Andrea Mitchell says affirmative action does NOT harm whites!!!!!

Yeah bullshit.....ever hear those black football players speak?
Are you saying that football players are recipients of AA?

Actually the class/group that uses AA more than any other is white women.

Re: "Actually the class/group that uses AA more than any other is white women"

That's possible - Care to back that up ? Given your History of talking out your ass I doubt you can - but hey anythings possible.

When are those saying things like that in the quote going to realize that white had 0% to do with it and female has 100%? There are no provisions in AA that are for whites. The women just happened to be white. It wasn't done BECAUSE they were white.
Geezz. I wasn't talking about your OPost. I was talking about the sketchy back up material that you linked to.
The link was clear enough for those who are prone to objectivuty. For those who just won't accept Blacks as equals there is always something to pick at. If the link was not good enough for you, there are hundreds more on the same topic saying the same thing in different words.

That's BS about blacks at the pinnacle of academic achievement not being hired. In terms of those IMMIGRANT (student VISA) kids, this could be true. Because it applies to ALL FOREIGN students who must get some kind of Green Card to remain and WORK in the US.
I'm not sure green carders are the immigrants mentioned in the article.
I did notice a reference to the American born progeny of African immigrants who wouldn't need a green card since they are citizens. Yet, the inference was that they too, despite superior academic achievements, were among the underemployed.

And the diff between your foreign Black students and American Black kids is that ALL of the "immigrant" students were ALREADY the "cream of the crop" in their country and I'll bet MOST come from the top 1% of the economic stratas of their home country as well.
I'm a bit chagrined by your reference to bright Nigerian immigrants as the "cream of the crop" in their country as if to devalue their achievments here.That's sort of a veiled put down. You seem to have a mental block that won't allow you to see them as the cream of the crop in the diverse USA. Too bad...the facts are public...

NO COMPARISON at ALL between students on Visas and getting educational parity HERE at home for Black kids.
Before you can conclude that, you have to show some reasonable proof that the immigrants referenced in the article are mostly on visas. The word immigrant can also be applied to those who have attained citizenship.

You don't magically get INFUSED with goals and inspiration BY a College. If you choose a bad major -- that's ON YOU --- not a requirement of White Racists that you be a Sports Comme
You claim to have read the links I provided, yet you missed some of the most important data indicating that Blacks and hispanics are graduating from tech scools at twice the rate they are being hired.

How about a Physicist or a Plastic Surgeon or a Chemical Engineer or an Aerospace designer

You are falling behind the times..join the NAACP or something...that might be of some value in helping you to understand. some of your darker fellow Americans.

If a black uses affirmative action to get something, they aren't equal. If they were, they wouldn't have to use it.

The part you're not getting is WHY they apply from "unequal" status.

If an Alaskan Inuit Indian went to a wise man in the Yukon for tutoring and got "fairly decent" grades and a "good" SAT score and was otherwise qualified to attend the college --- SHOULD THAT DISADVANTAGE of previous opportunity be taked into account?? Need an answer here....

It's not about remedying INHERENT inequality because of race. It's about remedying ACTUAL inequity in the opportunities that the govt and society that they had to SURPASS to get to the college application..

It's about using race to benefit a group whose entire argument in support of such programs is about how using race is those situations is wrong. If one is going to argue using race was wrong when it denied, arguing that using race because it helps you doesn't make it OK.

See. I ALMOST agree with you. Should NOT be a race qualifier. It should be an "opportunity" qualifier. But here's the deal. It's the best that brain-dead partisan Govt can do.. The Fed Govt is NOT suited to picking winners and losers. And when they try to fix things -- they always take the EASIEST most political expedient way to claim credit.

In general -- MOST peoples's expectations for Fed Govt to solve ANYTHING is highly over-rated. And it usually results in sub-optimum solutions with MASSIVE "unintended side effects" because MOST of Fed "leadership" are moronic power hungry idealogues.. That's a true story. Not just hyperbole..
Geezz. I wasn't talking about your OPost. I was talking about the sketchy back up material that you linked to.
The link was clear enough for those who are prone to objectivuty. For those who just won't accept Blacks as equals there is always something to pick at. If the link was not good enough for you, there are hundreds more on the same topic saying the same thing in different words.

That's BS about blacks at the pinnacle of academic achievement not being hired. In terms of those IMMIGRANT (student VISA) kids, this could be true. Because it applies to ALL FOREIGN students who must get some kind of Green Card to remain and WORK in the US.
I'm not sure green carders are the immigrants mentioned in the article.
I did notice a reference to the American born progeny of African immigrants who wouldn't need a green card since they are citizens. Yet, the inference was that they too, despite superior academic achievements, were among the underemployed.

And the diff between your foreign Black students and American Black kids is that ALL of the "immigrant" students were ALREADY the "cream of the crop" in their country and I'll bet MOST come from the top 1% of the economic stratas of their home country as well.
I'm a bit chagrined by your reference to bright Nigerian immigrants as the "cream of the crop" in their country as if to devalue their achievments here.That's sort of a veiled put down. You seem to have a mental block that won't allow you to see them as the cream of the crop in the diverse USA. Too bad...the facts are public...

NO COMPARISON at ALL between students on Visas and getting educational parity HERE at home for Black kids.
Before you can conclude that, you have to show some reasonable proof that the immigrants referenced in the article are mostly on visas. The word immigrant can also be applied to those who have attained citizenship.

You don't magically get INFUSED with goals and inspiration BY a College. If you choose a bad major -- that's ON YOU --- not a requirement of White Racists that you be a Sports Comme
You claim to have read the links I provided, yet you missed some of the most important data indicating that Blacks and hispanics are graduating from tech scools at twice the rate they are being hired.

How about a Physicist or a Plastic Surgeon or a Chemical Engineer or an Aerospace designer

You are falling behind the times..join the NAACP or something...that might be of some value in helping you to understand. some of your darker fellow Americans.

If a black uses affirmative action to get something, they aren't equal. If they were, they wouldn't have to use it.

The part you're not getting is WHY they apply from "unequal" status.

If an Alaskan Inuit Indian went to a wise man in the Yukon for tutoring and got "fairly decent" grades and a "good" SAT score and was otherwise qualified to attend the college --- SHOULD THAT DISADVANTAGE of previous opportunity be taked into account?? Need an answer here....

It's not about remedying INHERENT inequality because of race. It's about remedying ACTUAL inequity in the opportunities that the govt and society that they had to SURPASS to get to the college application..

It's about using race to benefit a group whose entire argument in support of such programs is about how using race is those situations is wrong. If one is going to argue using race was wrong when it denied, arguing that using race because it helps you doesn't make it OK.

See. I ALMOST agree with you. Should NOT be a race qualifier. It should be an "opportunity" qualifier. But here's the deal. It's the best that brain-dead partisan Govt can do.. The Fed Govt is NOT suited to picking winners and losers. And when they try to fix things -- they always take the EASIEST most political expedient way to claim credit.

In general -- MOST peoples's expectations for Fed Govt to solve ANYTHING is highly over-rated. And it usually results in sub-optimum solutions with MASSIVE "unintended side effects" because MOST of Fed "leadership" are moronic power hungry idealogues.. That's a true story. Not just hyperbole..

What do you mean "opportunity qualifier"?
The link was clear enough for those who are prone to objectivuty. For those who just won't accept Blacks as equals there is always something to pick at. If the link was not good enough for you, there are hundreds more on the same topic saying the same thing in different words.

I'm not sure green carders are the immigrants mentioned in the article.
I did notice a reference to the American born progeny of African immigrants who wouldn't need a green card since they are citizens. Yet, the inference was that they too, despite superior academic achievements, were among the underemployed.

I'm a bit chagrined by your reference to bright Nigerian immigrants as the "cream of the crop" in their country as if to devalue their achievments here.That's sort of a veiled put down. You seem to have a mental block that won't allow you to see them as the cream of the crop in the diverse USA. Too bad...the facts are public...

Before you can conclude that, you have to show some reasonable proof that the immigrants referenced in the article are mostly on visas. The word immigrant can also be applied to those who have attained citizenship.

You claim to have read the links I provided, yet you missed some of the most important data indicating that Blacks and hispanics are graduating from tech scools at twice the rate they are being hired.

You are falling behind the times..join the NAACP or something...that might be of some value in helping you to understand. some of your darker fellow Americans.

If a black uses affirmative action to get something, they aren't equal. If they were, they wouldn't have to use it.

The part you're not getting is WHY they apply from "unequal" status.

If an Alaskan Inuit Indian went to a wise man in the Yukon for tutoring and got "fairly decent" grades and a "good" SAT score and was otherwise qualified to attend the college --- SHOULD THAT DISADVANTAGE of previous opportunity be taked into account?? Need an answer here....

It's not about remedying INHERENT inequality because of race. It's about remedying ACTUAL inequity in the opportunities that the govt and society that they had to SURPASS to get to the college application..

It's about using race to benefit a group whose entire argument in support of such programs is about how using race is those situations is wrong. If one is going to argue using race was wrong when it denied, arguing that using race because it helps you doesn't make it OK.

See. I ALMOST agree with you. Should NOT be a race qualifier. It should be an "opportunity" qualifier. But here's the deal. It's the best that brain-dead partisan Govt can do.. The Fed Govt is NOT suited to picking winners and losers. And when they try to fix things -- they always take the EASIEST most political expedient way to claim credit.

In general -- MOST peoples's expectations for Fed Govt to solve ANYTHING is highly over-rated. And it usually results in sub-optimum solutions with MASSIVE "unintended side effects" because MOST of Fed "leadership" are moronic power hungry idealogues.. That's a true story. Not just hyperbole..

What do you mean "opportunity qualifier"?

Instead of race being the "alternative credit", it should be a leg up credit for overcoming "lack of opportunity". That pretty much covers educational inequality, economic inequality, family stability inequalities WITHOUT MAKING IT ABOUT ONLY race. That way the Inuit kid living out on a glacier -- gets the SAME "affirmative action"... IF -- they've showed ability to bust thru those handicaps and BE a potential College applicant.
If a black uses affirmative action to get something, they aren't equal. If they were, they wouldn't have to use it.

The part you're not getting is WHY they apply from "unequal" status.

If an Alaskan Inuit Indian went to a wise man in the Yukon for tutoring and got "fairly decent" grades and a "good" SAT score and was otherwise qualified to attend the college --- SHOULD THAT DISADVANTAGE of previous opportunity be taked into account?? Need an answer here....

It's not about remedying INHERENT inequality because of race. It's about remedying ACTUAL inequity in the opportunities that the govt and society that they had to SURPASS to get to the college application..

It's about using race to benefit a group whose entire argument in support of such programs is about how using race is those situations is wrong. If one is going to argue using race was wrong when it denied, arguing that using race because it helps you doesn't make it OK.

See. I ALMOST agree with you. Should NOT be a race qualifier. It should be an "opportunity" qualifier. But here's the deal. It's the best that brain-dead partisan Govt can do.. The Fed Govt is NOT suited to picking winners and losers. And when they try to fix things -- they always take the EASIEST most political expedient way to claim credit.

In general -- MOST peoples's expectations for Fed Govt to solve ANYTHING is highly over-rated. And it usually results in sub-optimum solutions with MASSIVE "unintended side effects" because MOST of Fed "leadership" are moronic power hungry idealogues.. That's a true story. Not just hyperbole..

What do you mean "opportunity qualifier"?

Instead of race being the "alternative credit", it should be a leg up credit for overcoming "lack of opportunity". That pretty much covers educational inequality, economic inequality, family stability inequalities WITHOUT MAKING IT ABOUT ONLY race. That way the Inuit kid living out on a glacier -- gets the SAME "affirmative action"... IF -- they've showed ability to bust thru those handicaps and BE a potential College applicant.
Affirmative action might have initially been about race but when White women stood up and said "what about us" race was no longer a factor. Any underrepresented minority group was then eligible, even the eskimo living on an ice floe....provided he/she could qualify.
Yeah bullshit.....ever hear those black football players speak?
Are you saying that football players are recipients of AA?

Actually the class/group that uses AA more than any other is white women.

Re: "Actually the class/group that uses AA more than any other is white women"

That's possible - Care to back that up ? Given your History of talking out your ass I doubt you can - but hey anythings possible.
I can back her up. Before AA was defanged white women benefitted in larger numbers than any other group.
That has been common knowledge for years.

Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone |
Yeah bullshit.....ever hear those black football players speak?
Are you saying that football players are recipients of AA?

Actually the class/group that uses AA more than any other is white women.

Re: "Actually the class/group that uses AA more than any other is white women"

That's possible - Care to back that up ? Given your History of talking out your ass I doubt you can - but hey anythings possible.
I can back her up. Before AA was defanged white women benefitted in larger numbers than any other group.
That has been common knowledge for years.

Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone |

One of those "unintended side effects" I just mentioned. That's the "nice way" of saying "crappy problem solving" when it comes to Federal solutions of ALL types.
The part you're not getting is WHY they apply from "unequal" status.

If an Alaskan Inuit Indian went to a wise man in the Yukon for tutoring and got "fairly decent" grades and a "good" SAT score and was otherwise qualified to attend the college --- SHOULD THAT DISADVANTAGE of previous opportunity be taked into account?? Need an answer here....

It's not about remedying INHERENT inequality because of race. It's about remedying ACTUAL inequity in the opportunities that the govt and society that they had to SURPASS to get to the college application..

It's about using race to benefit a group whose entire argument in support of such programs is about how using race is those situations is wrong. If one is going to argue using race was wrong when it denied, arguing that using race because it helps you doesn't make it OK.

See. I ALMOST agree with you. Should NOT be a race qualifier. It should be an "opportunity" qualifier. But here's the deal. It's the best that brain-dead partisan Govt can do.. The Fed Govt is NOT suited to picking winners and losers. And when they try to fix things -- they always take the EASIEST most political expedient way to claim credit.

In general -- MOST peoples's expectations for Fed Govt to solve ANYTHING is highly over-rated. And it usually results in sub-optimum solutions with MASSIVE "unintended side effects" because MOST of Fed "leadership" are moronic power hungry idealogues.. That's a true story. Not just hyperbole..

What do you mean "opportunity qualifier"?

Instead of race being the "alternative credit", it should be a leg up credit for overcoming "lack of opportunity". That pretty much covers educational inequality, economic inequality, family stability inequalities WITHOUT MAKING IT ABOUT ONLY race. That way the Inuit kid living out on a glacier -- gets the SAME "affirmative action"... IF -- they've showed ability to bust thru those handicaps and BE a potential College applicant.
Affirmative action might have initially been about race but when White women stood up and said "what about us" race was no longer a factor. Any underrepresented minority group was then eligible, even the eskimo living on an ice floe....provided he/she could qualify.

It still is about race when it comes to black males. With black females, those hiring one of them gets double credit. Not one white woman benefitting from affirmative action did so because she was white.
Yeah bullshit.....ever hear those black football players speak?
Are you saying that football players are recipients of AA?

Actually the class/group that uses AA more than any other is white women.

Re: "Actually the class/group that uses AA more than any other is white women"

That's possible - Care to back that up ? Given your History of talking out your ass I doubt you can - but hey anythings possible.
I can back her up. Before AA was defanged white women benefitted in larger numbers than any other group.
That has been common knowledge for years.

Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone |


Not one white WOMAN benefited because she was white. To continue to think so means you're yet another idiot that has to rely on it because you're too stupid to be able to compete with the only group not benefiting, white males. The thing is we don't expect to benefit. We can do it on our own. Apparently all other groups can't.
Andrea Mitchell is a billionaire; she doesn't have to give a shit about anyone but herself.
If a black uses affirmative action to get something, they aren't equal. If they were, they wouldn't have to use it.

The part you're not getting is WHY they apply from "unequal" status.

If an Alaskan Inuit Indian went to a wise man in the Yukon for tutoring and got "fairly decent" grades and a "good" SAT score and was otherwise qualified to attend the college --- SHOULD THAT DISADVANTAGE of previous opportunity be taked into account?? Need an answer here....

It's not about remedying INHERENT inequality because of race. It's about remedying ACTUAL inequity in the opportunities that the govt and society that they had to SURPASS to get to the college application..

It's about using race to benefit a group whose entire argument in support of such programs is about how using race is those situations is wrong. If one is going to argue using race was wrong when it denied, arguing that using race because it helps you doesn't make it OK.

See. I ALMOST agree with you. Should NOT be a race qualifier. It should be an "opportunity" qualifier. But here's the deal. It's the best that brain-dead partisan Govt can do.. The Fed Govt is NOT suited to picking winners and losers. And when they try to fix things -- they always take the EASIEST most political expedient way to claim credit.

In general -- MOST peoples's expectations for Fed Govt to solve ANYTHING is highly over-rated. And it usually results in sub-optimum solutions with MASSIVE "unintended side effects" because MOST of Fed "leadership" are moronic power hungry idealogues.. That's a true story. Not just hyperbole..

What do you mean "opportunity qualifier"?

Instead of race being the "alternative credit", it should be a leg up credit for overcoming "lack of opportunity". That pretty much covers educational inequality, economic inequality, family stability inequalities WITHOUT MAKING IT ABOUT ONLY race. That way the Inuit kid living out on a glacier -- gets the SAME "affirmative action"... IF -- they've showed ability to bust thru those handicaps and BE a potential College applicant.

I thought that was what you meant. What it boils down to is you argue that if someone that isn't a white male, the only group to not benefit from affirmative action, and hasn't achieved to a certain level as others, it was because they didn't have the same opportunities or because their family situation is less than favorable. That, along with race, should never be used as a determinant.

Not using an opportunity isn't the same as not having one. That's a mistake too many make. Unless you know the specific details of someone's life from birth to now, there is no way you can make that determination. The results can't tell you that. If a person that has a low income and low skill level could be there not of his/her own doing or they could be there because they quit school in the 9th grade.

I hope you're not one of those that supports the free college bullshit Hillary and Bernie suggested. If a kid's own parents won't do for him/her, it damn sure doesn't make it the taxpayer's place by default. There is a renowned technical college where I live where students can get an Associate's degree in 2 years for a total cost, after using lottery money, for around $7000. If someone isn't willing to invest that little in him/herself, don't come begging me to invest it in them. If they don't think highly enough of themselves to do that little for themselves, neither do I.
Yeah bullshit.....ever hear those black football players speak?
Are you saying that football players are recipients of AA?

Actually the class/group that uses AA more than any other is white women.

Re: "Actually the class/group that uses AA more than any other is white women"

That's possible - Care to back that up ? Given your History of talking out your ass I doubt you can - but hey anythings possible.
I can back her up. Before AA was defanged white women benefitted in larger numbers than any other group.
That has been common knowledge for years.

Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone |


Not one white WOMAN benefited because she was white. To continue to think so means you're yet another idiot that has to rely on it because you're too stupid to be able to compete with the only group not benefiting, white males. The thing is we don't expect to benefit. We can do it on our own. Apparently all other groups can't.

I am retired so I do not NEED to rely on AA, dumbass.

However, during a long career in marketing, bginning in the 70's, when AA began to show a trend of benefitting white females, I witnessed enough decision making by hiring managers to recognize that there was an effort in more than enough cases to see that if there was an opportunity to hire a non white female instead of a white female that more often than not, the white female was hired. And before you say anything, this includes them being hired over more qualified male and female minorities.....not just Blacks!

Are you actually stupid enough to believe that NOT ONE white female has EVER been placed for being female AND white?

In case you are newly minted alt right milennial, there was a time in the force when "decorum" meant "keep the environment as white as possible".

Last edited:
Geezz. I wasn't talking about your OPost. I was talking about the sketchy back up material that you linked to.
The link was clear enough for those who are prone to objectivuty. For those who just won't accept Blacks as equals there is always something to pick at. If the link was not good enough for you, there are hundreds more on the same topic saying the same thing in different words.

That's BS about blacks at the pinnacle of academic achievement not being hired. In terms of those IMMIGRANT (student VISA) kids, this could be true. Because it applies to ALL FOREIGN students who must get some kind of Green Card to remain and WORK in the US.
I'm not sure green carders are the immigrants mentioned in the article.
I did notice a reference to the American born progeny of African immigrants who wouldn't need a green card since they are citizens. Yet, the inference was that they too, despite superior academic achievements, were among the underemployed.

And the diff between your foreign Black students and American Black kids is that ALL of the "immigrant" students were ALREADY the "cream of the crop" in their country and I'll bet MOST come from the top 1% of the economic stratas of their home country as well.
I'm a bit chagrined by your reference to bright Nigerian immigrants as the "cream of the crop" in their country as if to devalue their achievments here.That's sort of a veiled put down. You seem to have a mental block that won't allow you to see them as the cream of the crop in the diverse USA. Too bad...the facts are public...

NO COMPARISON at ALL between students on Visas and getting educational parity HERE at home for Black kids.
Before you can conclude that, you have to show some reasonable proof that the immigrants referenced in the article are mostly on visas. The word immigrant can also be applied to those who have attained citizenship.

You don't magically get INFUSED with goals and inspiration BY a College. If you choose a bad major -- that's ON YOU --- not a requirement of White Racists that you be a Sports Comme
You claim to have read the links I provided, yet you missed some of the most important data indicating that Blacks and hispanics are graduating from tech scools at twice the rate they are being hired.

How about a Physicist or a Plastic Surgeon or a Chemical Engineer or an Aerospace designer

You are falling behind the times..join the NAACP or something...that might be of some value in helping you to understand. some of your darker fellow Americans.

If a black uses affirmative action to get something, they aren't equal. If they were, they wouldn't have to use it.

The part you're not getting is WHY they apply from "unequal" status.

If an Alaskan Inuit Indian went to a wise man in the Yukon for tutoring and got "fairly decent" grades and a "good" SAT score and was otherwise qualified to attend the college --- SHOULD THAT DISADVANTAGE of previous opportunity be taked into account?? Need an answer here....

It's not about remedying INHERENT inequality because of race. It's about remedying ACTUAL inequity in the opportunities that the govt and society that they had to SURPASS to get to the college application..

It's about using race to benefit a group whose entire argument in support of such programs is about how using race is those situations is wrong. If one is going to argue using race was wrong when it denied, arguing that using race because it helps you doesn't make it OK.

See. I ALMOST agree with you. Should NOT be a race qualifier. It should be an "opportunity" qualifier. But here's the deal. It's the best that brain-dead partisan Govt can do.. The Fed Govt is NOT suited to picking winners and losers. And when they try to fix things -- they always take the EASIEST most political expedient way to claim credit.

In general -- MOST peoples's expectations for Fed Govt to solve ANYTHING is highly over-rated. And it usually results in sub-optimum solutions with MASSIVE "unintended side effects" because MOST of Fed "leadership" are moronic power hungry idealogues.. That's a true story. Not just hyperbole..
I've heard that dire sentiment many times before. But realizing there is always another side of the story, I ignored the critics and probed into it a bit deeper.
Considering the domineering theme of capitalism in our society, it wasn't long before I was able to rationalize that government has, traditionally, been the sole guardian and guarantor of Civil Rights, Health and Welfare of the people. Often, Industry produces pollution, it creates unsafe working conditions, and generally screws up the environment with Industrial Waste that contaminates rivers, as well as the air ,and subsequently threatens our food. and water supply. in my opinion, the government has been quite efficient in addressing those issues and putting a leash on those industries that have low regard for the environment and even less for the safety of workers.
Are you saying that football players are recipients of AA?

Actually the class/group that uses AA more than any other is white women.

Re: "Actually the class/group that uses AA more than any other is white women"

That's possible - Care to back that up ? Given your History of talking out your ass I doubt you can - but hey anythings possible.
I can back her up. Before AA was defanged white women benefitted in larger numbers than any other group.
That has been common knowledge for years.

Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone |


Not one white WOMAN benefited because she was white. To continue to think so means you're yet another idiot that has to rely on it because you're too stupid to be able to compete with the only group not benefiting, white males. The thing is we don't expect to benefit. We can do it on our own. Apparently all other groups can't.

I am retired so I do not NEED to rely on AA, dumbass.

However, during a long career in marketing, bginning in the 70's, when AA began to show a trend of benefitting white females, I witnessed enough decision making by hiring managers to recognize that there was an effort in more than enough cases to see that if there was an opportunity to hire a non white female instead of a white female that more often than not, the white female was hired. And before you say anything, this includes them being hired over more qualified male and female minorities.....not just Blacks!

Are you actually stupid enough to believe that NOT ONE white female has EVER been placed for being female AND white?

In case you are newly minted alt right milennial, there was a time in the force when "decorum" meant "keep the environment as white as possible".


Since it's inception under Kennedy and it's expansion since then, AA has increased the size of the umbrella for those it's design to protect. Lyndon Johnson, through executive order, expanded it to women. Supreme Court cases have been heard related to it and the Court said using race as a factor for college admittance was OK. Since the reason for it was to help those that were claimed to have been discriminated against, it isn't used to help the race that is regularly blamed for having such privilege they don't need the help.

In other words, are you stupid enough to believe something designed to overcome the perceived white privilege so many supporters claim occurs can benefit the very group it's designed to punish? Seems you are.

Since your words address the perceived white privilege bullshit you whiner bring up, I refer you to the previous question.

As for the double dip, it damn sure benefits those that are black AND female. A 2 for 1.
The link was clear enough for those who are prone to objectivuty. For those who just won't accept Blacks as equals there is always something to pick at. If the link was not good enough for you, there are hundreds more on the same topic saying the same thing in different words.

I'm not sure green carders are the immigrants mentioned in the article.
I did notice a reference to the American born progeny of African immigrants who wouldn't need a green card since they are citizens. Yet, the inference was that they too, despite superior academic achievements, were among the underemployed.

I'm a bit chagrined by your reference to bright Nigerian immigrants as the "cream of the crop" in their country as if to devalue their achievments here.That's sort of a veiled put down. You seem to have a mental block that won't allow you to see them as the cream of the crop in the diverse USA. Too bad...the facts are public...

Before you can conclude that, you have to show some reasonable proof that the immigrants referenced in the article are mostly on visas. The word immigrant can also be applied to those who have attained citizenship.

You claim to have read the links I provided, yet you missed some of the most important data indicating that Blacks and hispanics are graduating from tech scools at twice the rate they are being hired.

You are falling behind the times..join the NAACP or something...that might be of some value in helping you to understand. some of your darker fellow Americans.

If a black uses affirmative action to get something, they aren't equal. If they were, they wouldn't have to use it.

The part you're not getting is WHY they apply from "unequal" status.

If an Alaskan Inuit Indian went to a wise man in the Yukon for tutoring and got "fairly decent" grades and a "good" SAT score and was otherwise qualified to attend the college --- SHOULD THAT DISADVANTAGE of previous opportunity be taked into account?? Need an answer here....

It's not about remedying INHERENT inequality because of race. It's about remedying ACTUAL inequity in the opportunities that the govt and society that they had to SURPASS to get to the college application..

It's about using race to benefit a group whose entire argument in support of such programs is about how using race is those situations is wrong. If one is going to argue using race was wrong when it denied, arguing that using race because it helps you doesn't make it OK.

See. I ALMOST agree with you. Should NOT be a race qualifier. It should be an "opportunity" qualifier. But here's the deal. It's the best that brain-dead partisan Govt can do.. The Fed Govt is NOT suited to picking winners and losers. And when they try to fix things -- they always take the EASIEST most political expedient way to claim credit.

In general -- MOST peoples's expectations for Fed Govt to solve ANYTHING is highly over-rated. And it usually results in sub-optimum solutions with MASSIVE "unintended side effects" because MOST of Fed "leadership" are moronic power hungry idealogues.. That's a true story. Not just hyperbole..
I've heard that dire sentiment many times before. But realizing there is always another side of the story, I ignored the critics and probed into it a bit deeper.
Considering the domineering theme of capitalism in our society, it wasn't long before I was able to rationalize that government has, traditionally, been the sole guardian and guarantor of Civil Rights, Health and Welfare of the people. Often, Industry produces pollution, it creates unsafe working conditions, and generally screws up the environment with Industrial Waste that contaminates rivers, as well as the air ,and subsequently threatens our food. and water supply. in my opinion, the government has been quite efficient in addressing those issues and putting a leash on those industries that have low regard for the environment and even less for the safety of workers.

Rationalizing is your problem. It's caused you to believe it's OK for race to be used to benefit minorities but wrong if the same thing is used to deny. It's cause you to believe it's OK for someone unwilling to work to have things provided to them funded by those that are willing to work.
Our colleges are full of black athletes that are illiterate. And even many black non-athletes are illiterate. And thanks to affirmative action grading, they will graduate!!!
That's not most blacks, you idiot.
Many of the blacks in college these days are African immigrants, and they're the top acsdemic achievers in the nation....including Asians.

there are tasting even the
There are far more dumbass black Americans who think they can be lawyers with a 4th grade literacy level.
The average Nigerian immigrant to the U.S had close to 15 years of education on arrival.

There is no way to verify that, you fool. Of course the tarbabies SAY they are highly educated. We need to insist they take a test like the ACT or SAT and see how well they do on that. THINK

Uh, I clearly posted a source.

I didn't call Blacks intelligent either, but merely pointed out that the Nigerian elite which is a fraction of Nigeria was disproportionately responsible for the high number of years of education completed in Nigerian Americans.
These dumbasses don't understand that Nigeria has 100s of millions of people, just like the whole of the US.

As the Nigerian population continues grow uncontrollably, they will get dumber as a whole.
The average Nigerian immigrant to the U.S had close to 15 years of education on arrival.

There is no way to verify that, you fool. Of course the tarbabies SAY they are highly educated. We need to insist they take a test like the ACT or SAT and see how well they do on that. THINK

Uh, I clearly posted a source.

I didn't call Blacks intelligent either, but merely pointed out that the Nigerian elite which is a fraction of Nigeria was disproportionately responsible for the high number of years of education completed in Nigerian Americans.
So what.? ASIANS have been sending their best and brightest too. So where was your proportional argument then?
You just hate Blacks to the extent that you will never accept any positive achievements they make. And you are not alone. Hundreds of racist authors have responded with frivolous rebuttals
and pseudo scientific reasoning to explain away their worst nightmare: the unveiling of superintelligent Africans.
But even in the segregated history of this nation many Black American achievements should have predicted the hidden human talent that would one day rise from the dark continent. The Tuskeegee airmen....Vivian Thomas...
Ben Carson...George Washington Carver..and other. Black contributors to this great nation, in effect, prophesied the present phenomenon.

The larger significance, though, is that Black Africans have elevated themselves beyond the stereotypical view relegating the lot of them to universal mental inferiority. These modern day high achlevers have all but validated the argument that their ancestors or people like them kick started civilization in ancient KMT which fell as did the later Greco-Roman Empire which supplanted them.
Asian Americans are actually dumber than the elite in Asia.

Asians who come here merely had the money to do so, while Asians who are recognized as the intellectual elite in Asian countries actually had to prove that they are just that, multiple times.
Our colleges are full of black athletes that are illiterate. And even many black non-athletes are illiterate. And thanks to affirmative action grading, they will graduate!!!
That's not most blacks, you idiot.
Many of the blacks in college these days are African immigrants, and they're the top acsdemic achievers in the nation....including Asians.

there are tasting even the

Why are African immigrants doing better than African Americans who by all means had a head start here?

Does this not prove that class is inherent?
They are doing better than the whites, the Asians, and every other ethnic group that had a head start here. So what's your problem? You're beginning to sound desperate.

The figure has changed in the first place.

In the 2009 study indeed over 43% of African immigrants, and over 42% for Asians held bachelors degrees or higher.

By 2015 it changed to 38% of African immigrants having bachelors degrees, and 54% of Asian Americans having bachelors degrees or higher.

Africans in America: Driving Black Immigrant Growth

More than Half of Asians in U.S. Have a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher
What is the white rate? Its not even close.
Because of affirmative action and bullshit "diversity" initiatives.

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