And the fastest GROWING language in the U.S. is ...................

Suck it up and just learn some Spanish you cry babies.

We/re the only country I know of that foreign language classes in school isn't required.

Exactly! I work in Qatar and I always envy how everyone I work with is bilingual except for my American self. I work with a number of nationalities like Indian, French, Arab and they all speak at least 2 languages. Some of them speak 3.

I definitely think Spanish should be made mandatory in this country to learn.
What would be the punishment for those who choose not to speak spanish? If it is mandatory there has to be a punishment.
No highshool diploma?
Not my idea! Just saying what the consequence could be to not learning a "requirement".
He took French. I saw no benefit to speaking with maids and gardeners.

Pretending to be proud of your fear and ignorance does not change them into something other than what they are.
When my son was in school his entire school was mandatory bilingual Spanish. I forbid it. I wouldn't even allow him to do homework in Spanish.

Have you sought help for your mental problems?
It's my house. If I don't want something objectionable in my home it's my decision. If the school was teaching creationism how many people wouldn't put up with it?

If you have a problem with that, tough shit.

You're a fucking mental case .
You wanna teach me a lesson maybe. You can eat your own ass off. There is absolutely nothing else you can do except. .... please me when I see that I struck a nerve.
Suck it up and just learn some Spanish you cry babies.

We/re the only country I know of that foreign language classes in school isn't required.

Exactly! I work in Qatar and I always envy how everyone I work with is bilingual except for my American self. I work with a number of nationalities like Indian, French, Arab and they all speak at least 2 languages. Some of them speak 3.

I definitely think Spanish should be made mandatory in this country to learn.
What would be the punishment for those who choose not to speak spanish? If it is mandatory there has to be a punishment.
No highshool diploma?
Not my idea! Just saying what the consequence could be to not learning a "requirement".
He took French. I saw no benefit to speaking with maids and gardeners.

Pretending to be proud of your fear and ignorance does not change them into something other than what they are.
No. They are maids, gardeners and sometimes the garbage men. Not worth learning their language. They won't change into anything worthwhile.
South Carolina

interesting. In ohio it was 2 years
Most 4 year colleges/universities require at least 2 credits of foreign language. The kid that wants to make a decent living being a electrician or plumber doesn't need that.

oh i understand and agree why its an either or in SC. In ohio we had the JVS/Tech path that was chosen your sophmore year. To graduate JVS/Tech you didnt need a foreign language. but you still got a HS Diploma

I guess its the same as SC just packaged differently.
Exactly! I work in Qatar and I always envy how everyone I work with is bilingual except for my American self. I work with a number of nationalities like Indian, French, Arab and they all speak at least 2 languages. Some of them speak 3.

I definitely think Spanish should be made mandatory in this country to learn.
What would be the punishment for those who choose not to speak spanish? If it is mandatory there has to be a punishment.
No highshool diploma?
Not my idea! Just saying what the consequence could be to not learning a "requirement".
He took French. I saw no benefit to speaking with maids and gardeners.

Pretending to be proud of your fear and ignorance does not change them into something other than what they are.
No. They are maids, gardeners and sometimes the garbage men. .....

Over 400 million, all maids and gardeners? Yeah, you're not too stupid.
When my son was in school his entire school was mandatory bilingual Spanish. I forbid it. I wouldn't even allow him to do homework in Spanish.

Have you sought help for your mental problems?
It's my house. If I don't want something objectionable in my home it's my decision. If the school was teaching creationism how many people wouldn't put up with it?

If you have a problem with that, tough shit.

You're a fucking mental case .
You wanna teach me a lesson maybe. ......

You're clearly too stupid to learn anything.
South Carolina

interesting. In ohio it was 2 years
Most 4 year colleges/universities require at least 2 credits of foreign language. The kid that wants to make a decent living being a electrician or plumber doesn't need that.

oh i understand and agree why its an either or in SC. In ohio we had the JVS/Tech path that was chosen your sophmore year. To graduate JVS/Tech you didnt need a foreign language. but you still got a HS Diploma

I guess its the same as SC just packaged differently.
A rose by another name........
What would be the punishment for those who choose not to speak spanish? If it is mandatory there has to be a punishment.

Well Spanish would be included into curriculum so failing in school would be the consequence for not learning it.
Fuck! Whatever happened to English? You can't place a single call without having to first listen to a Spanish translation. Now this! A century ago immigrants to this country learned the language and fit into their new homeland. Today they're all misfits!
What was the original language of the New World? Three guesses. Hint, it wasn't English. ;)
Fuck! Whatever happened to English? You can't place a single call without having to first listen to a Spanish translation. Now this! A century ago immigrants to this country learned the language and fit into their new homeland. Today they're all misfits!
What was the original language of the New World? Three guesses. Hint, it wasn't English. ;)

Probably a series of grunts since there was no civilized populations in the new world.
Good god this absolutely makes me want to vomit.

Arabic is now the fastest-growing language in the U.S.The number of Arabic speakers in the U.S. jumped more than 29 per cent between 2010 and 2014, according to Census data Arabic is the official language of more than two dozen Middle Eastern and North African countriesIt is spoken all over the world thanks to its connection to Islam Urdu (Pakistan), Hindi (India), Chinese, and Hmong (southeast Asia), round out the top five fastest-growing languages in the U.S.

Arabic is now the fastest-growing language in the U.S.
Interesting, but no need to panic or wet one's Depends. There are over 320 Million Americans, the vast majority speaking English. A little over 1 million Arabs, most first generation immigrants, is 0.313%. Not exactly a reason to buy a Berlitz language course.
Fuck! Whatever happened to English? You can't place a single call without having to first listen to a Spanish translation. Now this! A century ago immigrants to this country learned the language and fit into their new homeland. Today they're all misfits!
What was the original language of the New World? Three guesses. Hint, it wasn't English. ;)

Probably a series of grunts .....

No, most likely something originating from the Paleosiberian language group but diverging from same as long as 25,000 years ago. Perhaps something that would be related, however tenuously, to the Aleut, Na-Dene, or Eskimo languages.
What would be the punishment for those who choose not to speak spanish? If it is mandatory there has to be a punishment.

Well Spanish would be included into curriculum so failing in school would be the consequence for not learning it.

Why Spanish specifically?

Because Spanish is the second most spoken language in America.

And so it would be mandated to the exclusion of other languages a student might study?

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