And Tim Tebow Was Bad For The Game?

my problem with Tebow is how he trivialized his own Deity.

Seriously, you have God who ignores famines and plagues and thousands dying of Ebola and AIDS and God knows what else, but man, he's totally invested in how a football game turns out?

Who would worship such a being. Frankly, I don't live in fear or the God of the Two Point Conversion.
Dude God doesn't ignore anything The absence of God causing what you blame him for.

Oh, I agree, the "absence" of God is the problem. He's been totally absent from human history because he's a made up Sky Fairy.

I just pointed out the silliness of people who think that God was out there making sure Tebow won football games, but he obviously can't be bothered to stop the famine in Somalia.

People actually had to take care of that problem.
my problem with Tebow is how he trivialized his own Deity.

Seriously, you have God who ignores famines and plagues and thousands dying of Ebola and AIDS and God knows what else, but man, he's totally invested in how a football game turns out?

Who would worship such a being. Frankly, I don't live in fear or the God of the Two Point Conversion.
Dude God doesn't ignore anything The absence of God causing what you blame him for.

Oh, I agree, the "absence" of God is the problem. He's been totally absent from human history because he's a made up Sky Fairy.

I just pointed out the silliness of people who think that God was out there making sure Tebow won football games, but he obviously can't be bothered to stop the famine in Somalia.

People actually had to take care of that problem.
No Joe there is to much goodness in the world for their to be no God. It's when man takes God out of the equation that's when all the bad things start to happen.
No Joe there is to much goodness in the world for their to be no God. It's when man takes God out of the equation that's when all the bad things start to happen.

We have goodness DESPITE religion, not because of it.

Religion causes things like Crusades, Jihads, Holy Wars, Burning of Witches, Torture of Heretics, boning Altar Boys up the ass. That's what religion gives you. A bunch of scammers convincing you to do evil shit because their imaginary friend in the sky will do thing to you if you don't.
There are plenty of very religious athletes in the NFL. I have always had a great deal of respect for Shaun Alexander (former NFLer). He and his wife are deeply religious. They saved themselves for marriage and have done some profound good through their charity work. The difference is the amount of "Look at me! I'm a Christian" nonsense.
There are plenty of very religious athletes in the NFL. I have always had a great deal of respect for Shaun Alexander (former NFLer). He and his wife are deeply religious. They saved themselves for marriage and have done some profound good through their charity work. The difference is the amount of "Look at me! I'm a Christian" nonsense.
Kurt Warner, Reggie White....just as religious as Tebow, yet the NFL found room for them
Has to do with talent
Bad quarterbacks are bad for the game

Tebow was good for the game. The talk and the hype he provided got ratings up, got fans interested, and talking about a game.

Right now, the fans are talking football but it is not good publicity they are talking about, it makes them less likely to watch.

You are right though, Tebow was not a good pro quarterback, he was a very good college quarterback.
He was terrible.

3rd or 4th from Last at qb rating.

Had a STACKED team and was barely able to be the below .500 non playoff making teams which were his "win streak," almost all the games came to the last seconds and 100% of the teams missed the playoffs.

His team did beat Pittsburgh on the road in the playoffs. He was not a good pro QB, he was an excellent college QB, sometimes college doesn't translate well in the pros.
I'd rather debate over Tebow's skills or lack there of as a quarterback than finding out which player has produced the most damage on one of his own family members.

I'll take a player praying to his God over player beating the hell out of his spouse or kid.

Seems like some here are more disgusted by Tebow than by an abuser.

Why put it at as "either-or" choice?

I don't want them beating their spouses.

I don't want them trying to push their backward-ass Bronze Age superstitions on the rest of us.

Not sure how Tebow pushed his religion, however the OP framed it either or and I responded that I'd rather watch a couple 5 second prayers after a touchdown, than reading the continuous list and stories about NFL domestic violence.

What about you, Tebow or the domestic violence?

I see religion and Domestic Violence being equally bad.

Interesting view, I bet the women and children would rather see a prayer after a touchdown than them getting beaten after a game.
I don't care if you Lefties howl about this piece. Rush hits the nail on the head with this. A man who openly showed his faith and lives a good and decent life caused an uproar. Yet, we have a bunch of thugs hitting women and beating their children and the apologists come out in droves claiming they don't deserve punishment. “They need help.”

Read more – and Lefties grind your teeth - @ And Tim Tebow was Bad for the Game - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Sourcing The Rush Limbaugh Show?


No Joe there is to much goodness in the world for their to be no God. It's when man takes God out of the equation that's when all the bad things start to happen.

We have goodness DESPITE religion, not because of it.

Religion causes things like Crusades, Jihads, Holy Wars, Burning of Witches, Torture of Heretics, boning Altar Boys up the ass. That's what religion gives you. A bunch of scammers convincing you to do evil shit because their imaginary friend in the sky will do thing to you if you don't.
When was the last timne a Christian did any of that?
And fucking remember Christians don't do Jihad, Muslim's do that nor will a Christian act like anything but a Christian. And if you have any fucking doubts what a Christian is read the Bible New Testament
Just because a priest calls himself a christian does not make him a fucking christian.
No Joe there is to much goodness in the world for their to be no God. It's when man takes God out of the equation that's when all the bad things start to happen.

We have goodness DESPITE religion, not because of it.

Religion causes things like Crusades, Jihads, Holy Wars, Burning of Witches, Torture of Heretics, boning Altar Boys up the ass. That's what religion gives you. A bunch of scammers convincing you to do evil shit because their imaginary friend in the sky will do thing to you if you don't.
When was the last timne a Christian did any of that?
And fucking remember Christians don't do Jihad, Muslim's do that nor will a Christian act like anything but a Christian. And if you have any fucking doubts what a Christian is read the Bible New Testament
Just because a priest calls himself a christian does not make him a fucking christian.

It is an interesting dodge. Someone does something in the name of christianity, and you deny that they are christian because they don't act like it. lol I guess that means you can hold any muslim responsible for jihadists, but you don't have to accept any responsibility or kinship with the like of Westboro Baptist or their like.
It wouldn't surprise me that after tomorrow's game in Seattle that many Denver fans will say that Manning is all washed up and start bellyaching for a replacement...some will even bring up the dreaded name of the TEEEEEBBBOOOWWWWWW... :lol:
No Joe there is to much goodness in the world for their to be no God. It's when man takes God out of the equation that's when all the bad things start to happen.

We have goodness DESPITE religion, not because of it.

Religion causes things like Crusades, Jihads, Holy Wars, Burning of Witches, Torture of Heretics, boning Altar Boys up the ass. That's what religion gives you. A bunch of scammers convincing you to do evil shit because their imaginary friend in the sky will do thing to you if you don't.
When was the last timne a Christian did any of that?
And fucking remember Christians don't do Jihad, Muslim's do that nor will a Christian act like anything but a Christian. And if you have any fucking doubts what a Christian is read the Bible New Testament
Just because a priest calls himself a christian does not make him a fucking christian.

It is an interesting dodge. Someone does something in the name of christianity, and you deny that they are christian because they don't act like it. lol I guess that means you can hold any muslim responsible for jihadists, but you don't have to accept any responsibility or kinship with the like of Westboro Baptist or their like.
What fucking dodge? I'm not a christian so I can explain it to you in words you might fucking understand
Christian will not say it they aren't even thinking it.
Christians don't hate speak hateful things, hell they'er eve praying for your sorry fucking ass
Pray for those who spitefully use you
Love your enemies
Forgive 70 times 7
Turn the other cheek
Those are some of the fucking things Christians will be seen doing
Not what the anti Christians bashers accuse them of fucking doing.
And yes not everybody who claims to be a Christian is a Christian
So dumb ass there was no dodge.
Look guys, in one sense what matters is that Christian is saying those who do evil things are not part of his religion. He is disowning the evil doers not wanting any association with them. So in one sense we all agree on who is evil.

It would be good to get a "yeah, people do ridiculous things in the name of God, Allah, or Zeus thinking they are good Christians or religious folks". There is a danger in group think.
When was the last timne a Christian did any of that?
And fucking remember Christians don't do Jihad, Muslim's do that nor will a Christian act like anything but a Christian. And if you have any fucking doubts what a Christian is read the Bible New Testament
Just because a priest calls himself a christian does not make him a fucking christian.

Ah, the No True Scotsman fallacy again.

If he's ordained by his Church, he's a preist. When the Church engages in a multi-year cover-up to hide their priests from law enforcement, including paying hush money and forcing non-disclosure agreements, then it's the religion, not the individual who is responsible.

I've seen what "Christians" act like. It's not a pretty site. First chance I had to bolt from the religious, I took it, and never looked back.
When was the last timne a Christian did any of that?
And fucking remember Christians don't do Jihad, Muslim's do that nor will a Christian act like anything but a Christian. And if you have any fucking doubts what a Christian is read the Bible New Testament
Just because a priest calls himself a christian does not make him a fucking christian.

Ah, the No True Scotsman fallacy again.

If he's ordained by his Church, he's a preist. When the Church engages in a multi-year cover-up to hide their priests from law enforcement, including paying hush money and forcing non-disclosure agreements, then it's the religion, not the individual who is responsible.

I've seen what "Christians" act like. It's not a pretty site. First chance I had to bolt from the religious, I took it, and never looked back.
From my earlier post
I'm not a christian so I can explain it to you in words you might fucking understand
Christian will not say it they aren't even thinking it.
Christians don't hate speak hateful things, hell they'er eve praying for your sorry fucking ass
Pray for those who spitefully use you
Love your enemies
Forgive 70 times 7
Turn the other cheek
Those are some of the fucking things Christians will be seen doing
Not what the anti Christians bashers accuse them of fucking doing.
And yes not everybody who claims to be a Christian is a Christian

Interesting view, I bet the women and children would rather see a prayer after a touchdown than them getting beaten after a game.

And I'm sure there are altar boys who would have liked not being abused by Catholic Priests.

AND there are probably some that liked it.

If any of them went back for seconds I have my doubts if there wasn't some two way homo action going down. Then after they end up fucked up morons later in life they can blame an easy target like a priest.

You might not be able to remove yourself from a family environment but you don't HAVE to go back to the same church.

Interesting view, I bet the women and children would rather see a prayer after a touchdown than them getting beaten after a game.

And I'm sure there are altar boys who would have liked not being abused by Catholic Priests.

Can you name all the religious NFL players that abused altar boys? Otherwise, you are way off the subject of Tebow, NFL players that abuse women and children.
When was the last timne a Christian did any of that?
And fucking remember Christians don't do Jihad, Muslim's do that nor will a Christian act like anything but a Christian. And if you have any fucking doubts what a Christian is read the Bible New Testament
Just because a priest calls himself a christian does not make him a fucking christian.

Ah, the No True Scotsman fallacy again.

If he's ordained by his Church, he's a preist. When the Church engages in a multi-year cover-up to hide their priests from law enforcement, including paying hush money and forcing non-disclosure agreements, then it's the religion, not the individual who is responsible.

I've seen what "Christians" act like. It's not a pretty site. First chance I had to bolt from the religious, I took it, and never looked back.

I agree with your view of the Catholic Church and the cover up. I don't think any loving God approved of what the Priest or The Catholic Church did.

Just because people call themselves religious or Christian, it doesn't mean they are.

Many Christians are fake, but many more are kind and loving, but just like you, none of them are perfect.

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