And the fastest GROWING language in the U.S. is ...................

Fuck! Whatever happened to English? You can't place a single call without having to first listen to a Spanish translation. Now this! A century ago immigrants to this country learned the language and fit into their new homeland. Today they're all misfits!
100 years ago 1st generation immigrants did NOT learn english...
...and most people didn't have telephones. Also, as long as Puerto Ricans are American citizens, Spanish IS an American language.
Fuck! Whatever happened to English? You can't place a single call without having to first listen to a Spanish translation. Now this! A century ago immigrants to this country learned the language and fit into their new homeland. Today they're all misfits!
100 years ago 1st generation immigrants did NOT learn english. :thup:

Wrong!! They certainly did!!! I grew up with some of these folks. First generation? How do you figure??? You must be a youngster and therefore have no knowledge of what it was like back then.

It was very common that the first generation- and still is common- to speak their native languages at home- and often learn little English- when I first moved to San Francisco one of my neighbors moved to the United States from Italy in the 1920's- she spoke almost no English. Her son- he of course spoke pure American- but they talked together in Italian.

By third generation, pretty much every group of Immigrants to the United States speaks pure Americanese, most by second generation.
Americans are the only people who are proud to know only one language (if that).
Fuck! Whatever happened to English? You can't place a single call without having to first listen to a Spanish translation. Now this! A century ago immigrants to this country learned the language and fit into their new homeland. Today they're all misfits!
I think expecting people to communicate in English is racist.

Or something. Who knows at this point.

When future generations speak of the plight of the white man pressing 1 for English will have its own Chapter.

Poooor white people inconvenienced with options :crybaby:
Americans are the only people who are proud to know only one language (if that).


Two gifs in a row. Used up your language skills already? You're a perfect illustration of the problem. I bet when you hear two people speaking a language other than English anywhere in your vicinity you assume they're talking about you...especially if they're laughing.
Fuck! Whatever happened to English? You can't place a single call without having to first listen to a Spanish translation. Now this! A century ago immigrants to this country learned the language and fit into their new homeland. Today they're all misfits!
100 years ago 1st generation immigrants did NOT learn english. :thup:

Wrong!! They certainly did!!! I grew up with some of these folks. First generation? How do you figure??? You must be a youngster and therefore have no knowledge of what it was like back then.

It was very common that the first generation- and still is common- to speak their native languages at home- and often learn little English- when I first moved to San Francisco one of my neighbors moved to the United States from Italy in the 1920's- she spoke almost no English. Her son- he of course spoke pure American- but they talked together in Italian.

By third generation, pretty much every group of Immigrants to the United States speaks pure Americanese, most by second generation.

Today, being the world power we've enjoyed for many years, in many places around the world kids are required to learn English in school. English has become the globally accepted language because these folks have aspirations of immigrating here and need to be equipped to function in this country. The planet has gotten smaller and the Internet has hastened that aspect of society.
Well it makes sense though. It's a very easy language to learn and speak. Here.....this is a video that teaches Arabic. The entire'll be fluent in 30 seconds.

There's only a few words in Arabic. "Kill gays" "Rape women" "Mohammed" "Jihad" "Alluh Akbar" and "Bomb".

He's saying all of them they are just all pronounced the same in Arabic.

That is one fucking weird video. Only the goat looked normal.
Fuck! Whatever happened to English? You can't place a single call without having to first listen to a Spanish translation. Now this! A century ago immigrants to this country learned the language and fit into their new homeland. Today they're all misfits!
100 years ago 1st generation immigrants did NOT learn english. :thup:

Wrong!! They certainly did!!! I grew up with some of these folks. First generation? How do you figure??? You must be a youngster and therefore have no knowledge of what it was like back then.

It was very common that the first generation- and still is common- to speak their native languages at home- and often learn little English- when I first moved to San Francisco one of my neighbors moved to the United States from Italy in the 1920's- she spoke almost no English. Her son- he of course spoke pure American- but they talked together in Italian.

By third generation, pretty much every group of Immigrants to the United States speaks pure Americanese, most by second generation.

Today, being the world power we've enjoyed for many years, in many places around the world kids are required to learn English in school. English has become the globally accepted language because these folks have aspirations of immigrating here and need to be equipped to function in this country. The planet has gotten smaller and the Internet has hastened that aspect of society.

Once they get here however, American liberals demand they keep their native culture and language and expect the rest of us to accomodate their needs.
At one time we were a melting pot, today it's multiculturalism and division.
Fuck! Whatever happened to English? You can't place a single call without having to first listen to a Spanish translation. Now this! A century ago immigrants to this country learned the language and fit into their new homeland. Today they're all misfits!
100 years ago 1st generation immigrants did NOT learn english. :thup:

Wrong!! They certainly did!!! I grew up with some of these folks. First generation? How do you figure??? You must be a youngster and therefore have no knowledge of what it was like back then.

It was very common that the first generation- and still is common- to speak their native languages at home- and often learn little English- when I first moved to San Francisco one of my neighbors moved to the United States from Italy in the 1920's- she spoke almost no English. Her son- he of course spoke pure American- but they talked together in Italian.

By third generation, pretty much every group of Immigrants to the United States speaks pure Americanese, most by second generation.

Today, being the world power we've enjoyed for many years, in many places around the world kids are required to learn English in school. English has become the globally accepted language because these folks have aspirations of immigrating here and need to be equipped to function in this country. The planet has gotten smaller and the Internet has hastened that aspect of society.
One of my best friends has parents from Mexico. The only time they spoke Spanish at home is when they were fighting. They wanted him to speak English in order to assimilate into our society.

The only Spanish he knows is curse words and insults.
Fuck! Whatever happened to English? You can't place a single call without having to first listen to a Spanish translation. Now this! A century ago immigrants to this country learned the language and fit into their new homeland. Today they're all misfits!
100 years ago 1st generation immigrants did NOT learn english. :thup:

Wrong!! They certainly did!!! I grew up with some of these folks. First generation? How do you figure??? You must be a youngster and therefore have no knowledge of what it was like back then.

It was very common that the first generation- and still is common- to speak their native languages at home- and often learn little English- when I first moved to San Francisco one of my neighbors moved to the United States from Italy in the 1920's- she spoke almost no English. Her son- he of course spoke pure American- but they talked together in Italian.

By third generation, pretty much every group of Immigrants to the United States speaks pure Americanese, most by second generation.

Today, being the world power we've enjoyed for many years, in many places around the world kids are required to learn English in school. English has become the globally accepted language because these folks have aspirations of immigrating here and need to be equipped to function in this country. The planet has gotten smaller and the Internet has hastened that aspect of society.
One of my best friends has parents from Mexico. The only time they spoke Spanish at home is when they were fighting. They wanted him to speak English in order to assimilate into our society.

The only Spanish he knows is curse words and insults.
It's good for a child to learn to speak the language and culture of his or her parents. Assimilating into American society is very easy and natural, unless the parents are fanatics or doing something which isolates or prevents assimilation. If you were an American expat living abroad, I'm sure you would also want your children to learn to speak English and learn and appreciate the culture, while assimilating into the country you have migrated too.
Arabic is a beautiful language. Written or spoken.
IMO anyways

I know one Arabic expression. I learned it from my Arab colleague to tell it to another colleague of mine who was also Arab.

Never found out what it meant, but it made the guy I told it to pale in the face. I will try to write the way it sounded to me:

"Khol khara yamal ya marrass".

Anyone here knows Arabic have an idea what this means?
Arabic is a beautiful language. Written or spoken.
IMO anyways

I know one Arabic expression. I learned it from my Arab colleague to tell it to another colleague of mine who was also Arab.

Never found out what it meant, but it made the guy I told it to pale in the face. I will try to write the way it sounded to me:

"Khol khara yamal ya marrass".

Anyone here knows Arabic have an idea what this means?

"Where's your suicide explosives belt ?"
Good god this absolutely makes me want to vomit.

Arabic is now the fastest-growing language in the U.S.The number of Arabic speakers in the U.S. jumped more than 29 per cent between 2010 and 2014, according to Census data Arabic is the official language of more than two dozen Middle Eastern and North African countriesIt is spoken all over the world thanks to its connection to Islam Urdu (Pakistan), Hindi (India), Chinese, and Hmong (southeast Asia), round out the top five fastest-growing languages in the U.S.

Arabic is now the fastest-growing language in the U.S.
Press 1 for English
Arabic is a beautiful language. Written or spoken.
IMO anyways

I know one Arabic expression. I learned it from my Arab colleague to tell it to another colleague of mine who was also Arab.

Never found out what it meant, but it made the guy I told it to pale in the face. I will try to write the way it sounded to me:

"Khol khara yamal ya marrass".

Anyone here knows Arabic have an idea what this means?

"Where's your suicide explosives belt ?"

Anyone else? Anyone? Anyone?
Arabic is a beautiful language. Written or spoken.
IMO anyways

I know one Arabic expression. I learned it from my Arab colleague to tell it to another colleague of mine who was also Arab.

Never found out what it meant, but it made the guy I told it to pale in the face. I will try to write the way it sounded to me:

"Khol khara yamal ya marrass".

Anyone here knows Arabic have an idea what this means?

Kol Khara means eat shit, Yamal probably means donkey. There are about 20 different dialects of Arabic and they often use different consonants for the same word. For example some would use "Yamal" for donkey while other regions would use "Hmar". They sound the same.
Arabic is a beautiful language. Written or spoken.
IMO anyways

I know one Arabic expression. I learned it from my Arab colleague to tell it to another colleague of mine who was also Arab.

Never found out what it meant, but it made the guy I told it to pale in the face. I will try to write the way it sounded to me:

"Khol khara yamal ya marrass".

Anyone here knows Arabic have an idea what this means?

Kol Khara means eat shit, Yamal probably means donkey. There are about 20 different dialects of Arabic and they often use different consonants for the same word. For example some would use "Yamal" for donkey while other regions would use "Hmar". They sound the same.

Thank you! Now I start to understand why the face of the guy I said that to turned deadly white.
Could you please do some research on "ya marrass"?
Arabic is a beautiful language. Written or spoken.
IMO anyways

I know one Arabic expression. I learned it from my Arab colleague to tell it to another colleague of mine who was also Arab.

Never found out what it meant, but it made the guy I told it to pale in the face. I will try to write the way it sounded to me:

"Khol khara yamal ya marrass".

Anyone here knows Arabic have an idea what this means?

Kol Khara means eat shit, Yamal probably means donkey. There are about 20 different dialects of Arabic and they often use different consonants for the same word. For example some would use "Yamal" for donkey while other regions would use "Hmar". They sound the same.

Thank you! Now I start to understand why the face of the guy I said that to turned deadly white.
Could you please do some research on "ya marrass"?

Marass, Mara, etc (depending on the dialect) means "son of a whore". Ha ha ha.
Arabic is a beautiful language. Written or spoken.
IMO anyways

I know one Arabic expression. I learned it from my Arab colleague to tell it to another colleague of mine who was also Arab.

Never found out what it meant, but it made the guy I told it to pale in the face. I will try to write the way it sounded to me:

"Khol khara yamal ya marrass".

Anyone here knows Arabic have an idea what this means?

Kol Khara means eat shit, Yamal probably means donkey. There are about 20 different dialects of Arabic and they often use different consonants for the same word. For example some would use "Yamal" for donkey while other regions would use "Hmar". They sound the same.

Thank you! Now I start to understand why the face of the guy I said that to turned deadly white.
Could you please do some research on "ya marrass"?

Marass, Mara, etc (depending on the dialect) means "son of a whore". Ha ha ha.

Thanks again! Deadly white face now totally explained!

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