And to think that left continues to demand MORE government

Your ignorance of the subject matter you insist on discussing is astounding...
“I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th,” he said. “By August, I was a communist.
And this is from CNN, ignoramus...

Van Jones, Obama's Green Czar - admitted communist
Just another big, right wing lie.
Yeah...CNN loves those “right-wing lies”. :lmao:

Snowflake...I have personally seen Van Jones tell this story. There is no “lie” about it, you desperate hack.
When challenged with the facts......double down on the lie
Right? But that’s what you left-wing idiots do. Billo especially. I mean, I provided a link from one of your favorite left-wing sources.
Good comeback...

I know you are but what am I?
I wonder how the solutions for the poor have played out in history? Apparently we have always had the poor with us and various attempts have been made to solve people from going hungry. England had passed poor laws and then we broke from England, and the states picked up the problem with their poor farms. No one seems to have found a solution except to add a morality to the problem: if they don't work they don't eat. That certainly relieved some guilt but didn't answer the question of "no work available".
FDR attempted to solve that problem with making work available by rebuilding parts of America.
Anyone have a better solution? We can sort of count on the poor always being with us.

This is true, there will always be the poor, and that's something you can never fix. However there are ways to reduce poverty, and those ways all depend on where you live and what your opportunities are.

America is the land of opportunity. That's why we have (what some estimate) 20 million illegals here, and those are not counting people from other countries who are here legally. One of the main reasons for coming here is because we have opportunity that their countries don't.

I believe it was George Soros who said if you were born in the US, you already started on second base. It's one of his few beliefs I agree with.

So the way to address poverty is to ask questions and provide answers:

What is poverty?
Poverty is the situation of not having enough (or no) money.

What causes poverty?
Poverty is caused by not bringing home a paycheck, spending money you don't have, living beyond your means, staying on social programs, having children you can't afford to raise, borrowing money you don't absolutely have to have, or possibly addiction problems.

So what is the solution to poverty?
The solution to poverty is money.

How does one obtain this money?
Getting a job, and not restricting yourself to just 40 hours a week. If you are younger, work as many hours as you can, save every dime you can, and that's the first step out of poverty.
lol. according to some Persons of morals, all we really needed was Ten simple Commandments from a God; not the tax burden and cost of Government.
Government is what makes us a civilized society
I wonder how the solutions for the poor have played out in history? Apparently we have always had the poor with us and various attempts have been made to solve people from going hungry. England had passed poor laws and then we broke from England, and the states picked up the problem with their poor farms. No one seems to have found a solution except to add a morality to the problem: if they don't work they don't eat. That certainly relieved some guilt but didn't answer the question of "no work available".
FDR attempted to solve that problem with making work available by rebuilding parts of America.
Anyone have a better solution? We can sort of count on the poor always being with us.

This is true, there will always be the poor, and that's something you can never fix. However there are ways to reduce poverty, and those ways all depend on where you live and what your opportunities are.

America is the land of opportunity. That's why we have (what some estimate) 20 million illegals here, and those are not counting people from other countries who are here legally. One of the main reasons for coming here is because we have opportunity that their countries don't.

I believe it was George Soros who said if you were born in the US, you already started on second base. It's one of his few beliefs I agree with.

So the way to address poverty is to ask questions and provide answers:

What is poverty?
Poverty is the situation of not having enough (or no) money.

What causes poverty?
Poverty is caused by not bringing home a paycheck, spending money you don't have, living beyond your means, staying on social programs, having children you can't afford to raise, borrowing money you don't absolutely have to have, or possibly addiction problems.

So what is the solution to poverty?
The solution to poverty is money.

How does one obtain this money?
Getting a job, and not restricting yourself to just 40 hours a week. If you are younger, work as many hours as you can, save every dime you can, and that's the first step out of poverty.
lol. according to some Persons of morals, all we really needed was Ten simple Commandments from a God; not the tax burden and cost of Government.
Government is what makes us a civilized society
i agree that it should engender a more civilized society. but, that takes ethics; and the right wing is morally challenged, already.
Unimaginable and inexcusable ineptitude by our federal government.
An audit conducted by Ernst & Young found that the agency’s accounting procedures are so flawed that there is no reliable way to track how it uses its $40 billion annual budget.
If a private organization was this inept, the left would take to the streets with violence. They would demand all kinds of “regulatory” reforms and legislation. And yet when it happens with tax payer dollars, all they do is shrug and insist that we need more government.

Major Pentagon agency can’t account for $800 million — but still may get a budget increase
Mean while your party is the one responsible for the ineptatude. It is the repugs in charge right now. Note how many democrats have seats. Also note that this ineptatude shows most when repugs are in! You got what you voted for!
Government is what makes us a civilized society
Yeah...that’s what Joseph Stalin told the people of Russia. That’s what Adolf Hitler told the people of Germany. That’s what Fidel Castro told the people of Cuba. That’s what Benito Mussolini told the people of Italy. You sure know how to keep good company, wrongwinger.

What makes us a “civilized society” is three things: morals based on biblical principles, rule of law, and constitutional government. In other words, all of the things the left vehemently rejects.
Mean while your party is the one responsible for the ineptatude.

Government is what makes us a civilized society
Yeah...that’s what Joseph Stalin told the people of Russia. That’s what Adolf Hitler told the people of Germany. That’s what Fidel Castro told the people of Cuba. That’s what Benito Mussolini told the people of Italy. You sure know how to keep good company, wrongwinger.

What makes us a “civilized society” is three things: morals based on biblical principles, rule of law, and constitutional government. In other words, all of the things the left vehemently rejects.
Except we are not Joe Stalin

Government allows us to function as a society instead of a bunch of individuals concerned with their own interests
Your own quote ADMITS he’s a communist! :lmao:

“For many years”? Seriously? I have never expressed support for communism. Van Jones just hasn’t done it “in many years”. :laugh:
You're acting like he is a communist. Like everything you do, you take things out of context and attempt to misdirect the conversation.

Whatever Jones is, he is not worse than Pruitt and Mnuchin. He is not worse than a President who demands loyalty to his crown over loyalty to the country.
Snowflake...I have personally seen Van Jones tell this story. There is no “lie” about it

the motto of the leftard

living is easy with eyes closed

misunderstanding all you see
There is no misunderstanding how worse Pruitt and Mnuchin are for this country, something you people refuse to see.
Oh....and now on to John Brennan being a self-admitted communist (just so we can all watch you dance to deny this one as well)!

Polygraph panic: CIA director fretted his vote for communist - CNNPolitics

John Brennan Voted Communist in 1976, Then Entered CIA in 1980 | Washington's Blog

Now tell us all how this isn’t John Brennan and that CNN is “right-wing”. :laugh:
So what. I voted for Reagan, that doesn't mean I'm a republican. Also, from your own link...

"I'm not a member of the Communist Party"

Now, tell me how Pruitt and Mnuchin are not worse for this country than they were.
Your own quote ADMITS he’s a communist! :lmao:

“For many years”? Seriously? I have never expressed support for communism. Van Jones just hasn’t done it “in many years”. :laugh:
You're acting like he is a communist.
Because...what....he denounced communism? Really? When did that happen? Every time you get owned with facts you stretch to absurd lengths to backtrack. Van Jones is a self-admitted communist. As is John Brennan. Period.
Small government = Abortion, a lack of a military, legalized drugs, a lack of police, and a lack of border control.
We have the largest, most powerful government in the world and we have all of that now. SSE once again proving the stereotype of the dumb polack. :laugh:

I'm clearly pointing out that a lot of Conservatives are in fact not even for small government.

You're so dumb, British Southerner Yokels are the trash heap of White people.
Because...what....he denounced communism? Really? When did that happen? Every time you get owned with facts you stretch to absurd lengths to backtrack. Van Jones is a self-admitted communist. As is John Brennan. Period.
Neither of them are communists. I've already explained this. And just like the troll pussy that you are, you can't answer direct questions.

Now Pruitt and Mnuchin, what about them?

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