Anderson Pooper apologizes for saying, "If he (Trump) took a dump on his desk, you would defend it"

It really doesn't matter at this point.

A media with an obvious political agenda is not good for a democratic republic.

Okay but what can be done about it? Our so called free press is intentionally trying to deceive the American people that's serious stuff.
It really doesn't matter at this point. A media with an obvious political agenda is not good for a democratic republic.
Okay but what can be done about it? Our so called free press is intentionally trying to deceive the American people that's serious stuff.
I don't see a resolution or improvement, not with the zillions of "news" media sources spawned by the internet.
Was this a microaggression by Anderson Pooper against people with IBS?

What a deplorable Trump's desk, no less.
Q: If a Republican had said that about 0bama, how long would it take before the press's screaming about it, feigned outrage, and demands for the Republican's impeachment and jailing, dies away?

Round your answer off to the nearest year.
Anderson Cooper 'genuinely sorry' for 'crude' remark directed at Jeffrey Lord

CNN is in full flameout.

Maybe Donna Brazile should NOT have given debate questions to the DNC for Hillary and COMPLETELY SHATTERED ANY JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY CNN MAY HAVE HAD LEFT.

CNN is a GD joke.

But it wasn't crude when the pussy grabber said the same thing?

Anderson should not have lowered himself to trump's level but it was trump who said he could shoot someone and the RWNJ Pootarian traitors would still vote for him.

Dumb ass OP -- Love that photo of those three --- The professional quitter, the pedo poacher who sat in his own shit rather than fight for his country and the most embarrassing "prez" in history - also a lying draft dodger, rapist who brags that he gets away with being serial sexual predator, posed under the painting of possibly the most successful and accomplished American woman in US history. Thanks very much for showing that incredible contrast.
Q: If a Republican had said that about 0bama, how long would it take before the press's screaming about it, feigned outrage, and demands for the Republican's impeachment and jailing, dies away?

Round your answer off to the nearest year.

You're kidding, right?

You assholes have said far far worse about President Obama.
Funny, Anderson would apologize for something that is true.

Republicans never apologized for Iraq.

Republicans never apologized for birtherism and racism.

Republicans never apologized for the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts for the rich.

Republicans never apologized for passing a bill that would screw over millions out of healthcare.

Republicans never apologized for protecting BP after the Gulf Oil Spill.

Republicans never apologized for electing a Russian Poodle into office.

Republicans never apologized for giving crazies guns after Sandyhook.

Republicans never apologized for letting Bin Laden go.

And yet Anderson apologized for something we all know to be true.
Anderson butt licker can go straight to hell eye rolling all the way baby!
Desperately low ratings require desperate measures.

With all due respect to Anderson, he doesn't come off as a roughneck who uses that kind of language, being a Vanderbilt and all. It's best he sticks to his style, at least it had been in the past fairly honest journalism.
Funny, Anderson would apologize for something that is true.

Republicans never apologized for Iraq.

Republicans never apologized for birtherism and racism.

Republicans never apologized for the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts for the rich.

Republicans never apologized for passing a bill that would screw over millions out of healthcare.

Republicans never apologized for protecting BP after the Gulf Oil Spill.

Republicans never apologized for electing a Russian Poodle into office.

Republicans never apologized for giving crazies guns after Sandyhook.

Republicans never apologized for letting Bin Laden go.

And yet Anderson apologized for something we all know to be true.

Republicans never apologized for Iraq.

They invaded Kuwait, nothing to apologize for

Republicans never apologized for birtherism and racism.

Being born in America is a requirement to become president, what racisim , By the Northern liberals? Talk to them

Republicans never apologized for the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts for the rich.

Obama made over 85% of them permanent, nothing to apologize for, bush Jr was handed a min recession by Bill Clinton

Republicans never apologized for passing a bill that would screw over millions out of healthcare.

Obama never appogized for passing a bill that screwed millions out of health insurance

Republicans never apologized for protecting BP after the Gulf OilSpill.

How was it Republicans fault?

Republicans never apologized for electing a Russian Poodle intooffice.

Got proof?

Republicans never apologized for giving crazies guns afterSandyhook.

It's called the 2nd amendment

Republicans never apologized for letting Bin Laden go.

Bill Clinton never apologized for letting bin Laden's go

Hey, the Trumptards defended pussy groping, I can't imagine why they wouldn't come up with a defense for a desk dump.

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