And One More Reminder..... to why Liberals should turn in their voter registrations as a public service.

Liberals insisted that America be saddled with the most inept, destructive, incompetent in the history of this nation.

Now. as he leaves the office he never deserved, we get further proof of his ineptitude.

1. "BEA: 2016 GDP growth worst since 2011, dives a full point from 2015

2. Remember this fall when Barack Obama insisted that American economic growth was the envy of the world? ....growth dropped back down into the stagnation range in the fourth quarter,

"OBAMA: Anyone claiming that America's economy is in decline is peddling fiction.” Obama: Anyone Claiming America's Economy Is In Decline Is Peddling Fiction

3. Even Q4’s annualized growth of 1.9% actually outperformed the year. CNN noted that 2016’s 1.6% growth qualifies it as the worst in five years:


U.S. economy slowed in the fourth quarter. For all of 2016, growth was 1.6%, weakest since 2011.

8:37 AM - 27 Jan 2017

4. .... a full point lower than 2015’s 2.6% growth rate — which itself wasn’t anything to write home about. Barack
Obama finished his two terms as the first post-war president to fail to achieve 3% GDP growth in any year of his presidency, despite having eight chances at it."
BEA: 2016 GDP growth worst since 2011, dives a full point from 2015 - Hot Air

5. Barack Hussein Obama....and Liberal voters...have but one positive accomplishment:
The election of Donald Trump

Let's not forget this as he slithers out the door.

...which compares very favorably with -8% GDP growth and a Great fuckign Recession the last president handed off.

Obama is done now, with a solid record of job growth and consistent, even if mild, growth.

Trump promised you rubes the moon with 4% growth in a business cycle historically overdue for a recession. Lets see what wheel of cheese he delivers.

It is impossible to determine, at any point, whether you are more a fool or more a liar.

Perhaps it depends on which day of the week it is.

But IT IS POSSIBLE to coherently state what exactly you dispute, though maybe not for you.
I'm so glad we have just elected a guy with ZERO experience who has promised to CHANGE things and who has given HOPE to millions of Americans.

Wait. This is weird. I'm getting deja vu...
It's almost as if they think being a community organizer qualifies a person to run the White House.

We now have proof it does not.
Yes, a game show host is a MUCH better person to run the White House.
After 5 days observation I agree. Trump has done more for America already than the last 30 years of Presidents
We still have a $20 trillion debt.

We still have rising healthcare costs.

I'll be impressed when I see both go down.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

1ok93s.jpg to why Liberals should turn in their voter registrations as a public service.

Liberals insisted that America be saddled with the most inept, destructive, incompetent in the history of this nation.

Now. as he leaves the office he never deserved, we get further proof of his ineptitude.

1. "BEA: 2016 GDP growth worst since 2011, dives a full point from 2015

2. Remember this fall when Barack Obama insisted that American economic growth was the envy of the world? ....growth dropped back down into the stagnation range in the fourth quarter,

"OBAMA: Anyone claiming that America's economy is in decline is peddling fiction.” Obama: Anyone Claiming America's Economy Is In Decline Is Peddling Fiction

3. Even Q4’s annualized growth of 1.9% actually outperformed the year. CNN noted that 2016’s 1.6% growth qualifies it as the worst in five years:


U.S. economy slowed in the fourth quarter. For all of 2016, growth was 1.6%, weakest since 2011.

8:37 AM - 27 Jan 2017

4. .... a full point lower than 2015’s 2.6% growth rate — which itself wasn’t anything to write home about. Barack
Obama finished his two terms as the first post-war president to fail to achieve 3% GDP growth in any year of his presidency, despite having eight chances at it."
BEA: 2016 GDP growth worst since 2011, dives a full point from 2015 - Hot Air

5. Barack Hussein Obama....and Liberal voters...have but one positive accomplishment:
The election of Donald Trump

Let's not forget this as he slithers out the door.

...which compares very favorably with -8% GDP growth and a Great fuckign Recession the last president handed off.

Obama is done now, with a solid record of job growth and consistent, even if mild, growth.

Trump promised you rubes the moon with 4% growth in a business cycle historically overdue for a recession. Lets see what wheel of cheese he delivers.
Dufus has no clue as to what he is ranting about. Obama owns the worst GDP record in American history.
We still have a $17 trillion debt.

We still have rising healthcare costs.

I'll be impressed when I see both go down.
Suddenly the left are concerned about rising debt and healthcare costs after 8 years of them being nonissues.
I'm not the left, retard. I'm old school conservative. You'd know that if you opened your eyes, willfully blind monkey.

You dumb bastards don't know a conservative principle when it kicks you in the balls.

Like truth, and honesty, and integrity. You've been telling lies and bleeving lies and parroting lies for so long, you think the truth is a liberal thing.
Suddenly the left are concerned about rising debt and healthcare costs after 8 years of them being nonissues.

Search on my username for "bait and switch con". I've called Obamacare that from day one.

If you have any search skills at all, you will find I have posted the healthcare reforms I think need to be enacted, and reforms to lower the debt literally HUNDREDS of times. Very specific reforms. "We should be buying health insurance the same way we buy auto, home, and life insurance." That's me, asshole. And that's old school free market conservative shit. Just search on my name and "tax expenditures". Eliminating tax expenditures is the ONLY way we are going to lower the debt and cut tax rates, and eliminating tax expenditures is hardcore conservatism.

I have not seen you do that, dipshit.

So go fuck yourself.
We still have a $17 trillion debt.

We still have rising healthcare costs.

I'll be impressed when I see both go down.
Suddenly the left are concerned about rising debt and healthcare costs after 8 years of them being nonissues.
I'm not the left, retard. I'm old school conservative. You'd know that if you opened your eyes, willfully blind monkey.

You dumb bastards don't know a conservative principle when it kicks you in the balls.

Like truth, and honesty, and integrity. You've been telling lies and bleeving lies and parroting lies for so long, you think the truth is a liberal thing.
Yeah, conservatives always say Trump won because conservatives are stupid.

They simply dumbed down the rube herd to the point they will bleev what they are told to bleev. The herd bleevs any lie which comes from their propaganda sources...with zeal.

And call Republicans "tards"
"I would like to thank the tards who refused to look at the full interview and stuck with the one which Fox deliberately left out the part where Obama said only citizens can vote and that non-citizens cannot vote."

Dumbass coward is terrified of his own political beliefs.
We still have a $17 trillion debt.

We still have rising healthcare costs.

I'll be impressed when I see both go down.
Suddenly the left are concerned about rising debt and healthcare costs after 8 years of them being nonissues.
I'm not the left, retard. I'm old school conservative. You'd know that if you opened your eyes, willfully blind monkey.

You dumb bastards don't know a conservative principle when it kicks you in the balls.

Like truth, and honesty, and integrity. You've been telling lies and bleeving lies and parroting lies for so long, you think the truth is a liberal thing.
Yeah, conservatives always say Trump won because conservatives are stupid.

I have never said conservatives are stupid. I have said you pseudocons are stupid. Get it right, retard.

In fact, I have frequently said in the old days a conservative was the smartest person in the room, and that nowadays a person who THINKS they are conservative, but is actually a pseudocon, is likely to be the dumbest person in the room.
What you are looking at is a pissed off conservative. You see, I watched the GOP Congress work with a Democratic President in the 90s to balance the budget and to provide us a surplus. The debt was moving in the right direction.

And then we got a Republican President with a Republican Congress. I was thrilled to death at the promise of such a thing.

But then we were betrayed. Big time. The fuckers began doubling the debt, massively increasing the size of government, even creating a whole new Cabinet level police state organization. Then, to get votes in 2004, they created a new massive trillion dollar government medical entitlement program without paying for it.

The cherry on the top was the economic crash they helped to create.

Ever since then, the GOP has been infected by spineless cowards interested only in keeping power, and bigoted retard minions who will bleev what they are told to bleev, no matter how unbelievably obvious a lie it is, so they never catch on to the fucking betrayal of conservatism which has occurred.

Democrats have been retarded for almost as long as I have been alive. Conservatism was saving our country, carrying everyone else on its back.

Now, we have pseudocons who are so far off the conservative reservation, they bleev any lie justifies the ends of acquiring power.

I've actually had pseudocon after pseudocon after pseudocon scream like a welfare queen at the idea of eliminating tax expenditures. This has become a litmus test for me to determine who is a conservative and who is a fucking goddam retard.

There are days when pseudocons sound EXACTLY like the 60s and 70s hippies. Whining about "The Establishment". Obsequiousness to a mass murdering Soviet thug. The list is endless.
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We still have a $17 trillion debt.

We still have rising healthcare costs.

I'll be impressed when I see both go down.
Suddenly the left are concerned about rising debt and healthcare costs after 8 years of them being nonissues.
I'm not the left, retard. I'm old school conservative. You'd know that if you opened your eyes, willfully blind monkey.

You dumb bastards don't know a conservative principle when it kicks you in the balls.

Like truth, and honesty, and integrity. You've been telling lies and bleeving lies and parroting lies for so long, you think the truth is a liberal thing.
Yeah, conservatives always say Trump won because conservatives are stupid.

I have never said conservatives are stupid. I have said you pseudocons are stupid. Get it right, retard.

In fact, I have frequently said in the old days a conservative was the smartest person in the room, and that nowadays a person who THINKS they are conservative, but is actually a pseudocon, is likely to be the dumbest person in the room.
Typical leftist, terrified of being labeled a leftist because he knows they are just a group of nutters.
You dumb fucks have actually elected someone who was a registered Democrat all during the Bush Administration. Someone who demanded we cut and run from Iraq. Someone who wanted Bush impeached. Someone who loved Nancy Pelosi and assault weapons bans and single payer healthcare.

We had at least FOUR actual conservatives in the primaries, and you chose the huckster.

This is how unbelievably stupid you are.
You dumb fucks have actually elected someone who was a registered Democrat all during the Bush Administration. Someone who demanded we cut and run from Iraq. Someone who wanted Bush impeached. Someone who loved Nancy Pelosi and assault weapons bans and single payer healthcare.

We had at least FOUR actual conservatives in the primaries, and you chose the huckster.

This is how unbelievably stupid you are.

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