And the fastest GROWING language in the U.S. is ...................

It doesn't really matter they were an uncivilized tribal people. Without the british colonies North America would be a 3rd world hell hole like Central America.
Disagreed on your first statement. There is truth in your comment about British colonies versus Spanish colonies.

For starters, British colonies really came here to colonize, while Spanish colonies were primarily established to reap the resources of the New World and ship them back to Spain.

Secondly, the Brits came from a background of budding democracy; the land of the Magna Carta and the philosophy of John Locke. The Spanish came with the Spanish Inquisition.
Well it makes sense though. It's a very easy language to learn and speak. Here.....this is a video that teaches Arabic. The entire'll be fluent in 30 seconds.

There's only a few words in Arabic. "Kill gays" "Rape women" "Mohammed" "Jihad" "Alluh Akbar" and "Bomb".

He's saying all of them they are just all pronounced the same in Arabic.

Why do you wanna promote shit like that by posting videos.
Fuck! Whatever happened to English? You can't place a single call without having to first listen to a Spanish translation. Now this! A century ago immigrants to this country learned the language and fit into their new homeland. Today they're all misfits!
100 years ago 1st generation immigrants did NOT learn english. :thup:

That's a lie. My great grandfather was one of them and he learned it.
Everyone's great, great grandfather who learned some English and improved over many years (like everyone else) was instantly fluent due to their virtuous character, and every immigrant today who is not an accent-free, native-like expert orator "rejects English, doesn't want to learn, and demands we speak their language instead!"

Such irrational nonsense has been going on since before the Republic was founded. Some people never learn.
Fuck! Whatever happened to English? You can't place a single call without having to first listen to a Spanish translation. Now this! A century ago immigrants to this country learned the language and fit into their new homeland. Today they're all misfits!
100 years ago 1st generation immigrants did NOT learn english...
...and most people didn't have telephones. Also, as long as Puerto Ricans are American citizens, Spanish IS an American language.

We probably need to change that and let them be independent.
Fuck! Whatever happened to English? You can't place a single call without having to first listen to a Spanish translation. Now this! A century ago immigrants to this country learned the language and fit into their new homeland. Today they're all misfits!
100 years ago 1st generation immigrants did NOT learn english...
...and most people didn't have telephones. Also, as long as Puerto Ricans are American citizens, Spanish IS an American language.

We probably need to change that and let them be independent.

"Let them"? What Puerto Rico wants is to become the 51st state.
Fuck! Whatever happened to English? You can't place a single call without having to first listen to a Spanish translation. Now this! A century ago immigrants to this country learned the language and fit into their new homeland. Today they're all misfits!
100 years ago 1st generation immigrants did NOT learn english...
...and most people didn't have telephones. Also, as long as Puerto Ricans are American citizens, Spanish IS an American language.

We probably need to change that and let them be independent.

"Let them"? What Puerto Rico wants is to become the 51st state.
You'd be surprised. There are a lot of idiots there who want to completely cut ties.
Fuck! Whatever happened to English? You can't place a single call without having to first listen to a Spanish translation. Now this! A century ago immigrants to this country learned the language and fit into their new homeland. Today they're all misfits!
100 years ago 1st generation immigrants did NOT learn english...
...and most people didn't have telephones. Also, as long as Puerto Ricans are American citizens, Spanish IS an American language.

We probably need to change that and let them be independent.

"Let them"? What Puerto Rico wants is to become the 51st state.
You'd be surprised. There are a lot of idiots there who want to completely cut ties.

61% disagree with you.
100 years ago 1st generation immigrants did NOT learn english...
...and most people didn't have telephones. Also, as long as Puerto Ricans are American citizens, Spanish IS an American language.

We probably need to change that and let them be independent.

"Let them"? What Puerto Rico wants is to become the 51st state.
You'd be surprised. There are a lot of idiots there who want to completely cut ties.

61% disagree with you.
Have you ever been to Puerto Rico? Everyone in my family has lived there at some point, and around a little less than half are still there. I hope it's up to 61% who want statehood. The relationship right now is screwing PR over. But if they completely cut ties they'd lose it all. They pay in, so they might as well get the benefits of statehood.
"Let them"? What Puerto Rico wants is to become the 51st state.
Only under their rules, not our Federal government's. That's not going to happen. Better to kick them loose.

Did Puerto Rico Vote for Statehood? - Puerto Rico 51st
.....61% of the voters chose statehood. Only 5% chose independence and only 33% chose the option of being a separate country with some kind of association with the U.S. There is no question that statehood got the majority of votes.

So why is there any question about whether Puerto Rico wants statehood?

The current government of Puerto Rico wants another option, which is sometimes called “Enhanced Commonwealth” or “Developed Commonwealth”. This option would give Puerto Rico many of the right of a state, including U.S. military protection, entitlements to financial support, and U.S. citizenship for people born in Puerto Rico, but would not make U.S. Federal laws apply in Puerto Rico.

The U.S. government has said many, many times that this is not a possibility. It is not possible under the constitution and the U.S.will not agree to it. Most recently, earlier this year, the committee of the U.S. Senate which has oversight of Puerto Rico said that this option is “not viable” and urged Puerto Rico to stop trying to attain it.

The enhanced commonwealth was therefore not on the ballot.

Supporters of this idea believe that since voters did not have this option as one of their choices, the vote was incomplete or manipulated to favor statehood.....

Then, of course, there's the vote of American taxpayers and how much it would cost them:
GAO Confirms Statehood Too Costly for Puerto Rico and the U.S.
Granting statehood to Puerto Rico would set back the island’s economy, cost American companies billions of dollars and decrease sources of federal revenues.

According to a new report published by the U.S General Accountability Office (GAO), out of the estimated $5.2 billion in new federal spending Puerto Rico would receive, only a range of $2-4 billion would come back in new revenues for the federal government. However, statehood would mean that every day Puerto Ricans would be saddled with $2.3 billion in new federal taxes that they do not pay today.

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