And One More Reminder.....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
60,647 to why Liberals should turn in their voter registrations as a public service.

Liberals insisted that America be saddled with the most inept, destructive, incompetent in the history of this nation.

Now. as he leaves the office he never deserved, we get further proof of his ineptitude.

1. "BEA: 2016 GDP growth worst since 2011, dives a full point from 2015

2. Remember this fall when Barack Obama insisted that American economic growth was the envy of the world? ....growth dropped back down into the stagnation range in the fourth quarter,

"OBAMA: Anyone claiming that America's economy is in decline is peddling fiction.” Obama: Anyone Claiming America's Economy Is In Decline Is Peddling Fiction

3. Even Q4’s annualized growth of 1.9% actually outperformed the year. CNN noted that 2016’s 1.6% growth qualifies it as the worst in five years:


U.S. economy slowed in the fourth quarter. For all of 2016, growth was 1.6%, weakest since 2011.

8:37 AM - 27 Jan 2017

4. .... a full point lower than 2015’s 2.6% growth rate — which itself wasn’t anything to write home about. Barack Obama finished his two terms as the first post-war president to fail to achieve 3% GDP growth in any year of his presidency, despite having eight chances at it."
BEA: 2016 GDP growth worst since 2011, dives a full point from 2015 - Hot Air

5. Barack Hussein Obama....and Liberal voters...have but one positive accomplishment:
The election of Donald Trump

Let's not forget this as he slithers out the door.
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Barry was just too busy catering to the muslim brotherhood to worry about such trivial things - such as the US economy. Probably a good thing.
Trump has done more in a week to help this country than Barry accomplished in 8 years.
Barry was just too busy catering to the muslim brotherhood to worry about such trivial things - such as the US economy. Probably a good thing.
Trump has done more in a week to help this country than Barry accomplished in 8 years.

For clarity, you refer to the dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing infanticide-supporting, incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.

Is that who you mean by 'Barry'???

Just checkin'....
Barry was just too busy catering to the muslim brotherhood to worry about such trivial things - such as the US economy. Probably a good thing.
Trump has done more in a week to help this country than Barry accomplished in 8 years.

For clarity, you refer to the dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing infanticide-supporting, incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.

Is that who you mean by 'Barry'???

Just checkin'....
I'm noticing a lot of threads completely absent of liberals lately.....

I suspect that even the neo-Jewish Liberal folks, meaning those who have substituted Leftism for their birth-religion, are observing this:

"Shiva is the week long period of mourning following a loved one's death. During this time, family members traditionally gather in one home to receive visitors. The word “shiva” means seven, signifying the seven day mourning period in which mourners are supposed to sit low to the ground.
What to Expect at a Shiva – Kveller"

...but, it may be a four-year-long observance.
I'm so glad we have just elected a guy with ZERO experience who has promised to CHANGE things and who has given HOPE to millions of Americans.

Wait. This is weird. I'm getting deja vu...
I'm so glad we have just elected a guy with ZERO experience who has promised to CHANGE things and who has given HOPE to millions of Americans.

Wait. This is weird. I'm getting deja vu...
It's almost as if they think being a community organizer qualifies a person to run the White House.

We now have proof it does not.
I'm so glad we have just elected a guy with ZERO experience who has promised to CHANGE things and who has given HOPE to millions of Americans.

Wait. This is weird. I'm getting deja vu...

President Trump has more experience in his nose hair than your muslim community organizer did....worthless little prick tried his best to put us all on welfare but failed. to why Liberals should turn in their voter registrations as a public service.

Liberals insisted that America be saddled with the most inept, destructive, incompetent in the history of this nation.

Now. as he leaves the office he never deserved, we get further proof of his ineptitude.

1. "BEA: 2016 GDP growth worst since 2011, dives a full point from 2015

2. Remember this fall when Barack Obama insisted that American economic growth was the envy of the world? ....growth dropped back down into the stagnation range in the fourth quarter,

"OBAMA: Anyone claiming that America's economy is in decline is peddling fiction.” Obama: Anyone Claiming America's Economy Is In Decline Is Peddling Fiction

3. Even Q4’s annualized growth of 1.9% actually outperformed the year. CNN noted that 2016’s 1.6% growth qualifies it as the worst in five years:


U.S. economy slowed in the fourth quarter. For all of 2016, growth was 1.6%, weakest since 2011.

8:37 AM - 27 Jan 2017

4. .... a full point lower than 2015’s 2.6% growth rate — which itself wasn’t anything to write home about. Barack Obama finished his two terms as the first post-war president to fail to achieve 3% GDP growth in any year of his presidency, despite having eight chances at it."
BEA: 2016 GDP growth worst since 2011, dives a full point from 2015 - Hot Air

5. Barack Hussein Obama....and Liberal voters...have but one positive accomplishment:
The election of Donald Trump

Let's not forget this as he slithers out the door.

Donald Trump is a rapist according to YOU.

when did you decide that rape was a good thing?
I'm so glad we have just elected a guy with ZERO experience who has promised to CHANGE things and who has given HOPE to millions of Americans.

Wait. This is weird. I'm getting deja vu...

President Trump has more experience in his nose hair than your muslim community organizer did....worthless little prick tried his best to put us all on welfare but failed.

Who told you to say that?
I'm so glad we have just elected a guy with ZERO experience who has promised to CHANGE things and who has given HOPE to millions of Americans.

Wait. This is weird. I'm getting deja vu...
It's almost as if they think being a community organizer qualifies a person to run the White House.

We now have proof it does not.
Yes, a game show host is a MUCH better person to run the White House. to why Liberals should turn in their voter registrations as a public service.

Liberals insisted that America be saddled with the most inept, destructive, incompetent in the history of this nation.

Now. as he leaves the office he never deserved, we get further proof of his ineptitude.

1. "BEA: 2016 GDP growth worst since 2011, dives a full point from 2015

2. Remember this fall when Barack Obama insisted that American economic growth was the envy of the world? ....growth dropped back down into the stagnation range in the fourth quarter,

"OBAMA: Anyone claiming that America's economy is in decline is peddling fiction.” Obama: Anyone Claiming America's Economy Is In Decline Is Peddling Fiction

3. Even Q4’s annualized growth of 1.9% actually outperformed the year. CNN noted that 2016’s 1.6% growth qualifies it as the worst in five years:


U.S. economy slowed in the fourth quarter. For all of 2016, growth was 1.6%, weakest since 2011.

8:37 AM - 27 Jan 2017

4. .... a full point lower than 2015’s 2.6% growth rate — which itself wasn’t anything to write home about. Barack
Obama finished his two terms as the first post-war president to fail to achieve 3% GDP growth in any year of his presidency, despite having eight chances at it."
BEA: 2016 GDP growth worst since 2011, dives a full point from 2015 - Hot Air

5. Barack Hussein Obama....and Liberal voters...have but one positive accomplishment:
The election of Donald Trump

Let's not forget this as he slithers out the door.

...which compares very favorably with -8% GDP growth and a Great fuckign Recession the last president handed off.

Obama is done now, with a solid record of job growth and consistent, even if mild, growth.

Trump promised you rubes the moon with 4% growth in a business cycle historically overdue for a recession. Lets see what wheel of cheese he delivers. to why Liberals should turn in their voter registrations as a public service.

Liberals insisted that America be saddled with the most inept, destructive, incompetent in the history of this nation.

Now. as he leaves the office he never deserved, we get further proof of his ineptitude.

1. "BEA: 2016 GDP growth worst since 2011, dives a full point from 2015

2. Remember this fall when Barack Obama insisted that American economic growth was the envy of the world? ....growth dropped back down into the stagnation range in the fourth quarter,

"OBAMA: Anyone claiming that America's economy is in decline is peddling fiction.” Obama: Anyone Claiming America's Economy Is In Decline Is Peddling Fiction

3. Even Q4’s annualized growth of 1.9% actually outperformed the year. CNN noted that 2016’s 1.6% growth qualifies it as the worst in five years:


U.S. economy slowed in the fourth quarter. For all of 2016, growth was 1.6%, weakest since 2011.

8:37 AM - 27 Jan 2017

4. .... a full point lower than 2015’s 2.6% growth rate — which itself wasn’t anything to write home about. Barack
Obama finished his two terms as the first post-war president to fail to achieve 3% GDP growth in any year of his presidency, despite having eight chances at it."
BEA: 2016 GDP growth worst since 2011, dives a full point from 2015 - Hot Air

5. Barack Hussein Obama....and Liberal voters...have but one positive accomplishment:
The election of Donald Trump

Let's not forget this as he slithers out the door.

...which compares very favorably with -8% GDP growth and a Great fuckign Recession the last president handed off.

Obama is done now, with a solid record of job growth and consistent, even if mild, growth.

Trump promised you rubes the moon with 4% growth in a business cycle historically overdue for a recession. Lets see what wheel of cheese he delivers.

It is impossible to determine, at any point, whether you are more a fool or more a liar.

Perhaps it depends on which day of the week it is.
I'm so glad we have just elected a guy with ZERO experience who has promised to CHANGE things and who has given HOPE to millions of Americans.

Wait. This is weird. I'm getting deja vu...
It's almost as if they think being a community organizer qualifies a person to run the White House.

We now have proof it does not.
Yes, a game show host is a MUCH better person to run the White House.

If you think that all Trump can show on his resume was being a game show host you are one ignorant fool. Informed people (conservatives) know that Trump is a successful international businessman who made billions in profits and in the process provided a living for a hell of a lot of hard working men and women.

Now lets talk about the fortune Obama made through his own skills and efforts as opposed to those bucks he made on the public dole. His “law practice” was short lived and nothing to write home about. As a senator he is best know for his many “present” votes. He never offered a single bit of significant legislation. As a “community organizer”, all he did was help his party's base apply for more and more government benefits. Hell, anyone could do that. For about thirty years of my life I helped veterans apply for disability benefits, so I suppose I am fully qualified to be POTUS. Actually it is far more difficult to obtain disability benefits for veterans than it is to get welfare benefits, so I am more qualified than the big “O”.

When Obama first took office, he was completely unqualified. The ultimate evidence is the mess he left not only in this country but around the globe. Trump will do better. He couldn't possibly do worse. Trump has already shown he is more qualified upon being elected than Obama was AFTER eight years in office.

There is only one positive thing I would say about Obama: For all his failures, I would still prefer to have him remain in office than have that ignorant, corrupt, lying, racist war monger Hillary Clinton be POTUS.

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