And she would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for those meddling kids!!


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
It appears the e-mail scandal just keeps getting worse and worse for Hillary Clinton as she gallivants about in her Scooby machine. A bombshell report broke last night that Hillary flatly ignored questions about her conducting her business on her private server by Darrell Issa in 2012. One can only imagine the consequences... well, off comes the mask. Everyone is shocked (not) to find out the real Hillary Clinton underneath.

"And I would have gotten away with it, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!" She'll yell.

WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton was directly asked by congressional investigators in a December 2012 letter whether she had used a private email account while serving as secretary of state, according to letters obtained by The New York Times.

But Mrs. Clinton did not reply to the letter. And when the State Department answered in March 2013, nearly two months after she left office, it ignored the question and provided no response.

The query was posed to Mrs. Clinton in a Dec. 13, 2012, letter from Representative Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Mr. Issa was leading an investigation into how the Obama administration handled its officials’ use of personal email.

“Have you or any senior agency official ever used a personal email account to conduct official business?” Mr. Issa wrote to Mrs. Clinton. “If so, please identify the account used.”

The letter from Issa is here:

Issa Letter Dec. 13 2012
Last edited:
Unfortunately, her brazen law-breaking doesn't seem to matter all that much. The only people who seem to care are those of us who were never going to vote for her in the first place. And, frankly, there are more important issues that completely disqualify her before we even get to this one. The destruction of Libya, and attempted destruction of Syria come to mind.
Unfortunately, her brazen law-breaking doesn't seem to matter all that much. The only people who seem to care are those of us who were never going to vote for her in the first place. And, frankly, there are more important issues that completely disqualify her before we even get to this one. The destruction of Libya, and attempted destruction of Syria come to mind.
Dishonesty is quite the issue, Mr. Kennedy. That should immediately disqualify her.

The fact she so brazenly ignores the law should also disqualify her.
It appears the e-mail scandal just keeps getting worse and worse for Hillary Clinton as she gallivants about in her Scooby machine. A bombshell report broke last night that Hillary flatly ignored questions about her conducting her business on her private server by Darrell Issa in 2012. One can only imagine the consequences... well, off comes the mask. Everyone is shocked (not) to find out the real Hillary Clinton underneath.

"And I would have gotten away with it, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!" She'll yell.

WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton was directly asked by congressional investigators in a December 2012 letter whether she had used a private email account while serving as secretary of state, according to letters obtained by The New York Times.

But Mrs. Clinton did not reply to the letter. And when the State Department answered in March 2013, nearly two months after she left office, it ignored the question and provided no response.

The query was posed to Mrs. Clinton in a Dec. 13, 2012, letter from Representative Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Mr. Issa was leading an investigation into how the Obama administration handled its officials’ use of personal email.

“Have you or any senior agency official ever used a personal email account to conduct official business?” Mr. Issa wrote to Mrs. Clinton. “If so, please identify the account used.”

The letter from Issa is here:

Issa Letter Dec. 13 2012
Oh please. You people are manufacturing scandals already. All this is going to do is turn voters against you, not her. They want a good president, and she is the only viable candidate, and they are not going to want to spend the next 8 years spending billions of tax paper dollars trying to burn her for some minor scandal. You're so pathetic You don't care a wit about the welfare of the country; you only want to cause trouble for Democrats. You're turning the voting public against the GOP. Stop it.
It appears the e-mail scandal just keeps getting worse and worse for Hillary Clinton as she gallivants about in her Scooby machine. A bombshell report broke last night that Hillary flatly ignored questions about her conducting her business on her private server by Darrell Issa in 2012. One can only imagine the consequences... well, off comes the mask. Everyone is shocked (not) to find out the real Hillary Clinton underneath.

"And I would have gotten away with it, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!" She'll yell.

WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton was directly asked by congressional investigators in a December 2012 letter whether she had used a private email account while serving as secretary of state, according to letters obtained by The New York Times.

But Mrs. Clinton did not reply to the letter. And when the State Department answered in March 2013, nearly two months after she left office, it ignored the question and provided no response.

The query was posed to Mrs. Clinton in a Dec. 13, 2012, letter from Representative Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Mr. Issa was leading an investigation into how the Obama administration handled its officials’ use of personal email.

“Have you or any senior agency official ever used a personal email account to conduct official business?” Mr. Issa wrote to Mrs. Clinton. “If so, please identify the account used.”

The letter from Issa is here:

Issa Letter Dec. 13 2012
Oh please. You people are manufacturing scandals already. All this is going to do is turn voters against you, not her. They want a good president, and she is the only viable candidate, and they are not going to want to spend the next 8 years spending billions of tax paper dollars trying to burn her for some minor scandal. You're so pathetic You don't care a wit about the welfare of the country; you only want to cause trouble for Democrats. You're turning the voting public against the GOP. Stop it.
Stop it. Stop it! Someone, please make him STOOOOOOOOP!!! LOL. You're an idiot. Does someone pay you to post here?
I don't think I have ever seen a canidate announce that was so universally hated by so many. Sure there are the die hard democrats that support Hillary no matter what but that loyalty is mostly because she has been able to raise larges sums of cash. With that cash comes power. I truly believe the love that a whole lot of the left shows for Mrs. Clinton is because the right hates her so much. And it really is so much that she is hated it is what he has done and stands for which is hated.

Anyway here are some quotes from the democrat candidate: Hillary Clinton s Vulgar Mouth

'Where is the G-damn f***ing flag? I want the G-damn f***ing flag up every
f***ing morning at f***ing sunrise.'
(From the book 'Inside The White House' by Ronald Kessler, p. 244 - Hillary
to the staff at the Arkansas Governor's mansion on Labor Day, 1991)

'You sold out, you mother f***er! You sold out!' From the book 'Inside' by
Joseph Califano, p. 213 - Hillary yelling at Democrat lawyer.

'F**k off! It's enough that I have to see you ****-kickers every day, I'm
not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth
(From the book 'American Evita' by Christopher Anderson, p. 90 - Hillary to
her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with 'Good

'You f***ing idiot.'
(From the book 'Crossfire' p. 84 - Hillary to a State Trooper who was
driving her to an event.)

'If you want to remain on this detail, get your f***ing ass over here and
grab those bags!'
(From the book 'The First Partner' p. 259 - Hillary to a Secret Service
Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his
hands free in case of an incident.)

'Get f***ed! Get the f**k out of my way!!! Get out of my face!!!'
(From the book 'Hillary's Scheme' p. 89 - Hillary's various comments to her
Secret Service detail agents.)

'Stay the f**k back, stay the f**k away from me! Don't come within ten yards
of me, or else! Just f**king do as I say, Okay!!!?'
(From the book 'Unlimited Access', by Clinton FBI Agent in Charge, Gary
Aldrige, p. 139 - Hillary screaming at her Secret Service detail.)

'Where's the miserable c*ck sucker?'
(From the book 'The Truth About Hillary' by Edward Klein, p. 5 - Hillary
shouting at a Secret Service officer)

'Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those
sunglasses. We need to go back!'
(From the book 'Dereliction of Duty' p. 71-72 - Hillary to Marine One
helicopter pilot to turn back while en route to Air Force One.)

'Son of a bitch.'
(From the book 'American Evita' by Christopher Anderson, p. 259 - Hillary's
opinion of President George W. Bush when she found out he secretly visited
Iraq just days before her highly publicized trip to Iraq)

'What are you doing inviting these people into my home? These people are our enemies! They are trying to destroy us!'
(From the book 'The Survivor' by John Harris, p. 99 - Hillary screaming to
an aide, when she found out that some Republicans had been invited to the
Clinton White House)

'Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can't f**k her here!!'
(From the book 'Inside The White House' by Ronald Kessler , p. 243 - Hillary
to Gov. Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female at an
Arkansas political rally)

'You know, I'm going to start thanking the woman who cleans the restroom in the building I work in. I'm going to start thinking of her as a human
being?' - Hillary Clinton
(From the book 'The Case Against Hillary Clinton' by Peggy Noonan, pg. 55)

'We just can't trust the American people to make those types of choices.
Government has to make those choice s for people'
(From the book 'I've Always Been A Yankee Fan' by Thomas D. Kuiper, p. 20)
Hillary to Rep. Dennis Hastert in 1993 discussing her expensive, disastrous
taxpayer-funded health care plan)

'I am a fan of the social policies that you find in Europe' Hillary in 1996'
From the book 'I've Always Been A Yankee Fan' by Thomas D. Kuiper, p. 76 -
Hillary in 1996)

Even with all the bad words, the one I highlighted is, to me, the most serious/ dangerous.
It appears the e-mail scandal just keeps getting worse and worse for Hillary Clinton as she gallivants about in her Scooby machine. A bombshell report broke last night that Hillary flatly ignored questions about her conducting her business on her private server by Darrell Issa in 2012. One can only imagine the consequences... well, off comes the mask. Everyone is shocked (not) to find out the real Hillary Clinton underneath.

"And I would have gotten away with it, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!" She'll yell.

WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton was directly asked by congressional investigators in a December 2012 letter whether she had used a private email account while serving as secretary of state, according to letters obtained by The New York Times.

But Mrs. Clinton did not reply to the letter. And when the State Department answered in March 2013, nearly two months after she left office, it ignored the question and provided no response.

The query was posed to Mrs. Clinton in a Dec. 13, 2012, letter from Representative Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Mr. Issa was leading an investigation into how the Obama administration handled its officials’ use of personal email.

“Have you or any senior agency official ever used a personal email account to conduct official business?” Mr. Issa wrote to Mrs. Clinton. “If so, please identify the account used.”

The letter from Issa is here:

Issa Letter Dec. 13 2012
Oh please. You people are manufacturing scandals already. All this is going to do is turn voters against you, not her. They want a good president, and she is the only viable candidate, and they are not going to want to spend the next 8 years spending billions of tax paper dollars trying to burn her for some minor scandal. You're so pathetic You don't care a wit about the welfare of the country; you only want to cause trouble for Democrats. You're turning the voting public against the GOP. Stop it.
Stop it. Stop it! Someone, please make him STOOOOOOOOP!!! LOL. You're an idiot. Does someone pay you to post here?
Oh Mr. Wrong. You are not at all clever. You want to destroy the GOP, just keep on with what you are doing. That's the point.
Unfortunately, her brazen law-breaking doesn't seem to matter all that much. The only people who seem to care are those of us who were never going to vote for her in the first place. And, frankly, there are more important issues that completely disqualify her before we even get to this one. The destruction of Libya, and attempted destruction of Syria come to mind.
Dishonesty is quite the issue, Mr. Kennedy. That should immediately disqualify her.

The fact she so brazenly ignores the law should also disqualify her.
Yes, it should disqualify her, but it won't. Libya should disqualify her as well, along with the fact that she wanted to do to Syria what was done to Libya. None of them will. Objectively, these things matter. As far as the election is concerned, however, they don't. At least as far as I can tell.
It appears the e-mail scandal just keeps getting worse and worse for Hillary Clinton as she gallivants about in her Scooby machine. A bombshell report broke last night that Hillary flatly ignored questions about her conducting her business on her private server by Darrell Issa in 2012. One can only imagine the consequences... well, off comes the mask. Everyone is shocked (not) to find out the real Hillary Clinton underneath.

"And I would have gotten away with it, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!" She'll yell.

WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton was directly asked by congressional investigators in a December 2012 letter whether she had used a private email account while serving as secretary of state, according to letters obtained by The New York Times.

But Mrs. Clinton did not reply to the letter. And when the State Department answered in March 2013, nearly two months after she left office, it ignored the question and provided no response.

The query was posed to Mrs. Clinton in a Dec. 13, 2012, letter from Representative Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Mr. Issa was leading an investigation into how the Obama administration handled its officials’ use of personal email.

“Have you or any senior agency official ever used a personal email account to conduct official business?” Mr. Issa wrote to Mrs. Clinton. “If so, please identify the account used.”

The letter from Issa is here:

Issa Letter Dec. 13 2012
Oh please. You people are manufacturing scandals already. All this is going to do is turn voters against you, not her. They want a good president, and she is the only viable candidate, and they are not going to want to spend the next 8 years spending billions of tax paper dollars trying to burn her for some minor scandal. You're so pathetic You don't care a wit about the welfare of the country; you only want to cause trouble for Democrats. You're turning the voting public against the GOP. Stop it.

The old tried and true, she is a viable canidate, because I say so. Can't you see she already divides the country? Is that really what you want? Is there not one person in the democrat party that you can think of that doesn't start out with such a bad image to so many? And no, knowing the truth about Mrs. Clinton is not going to turn people from against her to voting for her.
Dishonesty is quite the issue, Mr. Kennedy. That should immediately disqualify her.

The fact she so brazenly ignores the law should also disqualify her.

Yup. Just remember. Lying about a blow job is bad.

Lying about a war is good.
The old tried and true, she is a viable canidate, because I saw so. Can't you see she already divides the country? Is that really what you want? Is there not one person in the democrat party that you can think of that doesn't start out with such a bad image to so many? And no, knowing the truth about Mrs. Clinton is not going to turn people from against her to voting for her.

Here's the thing. A lot of Democrats who liked Hillary didn't vote for her in 2008 because they were afraid people like you would whine and rehash all the bullshit scandals.

Instead they voted for Obama and you guys still went batshit crazy.

Democrats should not pick a nominee on the basis of how you are going to act. The Democrats could nominated Jesus and you'd be against him.
It appears the e-mail scandal just keeps getting worse and worse for Hillary Clinton as she gallivants about in her Scooby machine. A bombshell report broke last night that Hillary flatly ignored questions about her conducting her business on her private server by Darrell Issa in 2012. One can only imagine the consequences... well, off comes the mask. Everyone is shocked (not) to find out the real Hillary Clinton underneath.

"And I would have gotten away with it, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!" She'll yell.

WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton was directly asked by congressional investigators in a December 2012 letter whether she had used a private email account while serving as secretary of state, according to letters obtained by The New York Times.

But Mrs. Clinton did not reply to the letter. And when the State Department answered in March 2013, nearly two months after she left office, it ignored the question and provided no response.

The query was posed to Mrs. Clinton in a Dec. 13, 2012, letter from Representative Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Mr. Issa was leading an investigation into how the Obama administration handled its officials’ use of personal email.

“Have you or any senior agency official ever used a personal email account to conduct official business?” Mr. Issa wrote to Mrs. Clinton. “If so, please identify the account used.”

The letter from Issa is here:

Issa Letter Dec. 13 2012
Oh please. You people are manufacturing scandals already. All this is going to do is turn voters against you, not her. They want a good president, and she is the only viable candidate, and they are not going to want to spend the next 8 years spending billions of tax paper dollars trying to burn her for some minor scandal. You're so pathetic You don't care a wit about the welfare of the country; you only want to cause trouble for Democrats. You're turning the voting public against the GOP. Stop it.
Stop it. Stop it! Someone, please make him STOOOOOOOOP!!! LOL. You're an idiot. Does someone pay you to post here?
Oh Mr. Wrong. You are not at all clever. You want to destroy the GOP, just keep on with what you are doing. That's the point.
Shut up, you jealous bastard! :)
Dishonesty is quite the issue, Mr. Kennedy. That should immediately disqualify her.

The fact she so brazenly ignores the law should also disqualify her.

Yup. Just remember. Lying about a blow job is bad.

Lying about a war is good.

Lying about lying is bad, but the left does it so well.

Clinton lied under oath about something as trivial as getting BJ from a underling, which in any corporate setting would be sexual harassment. Just think what the liar would lie about that is even more serious.

And talking about lying about war, are you talking about Hillary's support for action in Iraq and her continues support? She said exactly the same things as Bush, do you consider her a liar? Trick question, she is a democrat so yes we all should consider her a liar.
Lying about lying is bad, but the left does it so well.

Clinton lied under oath about something as trivial as getting BJ from a underling, which in any corporate setting would be sexual harassment. Just think what the liar would lie about that is even more serious.

Bullshit. Corporate setting, people sleep with the boss all the time.

And talking about lying about war, are you talking about Hillary's support for action in Iraq and her continues support? She said exactly the same things as Bush, do you consider her a liar? Trick question, she is a democrat so yes we all should consider her a liar.

Hillary didn't go to war with Iraq. Bush did.

Bush Lied. People Died.
The old tried and true, she is a viable canidate, because I saw so. Can't you see she already divides the country? Is that really what you want? Is there not one person in the democrat party that you can think of that doesn't start out with such a bad image to so many? And no, knowing the truth about Mrs. Clinton is not going to turn people from against her to voting for her.

Here's the thing. A lot of Democrats who liked Hillary didn't vote for her in 2008 because they were afraid people like you would whine and rehash all the bullshit scandals.

Instead they voted for Obama and you guys still went batshit crazy.

Democrats should not pick a nominee on the basis of how you are going to act. The Democrats could nominated Jesus and you'd be against him.

Well it is quite refreshing to now know that you didn't vote for Obama because he was the best canidate, nor experiences or because he was black but because "people like you (me)" would post bad things about her.

Well if that were you reason, and you are right her scandals are the reason that most dislike her, then what has changed? That is my point. Why is her appeal to the left other then payback for stabbing her in the back in 2008? Funny thing is if Mrs. Clinton would have run then she would have beaten McCain, I think anyonewould have beat McCain. Then Obama would be running now and he would be a lock. The democrats could have controlled the WH for 16 years, now it is not so sure.

Do you realize how you contradicted your self in those two sentences you posted? No I suppose you don't.
Well it is quite refreshing to now know that you didn't vote for Obama because he was the best canidate, nor experiences or because he was black but because "people like you (me)" would post bad things about her.

I didn't vote for Obama in 2008. I voted for McCain.

I voted for him in 2012 because you fucking racist shits turned the GOP over to the Mormon Cult.

Well if that were you reason, and you are right her scandals are the reason that most dislike her, then what has changed? That is my point. Why is her appeal to the left other then payback for stabbing her in the back in 2008? Funny thing is if Mrs. Clinton would have run then she would have beaten McCain, I think anyonewould have beat McCain. Then Obama would be running now and he would be a lock. The democrats could have controlled the WH for 16 years, now it is not so sure.

Well, first and foremost, what changed in 2012 when you guys rejected Romney in 2008? What changed in 2008 when you rejected McCain in 2000. You really can't complain about the Democrats retreading a candidate when that's all the GOP has done since 1968 is rerun guys who got rejected before.

In 2008, Obama appeared to be a better candidate. As in, "He whooped your asses twice".

I think HIllary will be a lock because frankly, you guys are probably going to run Bush. If 2016 becomes a "Bush vs. Clinton" argument, you guys will lose that one.
Do you realize how you contradicted your self in those two sentences you posted? No I suppose you don't.

Uh, no. I realize that you simply lack anything vaguely resembling critical thinking skills.
Lying about lying is bad, but the left does it so well.

Clinton lied under oath about something as trivial as getting BJ from a underling, which in any corporate setting would be sexual harassment. Just think what the liar would lie about that is even more serious.

Bullshit. Corporate setting, people sleep with the boss all the time.

And talking about lying about war, are you talking about Hillary's support for action in Iraq and her continues support? She said exactly the same things as Bush, do you consider her a liar? Trick question, she is a democrat so yes we all should consider her a liar.

Hillary didn't go to war with Iraq. Bush did.

Bush Lied. People Died.

Ha, and people are getting sued for sexual harassment all the time. The worse part of the situation is that you don't realize that Clinton, being a lawyer, is sworn to tell the truth ALL THE TIME, but especially under oath. If he just would have lied to us, as he did on TV, there would have been on issue. But he lied under oath and he paid the price.

Do you really care about Bush and alleged lies about Iraq? Yet you don't give a shit about Mrs. Clinton who more or less said she would do the same? Seems awful hypocritical of the left wing to whine about lying then support perhaps the biggest liar of them all.

I disagree with the following article. The only way she would be vulnerable concerning Iraq is if the left wing was the least bit truthful. They are not so she will suffer nothing because she stood with GWB.

Hillary Clinton's vulnerability: Iraq

Listen for yourself. BTW, this is why we should also stay out of the Bush's.


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