And POOF, it was gone....


Anybody still laughing out loud about this? Its like in one fell swoop, climate change became a relic of a former era, like an original DD shop or a Jack In The Box restaurant. Not sure who came up with the idea, but certainly they ran it by Trump and can you imagine the laughter.........was probably him, Pruitt and Bannon!!!
Trump nominated Rick Perry for energy secretary, who admits that global warming is occurring and admits that at least some of it is manmade.

Sure, but Perry is an idiot, and nobody knows what he might say tomorrow.
Putting your head in the sand doesn't charge reality of our changing climate.

s0n..........a guy can go down into my town this morning, take off all of my clothes and march down Main St shaking a banana at people and telling them the world is about to end. Who knows..........maybe he gets a person or two to join him. He might really believe his cause is do you!!:deal:

But it only matter what the majority thinks.........its the way it is s0n!! The "reality" of climate change, as per your definition, is embraced by very, very few. As a voter concern, it is completely off the radar. Progressive thinking cant quite connect the dots on this!! Essentially're the guy marching naked with the banana!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
Putting your head in the sand doesn't charge reality of our changing climate.

/---- how many tax dollars will it take to stop the climate from changing like it has since the beginning of time?


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Putting your head in the sand doesn't charge reality of our changing climate.

/---- how many tax dollars will it take to stop the climate from changing like it has since the beginning of time?

And that's exactly the thing with this nuttiness..........these people don't give a crap about costs. They never do. Who fucking cares.........spend might not work at all, but its worth it.

One of the huge reasons the DUMS are sitting on the sidelines is the people finally said, "WTF?!!".........spending and spending on stoopid stuff that changes nothing.:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:.

That's when you figure out this climate change stuff is so mental........because at the end of the day, if people are taxed into the dark ages, that's fine with them.

Well Trump is saying.................'"fuck you!!".

And thank God!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::boobies::popcorn::banana:
Yeah the next thing to watch for is NASA`s new mission statement. Up until Obama it was space exploration and developing the technology to carry out these missions.
First thing Obama did was to oblige the AGW bible thumpers who were whining that:
responding to a Union of Concerned Scientists survey also expressed concerns that changing priorities and lack of funding were seriously undermining the agency’s ability to continue with high-quality research into climate change.
He then cut the funding for the Mars missions and changed NASA`s priorities to:
Nasa must try to make Muslims 'feel good'

The head of the Nasa has said Barack Obama told him to make "reaching out to the Muslim world" one of the space agency's top priorities.

The head of NASA who had been charged by Obama to use NASA as a political tool resigned the moment D.J. Trump was sworn in:
Former NASA Administrator Charles Bolden
Charles Bolden resigned as NASA Administrator on Jan. 20, 2017. This blog is being kept online for historical purposes, but it will no longer be updated.
And poof he is gone.
Yeah the next thing to watch for is NASA`s new mission statement. Up until Obama it was space exploration and developing the technology to carry out these missions.
First thing Obama did was to oblige the AGW bible thumpers who were whining that:
responding to a Union of Concerned Scientists survey also expressed concerns that changing priorities and lack of funding were seriously undermining the agency’s ability to continue with high-quality research into climate change.
He then cut the funding for the Mars missions and changed NASA`s priorities to:
Nasa must try to make Muslims 'feel good'

The head of the Nasa has said Barack Obama told him to make "reaching out to the Muslim world" one of the space agency's top priorities.

The head of NASA who had been charged by Obama to use NASA as a political tool resigned the moment D.J. Trump was sworn in:
Former NASA Administrator Charles Bolden
Charles Bolden resigned as NASA Administrator on Jan. 20, 2017. This blog is being kept online for historical purposes, but it will no longer be updated.
And poof he is gone.


Skook, are you aware that the rest of the board sees you as "The crazy guy in the environment folder who writes the unreadable posts"?

I you're not, I just told you.

So, I see the denier celebration of Stalinism continues unabated. It's good that they no longer even try to hide their devotion to Stalinism, as they sucked mightily at hiding it.
Skook, are you aware that the rest of the board sees you as "The crazy guy in the environment folder who writes the unreadable posts"?

I you're not, I just told you.

So, I see the denier celebration of Stalinism continues unabated. It's good that they no longer even try to hide their devotion to Stalinism, as they sucked mightily at hiding it.

And taking bows least I don't have a ghey cat in my avatar!:2up:

The crazy guy is watching the political landscape and laughing hysterically while progressive heads explode daily!! The WINNING is almost getting boring at this point.........but the fun hasn't even started.

Tomorrow starts the assault on progressivism that will be epic.........and the size of the already giant bumpy cucumbers in the progressives behinds are going to get even more bulbous. Might as well paint the ENVIRONMENT forum title red s0ns!!

Oh and Mammoth........don't forget to pick up some extra KY this weekend!:bye1:
I really don't know if we have much to worry about with this new admin. They seem too busy claiming that 1/4 the number of people at their inauguration are more than the number of people at President Obama's inauguration. LOL The orange clown looks seriously like he is going off the rails. They are going to be much to busy crying about all those subversive women, like 4 million of them, that marched yesterday to worry about a few scientists that are showing us the evidence for climate change going on right now.

And taking bows least I don't have a ghey cat in my avatar!:2up:

The crazy guy is watching the political landscape and laughing hysterically while progressive heads explode daily!! The WINNING is almost getting boring at this point.........but the fun hasn't even started.

Tomorrow starts the assault on progressivism that will be epic.........and the size of the already giant bumpy cucumbers in the progressives behinds are going to get even more bulbous. Might as well paint the ENVIRONMENT forum title red s0ns!!

Oh and Mammoth........don't forget to pick up some extra KY this weekend!:bye1:

That doesn't make his point any less so. I assume you have Kook in your user name because it about sums you up.

What about my avatar? Like getting a woodie just looking at it (after taking your viagra of course)...

Only total morons don't believe humans are causing climate change. Are you a total moron? (rhetorical question. I don't need an answer)
Nope. That's what people heavily invested in the fraud claim. Their membership don't.

Totally untrue. The science is in and you're wrong. And I wouldn't get too excited about the Nimrods supporting your POV on this thread. None of them have a clue.

Hey Dr Grump....still waiting on that single shred of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence supporting AGW that you claimed existed in abundance....seems that you have been running away from acknowledging that you can't find any.

And taking bows least I don't have a ghey cat in my avatar!:2up:

The crazy guy is watching the political landscape and laughing hysterically while progressive heads explode daily!! The WINNING is almost getting boring at this point.........but the fun hasn't even started.

Tomorrow starts the assault on progressivism that will be epic.........and the size of the already giant bumpy cucumbers in the progressives behinds are going to get even more bulbous. Might as well paint the ENVIRONMENT forum title red s0ns!!

Oh and Mammoth........don't forget to pick up some extra KY this weekend!:bye1:

That doesn't make his point any less so. I assume you have Kook in your user name because it about sums you up.

What about my avatar? Like getting a woodie just looking at it (after taking your viagra of course)...

Only total morons don't believe humans are causing climate change. Are you a total moron? (rhetorical question. I don't need an answer)

Your avatar makes me think you like looking at fat naked men...(shudder) like that sort of thing?

And only a moron would believe pseudoscience making claims without the first shred of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence in support of the claim...Are you the sort of moron who does that?

And taking bows least I don't have a ghey cat in my avatar!:2up:

The crazy guy is watching the political landscape and laughing hysterically while progressive heads explode daily!! The WINNING is almost getting boring at this point.........but the fun hasn't even started.

Tomorrow starts the assault on progressivism that will be epic.........and the size of the already giant bumpy cucumbers in the progressives behinds are going to get even more bulbous. Might as well paint the ENVIRONMENT forum title red s0ns!!

Oh and Mammoth........don't forget to pick up some extra KY this weekend!:bye1:

That doesn't make his point any less so. I assume you have Kook in your user name because it about sums you up.

What about my avatar? Like getting a woodie just looking at it (after taking your viagra of course)...

Only total morons don't believe humans are causing climate change. Are you a total moron? (rhetorical question. I don't need an answer)

Well then we have a lot of morons out there because most far........don't think climate change is caused by humans!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Yes, it was pretty funny.....and successful too when all those Texans went down to Galveston in 1900 to watch Hurricane Ike.....who needs to listen to the scientists.[/QUOTE]
But it only matter what the majority thinks.........its the way it is s0n!

I thought you neocon whacko loons were against the Tyranny of the majority. And if you are for it, you must be mightily disappointed Hills isn't pres. She got 3 million more votes than the Orange Buffoon.

Keep telling yourself that s0n........maybe it'll remove some of the stinginess from that vast bumpy cucumber that resides in your backside this fine day!!!

But wait'll tomorrow comes get some KY refills because this shit is gonna get beyond hysterical, especially the climate change shit!!:deal::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Nope. That's what people heavily invested in the fraud claim. Their membership don't.

Totally untrue. The science is in and you're wrong. And I wouldn't get too excited about the Nimrods supporting your POV on this thread. None of them have a clue.

Show us some quantifiable science then. Not a computer model, mind you, but a real piece of empirical data.

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