And Yet Another

Wes Goodman is not a Dem.

Neirher is the highest ranking political molester, PROVEN:

Dennis Hastert.

Not proven. He went to prison for violating banking laws.

He confessed, and left prison early:

Updated at 2:30 p.m. ET

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert admitted at his sentencing hearing Wednesday that he sexually abused more than one student when he was a teacher and wrestling coach in Illinois decades ago, and said he was "ashamed."

Hastert initially said he had "mistreated" athletes, NPR's David Schaper tweeted from the courtroom. He added: "What I did was wrong and I regret it."

David Schaper@davidschaperNPR

#DennisHastert says he is deeply ashamed to be standing here. I know I mistreated my athletes... What I did was wrong and I regret it" @NPR

Hastert, 74, was sentenced to 15 months in prison in the case involving hush money that prosecutors say was used to cover up alleged sexual abuse of a minor. In addition, according to The Associated Press, the sentence calls for "sex offender treatment, two years of supervised release after his time behind bars and a $250,000 fine that will go to a crime victims fund."

The longest-serving Republican speaker in U.S. history had faced up to five years in prison for the financial crimes.

In handing down the sentence, U.S. District Judge Thomas Durkin called Hastert a "serial child molester," according to multiple reporters in the courtroom. The former House speaker has been accused of abusing at least five teenage boys but hasn't been charged because the statute of limitations has expired.

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is suing Hastertfor not paying the full amount agreed upon between the two. He says Hastert paid $1.7 million out of $3.5 million in "compensation."

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert Admits To Sexual Abuse

What about Foley? He also likes young teenage boys, quite graphic in his uh, needs:

Former Florida Rep. Mark Foley sits behind Trump at rally

Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert was sentenced in federal court today to 15 months in prison and a $250,000 fine, in addition to two years of supervised release, on the condition that he get treatment as a sex offender.

Vitter, DeLay, Craig , Philip Giordano .....Giordano is a true pedophile, unlike Foley and Hastert. And Hastert's poor health probably helped him skip time inside.

So you went to all that trouble just to prove me right?

He was never even accused of molestation. Also, the statute of limitations had probably long since expired.

He CONFESSED. His victims remember. Still, with his health problems he is unlikely to force sex on young boys; Foley is in good shape however.
Obviously a link to even the Daily Kos is impossible.
We're fucking ourselves.

We should have seen it coming seeing that the democrats have always promoted sexual freedom and sex outside of marriage.
Trump is draining the swamp.
Trump has sexual assault allegations homself and has settled suits. So what swamp is being drained given thete is a swamp critter in charge?


The Trump Campaign Has Quietly Settled Millions in Lawsuits
. A USA Today report published in 2016 found that there had been 3,500 legal actions filed by and against Trump and his hundreds of businesses in federal and state courts, ranging from sexual harassment to contract violations to class-actions for misleading advertising, and settled at least 100 of them.

Trump was quite clear on tape, about what he did with women.
Orange Comrade is now saying the Billy Bush tape is a fake.

He is unraveling.
We're fucking ourselves.

We should have seen it coming seeing that the democrats have always promoted sexual freedom and sex outside of marriage.
Trump is draining the swamp.
Trump has sexual assault allegations homself and has settled suits. So what swamp is being drained given thete is a swamp critter in charge?


The Trump Campaign Has Quietly Settled Millions in Lawsuits
. A USA Today report published in 2016 found that there had been 3,500 legal actions filed by and against Trump and his hundreds of businesses in federal and state courts, ranging from sexual harassment to contract violations to class-actions for misleading advertising, and settled at least 100 of them.

Trump was quite clear on tape, about what he did with women.

Another stupid reference with hardly any names named! Vanity Fair is such a giant in the world of journalism, how can we possibly doubt an article that contained fewer facts than a typical Tweet of 140 characters. I guess their sources wanted to remain anonymous so Trump could not sue their asses!

Why do you embarrass yourself with shitty sources like this? Are you dead set on showing yourselves to be the biggest dumb asses on the planet?

BTW, to avoid plagiarism, you should quote the information exactly and put the proper punctuation marks to indicate it is a quote and not your writing. You are a mod. You should know this.
We're fucking ourselves.

We should have seen it coming seeing that the democrats have always promoted sexual freedom and sex outside of marriage.
Trump is draining the swamp.
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown is the swamp. Look at who he is endorsing in Alabama. Look at all the pussies he has grabbed. Look at all the legislative successes the GOP has had with his leadership. LOL
Tell us the names of documented women who have had their pussies grabbed by Trump. Should be easy.
The Pussy Grabber in Chief will not come out of this unscathed. Not only that, his, and the local GOP's support for Moore is going to brand the GOP as the party of Groping Old Perverts in 2018.
We're fucking ourselves.

We should have seen it coming seeing that the democrats have always promoted sexual freedom and sex outside of marriage.
Trump is draining the swamp.
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown is the swamp. Look at who he is endorsing in Alabama. Look at all the pussies he has grabbed. Look at all the legislative successes the GOP has had with his leadership. LOL
Tell us the names of documented women who have had their pussies grabbed by Trump. Should be easy.
The growing list of women who have stepped forward to accuse Trump of touching them inappropriately
The growing list of women who have stepped forward to accuse Trump of touching them inappropriately

And that is from over a year ago. Almost certainly more since then.
No, the treasonous fat senile old orange clown has caused a whole can of worms to be exposed to sunlight. No longer will a job with power over others include the right to sexually harass women as a perk. A jerks like the clown that grab women by the pussies without explicate permission will face immediate legal response from the women. A long time coming, glad to see the this come to pass.
Temp has 3.5% growth. The brown turd shows a paltry 1.9 %.
No, the treasonous fat senile old orange clown has caused a whole can of worms to be exposed to sunlight. No longer will a job with power over others include the right to sexually harass women as a perk. A jerks like the clown that grab women by the pussies without explicate permission will face immediate legal response from the women. A long time coming, glad to see the this come to pass.
Trump has 3.5% growth. The brown turd showed a paltry 1.9 %.
No, the treasonous fat senile old orange clown has caused a whole can of worms to be exposed to sunlight. No longer will a job with power over others include the right to sexually harass women as a perk. A jerks like the clown that grab women by the pussies without explicate permission will face immediate legal response from the women. A long time coming, glad to see the this come to pass.
Temp has 3.5% growth. The brown turd shows a paltry 1.9 %.
Oh my, gotta change the subject, the other side just showed that I was a liar. LOL Silly ass, the thread is about sexual predation by men in power. And the most powerful man in the US is the Pussy Grabber in Chief, not economics. Start another thread if you wish to go there.
The Pussy Grabber in Chief will not come out of this unscathed.

We're fucking ourselves.

We should have seen it coming seeing that the democrats have always promoted sexual freedom and sex outside of marriage.
Trump is draining the swamp.
Trump has sexual assault allegations homself and has settled suits. So what swamp is being drained given thete is a swamp critter in charge?


The Trump Campaign Has Quietly Settled Millions in Lawsuits
. A USA Today report published in 2016 found that there had been 3,500 legal actions filed by and against Trump and his hundreds of businesses in federal and state courts, ranging from sexual harassment to contract violations to class-actions for misleading advertising, and settled at least 100 of them.

Trump was quite clear on tape, about what he did with women.
Fake news reporting. The media has been lying about Trump since day 1 in order to remove him from office.
The Pussy Grabber in Chief will not come out of this unscathed. Not only that, his, and the local GOP's support for Moore is going to brand the GOP as the party of Groping Old Perverts in 2018.
With 15 democrat liberal's already accused, the GOP is hardly the groping party of perverts.
No, the treasonous fat senile old orange clown has caused a whole can of worms to be exposed to sunlight. No longer will a job with power over others include the right to sexually harass women as a perk. A jerks like the clown that grab women by the pussies without explicate permission will face immediate legal response from the women. A long time coming, glad to see the this come to pass.
Temp has 3.5% growth. The brown turd shows a paltry 1.9 %.
Oh my, gotta change the subject, the other side just showed that I was a liar. LOL Silly ass, the thread is about sexual predation by men in power. And the most powerful man in the US is the Pussy Grabber in Chief, not economics. Start another thread if you wish to go there.
I was responding to your "orange clown" racist remark in kind by dubbing the former President with his new nickname.: the Brown Turd. Do you like it? Pretty clever. Maybe not as much as your original nickname.
History repeats itself.

This is a 21st Century Reign of Terror.

Instead of beheading people, their careers are figuratively removed...along with their balls.
1593 Salem.
Except I think only a small minority are innocent. But fire is being yelled to the point nobody cares.

You are off by 100 years. No one settled there at Plymouth until 1620.
1620 -1593 = 27 < 100


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