And so it starts.....CNN coverage has shifted the the "Pali Plight"

WW2 was total war on a global scale involving Countries with serious military capability, the Palestinians don't have an army, Israel is one of the strongest well armed in the World with nuclear weapons.
And without that, they would have vanished a long time ago, wiped out by the bloodthirsty nations around them.
WW2 was total war on a global scale involving Countries with serious military capability, the Palestinians don't have an army, Israel is one of the strongest well armed in the World with nuclear weapons.
You can have the greatest army in the world and, short of total annihilation via nuclear weapons, there is still no way to ferret out an enemy in populated areas other than boots on the ground and door to door. And that is what Israel is now facing and all their sophisticated war machine won't help them with that.
You can have the greatest army in the world and, short of total annihilation via nuclear weapons, there is still no way to ferret out an enemy in populated areas other than boots on the ground and door to door. And that is what Israel is now facing and all their sophisticated war machine won't help them with that.
That's what the SS did in the Warsaw Ghetto.
Would they? many of them wouldn't because they could have stayed in their own Countries and not become Colonialists.
Of which country are they colonists?

And yes, had Israel lost any of the conflicts she has been involved in, the nation would cease to exist.

Israel's desire: We live here, you live there, we leave you alone, you leave us alone. We prosper, you do you.
Palestinian's desire (notice there's not even a nation, never was): Kill all Jews! Destroy their towns and cities! Kill! Kill!
Of which country are they colonists?

And yes, had Israel lost any of the conflicts she has been involved in, the nation would cease to exist.

Israel's desire: We live here, you live there, we leave you alone, you leave us alone. We prosper, you do you.
Palestinian's desire (notice there's not even a nation, never was): Kill all Jews! Destroy their towns and cities! Kill! Kill!
Colonialism is the method by which civilization was spread. Democrat socialists are against civilization. That's why they promote barbarism in our cities.
Of which country are they colonists?

And yes, had Israel lost any of the conflicts she has been involved in, the nation would cease to exist.

Israel's desire: We live here, you live there, we leave you alone, you leave us alone. We prosper, you do you.
Palestinian's desire (notice there's not even a nation, never was): Kill all Jews! Destroy their towns and cities! Kill! Kill!
What a silly question.
1. I understand that Hamas has allowed only one election since Israel turned Gaza over to the Palestinians.

2. Many of the younger Gazans never had a chance to vote for or against Hamas.

3. Some people point out that civilian casualties are simply a part of war. The Allies during WW II bombed German cities to pieces, and the Americans used the atomic bomb on two cities.

a. So some people see no problem bombing Gaza even if a lot of Gazans die.

4. Other people feel that Israel should remember the saying "Revenge is a dish best served cold."

a. In other words, Israel should hunt down the Hamas leaders and rank-and-file members who are responsible for the massacre inside Israel.

b. But it should not stop food and fuel and electricity to those Gazans who did not move south for some reason.
I turned CNN on this morning and after a round of commercials they had a 15 min straight segment on the "Pali Plight". I guess they could not help themselves after 10 days of war.

Of course there was the requisite propaganda footage of old Pali women crying in front of their bombed-out hovels and the interviewing of crying children asking for help. Then they switched to demonstrations around the world that were in support of the Palis.

Steel yourselves against this tripe and remember, the old Pali women likely gave sons first to the PLO and latter their grandsons to Hamas. Those children will grow-up just like the adults....Part of a death cult.

Oh and when some leftist politician wants to bring them here remember the death-cult part and have them sent to the countries that were supporting them in the demonstrations.

There's a very interesting thread on why the left is so sympathetic to Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, etc. It's only partly because they hate Jews. It also explains the massive sympathy the left had and has for the old Soviet Union, as well as other tyrannical leftist regimes around the world.


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