Andrea Mitchell says affirmative action does NOT harm whites!!!!!

Stupid bimbo says more white kids are in college than ever before and that proves AA has not kept any white kids out of the college of their choice!!!!

Andrea Mitchell: "I don't know if there are cases" of whites hurt by affirmative action

aug 3 2017 Yesterday, we noted the leftā€™s freak-out over the news that the Justice Department will be investigating race-based discrimination in college and university admissions.

The freak-out was on full display on Andrea Mitchellā€™s MSNBC show yesterday. You knew the fix was in from Mitchellā€™s choice as guests of two critics of the initiative: the Washington Postā€˜s Jonathan Capehart, and Janai Nelson of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

The most outrageous moments came when Mitchell said: ā€œI donā€™t know if there are cases, evenā€ of white students being disadvantaged by minority students taking available slots. Responded Nelson:

ā€œThe premise that this is harming white students is wrong on at least two key fronts. There are more white students in college now than ever before. So to suggest that white students are somehow not getting the advantage of higher education is absolutely false.ā€

Shes right.
As long as there is competition for anything, any policy that favors one side or the other, the side not favored is hurt by the policy.

It's called LOGIC .... whether the harm is sufficient, or if it is justified, isn't the issue. It's merely whether or not white kids are harmed by a policy that favors their competitors. (Same thing happens when a veteran gets preference as a recognition of his/her service)

Whites have not been hurt by AA unless you call not having 100 percent of everything being hurt.
Our colleges are full of black athletes that are illiterate. And even many black non-athletes are illiterate. And thanks to affirmative action grading, they will graduate!!!
That's not most blacks, you idiot.
Many of the blacks in college these days are African immigrants, and they're the top acsdemic achievers in the nation....including Asians.

there are tasting even the

Why are African immigrants doing better than African Americans who by all means had a head start here?

Does this not prove that class is inherent?
They are doing better than the whites, the Asians, and every other ethnic group that had a head start here. So what's your problem? You're beginning to sound desperate.

The figure has changed in the first place.

In the 2009 study indeed over 43% of African immigrants, and over 42% for Asians held bachelors degrees or higher.

By 2015 it changed to 38% of African immigrants having bachelors degrees, and 54% of Asian Americans having bachelors degrees or higher.

Africans in America: Driving Black Immigrant Growth

More than Half of Asians in U.S. Have a Bachelorā€™s Degree or Higher
What is the white rate? Its not even close.
Stupid bimbo says more white kids are in college than ever before and that proves AA has not kept any white kids out of the college of their choice!!!!

Andrea Mitchell: "I don't know if there are cases" of whites hurt by affirmative action

aug 3 2017 Yesterday, we noted the leftā€™s freak-out over the news that the Justice Department will be investigating race-based discrimination in college and university admissions.

The freak-out was on full display on Andrea Mitchellā€™s MSNBC show yesterday. You knew the fix was in from Mitchellā€™s choice as guests of two critics of the initiative: the Washington Postā€˜s Jonathan Capehart, and Janai Nelson of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

The most outrageous moments came when Mitchell said: ā€œI donā€™t know if there are cases, evenā€ of white students being disadvantaged by minority students taking available slots. Responded Nelson:

ā€œThe premise that this is harming white students is wrong on at least two key fronts. There are more white students in college now than ever before. So to suggest that white students are somehow not getting the advantage of higher education is absolutely false.ā€

Shes right.
As long as there is competition for anything, any policy that favors one side or the other, the side not favored is hurt by the policy.

It's called LOGIC .... whether the harm is sufficient, or if it is justified, isn't the issue. It's merely whether or not white kids are harmed by a policy that favors their competitors. (Same thing happens when a veteran gets preference as a recognition of his/her service)
Aren't we all Americans?Don't we all pay taxes and serve the nation in various ways. Americans should not be seen as competing as groups against other Americans, that is especially true if we hold to the creed that all of us are equal and that we are all Americans.
Our colleges are full of black athletes that are illiterate. And even many black non-athletes are illiterate. And thanks to affirmative action grading, they will graduate!!!
That's not most blacks, you idiot.
Many of the blacks in college these days are African immigrants, and they're the top acsdemic achievers in the nation....including Asians.

there are tasting even the

Why are African immigrants doing better than African Americans who by all means had a head start here?

Does this not prove that class is inherent?
They are doing better than the whites, the Asians, and every other ethnic group that had a head start here. So what's your problem? You're beginning to sound desperate.

The figure has changed in the first place.

In the 2009 study indeed over 43% of African immigrants, and over 42% for Asians held bachelors degrees or higher.

By 2015 it changed to 38% of African immigrants having bachelors degrees, and 54% of Asian Americans having bachelors degrees or higher.

Africans in America: Driving Black Immigrant Growth

More than Half of Asians in U.S. Have a Bachelorā€™s Degree or Higher
What is the white rate? Its not even close.

Actually over 36% of non-Hispanic Whites had a bachelors degree or higher in 2015.

So, it is close.
Yeah bullshit.....ever hear those black football players speak?

The whites ones aren't exactly paragons of proper English.
I be gonna axe some to find out. Know wha um sayin'?

Who here writes in that vernacular?
Tigerred be one. Bitch be fluent.

Don't know who it is. But would you mind speaking English? Is English your native language?
Stupid bimbo says more white kids are in college than ever before and that proves AA has not kept any white kids out of the college of their choice!!!!

Andrea Mitchell: "I don't know if there are cases" of whites hurt by affirmative action

aug 3 2017 Yesterday, we noted the leftā€™s freak-out over the news that the Justice Department will be investigating race-based discrimination in college and university admissions.

The freak-out was on full display on Andrea Mitchellā€™s MSNBC show yesterday. You knew the fix was in from Mitchellā€™s choice as guests of two critics of the initiative: the Washington Postā€˜s Jonathan Capehart, and Janai Nelson of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

The most outrageous moments came when Mitchell said: ā€œI donā€™t know if there are cases, evenā€ of white students being disadvantaged by minority students taking available slots. Responded Nelson:

ā€œThe premise that this is harming white students is wrong on at least two key fronts. There are more white students in college now than ever before. So to suggest that white students are somehow not getting the advantage of higher education is absolutely false.ā€

Shes right.
As long as there is competition for anything, any policy that favors one side or the other, the side not favored is hurt by the policy.

It's called LOGIC .... whether the harm is sufficient, or if it is justified, isn't the issue. It's merely whether or not white kids are harmed by a policy that favors their competitors. (Same thing happens when a veteran gets preference as a recognition of his/her service)

Whites have not been hurt by AA unless you call not having 100 percent of everything being hurt.

Sorry ... you failed the logic test. Don, do we have a consolation prize?
Stupid bimbo says more white kids are in college than ever before and that proves AA has not kept any white kids out of the college of their choice!!!!

Andrea Mitchell: "I don't know if there are cases" of whites hurt by affirmative action

aug 3 2017 Yesterday, we noted the leftā€™s freak-out over the news that the Justice Department will be investigating race-based discrimination in college and university admissions.

The freak-out was on full display on Andrea Mitchellā€™s MSNBC show yesterday. You knew the fix was in from Mitchellā€™s choice as guests of two critics of the initiative: the Washington Postā€˜s Jonathan Capehart, and Janai Nelson of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

The most outrageous moments came when Mitchell said: ā€œI donā€™t know if there are cases, evenā€ of white students being disadvantaged by minority students taking available slots. Responded Nelson:

ā€œThe premise that this is harming white students is wrong on at least two key fronts. There are more white students in college now than ever before. So to suggest that white students are somehow not getting the advantage of higher education is absolutely false.ā€

Shes right.
As long as there is competition for anything, any policy that favors one side or the other, the side not favored is hurt by the policy.

It's called LOGIC .... whether the harm is sufficient, or if it is justified, isn't the issue. It's merely whether or not white kids are harmed by a policy that favors their competitors. (Same thing happens when a veteran gets preference as a recognition of his/her service)
Aren't we all Americans?Don't we all pay taxes and serve the nation in various ways. Americans should not be seen as competing as groups against other Americans, that is especially true if we hold to the creed that all of us are equal and that we are all Americans.
Your supposition is exactly true .... IF policies were administered even-handedly. AA, by definition, is the government favoring one group of the other. (We don't ALL pay taxes ... and we don't ALL serve the nation). Today, we have a government that has decided (rightly or wrongly) that one group deserves preferential treatment over others. Tomorrow, they will decide a different group deserves preferential treatment.

That hardly sounds like all of us are equal.
Come on flacaltenn. Nothing has been rectified when blacks still make less than whites and have 15 times less wealth.

Yet I'm sure that YOU being the Big Govt Progressive type -- are totally in favor of the Estate Tax. Which ROBS the newly rich Black families of a legacy that give their KIDS and relations "a leg up" and fix some of that wealth inequality. It's OKEY DOKEY with you -- for Uncle Sam to take 1/2 or more of what Venus/Serena accumulate when they die. Or James Earl Jones or Neil Degraffe Tyson or B.H. Obama for that matter.

The economic gap is also an ACHIEVEMENT gap. Needs A LOT of work. Blowing off academics because it's "too white" is a problem that needs to be addressed.

You cannot write CHECKS from Wash DC and fix this..
Would one of you proud to be white posters provide examples of how Affirmative Action has hurt whites?

My opinion and several studies says that it hurts Blacks. Because they get "promoted" by AA into more demanding schools and have higher "drop-out" rates. If you WANT and NEED to keep your scholarship, best NOT to over-reach for prestige. It's not even NECESSARY -- because most UnderGrad work is the SOShit at almost every Institution. The time to pull "the race card" would be on entry to Graduate School.

It also hurts Blacks if they don't commit in respectable numbers to the harder -- better PAYING -- degrees. So just GETTING THERE is not the goal. By FAR -- making the MOST of the opportunity should be the PRIMARY focus. We're just not getting the STEM enrollment out of AA applicants that would HELP equalize the playing field. MAYBE medicine, MAYBE law -- but by FAR -- the AA entrants are STILL under represented in the curriculums that offer a fast track to social economic parity. That's because of PREPARATION in HS and the racism of low expectations.

At the same time -- the Black Studies and Black History and Black Arts and Culture wings of these places are getting bigger and more elaborate. Seems like a waste of an AA benefit to me..
Before we get too deeply ensconced into your subtle inference to the populist view of black mental inferiority let's lay that lie to rest and view AA in a broader context, shall we?
Africans have the highest educational attainment rates of any immigrant group in the United States with higher levels of completion than the stereotyped Asian American model minority. It is not only the first generation that does well, as estimates indicate that a highly disproportionate percentage of black students at elite universities are African or the children of African immigrants.

Now these are pure bred Africans who se mental acumen was not hampered by the invidious effects of slavery. I said that because they are outperforming not only their black Brothers here in the United States but also are topping everybody else. So, if African high achievers are able to outperform even the much-touted Asians, affirmative action made that possible. Otherwise, we will still be languishing under the false impression that Africans are incapable of attaining such high standards based on racist rhetoric and inauspicious innuendo.
But the academic success of African immigrants has uncovered something else.Top universities turn out black and Hispanic computer science and computer engineering graduates at twice the rate that leadihnology companies hire them, a USA TODAY analysis shows.

Yes, as incredible as it might seem, the collective brainpower of outstanding African immigrants and their bright AMERICAN COUNTERPARTS is being wasted. Affirmative ACTION was designed to address issues like why has it failed our most qualified citizens?

You're talking about "pure bred African" immigrants and ACCUSE ME of being the racist???

Your source couldn't even write their opening line correctly. And the article isn't proofed and contains a lot unfortunate grammar and spelling errors. BUT -- I'm not picky.. :badgrin:

These new "immigrant students" most probably on student VISAs are the top 0,1% of their countries. They are NOT the Somali refugees or others coming under "amnesty" or humanitarian reasons. And they are MINISCULE compared with the much larger number of home raised, multi-generational AMERICAN Black kids who DO HAVE all the issues I discussed with getting "over-placed" in the College system.

I'm THRILLED that America offers these foreign students a chance a real higher education. And they SHOULD BE a marker and an inspiration to American kids that aren't doing as well. And a REBUTTAL to the ACTUAL racists who think that there actually IS an "intellectual handicap" for Black Americans.

That's not me. Go find yourself a REAL racist. Like the Amer. school Administrators who continually revise DOWN graduation reqs for OUR kids because they don't believe they will or can SUCCEED without lower standards...
Any errors in the op are mine.i wrote the opening. paragraph and several other parts of the narrative and infused that into major points in the original article.i also linked the sources so the reader could compare my insertions to the original articles. Anyone as prolific as I am is bound to make typos or experience glitches from time to time.
But I stand by what I wrote and I don't think you can disclaim anything I've said. Your advice as to what blacks should do as far as educational attainment seems rather shallow when you consider that black African immigrants, who stand at the pinnacle of academic achievement in this country aren't being hired. We need to wrestle with that phenomenon before we can move on to the plight of what native black Americans have to deal with in regards to educational attainment. If doors of opportunity are shut for Black immigrants... what can be gained for native blacks until those doors are opened?
BTW, I don't recall saying you are racist...I do think you were oblivious to the reality I have presented here. The shock you experienced is still reverberating.

Geezz. I wasn't talking about your OPost. I was talking about the sketchy back up material that you linked to.

That's BS about blacks at the pinnacle of academic achievement not being hired. In terms of those IMMIGRANT (student VISA) kids, this could be true. Because it applies to ALL FOREIGN students who must get some kind of Green Card to remain and WORK in the US. I agree this is a policy problem. But NOT a Black issue.

And the diff between your foreign Black students and American Black kids is that ALL of the "immigrant" students were ALREADY the "cream of the crop" in their country and I'll bet MOST come from the top 1% of the economic stratas of their home country as well.

NO COMPARISON at ALL between students on Visas and getting educational parity HERE at home for Black kids. They FIRST have to be academically motivated to succeed in learning and then choosing professions that will sustain and enrich them financially. You don't magically get INFUSED with goals and inspiration BY a College. If you choose a bad major -- that's ON YOU --- not a requirement of White Racists that you be a Sports Commentator or Black History scholar. How about a Physicist or a Plastic Surgeon or a Chemical Engineer or an Aerospace designer?
Geezz. I wasn't talking about your OPost. I was talking about the sketchy back up material that you linked to.
The link was clear enough for those who are prone to objectivuty. For those who just won't accept Blacks as equals there is always something to pick at. If the link was not good enough for you, there are hundreds more on the same topic saying the same thing in different words.

That's BS about blacks at the pinnacle of academic achievement not being hired. In terms of those IMMIGRANT (student VISA) kids, this could be true. Because it applies to ALL FOREIGN students who must get some kind of Green Card to remain and WORK in the US.
I'm not sure green carders are the immigrants mentioned in the article.
I did notice a reference to the American born progeny of African immigrants who wouldn't need a green card since they are citizens. Yet, the inference was that they too, despite superior academic achievements, were among the underemployed.

And the diff between your foreign Black students and American Black kids is that ALL of the "immigrant" students were ALREADY the "cream of the crop" in their country and I'll bet MOST come from the top 1% of the economic stratas of their home country as well.
I'm a bit chagrined by your reference to bright Nigerian immigrants as the "cream of the crop" in their country as if to devalue their achievments here.That's sort of a veiled put down. You seem to have a mental block that won't allow you to see them as the cream of the crop in the diverse USA. Too bad...the facts are public...

NO COMPARISON at ALL between students on Visas and getting educational parity HERE at home for Black kids.
Before you can conclude that, you have to show some reasonable proof that the immigrants referenced in the article are mostly on visas. The word immigrant can also be applied to those who have attained citizenship.

You don't magically get INFUSED with goals and inspiration BY a College. If you choose a bad major -- that's ON YOU --- not a requirement of White Racists that you be a Sports Comme
You claim to have read the links I provided, yet you missed some of the most important data indicating that Blacks and hispanics are graduating from tech scools at twice the rate they are being hired.

How about a Physicist or a Plastic Surgeon or a Chemical Engineer or an Aerospace designer

You are falling behind the times..join the NAACP or something...that might be of some value in helping you to understand. some of your darker fellow Americans.
Geezz. I wasn't talking about your OPost. I was talking about the sketchy back up material that you linked to.
The link was clear enough for those who are prone to objectivuty. For those who just won't accept Blacks as equals there is always something to pick at. If the link was not good enough for you, there are hundreds more on the same topic saying the same thing in different words.

That's BS about blacks at the pinnacle of academic achievement not being hired. In terms of those IMMIGRANT (student VISA) kids, this could be true. Because it applies to ALL FOREIGN students who must get some kind of Green Card to remain and WORK in the US.
I'm not sure green carders are the immigrants mentioned in the article.
I did notice a reference to the American born progeny of African immigrants who wouldn't need a green card since they are citizens. Yet, the inference was that they too, despite superior academic achievements, were among the underemployed.

And the diff between your foreign Black students and American Black kids is that ALL of the "immigrant" students were ALREADY the "cream of the crop" in their country and I'll bet MOST come from the top 1% of the economic stratas of their home country as well.
I'm a bit chagrined by your reference to bright Nigerian immigrants as the "cream of the crop" in their country as if to devalue their achievments here.That's sort of a veiled put down. You seem to have a mental block that won't allow you to see them as the cream of the crop in the diverse USA. Too bad...the facts are public...

NO COMPARISON at ALL between students on Visas and getting educational parity HERE at home for Black kids.
Before you can conclude that, you have to show some reasonable proof that the immigrants referenced in the article are mostly on visas. The word immigrant can also be applied to those who have attained citizenship.

You don't magically get INFUSED with goals and inspiration BY a College. If you choose a bad major -- that's ON YOU --- not a requirement of White Racists that you be a Sports Comme
You claim to have read the links I provided, yet you missed some of the most important data indicating that Blacks and hispanics are graduating from tech scools at twice the rate they are being hired.

How about a Physicist or a Plastic Surgeon or a Chemical Engineer or an Aerospace designer

You are falling behind the times..join the NAACP or something...that might be of some value in helping you to understand. some of your darker fellow Americans.

The link was purposely VERY obtuse. And did not identify these "immigrants" well enough to be USEFUL. Beyond their anecdotal success stories. Which are VERY different and rare --- compared to education/economic gap in this country between OUR Black and White kids. In GENERAL --- Grad level studies in American Colleges are now DOMINATED by foreign students in many depts.
I'm a bit chagrined by your reference to bright Nigerian immigrants as the "cream of the crop" in their country as if to devalue their achievments here...You seem to have a mental block that won't allow you to see them as the cream of the crop in the diverse USA.

It's obvious that his point was the cream of the crop from any locale is going to represent as the cream of the crop wherever they go to, and making some broad claim that top African academic immigrants (sources were posted earlier) equates to Africans or African Americans in general all being as capable is not logically sound.

But you're a good argumentator so keep at it champ!
Come on flacaltenn. Nothing has been rectified when blacks still make less than whites and have 15 times less wealth.

Yet I'm sure that YOU being the Big Govt Progressive type -- are totally in favor of the Estate Tax. Which ROBS the newly rich Black families of a legacy that give their KIDS and relations "a leg up" and fix some of that wealth inequality. It's OKEY DOKEY with you -- for Uncle Sam to take 1/2 or more of what Venus/Serena accumulate when they die. Or James Earl Jones or Neil Degraffe Tyson or B.H. Obama for that matter.

The economic gap is also an ACHIEVEMENT gap. Needs A LOT of work. Blowing off academics because it's "too white" is a problem that needs to be addressed.

You cannot write CHECKS from Wash DC and fix this..

The estate tax only goes to the very top and about 98 percent of all US families don't benefit from it. The only blacks that may benefit from this are Oprah Winfreys kids and I don't think she has any. Lack of support for the estate tax alone would not the cause for the great inequality in wealth between blacks and whites.

Now the estate tax has nothing to d with affirmative action. What is BS is your claim that whites have not been recipients of historical Affirmative Action programs. There can be no rational discussion with someone who ignores 200 years of documented history to make such an assertion.

Only whites talk about how we blow off academics because its too white. I have a masters degree so I know that's not the case. The economic gap was created by racist policies that denied us the opportunity to achieve. But you are someone who wants to ignore all of this in the hope that you can find something, anything that can show you racism didn't do it.

I hate to tell you but you are not going to fix the damage caused by fucking white racism over a 241 year span of time for free.

Andrea Mitchell has seen more of this world than you or I. Andrea Mitchell has spoken to and learned from interviewing historically significant people. Andrea Mitchell has seen more of what has created problems around the world than you or I as well. Andrea Mitchel is right. You aren't.
AA, by definition, is the government favoring one group of the other.
No, AA initially was a tool used by the government to break the racist, misogynistic hold white males held on jobs and education for almost 200 years. Most white women and minorities were locked out of opportunities to reach their full potential. Many marginal white males could get access to education and good jobs while bright women and minorities were relegated to mundane occupations.. That paradigm couldn't persist forever. Hence...the short lived AA was born. But it lasted long enough to open doors for White women and Asians....oh yes...a few blacks too.

We don't ALL pay taxes ... and we don't ALL serve the nation)
I meant all ethnic or racial groups collectively. Of course babies, some students, and destitue people don't pay taxes...except maybe sales taxes.

Today, we have a government that has decided (rightly or wrongly) that one group deserves preferential treatment over others.
Looking at the the demographics of education and employment...White people are always overrepresented respective to their percentage of the population..But given the numerous high achieving Africans and Asians there must be a significant number of less qualified Whites that shouldn't
have been hired ahead of them. AA was meant to put those qualified minorities
In positions they earned through academic excellence.
Tomorrow, they will decide a different group deserves preferential treatment.
Join the Armed forces...

That hardly sounds like all of us are equal.
Would one of you proud to be white posters provide examples of how Affirmative Action has hurt whites?

AA / consent decrees gave minority students an opportunity something they did not have in the past, given that opportunity they were able to compete for finite openings, and Trumpanzees couldn't make the cut. It's really that simple.
I'm a bit chagrined by your reference to bright Nigerian immigrants as the "cream of the crop" in their country as if to devalue their achievments here...You seem to have a mental block that won't allow you to see them as the cream of the crop in the diverse USA.

It's obvious that his point was the cream of the crop from any locale is going to represent as the cream of the crop wherever they go to, and making some broad claim that top African academic immigrants (sources were posted earlier) equates to Africans or African Americans in general all being as capable is not logically sound.

But you're a good argumentator so keep at it champ!
I don't think his cream of the crop remark was anything less than what I said it was. There was nothing obvious about it except the subtle insinuation that Africa' "cream of the crop" isn't as good and certainly not superior to the cream of the crop in America identified as Asians.
You may see it differently. But, that alt worldview is infected with distortions.
Even as you grapple with the weight of my premise you attempt to change it into a distortion. I never said that the academic achievements of Black African immigrants equates to the potential of all Africans or American Blacks. But, now that you have gone down that road, you may be onto of 2016 another group of Blacks have emerged as the most educated in America: Hold your hat...its..its....tap the spoiler for the clue

Stupid bimbo says more white kids are in college than ever before and that proves AA has not kept any white kids out of the college of their choice!!!!

Andrea Mitchell: "I don't know if there are cases" of whites hurt by affirmative action

aug 3 2017 Yesterday, we noted the leftā€™s freak-out over the news that the Justice Department will be investigating race-based discrimination in college and university admissions.

The freak-out was on full display on Andrea Mitchellā€™s MSNBC show yesterday. You knew the fix was in from Mitchellā€™s choice as guests of two critics of the initiative: the Washington Postā€˜s Jonathan Capehart, and Janai Nelson of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

The most outrageous moments came when Mitchell said: ā€œI donā€™t know if there are cases, evenā€ of white students being disadvantaged by minority students taking available slots. Responded Nelson:

ā€œThe premise that this is harming white students is wrong on at least two key fronts. There are more white students in college now than ever before. So to suggest that white students are somehow not getting the advantage of higher education is absolutely false.ā€

College is a waste of time and a vain effort in futility. My alma mater is The School of Hard Knocks and made a fortune, legally I must add.

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