And Now we have the Soros link....

Inevitably all roads seem to lead back to Soros and his ilk. Akhmetshin would know the WSJ former journalists who run Fusion GPS.

Fusion GPS is the firm that bought the fairy tale dossier. Even more interesting Akhmetshin attended the Halifax International Security Forum where supposedly McCain first heard of the existence of the dossier.

Never forget that McCain's very own foundation has taken money from Soros.

"The lobbyist-operative also has deep contacts to Washington, D.C. and international media outlets. Salisbury said that Akhmetshin frequently worked with the Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times and the Guardian.

He also said that Akhmetshin worked with Global Witness, an anti-corruption watchdog group he described as being “funded by George Soros and others.”

Akhmetshin “obtains research information” from the Soros-backed group, Salisbury said."

The plot thickens.

Here’s What We Know About The Suspected Ex-Soviet Intel Officer Who Attended Trump Tower Meeting
Isn't it so very odd and bizarre, given the far right controls the House, the Senate, the WH and even SCOTUS by their own hubristic claim, the new administration with only 177 days in control of the Nation finds itself in such abject disarray and paralysis! With all the power and might consolidated within the grip of that single hard right wing faction, it is that cabal that has managed in a mere 117 days since its accession to power find itself under investigation by a special prosecutor for such unheard of improprieties in the entire history of the United States by those holding such high offices in government with the aid of their associates and familial ties.

In an attempt to redirect the focus, deter the scrutiny of the general public, change the public narrative and otherwise find shelter from the storm swirling about them, their 'fellow travelers' can get quite creative with hypothetical "links". The assertion in the title of the OP of a "link" claimed to exist as suggested by that far right wing rag 'Daily Caller' is as probable of my shaking hands with Richard Nixon in a campaign rally in Bellevue, Nebraska in 1952 tying me directly to Watergate in 1974; utter fucking nonsense!

But you keep up your work as a useful idiot TD. You don't seem to care how foolish a role you perform for your minders!
They are awkward if they can't be in the Victim of a conspiracy mode.
Inevitably all roads seem to lead back to Soros and his ilk. Akhmetshin would know the WSJ former journalists who run Fusion GPS.

Fusion GPS is the firm that bought the fairy tale dossier. Even more interesting Akhmetshin attended the Halifax International Security Forum where supposedly McCain first heard of the existence of the dossier.

Never forget that McCain's very own foundation has taken money from Soros.

"The lobbyist-operative also has deep contacts to Washington, D.C. and international media outlets. Salisbury said that Akhmetshin frequently worked with the Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times and the Guardian.

He also said that Akhmetshin worked with Global Witness, an anti-corruption watchdog group he described as being “funded by George Soros and others.”

Akhmetshin “obtains research information” from the Soros-backed group, Salisbury said."

The plot thickens.

Here’s What We Know About The Suspected Ex-Soviet Intel Officer Who Attended Trump Tower Meeting

Soros didn't buy the Steele Dossier. "Never Trump" Republicans bought and paid for it. That's why it was given to John McCain, who passed it on to the FBI.

How Ex-Spy Christopher Steele Compiled His Explosive Trump-Russia Dossier

It's absolutely laughable that George Soros has become the all-purpose conservative Boogie Man, used to frighten conservative children at bedtime. He even orchestrated Hitler's rise to power in Germany. Truly anazing considering he was 3 years old when Hitler came to power.

You are missing the biggie. Democrats took over paying for the Steele dossier from the Never Trumpers.

Whoopsies! And John McCain is in the thick of the anti Trump crew.

You know if the rest of the never Trumpers were honest , he'd have no backers in the GOP.
Ah...that Evil Jewish Overlords plot thickens.

He is an actual nazi you realize that? He said the years he worked for the nazis were some of the best he has ever had.......

He is an actual nazi you understand that?
Ah...that Evil Jewish Overlords plot thickens.

He is an actual nazi you realize that? He said the years he worked for the nazis were some of the best he has ever had.......

He is an actual nazi you understand that?

You do know that he was barely 15 years old when WWII ended, so there is no possible way that he "worked for the Nazis for years" since Naziism was outlawed after WWII.

At the beginning of WWII, Soros' parents placed him with a Christian family who was an official with the local government. The family passed Soros off as their own child throughout the war.

So no, Soros was NOT a Nazi collaborator but nice try.

ETA if you took 30 seconds to google facts before you post, you wouldn't continually embarass yourself by posting stupid bullshit with no basis in fact.
Ah...that Evil Jewish Overlords plot thickens.

He is an actual nazi you realize that? He said the years he worked for the nazis were some of the best he has ever had.......

He is an actual nazi you understand that?
Sorry, Soros born in late 1930, Hitler would have been dead & gone be for Soros reached age 15.
For the left its the Koch bro, for the right its Soros, both are part of the owner class- 1%,- plutocracy- give it what ever name you like. agree or disagree with there wants. but 1st look up there wants, see if they line up with what's best for the rest of us.
For the left its the Koch bro, for the right its Soros, both are part of the owner class- 1%,- plutocracy- give it what ever name you like. agree or disagree with there wants. but 1st look up there wants, see if they line up with what's best for the rest of us.

The Koch Bros. donate millions to individual candidates, as well as funding Super Pacs for specific candidates and Judicial Watch. It's pretty easy to google and see who they're funding. They're libertarians who oppose all social programs, unions, and government regulations. They're very hands on in running their PAC's and JW.

Last year, they refused to fund Trump, but spent a lot of money on Senate races, and state elections. Republicans are always jockeying to be one of their "chosen" ones.

Soros doesn't do as much direct spending on elections as the Koch Bros. But he does donate to social justice groups, Planned Parenthood, and community groups, and is more hands off than the Koch Bros.
Sorry, Soros born in late 1930, Hitler would have been dead & gone be for Soros reached age 15.

You don't seem to understand that RWNJ's are on to Soros.

Soros is already over 100 years old. Anyone who could pluck a mixed race Kenyan child from Kenya and bring him to the US and provide him with a fake birth certificate in Hawaii so the child could grow up and become president supporting Islamic terrorism and forcing Sharia Law on Christians and Jews in America, could most certainly fake his own birth certificates.

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