And the hits just keep on coming


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

Now if any of these left wing bozos are ever held to account for their actions, I will be surprised. Any Republican caught doing the same thing would be hung out to dry.
Barack Obama. The Black man who was elected President twice in this Country so poisoned by ingrained racism and white supremacy.

Barack Obama. The President who can do wrong...because he is black.

Now if any of these left wing bozos are ever held to account for their actions, I will be surprised. Any Republican caught doing the same thing would be hung out to dry.

That's the problem with all this. No matter what they do on the left, they do so with impunity. I'm willing to bet the same thing happens when the Durham report comes out by (according to Barr) the end of summer. It won't matter what he found, or how much evidence they collected.

Now if any of these left wing bozos are ever held to account for their actions, I will be surprised. Any Republican caught doing the same thing would be hung out to dry.
While I appreciate the summary by NYPost staff, I want to read for myself. How do they know what the documents say? No link to them.

Anybody have a link?

Now if any of these left wing bozos are ever held to account for their actions, I will be surprised. Any Republican caught doing the same thing would be hung out to dry.
While I appreciate the summary by NYPost staff, I want to read for myself. How do they know what the documents say? No link to them.

Anybody have a link?
I was wondering about that myself. No other link at this time, but will keep an eye out.
At what point do We The People get fed up with the two tier justice and we take matters into our own hands
Why the fuck do we pay taxes?
Good question. On another matter given your moniker so to speak I read where the Orange county Democrat party wants to rename the John Wayne airport because of past racist statements according to them.
At what point do We The People get fed up with the two tier justice and we take matters into our own hands
Why the fuck do we pay taxes?
Good question. On another matter given your moniker so to speak I read where the Orange county Democrat party wants to rename the John Wayne airport because of past racist statements according to them.
Idjits gonna idjit. Maybe I should get all his movies before they ban them.
Watched "Rio Bravo" a couple weeks ago. Great Movie!
John Wayne helped build Hollywood. Let them shoot themselves in the foot.
At what point do We The People get fed up with the two tier justice and we take matters into our own hands
Why the fuck do we pay taxes?
The Progs know that the retiring generation the most massive in history has been used up. There is still another decade or so but the numbers of paying into the government till are dwindling. The payers are going to be payees. And that is a massive shift The Progs have new environs to bring their quests to. So the aging are going to have a harder time. And they will have little representation compared to current ways.
At what point do We The People get fed up with the two tier justice and we take matters into our own hands
Why the fuck do we pay taxes?
The Progs know that the retiring generation the most massive in history has been used up. There is still another decade or so but the numbers of paying into the government till are dwindling. The payers are going to be payees. And that is a massive shift The Progs have new environs to bring their quests to. So the aging are going to have a harder time. And they will have little representation compared to current ways.
So they paid everything in and are gonna get fucked. Right?
By people that have never done a real day of work in their life?
I say people that have never done a real day of work in their life are oxygen thieves.
They are owed nothing save what they have earned.
While I appreciate the summary by NYPost staff, I want to read for myself. How do they know what the documents say? No link to them. Anybody have a link?
No link?!?! After all these months? So, do these "documents" really exist or is this just more FAKE NEWS from the Trump media?

Now if any of these left wing bozos are ever held to account for their actions, I will be surprised. Any Republican caught doing the same thing would be hung out to dry.

You won't see Rs do anything. They're spineless.
makes Watergate look like the keystone cops .
watergate just talked about it.

obama did it. what is frustrating are all the people saying trump deserved it - RUSSIA so we had a reason...

great. then all trump needs to do when he eventually has to leave office is say CHINA or something and say this must be looked into and then take many shortcuts to allow it.

think the left would allow their tactics to be used in the same manner they use them?

Now if any of these left wing bozos are ever held to account for their actions, I will be surprised. Any Republican caught doing the same thing would be hung out to dry.
While I appreciate the summary by NYPost staff, I want to read for myself. How do they know what the documents say? No link to them.

Anybody have a link?

There have been many threads on the Jan 5th, 2017 meeting where maobama, biden and many others discussed going after Flynn. All have contained links, ya just have to keep up.


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