And the "Lie of the Year" goes to.............

Yuh, he misspoke.......... Forty-Seven (47) times.

[ame=]A Montage of Obama's "If You Like Your Plan Keep It" Lies - YouTube[/ame]

dimocraps are lying scumbags.

ALL of them

How about that lie on his feelings about Gay butt-ranger marriage?

Oh yeah, he 'evolved' :lmao:
Yep, its an opinion, one that is hard to refute in honest open debate, unlike your style which is "blah blah blah, no he didnt, blah blah blah."

Or the nuanced crap Nycarb is trying to foist on the board.

In the end Obama lied. people were not able to keep plans that they liked.

You admitted that the president didn't lie to you when he said you could keep your plan.

Answer this question:

Why does politifact have categories for statements that are partially true? or mostly true?

You are attempting to obsure the overall point that the president lied with semantics and nuance. It isnt working. he lied to the american people as a whole, you cannot attempt to compartmentalize it because the lie itself is politically troubling for you.


And you just lied by saying he lied to all Americans, because we know that what he said was true for 9 out of ten of them.

Let me repeat the question so you can cowardly dodge it again:

Why does politifact have categories for statements that are partially true? or mostly true?
You admitted that the president didn't lie to you when he said you could keep your plan.

Answer this question:

Why does politifact have categories for statements that are partially true? or mostly true?

You are attempting to obsure the overall point that the president lied with semantics and nuance. It isnt working. he lied to the american people as a whole, you cannot attempt to compartmentalize it because the lie itself is politically troubling for you.


And you just lied by saying he lied to all Americans, because we know that what he said was true for 9 out of ten of them.

Let me repeat the question so you can cowardly dodge it again:

Why does politifact have categories for statements that are partially true? or mostly true?

ZOMG -- the depths of disingenuity people will go to in order to make excuses for that man. That's cultish devotion.
You admitted that the president didn't lie to you when he said you could keep your plan.

Answer this question:

Why does politifact have categories for statements that are partially true? or mostly true?

You are attempting to obsure the overall point that the president lied with semantics and nuance. It isnt working. he lied to the american people as a whole, you cannot attempt to compartmentalize it because the lie itself is politically troubling for you.


And you just lied by saying he lied to all Americans, because we know that what he said was true for 9 out of ten of them.

Let me repeat the question so you can cowardly dodge it again:

Why does politifact have categories for statements that are partially true? or mostly true?

The far left will do anything to protect their messiah Obama.
You are attempting to obsure the overall point that the president lied with semantics and nuance. It isnt working. he lied to the american people as a whole, you cannot attempt to compartmentalize it because the lie itself is politically troubling for you.


And you just lied by saying he lied to all Americans, because we know that what he said was true for 9 out of ten of them.

Let me repeat the question so you can cowardly dodge it again:

Why does politifact have categories for statements that are partially true? or mostly true?

ZOMG -- the depths of disingenuity people will go to in order to make excuses for that man. That's cultish devotion.

It depends on what the meaning of is is.
It was a lie to some people, and the truth to most people.

So if Obama looked you in the eye and said, "I'm not going to shoot anyone, period", and then he shot you in the head, he was mostly telling the truth, eh?

The very reason he told that particular lie was to assure the very people who WOULD lose their insurance that they would not. He was lying to the very people he was talking about, about the very thing they were worried about happening.

You really don't have to warp your brain like that just to suck up to Obama. The sooner you come back to reality, the better off you will be.

A lie is a lie is a lie.
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And you just lied by saying he lied to all Americans, because we know that what he said was true for 9 out of ten of them.

Let me repeat the question so you can cowardly dodge it again:

Why does politifact have categories for statements that are partially true? or mostly true?

ZOMG -- the depths of disingenuity people will go to in order to make excuses for that man. That's cultish devotion.

It depends on what the meaning of is is.

No one has refuted anything I've said.
Here's better candidate for lie of the year:

Maine Gov. Paul LePage says 47 percent of able-bodied Maine residents aren't working

...turns out the real number is about 3.6%

Maine Gov. Paul LePage says 47 percent of able-bodied Maine residents aren't working | PolitiFact


Ummm, no, Obama's lie shook the very foundations of our country. The guy you cite had little if no impact.
The citizens of this country expect their leader to be honest, and to not blow smoke in their face. Obama knew what he was telling Americans was not true. He told them this in order to soothe their fears that their healthcare would be affected by his healthcare law.
He knew if he would have been truthful his healthcare law would have fallen apart.
Your credibility on this board is dwindling away.
You admitted that the president didn't lie to you when he said you could keep your plan.

Answer this question:

Why does politifact have categories for statements that are partially true? or mostly true?

You are attempting to obsure the overall point that the president lied with semantics and nuance. It isnt working. he lied to the american people as a whole, you cannot attempt to compartmentalize it because the lie itself is politically troubling for you.


And you just lied by saying he lied to all Americans, because we know that what he said was true for 9 out of ten of them.

Let me repeat the question so you can cowardly dodge it again:

Why does politifact have categories for statements that are partially true? or mostly true?

who the fuck cares about politifacts degrees of truthiness? The FACT is the president promised something, and that promise was broken. Its a LIE. He told ALL of America that if they liked their Insurance, they could keep it. When it turned out to be not true, he tried to qualify his statement YEARS after he started making it.

You are arguing semantics because you cant counter the simple truth, he lied.
ZOMG -- the depths of disingenuity people will go to in order to make excuses for that man. That's cultish devotion.

It depends on what the meaning of is is.

No one has refuted anything I've said.

There is nothing to refute. you are trying to put up a smoke screen to avoid answering to the simple truth that the president lied to assure people that Obamacare would not take away their insurance, and Obamacare took away their insurance.
It depends on what the meaning of is is.

No one has refuted anything I've said.

There is nothing to refute. you are trying to put up a smoke screen to avoid answering to the simple truth that the president lied to assure people that Obamacare would not take away their insurance, and Obamacare took away their insurance.

He lied and also his administration and Senate Dems intimidated people who tried to tell the truth. A travesty. A mockery of the name "Democrat".
Here's better candidate for lie of the year:

Maine Gov. Paul LePage says 47 percent of able-bodied Maine residents aren't working

...turns out the real number is about 3.6%

Maine Gov. Paul LePage says 47 percent of able-bodied Maine residents aren't working | PolitiFact


His lie didn't get people to support a crappy law that does things people promised it wouldn't do.
Well he'd be the first person ever to make up a statistic on the spot.
[ame=]Democratic Congresswoman: Sequester Could Cause 'Over 170 Million Jobs' To Be Lost - YouTube[/ame]
That wasn't a lie...merely a campaign promise.

It wasn't a lie, to liberals, he just didn't know what he was talking about, as we always have said.

He knew what he was talking about, but when you have a president who doesn't want to work for a living you expect this sort of thing. He figures lying is easier than telling the truth. As long as Obama is president nothing is going to get done. This budget they're voting on today is just Congress throwing up their hands in disgust and hoping for better in the future. They can't expect anything better from this layabout president.
Obama is thoroughly dishonest.

The majority of Americans have now seen it. Finally.

This is good.

The Obama admin really shouldn't have burned the AP that way. Big mistake on their part.

It won't matter. Trust me, it just won't matter to the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

The reporters don't make the call on what gets published and what doesn't. A reporter can submit an article that blasts the Stuttering Clusterfuck three ways from Sunday and by the time his Editor gets done with it....? It will be just another fawning article about how the Stuttering Clusterfcuk is such a messiah.

the LSM will NEVER desert the dimocrap party. Never. The only time they might look lioke they're being fair is when the dimocraps have no chance to win. But if it's close, if the LSM can swing an election through fraud and dishonesty (like fatass Candy Crowley did in the 2nd debate)

They'll do it. Every time.

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