And now, the REAL investigations begin...


Feb 3, 2019
It looks like real justice is going to be served soon.

We've known this all along and though they'll never admit, so have the Dems. It should be hilarious to watch the denials and back-pedaling as the culprits fall one by one.

Graham pushing to declassify key document on Steele dossier

"There's a document that's classified that I'm gonna try to get unclassified that takes the dossier -- all the pages of it -- and it has verification to one side," Graham told anchor Maria Bartiromo. "There really is no verification, other than media reports that were generated by reporters that received the dossier."

"So, the bottom line is the dossier has never been independently confirmed. It was used to get a warrant. They knew the author of the dossier was on the Democrat Party payroll. He hated Trump; they got the warrant anyway. Most Americans should be very upset about that. I'm very upset about it. And we're going to get to the bottom of it."

It looks like real justice is going to be served soon.

We've known this all along and though they'll never admit, so have the Dems. It should be hilarious to watch the denials and back-pedaling as the culprits fall one by one.

Graham pushing to declassify key document on Steele dossier

"There's a document that's classified that I'm gonna try to get unclassified that takes the dossier -- all the pages of it -- and it has verification to one side," Graham told anchor Maria Bartiromo. "There really is no verification, other than media reports that were generated by reporters that received the dossier."

"So, the bottom line is the dossier has never been independently confirmed. It was used to get a warrant. They knew the author of the dossier was on the Democrat Party payroll. He hated Trump; they got the warrant anyway. Most Americans should be very upset about that. I'm very upset about it. And we're going to get to the bottom of it."

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It looks like real justice is going to be served soon.

We've known this all along and though they'll never admit, so have the Dems. It should be hilarious to watch the denials and back-pedaling as the culprits fall one by one.

Graham pushing to declassify key document on Steele dossier

"There's a document that's classified that I'm gonna try to get unclassified that takes the dossier -- all the pages of it -- and it has verification to one side," Graham told anchor Maria Bartiromo. "There really is no verification, other than media reports that were generated by reporters that received the dossier."

"So, the bottom line is the dossier has never been independently confirmed. It was used to get a warrant. They knew the author of the dossier was on the Democrat Party payroll. He hated Trump; they got the warrant anyway. Most Americans should be very upset about that. I'm very upset about it. And we're going to get to the bottom of it."
Ruh Roooooh! Any day now....after Mexico pays for the Wall. After the Special Counsel is appointed to investigate H. Clinton. After the FISA request is declassified. After all that.....any day now.....any day now...any day now....
It looks like real justice is going to be served soon.

We've known this all along and though they'll never admit, so have the Dems. It should be hilarious to watch the denials and back-pedaling as the culprits fall one by one.

Graham pushing to declassify key document on Steele dossier

"There's a document that's classified that I'm gonna try to get unclassified that takes the dossier -- all the pages of it -- and it has verification to one side," Graham told anchor Maria Bartiromo. "There really is no verification, other than media reports that were generated by reporters that received the dossier."

"So, the bottom line is the dossier has never been independently confirmed. It was used to get a warrant. They knew the author of the dossier was on the Democrat Party payroll. He hated Trump; they got the warrant anyway. Most Americans should be very upset about that. I'm very upset about it. And we're going to get to the bottom of it."

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Any day now.....(It's interesting to see how long the CRCs can be strung along with promises).
It looks like real justice is going to be served soon.

We've known this all along and though they'll never admit, so have the Dems. It should be hilarious to watch the denials and back-pedaling as the culprits fall one by one.

Graham pushing to declassify key document on Steele dossier

"There's a document that's classified that I'm gonna try to get unclassified that takes the dossier -- all the pages of it -- and it has verification to one side," Graham told anchor Maria Bartiromo. "There really is no verification, other than media reports that were generated by reporters that received the dossier."

"So, the bottom line is the dossier has never been independently confirmed. It was used to get a warrant. They knew the author of the dossier was on the Democrat Party payroll. He hated Trump; they got the warrant anyway. Most Americans should be very upset about that. I'm very upset about it. And we're going to get to the bottom of it."
Ruh Roooooh! Any day now....after Mexico pays for the Wall. After the Special Counsel is appointed to investigate H. Clinton. After the FISA request is declassified. After all that.....any day now.....any day now...any day now....

Since Sessions left, any day now is much closer than you think, lol.

But, let us Republicans/conservatives be honest------------------>we don't want it out to quickly-) We want it out starting in November, going right through next October. It will be right in your face, and it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of SOCIALIST/MARXISTS-)
It looks like real justice is going to be served soon.

We've known this all along and though they'll never admit, so have the Dems. It should be hilarious to watch the denials and back-pedaling as the culprits fall one by one.

Graham pushing to declassify key document on Steele dossier

"There's a document that's classified that I'm gonna try to get unclassified that takes the dossier -- all the pages of it -- and it has verification to one side," Graham told anchor Maria Bartiromo. "There really is no verification, other than media reports that were generated by reporters that received the dossier."

"So, the bottom line is the dossier has never been independently confirmed. It was used to get a warrant. They knew the author of the dossier was on the Democrat Party payroll. He hated Trump; they got the warrant anyway. Most Americans should be very upset about that. I'm very upset about it. And we're going to get to the bottom of it."

I hope it's more than a sideshow, but the Swamp protects it's own.
Ruh Roooooh! Any day now....after Mexico pays for the Wall. After the Special Counsel is appointed to investigate H. Clinton. After the FISA request is declassified. After all that.....any day now.....any day now...any day now....
After over two years of non-stop wailing "the walls are closing in", "this is the beginning of the end", and similar "bombshells", the Dems have no basis whatsoever for the slightest criticism of the REAL news that is now appearing. Republicans know this, Dems know this, and the entire world knows this.

So when you Dems are tempted to make silly statements like the one above, remember you are only compounding your foolishness. But on the plus side, you're also driving more and more Dems who actually use their brains away from your crumbling Party - and that's a great step forward for America.

It looks like real justice is going to be served soon.

We've known this all along and though they'll never admit, so have the Dems. It should be hilarious to watch the denials and back-pedaling as the culprits fall one by one.

Graham pushing to declassify key document on Steele dossier

"There's a document that's classified that I'm gonna try to get unclassified that takes the dossier -- all the pages of it -- and it has verification to one side," Graham told anchor Maria Bartiromo. "There really is no verification, other than media reports that were generated by reporters that received the dossier."

"So, the bottom line is the dossier has never been independently confirmed. It was used to get a warrant. They knew the author of the dossier was on the Democrat Party payroll. He hated Trump; they got the warrant anyway. Most Americans should be very upset about that. I'm very upset about it. And we're going to get to the bottom of it."

Yeah still don't trust Graham. Notice he doesn't say anything about holding people criminally accountable for their actions, but that he just wants to make sure it doesn't happen again. Screw that, what about justice for the people who have had their lives and reputations ruined because of the SC investigation. The people who participation should be held to the highest standards and if they broke those standards in the slightest way they need to face criminal charges.
It looks like real justice is going to be served soon.

We've known this all along and though they'll never admit, so have the Dems. It should be hilarious to watch the denials and back-pedaling as the culprits fall one by one.

Graham pushing to declassify key document on Steele dossier

"There's a document that's classified that I'm gonna try to get unclassified that takes the dossier -- all the pages of it -- and it has verification to one side," Graham told anchor Maria Bartiromo. "There really is no verification, other than media reports that were generated by reporters that received the dossier."

"So, the bottom line is the dossier has never been independently confirmed. It was used to get a warrant. They knew the author of the dossier was on the Democrat Party payroll. He hated Trump; they got the warrant anyway. Most Americans should be very upset about that. I'm very upset about it. And we're going to get to the bottom of it."

Yeah still don't trust Graham. Notice he doesn't say anything about holding people criminally accountable for their actions, but that he just wants to make sure it doesn't happen again. Screw that, what about justice for the people who have had their lives and reputations ruined because of the SC investigation. The people who participation should be held to the highest standards and if they broke those standards in the slightest way they need to face criminal charges.
I agree with that, 100%. The people who subverted our justice system need to be behind bars. Anything less is like doing nothing.
It looks like real justice is going to be served soon.

We've known this all along and though they'll never admit, so have the Dems. It should be hilarious to watch the denials and back-pedaling as the culprits fall one by one.

Graham pushing to declassify key document on Steele dossier

"There's a document that's classified that I'm gonna try to get unclassified that takes the dossier -- all the pages of it -- and it has verification to one side," Graham told anchor Maria Bartiromo. "There really is no verification, other than media reports that were generated by reporters that received the dossier."

"So, the bottom line is the dossier has never been independently confirmed. It was used to get a warrant. They knew the author of the dossier was on the Democrat Party payroll. He hated Trump; they got the warrant anyway. Most Americans should be very upset about that. I'm very upset about it. And we're going to get to the bottom of it."

I just heard him say on Sunday morning futures "This is a very dangerous time in America, the media and the democrats want an outcome against Trump, and the facts don't matter".

Which is true, but only his side of the story.

There are no ultimate truths in America anymore, not even with the illusion of the "freest" press in the world supposedly giving us all the "facts".

Modern Amerika is the land of competing narratives, everyone can pick their own and stick to it, but only one opinion is considered correct and if you've got a differing opinion only the members of one political party are allowed to enforce their beliefs on people by any means necessary without fear of reprisal legal or otherwise.

So we'll see what Graham cracker can come up with, but because the media have already discredited him and Barr on this "witch hunt" of theirs I imagine we'll grind to a dissapointing end of "no ones going to jail, no ones being lined up and shot for what they did, we JUST want to make sure this never happens again, blah blah blah."

Because no matter what happens, it's still only HIS version of the story.


I like the fact that Comey has alienated Rosenstein with his big stupid mouth. Rosenstein knows where all the bodies are buried. A promise of immunity for Mr. Peepers could result in the possibility of filling quite a few jails.

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