And Now Your “Greta” News For Today

I know everyone is getting ready for Genocide Day on Thursday, but we must not forget that Saint Greta is currently reminding us that everyone is going to die unless Western economies are shut down. Can we say Chinese Communist?

So the Climate Change business is run by a 12 year lefties are really bad if they need a 12 year old for leadership
Greta is probably worried about the upcoming prom like any 18 year old girl. Her handlers have lost the momentum and all they can come up with is provocative statements to try to stay current.
The MSM decides what's hot and what's not....American news is highly exclusive and to a degree self isolating. That this thread exists shows that the establishment is still threatened by what she has to say.
So the Climate Change business is run by a 12 year lefties are really bad if they need a 12 year old for leadership
Given the current ecological mess were in via generations of the educated adult professionals you seem to worship, a 12 year speaking plain facts can't be all bad.....not to run things, just to point out how badly things are being run.
Given the current ecological mess were in via generations of the educated adult professionals you seem to worship, a 12 year speaking plain facts can't be all bad.....not to run things, just to point out how badly things are being run.
Plain mean political talking points she reads......I mean she fits the lefty profile.....immature, docile, doesn't question and does what she's told
TheDefiantOne said:
Given the current ecological mess were in via generations of the educated adult professionals you seem to worship, a 12 year speaking plain facts can't be all bad.....not to run things, just to point out how badly things are being run.

Plain mean political talking points she reads......I mean she fits the lefty profile.....immature, docile, doesn't question and does what she's told
No, I mean the actual content and references, facts she lists in her speeches...maybe you should actually READ what she says instead of knee jerk dismal based on the bull horn of the right wing media.

Oh, and since politicians make the laws, then those of the people you have to address....because the corporate heads of the oil industry sure as hell are not listening.
I know everyone is getting ready for Genocide Day on Thursday, but we must not forget that Saint Greta is currently reminding us that everyone is going to die unless Western economies are shut down. Can we say Chinese Communist?

Attacking a teenage girl because you disagree with her is super manly, magaturd. :113: Can I have your autograph?
Plain mean political talking points she reads......I mean she fits the lefty profile.....immature, docile, doesn't question and does what she's told
It's one thing to question. Hell, It's something I base my whole existence around.

It's quite another when you pretend to be an expert because you listen to Facebook/YouTube/talk radio/etc to get your information.
It's one thing to question. Hell, It's something I base my whole existence around.

It's quite another when you pretend to be an expert because you listen to Facebook/YouTube/talk radio/etc to get your information.
Did she ever claim to be an expert? Or are you just pissed because she does her homework and the "experts" can't fault her?
Attacking a teenage girl because you disagree with her is super manly

To be fair, she attacked me first.

No, I mean the actual content and references, facts she lists in her speeches...maybe you should actually READ what she says instead of knee jerk dismal based on the bull horn of the right wing media.

Oh, and since politicians make the laws, then those of the people you have to address....because the corporate heads of the oil industry sure as hell are not listening.
Sorry I don't let children dictate my politics.......And know she's a bot.....she speaks in talking points......
I mean all that wisdom and life experience in a 12 year old. I mean 12 year Olds really know about very complex issues.........fuck it let's let kids do it and we can all.retire and have fun
And I don't take her seriously either. But, the whole point of having a village clown is to make fun of them.
I guess... Mocking folks is an art form these days. I mind my own business and try to be peaceful and avoid denigrating in RL. Except here. Oh, and I hate social media.
Sorry I don't let children dictate my politics.......And know she's a bot.....she speaks in talking points......
I mean all that wisdom and life experience in a 12 year old. I mean 12 year Olds really know about very complex issues.........fuck it let's let kids do it and we can all.retire and have fun
translation: Buck didn't read what she says, but is eager to troll trash her.
I don't deal with trolls.
translation: Buck didn't read what she says, but is eager to troll trash her.
I don't deal with trolls.
I watched her how dare you speech.......12 years Olds don't know shit......I guess to the left she's wise........but that explains alot

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