And.......We Now Have Today's News Cycle.....

There are several posts on Sanders supporters taking credit...try to keep up...or be honest

Sure............ let's be fucking real honest. Bernie Sanders campaign had nothing to do before, presently or in the future with those protests. I just said this earlier.

There are a lot of people that would love to take Sanders supporters and make them more far out than they are.

We good?
Actually trump and Sanders share something in common. The certain knowledge that the workingman has taken It on the chin with every trade agreement that's come down the pipe, while corporations and wallstreet have profited in amounts never before seen.

Yeah. That's great. Sanders is talking about making policy changes in a normal legislative manner. Trump is making empty populist calls and telling us that he'll make Apple build phones in America.

They are exactly similar.

If I thought it would work and that it was a simple issue, I'd be calling for protectionist tariffs on imports. It sounds great. But.....since CONSERVATIVE trade policies and deregulation forced jobs overseas in the first place....the matter has become very complicated. Our economy isn't an island and how other nations perform has direct and severe consequences on it. Trump does not understand this one bit. Bernie does.

Trump's clueless about Apple, just like Obama was when he asked Steve Jobs why Apple didn't build the IPhone here.

Jobs laughed in Obama's face, and knew just by asking that question that Obama was an idiot when it came to a product that needed to be made by the millions on a weekly basis.

China has factories where there are literally a quarter of a million people housed there and who work in shifts around the clock.
America has nothing close to this kind of productivity.


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