And so it goes, when will the former president cut and run (to Russia)?

All you are proving is that it is another witch hunt and Trump's family is being persecuted. Thanks.
See? You won't look at the evidence, even when it is served up to you on a plate.

Just another pathetic willfully blind, parroting, ignorant rube.

Any sane individual would have realized that the evidence wasn’t there to get the Senate to remove Trump from office. The effort was a total waste of time that shows it is past time for Nancy Pelosi to retire.
That he was not removed from office twice, is true. He was not found to be not guilty or acquitted in any other trial in the United States. 2/3ers plus one would have removed him from the office of trust - a very high hurdle in deed.
Where are the charges?
LOL, you would know if and only if you weren't this guy in a Red Shirt and Blue Pants:

That he was not removed from office twice, is true. He was not found to be not guilty or acquitted in any other trial in the United States. 2/3ers plus one would have removed him from the office of trust - a very high hurdle in deed.
Well perhaps the Dems in New York State will finally put Trump in jail. If they do I predict they will regret it down the line.
No, no, no. I don't have a hatred of conservatives at all. In fact, I like conservative policies. I have an extreme dislike for Trump and his Deplorables. And Trump is no way, shape or form a conservative. He is a narcissistic twat. That is all he is.
That's nice. Go play.
It's pending. Now that dumb donald is out of office he's vulnerable. The facts are there, and soon enough we will see those already indicted to speak the truth, or they will suffer severe consequences.
I feel the object is to make damn sure Trump is so tied up in court so he can’t campaign in 2024.
Really? I think it is because he a dangerous man. I see him as America's Putin. He has done some dodgy things. Very dodgy. I mean, the investigations into Trump are nothing on what the Repubs did to the Clintons for years. All they got was a cum-stained blue dress. Let's not forget that Clinton appointed the special prosecutor that eventually turned into Ken Starr. If The Orange Buffoon is so hunky dory, why didn't he appoint a special prosecutor? Rhetorical question. We all know why. He's as bent as a $3 note.
Tick-tock, I don't see Trump running anywhere.
The Kangaroo J6 Committee can't do anything anyway, November will be here before you know it.
Then the real investigations happen.

Are you really this gullible and stupid?
That's nice. Go play.
I'm still trying to figure out why you're on this board. You are nothing more than a fly-by-night insult merchant. You offer no insights, nothing intelligent and certainly don't add to anything on the board.
I reckon I have you down pat. You are white. You are old. You are definitely overweight bordering on obese. I'm also guessing you probably live in a trailer. Very unhappy person.

You are just so clueless it's hard to think somebody lacks so much knowledge when it comes to Russia and Trumpie Wumpie.
I'm still trying to figure out why you're on this board. You are nothing more than a fly-by-night insult merchant. You offer no insights, nothing intelligent and certainly don't add to anything on the board.
I reckon I have you down pat. You are white. You are old. You are definitely overweight bordering on obese. I'm also guessing you probably live in a trailer. Very unhappy person.

You are just so clueless it's hard to think somebody lacks so much knowledge when it comes to Russia and Trumpie Wumpie.
You sure do whine a lot that people don't kiss your ass in the manner to which you believe you're entitled.

Oh, well.
Really? I think it is because he a dangerous man. I see him as America's Putin. He has done some dodgy things. Very dodgy. I mean, the investigations into Trump are nothing on what the Repubs did to the Clintons for years. All they got was a cum-stained blue dress. Let's not forget that Clinton appointed the special prosecutor that eventually turned into Ken Starr. If The Orange Buffoon is so hunky dory, why didn't he appoint a special prosecutor? Rhetorical question. We all know why. He's as bent as a $3 note.
Perhaps when Trump gets re-elected (which is a good possibility) he will seek revenge and find an Attorney General who will appoint a special counsel to conduct investigations I suggested.

In my opinion Joe Biden is the more dangerous man as he is a corrupt doddering old fool who might get us into another war in Europe because of his weakness And increasing dementia.

"The Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected former President Donald Trump’s request to prevent congressional investigators from obtaining White House records concerning Trump’s activities leading up to and during the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol building."

The vote was 8-1.
What does Trump's files being approved for viewing by the treasonous 1/6 commission have anything to do with the Demo rats continous attempt to re-write the history of Hillary and Obama's 'Russian Collusion' scam and failed coup attempt?

Holy shit - its been 6 years and you trolls still can't let the exposed failed treasonous Democrat failed coup attempt go, desperate to keep the lie going.

If you are so desperate to find Russian treason why not go after Hunter Biden's Russian Money Laundering or Joe's taking millions from Russia during his campaign?
Perhaps when Trump gets re-elected (which is a good possibility) he will seek revenge and find an Attorney General who will appoint a special counsel to conduct investigations I suggested.

In my opinion Joe Biden is the more dangerous man as he is a corrupt doddering old fool who might get us into another war in Europe because of his weakness And increasing dementia.
Huh? Why didn't he appoint a special prosecutor to look into the 'lies' of Russia. We know why.
Oh, please. Biden is corrupt like Trump is a nice guy. Seriously.....
He has no chance of being reelected. Neither does Biden. I think Biden is a one-term president. And I don't mean he will lose the election, he won't even the the Dem nomination. Harris might be but I hope not. BOTH sides need to calm down and start looking at decent candidates. I for one minute don't think Biden is an extreme leftie. Harris is a different story. I don't even think Trump is an extreme rightie. I just think he's a fucking idiot. As are the majority of his deplorables.

It's about time both parties starting getting decent, ordinary people in instead of trying to kowtow to the extremes of their parties.

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