropped to 41% in just 3 weeks.
Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval
You see I back up my comments with facts.
How long before the doofus in chief drops down into the 30's?
Yes... this country is already sick and tired of his incessant lying and his Russian connections. .
Dear lord you're still paying attention to polls? Is Hillary still up in the election polls?
Maybe now the dupes are proud enough to give real answers...crazy people...
the more time passes from Nov 8th and the more I see the power democrat/ liberal/media structure freak out the more thankful I am that Trump won. You people are freaks! You have grown into some weird strange life philosophy based on a bunch of bullshit. Thank God you lost!!!!!!!
Great article by a Pulitzer winner. Hopefully Trump learns on the job- still hoping.

When the Hell did this snowflake crap start? As usual, it's a stupid personal insult that the ignorant dupes use. Don't expect us to melt away if you people go full on brainwashed nutjob fascist....
the more time passes from Nov 8th and the more I see the power democrat/ liberal/media structure freak out the more thankful I am that Trump won. You people are freaks! You have grown into some weird strange life philosophy based on a bunch of bullshit. Thank God you lost!!!!!!!

Yup. Hysterical is the word I think you are looking for.

Hell no one knows anything yet at the lefty loons are hysterical already.

I'm more concerned with the leaks and who leaked them. That's the important thing. Whoever leaked this to the media needs to land in jail. Rhodes is a prime suspect right now and he's a holdover from Obama.

Trump needs to clean house and now. Get rid of all of the Obama holdovers, every single one.
the more time passes from Nov 8th and the more I see the power democrat/ liberal/media structure freak out the more thankful I am that Trump won. You people are freaks! You have grown into some weird strange life philosophy based on a bunch of bullshit. Thank God you lost!!!!!!!


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