And They Just Keep On Dropping Like Flies On A Window Sill...

Msm you mean covid will kill us all? Brought to you by $pfizer.
No. I mean you people are tweaked. This is yet another example of a Trumpster circle jerk where you crank up some ridiculous conspiracy theory and just chant it over and over again until you believe it. Your echo chamber is every bit as toxic as the leftist propaganda you pretend to oppose. Every bit as stupid and detached from reality.

Turn of the TV, stop listening to partisan fear mongering and think for yourselves. It's not as painful as you're imagining.
No. I mean you people are tweaked. This is yet another example of a Trumpster circle jerk where you crank up some ridiculous conspiracy theory and just chant it over and over again until you believe it. Your echo chamber is every bit as toxic as the leftist propaganda you pretend to oppose. Every bit as stupid and detached from reality.

Turn of the TV, stop listening to partisan fear mongering and think for yourselves. It's not as painful as you're imagining.

"conspiracy theory"

What you call a "conspiracy theory" is now called "spoiler alert".
"asthma attack"

I think a lot of people are. Trump should be scared shitless right now.
Actually Trump just got the regulations out of the way to get the vaccine pushed through. Biden tried to take credit for doing it and making it mandatory for everyone.
In part yes. Trump did give them a shitload of our tax money to fast track the vaccine against Fauci's recommendation.

Do you really think Trump is going to take someone attacking his vaccine sitting down?

Fuck no. I predict DeSantis is going to use it against Trump but not sure it will work. Trump supporters tend not to hold Trump accountable for anything. It will be interesting though.

Get your popcorn ready!
Under Trump you chose whether to get the vaccine. Biden wanted to mandate it on all Americans. You loons wished death on anyone that didn't get it.

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