And the "Lie of the Year" goes to.............

Except they just named his statement as lie of the year? At some point you have to understand that your logic doesnt make sense. They cant both be in his pocket and do whatever he says AND call his statement lie of the year and both are true.

Both cant be true even in your mind..

Ill try to keep this simple. The issue politifact had was this lie was so obvious and so complete that they couldn't spin it, as hard as they tried to (and they did). Nycarb is buying into the spin to protect his Obamabuddy.

Politifact tries to keep up the sheen of impartiaility, but like most of the MSM, they are Obama fans, both personally of him, and of his policies. They do thier best to clean up the messes left by democratic policies, but on this one, even they realized there was not spin possible.

It was not a complete lie as you have already admitted.

Obama said all Americans could keep their plans if they wanted to. That was not completely true.

It was mostly true, because the statement was true for most Americans.

If Politifact had only true or false categories, the President's statement would be false. But politifact has 6 categories,

and one is 'mostly true'. That is the one that applies to the president's statement.

Did you also miss a month or so back where the Washington Post's Fact Checker awarded Obama 4 "Pinochio's" ? This is their highest rating for being a liar.

Obama?s pledge that ?no one will take away? your health plan

Want to have some credibility on this board ?
Then stop trying to defend Obama on this issue.
A statement that is at least 90% true can hardly be the lie of the year.

To most Americans, by far, the statement was true.

Only because they were not affected by the law...people like least so far...a lot of fine print and glitches yet to come.

You're retarded.

How do you measure a lie? But how much of a lie it is? By how much it will effect people's lives?

Obama's lie will cost billions, Obama's lie will destroy millions of lives... But I guess that would be a "lessor" lie than say compared to Jake claiming to be a mainstream Republican, witch is a total and absolute lie.

And lets face it, your 90% comment is 100% made up. In 1-5 years that % could be closer to 35% keeping their HC, but you have no idea as you simply believed a lie and continue to do so rather than understand why it's a lie in the first place. You job, yes job, seems to be to play PR rather than hold Obama accountable, because you have no integrity.
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So what you're saying is that there is no such thing as lie or truth eh genius?

Nope, he lied. The evidence speaks for itself.

you just said it was an opinion tho silly head. See how your own waffling bullshit doesnt even make sense to you?

Yep, its an opinion, one that is hard to refute in honest open debate, unlike your style which is "blah blah blah, no he didnt, blah blah blah."

Or the nuanced crap Nycarb is trying to foist on the board.

In the end Obama lied. people were not able to keep plans that they liked.
Nope, he lied. The evidence speaks for itself.

you just said it was an opinion tho silly head. See how your own waffling bullshit doesnt even make sense to you?

Yep, its an opinion, one that is hard to refute in honest open debate, unlike your style which is "blah blah blah, no he didnt, blah blah blah."

Or the nuanced crap Nycarb is trying to foist on the board.

In the end Obama lied. people were not able to keep plans that they liked.

You lied saying everything here is an opinion idiot.

I simply said determining something as a lie is not an opinon because it can be proved and you, not realizing it because you're acting like a bull with a red cape waved in your face, said that I'm wrong.
Except they just named his statement as lie of the year? At some point you have to understand that your logic doesnt make sense. They cant both be in his pocket and do whatever he says AND call his statement lie of the year and both are true.

Both cant be true even in your mind..

Ill try to keep this simple. The issue politifact had was this lie was so obvious and so complete that they couldn't spin it, as hard as they tried to (and they did). Nycarb is buying into the spin to protect his Obamabuddy.

Politifact tries to keep up the sheen of impartiaility, but like most of the MSM, they are Obama fans, both personally of him, and of his policies. They do thier best to clean up the messes left by democratic policies, but on this one, even they realized there was not spin possible.

It was not a complete lie as you have already admitted.

Obama said all Americans could keep their plans if they wanted to. That was not completely true.

It was mostly true, because the statement was true for most Americans.

If Politifact had only true or false categories, the President's statement would be false. But politifact has 6 categories,

and one is 'mostly true'. That is the one that applies to the president's statement.

No, it was not mostly true. The fact us that the law itself insures that a significant portion of the market is going to have coverage that is not to the standards set otherwise the law would not be necessary. That was the entire point of instituting those standards. The fact that estates average around 51% of people on employer plans are going to lose their insurance when the rest of the mandate kicks in really shows how far you are reaching. when over one third of the nation does not get to keep their plan, the statement isn't even remotely true. Romney's lee was declared the lite of the year when even Politifact had to admit it was one hundred percent factual but they thought it was misleading. Here the statement is compleatly false. Obama, knowingly, stated that you would have the option to keep your insurance when the law did not make that possible.

93 million are going to lose their plans. A huge cry from your Winnie assertion that 90% are unaffected.

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you just said it was an opinion tho silly head. See how your own waffling bullshit doesnt even make sense to you?

Yep, its an opinion, one that is hard to refute in honest open debate, unlike your style which is "blah blah blah, no he didnt, blah blah blah."

Or the nuanced crap Nycarb is trying to foist on the board.

In the end Obama lied. people were not able to keep plans that they liked.

You lied saying everything here is an opinion idiot.

I simply said determining something as a lie is not an opinon because it can be proved and you, not realizing it because you're acting like a bull with a red cape waved in your face, said that I'm wrong.

I said no such thing, I said the opinions are opinions, and that facts are facts, you are just to much of a dullard to grasp the concept.

Here is an exercise.

Can we both agree that Obama specifically said "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"

Can we both agree that people have lost thier plans due to them being non Obamacare compliant.

At this point is it your OPINION that Obama didnt lie, because of X,Y,Z?

It is my OPINION that Obama lied because what he said would happen didnt happen, people lost plans that they liked.
Yep, its an opinion, one that is hard to refute in honest open debate, unlike your style which is "blah blah blah, no he didnt, blah blah blah."

Or the nuanced crap Nycarb is trying to foist on the board.

In the end Obama lied. people were not able to keep plans that they liked.

You lied saying everything here is an opinion idiot.

I simply said determining something as a lie is not an opinon because it can be proved and you, not realizing it because you're acting like a bull with a red cape waved in your face, said that I'm wrong.

I said no such thing, I said the opinions are opinions, and that facts are facts, you are just to much of a dullard to grasp the concept.

Here is an exercise.

Can we both agree that Obama specifically said "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"

Can we both agree that people have lost thier plans due to them being non Obamacare compliant.

At this point is it your OPINION that Obama didnt lie, because of X,Y,Z?

It is my OPINION that Obama lied because what he said would happen didnt happen, people lost plans that they liked.

You said nothing of the sort.

Obama did lie because he had to know that someone would lose their plan and that lost plan will be replaced with another plan.

So while Obama lied so are his opponents who are deceptivley leaving out that the lost plan will be replaced with another plan. Where they make it sound like someone is getting kicked out of a car on a deserted dirt road
You lied saying everything here is an opinion idiot.

I simply said determining something as a lie is not an opinon because it can be proved and you, not realizing it because you're acting like a bull with a red cape waved in your face, said that I'm wrong.

I said no such thing, I said the opinions are opinions, and that facts are facts, you are just to much of a dullard to grasp the concept.

Here is an exercise.

Can we both agree that Obama specifically said "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"

Can we both agree that people have lost thier plans due to them being non Obamacare compliant.

At this point is it your OPINION that Obama didnt lie, because of X,Y,Z?

It is my OPINION that Obama lied because what he said would happen didnt happen, people lost plans that they liked.

You said nothing of the sort.

Obama did lie because he had to know that someone would lose their plan and that lost plan will be replaced with another plan.

So while Obama lied so are his opponents who are deceptivley leaving out that the lost plan will be replaced with another plan. Where they make it sound like someone is getting kicked out of a car on a deserted dirt road

"If you like your plan, we'll cancel it and stick you with one with higher premiums and less coverage. Period."
You lied saying everything here is an opinion idiot.

I simply said determining something as a lie is not an opinon because it can be proved and you, not realizing it because you're acting like a bull with a red cape waved in your face, said that I'm wrong.

I said no such thing, I said the opinions are opinions, and that facts are facts, you are just to much of a dullard to grasp the concept.

Here is an exercise.

Can we both agree that Obama specifically said "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"

Can we both agree that people have lost thier plans due to them being non Obamacare compliant.

At this point is it your OPINION that Obama didnt lie, because of X,Y,Z?

It is my OPINION that Obama lied because what he said would happen didnt happen, people lost plans that they liked.

You said nothing of the sort.

Obama did lie because he had to know that someone would lose their plan and that lost plan will be replaced with another plan.

So while Obama lied so are his opponents who are deceptivley leaving out that the lost plan will be replaced with another plan. Where they make it sound like someone is getting kicked out of a car on a deserted dirt road

IF he meant that, he could have said that. He didnt say, if you like your plan, we will find you a plan just like it, but with different costs and benefits. He said simply if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, which was a lie.

When you have to further explain a statement, the original statement was not true.
And his opponents ARE pointing out people are getting replacement plans, ones with higher costs and less access, unles one qualifies for subsidies.

The kicked to the curb thing will happend when the websites cannot get everyone who lost thier plans onto the new ones before the old ones expire. Thats the NEXT scandal waiting in the wings, and democrats are ignoring it hoping it will go away.
A statement that is at least 90% true can hardly be the lie of the year.

To most Americans, by far, the statement was true.

I'm going to shoot you ten times.

And I promise that all ten bullets will NOT hit your heart.


Dodge this question:

Why does politifact have categories for statements that are partially true or false?
Nope, he lied. The evidence speaks for itself.

you just said it was an opinion tho silly head. See how your own waffling bullshit doesnt even make sense to you?

Yep, its an opinion, one that is hard to refute in honest open debate, unlike your style which is "blah blah blah, no he didnt, blah blah blah."

Or the nuanced crap Nycarb is trying to foist on the board.

In the end Obama lied. people were not able to keep plans that they liked.

You admitted that the president didn't lie to you when he said you could keep your plan.

Answer this question:

Why does politifact have categories for statements that are partially true? or mostly true?
Ill try to keep this simple. The issue politifact had was this lie was so obvious and so complete that they couldn't spin it, as hard as they tried to (and they did). Nycarb is buying into the spin to protect his Obamabuddy.

Politifact tries to keep up the sheen of impartiaility, but like most of the MSM, they are Obama fans, both personally of him, and of his policies. They do thier best to clean up the messes left by democratic policies, but on this one, even they realized there was not spin possible.

It was not a complete lie as you have already admitted.

Obama said all Americans could keep their plans if they wanted to. That was not completely true.

It was mostly true, because the statement was true for most Americans.

If Politifact had only true or false categories, the President's statement would be false. But politifact has 6 categories,

and one is 'mostly true'. That is the one that applies to the president's statement.

It was a lie, and all your prattering and attempted rationalization doesnt matter.

It was a lie that helped pass the law. If he had said, some people will lose thier plans, but be given new ones they dont want, that would be the truth.

he did not say that. he said if you liked it you can keep it. people cannot keep it, its a lie.


Again, tell everyone whether or not he lied to you when he told you that you could keep your plan.
It was not a complete lie as you have already admitted.

Obama said all Americans could keep their plans if they wanted to. That was not completely true.

It was mostly true, because the statement was true for most Americans.

If Politifact had only true or false categories, the President's statement would be false. But politifact has 6 categories,

and one is 'mostly true'. That is the one that applies to the president's statement.

It was a lie, and all your prattering and attempted rationalization doesnt matter.

It was a lie that helped pass the law. If he had said, some people will lose thier plans, but be given new ones they dont want, that would be the truth.

he did not say that. he said if you liked it you can keep it. people cannot keep it, its a lie.


Again, tell everyone whether or not he lied to you when he told you that you could keep your plan.

He made a statement to the american people as a whole, not just to me. He did not qualify that statement at the time, only later in an ex post facto attempt at damage control.

Your attempted spin is a lie in and of itself, by adding futher qualifiers that a person has to be directly affected by the lie to call it a lie.
you just said it was an opinion tho silly head. See how your own waffling bullshit doesnt even make sense to you?

Yep, its an opinion, one that is hard to refute in honest open debate, unlike your style which is "blah blah blah, no he didnt, blah blah blah."

Or the nuanced crap Nycarb is trying to foist on the board.

In the end Obama lied. people were not able to keep plans that they liked.

You admitted that the president didn't lie to you when he said you could keep your plan.

Answer this question:

Why does politifact have categories for statements that are partially true? or mostly true?

You are attempting to obsure the overall point that the president lied with semantics and nuance. It isnt working. he lied to the american people as a whole, you cannot attempt to compartmentalize it because the lie itself is politically troubling for you.

Ill try to keep this simple. The issue politifact had was this lie was so obvious and so complete that they couldn't spin it, as hard as they tried to (and they did). Nycarb is buying into the spin to protect his Obamabuddy.

Politifact tries to keep up the sheen of impartiaility, but like most of the MSM, they are Obama fans, both personally of him, and of his policies. They do thier best to clean up the messes left by democratic policies, but on this one, even they realized there was not spin possible.

It was not a complete lie as you have already admitted.

Obama said all Americans could keep their plans if they wanted to. That was not completely true.

It was mostly true, because the statement was true for most Americans.

If Politifact had only true or false categories, the President's statement would be false. But politifact has 6 categories,

and one is 'mostly true'. That is the one that applies to the president's statement.

It was a lie, and all your prattering and attempted rationalization doesnt matter.

It was a lie that helped pass the law. If he had said, some people will lose thier plans, but be given new ones they dont want, that would be the truth.

he did not say that. he said if you liked it you can keep it. people cannot keep it, its a lie.


no kidding, that was the worse kissing up spin I ever heard
but, they seem to feel that need to do it for him...cultish worship
and the sad part in this, he doesn't care that so FAR 5 or more million people have LOST their INSURANCE policies.................................... because of him
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That wasn't a lie...merely a campaign promise.

Are you serious?

""What we said was, ..." ... um, no, that's not what they said.

And which campaign are you talking about? Was it a campaign promise when it was said in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2013?

Was it a campaign promise when the White House underscored it in 2009 while announcing an email address that people could send reports to if someone dared to tell the truth about what was coming?

What campaign was [email protected] part of?

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