And Still.Liberals Will Not Answer "Why Now?",,Why Didn't You Protest Statues 8 Years Ago?

does anyone know where the statue of howard dean is? my dog really need to go,,,real bad !!!
:2up: For the normal/intelligent members of this room that watch Fox time to time, by now we have seen most of the hosts ask a liberal guess the same question,,,"Why Now",,why not 8 years ago?
And they wont give a straight answer, if anything, they have a rehearsed answer to esssplain why all of a sudden they want every statue of a white man torn down and tossed into the ocean or the nearest dumpster.
Guess they will never answer,,,yet we all know whats going on out there with the loons.
Why now? Because the time has come and was overdue. Losers don't get statues.
:2up: For the normal/intelligent members of this room that watch Fox time to time, by now we have seen most of the hosts ask a liberal guess the same question,,,"Why Now",,why not 8 years ago?
And they wont give a straight answer, if anything, they have a rehearsed answer to esssplain why all of a sudden they want every statue of a white man torn down and tossed into the ocean or the nearest dumpster.
Guess they will never answer,,,yet we all know whats going on out there with the loons.

There wasn't a massive neo-Nazi white supremacist march 8 years ago.
:2up: For the normal/intelligent members of this room that watch Fox time to time, by now we have seen most of the hosts ask a liberal guess the same question,,,"Why Now",,why not 8 years ago?
And they wont give a straight answer, if anything, they have a rehearsed answer to esssplain why all of a sudden they want every statue of a white man torn down and tossed into the ocean or the nearest dumpster.
Guess they will never answer,,,yet we all know whats going on out there with the loons.

LeftTards continue to insist on fucking themselves and the DNC to oblivion...let it happen.
I'm convinced the GOP wouldn't own all of D.C. if Democrats didn't get in line behind the Loons with where a man who's fucked up in the head should shit.
Shhhh....don't tell the twisted bastards...let it roll on.
why didnt they protest when the honorable richard nixon was president?
why didnt they protest when the honorable richard nixon was president?
It wasn't the time. They were still fighting to be allowed to vote.
i remember those days,,,,back when they separated the restrooms and we were all watching archie bunker getting away with insulting blacks on TV
You couldn't deal with reality then either. The times have very slowly changed. Whitey's opinion is no longer the only one that matters.
:2up: For the normal/intelligent members of this room that watch Fox time to time, by now we have seen most of the hosts ask a liberal guess the same question,,,"Why Now",,why not 8 years ago?
And they wont give a straight answer, if anything, they have a rehearsed answer to esssplain why all of a sudden they want every statue of a white man torn down and tossed into the ocean or the nearest dumpster.
Guess they will never answer,,,yet we all know whats going on out there with the loons.

Or why not during Clinton's presidency, or the last 100 years.

It's because there were no efforts to gin up anger back then. Soros and his evil cronies are behind all of the protests the past few years and none of them are about racism. The ignorant people were easy to fool. Of course, most are just hired thugs who can't begin to explain why they are doing this. They are starting to hire actors, likely so they can talk to reporters with answers that they have memorized. It's part of the plan to divide and conquer America. Soros has vowed for decades to take down the US, which he hates. He wants one world government and this is all a strategy to break us down so he and his political buddies can make his dream a reality.
why didnt they protest when the honorable richard nixon was president?
It wasn't the time. They were still fighting to be allowed to vote.
i remember those days,,,,back when they separated the restrooms and we were all watching archie bunker getting away with insulting blacks on TV
You couldn't deal with reality then either. The times have very slowly changed. Whitey's opinion is no longer the only one that matters.

That's true...and like every third world shithole nation where "whitey" isn't in command there's total disarray, poverty, violent crime and chaos....Am I making this up? Coincidence?
:2up: For the normal/intelligent members of this room that watch Fox time to time, by now we have seen most of the hosts ask a liberal guess the same question,,,"Why Now",,why not 8 years ago?
And they wont give a straight answer, if anything, they have a rehearsed answer to esssplain why all of a sudden they want every statue of a white man torn down and tossed into the ocean or the nearest dumpster.
Guess they will never answer,,,yet we all know whats going on out there with the loons.
/----/ Breaking news:
Nancy Pelosi's father helped dedicate Confederate monument
By Brooke Singman

Published August 24, 2017
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has ramped up calls to remove "reprehensible" Confederate statues from the halls of Congress -- but left unsaid in her public denunciations is that her father helped dedicate such a statue decades ago while mayor of Baltimore.
The ones wanting the statues down are not liberals......they are,,,get this,,,,it's tricky,,,,, elements representing social change(progressives. Progressives can be and are members of both parties....)......against the history of white male dominance in the USA....Remember the "male chauvinist" era of white women wanting equal rights with white men 40 years ago? Yeah, that's what you are seeing...
TRANSLATION: I'm trying to deflect attention from the subject of the thread, too (Why didn't you protest statues 8 years ago?).
i guess i better remove my lawn sign that reads,,"White Lives Matter" with that small statue of Rober E Lee next to it
:2up: For the normal/intelligent members of this room that watch Fox time to time, by now we have seen most of the hosts ask a liberal guess the same question,,,"Why Now",,why not 8 years ago?
And they wont give a straight answer, if anything, they have a rehearsed answer to esssplain why all of a sudden they want every statue of a white man torn down and tossed into the ocean or the nearest dumpster.
Guess they will never answer,,,yet we all know whats going on out there with the loons.

There wasn't a massive neo-Nazi white supremacist march 8 years ago.

By your logic, the statues come down and there will be no more neo-Nazi marches?
:2up: For the normal/intelligent members of this room that watch Fox time to time, by now we have seen most of the hosts ask a liberal guess the same question,,,"Why Now",,why not 8 years ago?
And they wont give a straight answer, if anything, they have a rehearsed answer to esssplain why all of a sudden they want every statue of a white man torn down and tossed into the ocean or the nearest dumpster.
Guess they will never answer,,,yet we all know whats going on out there with the loons.
/----/ Breaking news:
Nancy Pelosi's father helped dedicate Confederate monument
By Brooke Singman

Published August 24, 2017
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has ramped up calls to remove "reprehensible" Confederate statues from the halls of Congress -- but left unsaid in her public denunciations is that her father helped dedicate such a statue decades ago while mayor of Baltimore.

take down the statues Pelosi is calling for and then watch her lose her shit because those statues were dedicated by her father.
The ones wanting the statues down are not liberals......they are,,,get this,,,,it's tricky,,,,, elements representing social change(progressives. Progressives can be and are members of both parties....)......against the history of white male dominance in the USA....Remember the "male chauvinist" era of white women wanting equal rights with white men 40 years ago? Yeah, that's what you are seeing..Know what white men said to white women wanting equality? Shut up and make me a sandwich, there's nothing to complain about...Hahahahahaha...Society....It's entertaining..
after the statues are gone...liberals will be sneaking up on white racists and pulling thier pants/skirts down on busy streets
What if I've done that in the past? Does that mean I'm a
and not only pulling pants down,,,pissed off liberals will go into lowes/home depot and crap right in the display toillets

^Trolling his own thread. :laugh2:
:2up: For the normal/intelligent members of this room that watch Fox time to time, by now we have seen most of the hosts ask a liberal guess the same question,,,"Why Now",,why not 8 years ago?
And they wont give a straight answer, if anything, they have a rehearsed answer to esssplain why all of a sudden they want every statue of a white man torn down and tossed into the ocean or the nearest dumpster.
Guess they will never answer,,,yet we all know whats going on out there with the loons.

There wasn't a massive neo-Nazi white supremacist march 8 years ago.

By your logic, the statues come down and there will be no more neo-Nazi marches?

No. I think the Neo-Nazi protest served to highlight the worst of what the Confederate symbols mean to certain people.

Oh and btw, as for this sort of thing being brand new, you had the Confederate flag controvery boil up in 2015 after the black church massacre by conservative terrorist Dylann Roof.

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