Andrew Breitbart is Dead

btw, this taking umbrage is quite annoying and suspicious.

if criticism does not apply to you, why take said umbrage.

you will only get compared to the dog, that was hit.
Seemed to me as if she did.

She quoted my post. I asked her what she meant and then when she elaborated she brought that post up.

Sounds like she is blaming me, to me.


it was general advice.
Intended to be GENERAL comment after reading Zander's post. My apologies Immanuel.

you are a very nice and lenient person, and it is warranted where immanuel is concerned.

but on this board, it is likely that you will get harassed by "concerned and offended serious posters" if you don't craft your post politically correctly [incidentally a red flagly for the same crowdly].
she did not blame you.

Seemed to me as if she did.

She quoted my post. I asked her what she meant and then when she elaborated she brought that post up.

Sounds like she is blaming me, to me.

I wrote about Zander's post of those CELEBRATING online. I realize you would not be among them, NOR AM I.

No problem. I was just unclear as to how my post fit in there.

He has looked pretty rough lately, Probably booze.

Yeah I would guess that or drugs for being so young.
He was a fucking lunatic.Maybe he offed himself ?
[ame=""]Andrew Breitbart Loses It At Occupy Protesters - YouTube[/ame]

With all Due respect, Douger, Mr. Breitbart was an uncommon journalist who did his homework. He knows who started, funded, pushed, and encouraged the OWS--people who hate America, the winningest country that ever was.

Our founders debated every facet of society to determine how best human freedom could best be enjoyed--with a minimalist government, a free and open market, citizenship to those who need a good home and neighbors who would help them and even fight and die for them.

As a direct consequence of the American founders, human freedom and love for this great country was a beacon call to those who longed for their own home, freedom to say what they think, worship in a manner they see fit, working and getting to keep your wages to raise a family and save to take care of oneself.

There are powers who want to undo endowments of the founders, to do away with small government and bring a big government to solve all human issues. The only trouble is, there's always somebody up there using his or her congress seat to amass family security for herself or himself out of the payments Congress now cruelly extracts from the dead and their bereaved loved ones, who lose the family business that was hanging on by a thread because taxes determine a "fair price" for the estate, then take as much as they can get their filthy, dirty hands on to take away from the people and give to their own Congressional family, porkbarrels, etc.

They think of themselves now as the only people who count, not the people they steal money from.

No tax ever is enough to satisfy their lusts for power, privilege, and fortune. The modest income tax of 1914 was to help the government keep going. Not only has it never been enough, Congress now meets for a longer and longer year, trying to cram pork barrel spending up to the last minute before every holiday, holding Congresses overtime until the strongarm Congressional boss gets what he craves--more more more and more and more. Now, they're taking family businesses out with the imposition of the inheritance tax, but that was a short-lived step up on the heads of the American business community. Now they want to raise taxes to pay for every little item of every person for every little thing that used to be what a family provided.

Breitbart lost his head? That's because he knows exactly who funded, pushed, goaded, and got people out on the streets to listen to protests and grow more crazy than they already were. It was brainwashing at the highest echelon of society, telling people to hit the streets and make Republicans' business lives hell on this very earth.

If you listen to your own video, you will see Breitbart faced these people by himself, bravely, and they called him every rotten name in the book, fabricating hideous lies right there on the spot so they could brainwash people who don't know any better to be the disciples of killing the very essence of our freedom away

So Goddamn Nancy Pelosi can give another billion dollars in golden parachutes away to her goddamn brother in law.

I'm sick to death of the Nancy Pelosi's manipulating people around to do evil against America. She only rubberstamps stuff so she can get her hands on the taxpayer's money to give to her own craven brood who will never have to worry at all about where the next nickel is coming from.

It came from the TAXPAYERS.

And it's DIRTY MONEY she stole, pretending she didn't know? A billion dollars to her relatives two failing businesses and SHE DIDN'T KNOW?

She gnu. And Breitbart knew how corrupt these creeps from the deep are. He was just trying to make a statement so the dupes listening to these hawking pied pipers would realize it's not a good thing to destroy all America stands for in the name of partisan face-saving.

Breitbart stood for the truth. The truth is, OWS is a well-funded hate-the-founders-America community organization who got a thumbs up from the most corrupt administration this nation will ever see.
Seemed to me as if she did.

She quoted my post. I asked her what she meant and then when she elaborated she brought that post up.

Sounds like she is blaming me, to me.

I wrote about Zander's post of those CELEBRATING online. I realize you would not be among them, NOR AM I.

No problem. I was just unclear as to how my post fit in there.

Glad it clears up the misunderstanding.
Yeah I would guess that or drugs for being so young.
He was a fucking lunatic.Maybe he offed himself ?
[ame=""]Andrew Breitbart Loses It At Occupy Protesters - YouTube[/ame]

With all Due respect, Douger, Mr. Breitbart was an uncommon journalist who did his homework. He knows who started, funded, pushed, and encouraged the OWS--people who hate America, the winningest country that ever was.

Our founders debated every facet of society to determine how best human freedom could best be enjoyed--with a minimalist government, a free and open market, citizenship to those who need a good home and neighbors who would help them and even fight and die for them.

As a direct consequence of the American founders, human freedom and love for this great country was a beacon call to those who longed for their own home, freedom to say what they think, worship in a manner they see fit, working and getting to keep your wages to raise a family and save to take care of oneself.

There are powers who want to undo endowments of the founders, to do away with small government and bring a big government to solve all human issues. The only trouble is, there's always somebody up there using his or her congress seat to amass family security for herself or himself out of the payments Congress now cruelly extracts from the dead and their bereaved loved ones, who lose the family business that was hanging on by a thread because taxes determine a "fair price" for the estate, then take as much as they can get their filthy, dirty hands on to take away from the people and give to their own Congressional family, porkbarrels, etc.

They think of themselves now as the only people who count, not the people they steal money from.

No tax ever is enough to satisfy their lusts for power, privilege, and fortune. The modest income tax of 1914 was to help the government keep going. Not only has it never been enough, Congress now meets for a longer and longer year, trying to cram pork barrel spending up to the last minute before every holiday, holding Congresses overtime until the strongarm Congressional boss gets what he craves--more more more and more and more. Now, they're taking family businesses out with the imposition of the inheritance tax, but that was a short-lived step up on the heads of the American business community. Now they want to raise taxes to pay for every little item of every person for every little thing that used to be what a family provided.

Breitbart lost his head? That's because he knows exactly who funded, pushed, goaded, and got people out on the streets to listen to protests and grow more crazy than they already were. It was brainwashing at the highest echelon of society, telling people to hit the streets and make Republicans' business lives hell on this very earth.

If you listen to your own video, you will see Breitbart faced these people by himself, bravely, and they called him every rotten name in the book, fabricating hideous lies right there on the spot so they could brainwash people who don't know any better to be the disciples of killing the very essence of our freedom away

So Goddamn Nancy Pelosi can give another billion dollars in golden parachutes away to her goddamn brother in law.

I'm sick to death of the Nancy Pelosi's manipulating people around to do evil against America. She only rubberstamps stuff so she can get her hands on the taxpayer's money to give to her own craven brood who will never have to worry at all about where the next nickel is coming from.

It came from the TAXPAYERS.

And it's DIRTY MONEY she stole, pretending she didn't know? A billion dollars to her relatives two failing businesses and SHE DIDN'T KNOW?

She gnu. And Breitbart knew how corrupt these creeps from the deep are. He was just trying to make a statement so the dupes listening to these hawking pied pipers would realize it's not a good thing to destroy all America stands for in the name of partisan face-saving.

Breitbart stood for the truth. The truth is, OWS is a well-funded hate-the-founders-America community organization who got a thumbs up from the most corrupt administration this nation will ever see.

fweedom becki is MAAAAD

go to bed
[ame=]Breitbart, Bring it on.AVI - YouTube[/ame]

Buh bye..fuckface.
He was a fucking lunatic.Maybe he offed himself ?
Andrew Breitbart Loses It At Occupy Protesters - YouTube

With all Due respect, Douger, Mr. Breitbart was an uncommon journalist who did his homework. He knows who started, funded, pushed, and encouraged the OWS--people who hate America, the winningest country that ever was.

Our founders debated every facet of society to determine how best human freedom could best be enjoyed--with a minimalist government, a free and open market, citizenship to those who need a good home and neighbors who would help them and even fight and die for them.

As a direct consequence of the American founders, human freedom and love for this great country was a beacon call to those who longed for their own home, freedom to say what they think, worship in a manner they see fit, working and getting to keep your wages to raise a family and save to take care of oneself.

There are powers who want to undo endowments of the founders, to do away with small government and bring a big government to solve all human issues. The only trouble is, there's always somebody up there using his or her congress seat to amass family security for herself or himself out of the payments Congress now cruelly extracts from the dead and their bereaved loved ones, who lose the family business that was hanging on by a thread because taxes determine a "fair price" for the estate, then take as much as they can get their filthy, dirty hands on to take away from the people and give to their own Congressional family, porkbarrels, etc.

They think of themselves now as the only people who count, not the people they steal money from.

No tax ever is enough to satisfy their lusts for power, privilege, and fortune. The modest income tax of 1914 was to help the government keep going. Not only has it never been enough, Congress now meets for a longer and longer year, trying to cram pork barrel spending up to the last minute before every holiday, holding Congresses overtime until the strongarm Congressional boss gets what he craves--more more more and more and more. Now, they're taking family businesses out with the imposition of the inheritance tax, but that was a short-lived step up on the heads of the American business community. Now they want to raise taxes to pay for every little item of every person for every little thing that used to be what a family provided.

Breitbart lost his head? That's because he knows exactly who funded, pushed, goaded, and got people out on the streets to listen to protests and grow more crazy than they already were. It was brainwashing at the highest echelon of society, telling people to hit the streets and make Republicans' business lives hell on this very earth.

If you listen to your own video, you will see Breitbart faced these people by himself, bravely, and they called him every rotten name in the book, fabricating hideous lies right there on the spot so they could brainwash people who don't know any better to be the disciples of killing the very essence of our freedom away

So Goddamn Nancy Pelosi can give another billion dollars in golden parachutes away to her goddamn brother in law.

I'm sick to death of the Nancy Pelosi's manipulating people around to do evil against America. She only rubberstamps stuff so she can get her hands on the taxpayer's money to give to her own craven brood who will never have to worry at all about where the next nickel is coming from.

It came from the TAXPAYERS.

And it's DIRTY MONEY she stole, pretending she didn't know? A billion dollars to her relatives two failing businesses and SHE DIDN'T KNOW?

She gnu. And Breitbart knew how corrupt these creeps from the deep are. He was just trying to make a statement so the dupes listening to these hawking pied pipers would realize it's not a good thing to destroy all America stands for in the name of partisan face-saving.

Breitbart stood for the truth. The truth is, OWS is a well-funded hate-the-founders-America community organization who got a thumbs up from the most corrupt administration this nation will ever see.

fweedom becki is MAAAAD

go to bed
Da boid is da woid. :)
Yeah I would guess that or drugs for being so young.
He was a fucking lunatic.Maybe he offed himself ?
[ame=""]Andrew Breitbart Loses It At Occupy Protesters - YouTube[/ame]

With all Due respect, Douger, Mr. Breitbart was an uncommon journalist who did his homework. He knows who started, funded, pushed, and encouraged the OWS--people who hate America, the winningest country that ever was.

Our founders debated every facet of society to determine how best human freedom could best be enjoyed--with a minimalist government, a free and open market, citizenship to those who need a good home and neighbors who would help them and even fight and die for them.

As a direct consequence of the American founders, human freedom and love for this great country was a beacon call to those who longed for their own home, freedom to say what they think, worship in a manner they see fit, working and getting to keep your wages to raise a family and save to take care of oneself.

There are powers who want to undo endowments of the founders, to do away with small government and bring a big government to solve all human issues. The only trouble is, there's always somebody up there using his or her congress seat to amass family security for herself or himself out of the payments Congress now cruelly extracts from the dead and their bereaved loved ones, who lose the family business that was hanging on by a thread because taxes determine a "fair price" for the estate, then take as much as they can get their filthy, dirty hands on to take away from the people and give to their own Congressional family, porkbarrels, etc.

They think of themselves now as the only people who count, not the people they steal money from.

No tax ever is enough to satisfy their lusts for power, privilege, and fortune. The modest income tax of 1914 was to help the government keep going. Not only has it never been enough, Congress now meets for a longer and longer year, trying to cram pork barrel spending up to the last minute before every holiday, holding Congresses overtime until the strongarm Congressional boss gets what he craves--more more more and more and more. Now, they're taking family businesses out with the imposition of the inheritance tax, but that was a short-lived step up on the heads of the American business community. Now they want to raise taxes to pay for every little item of every person for every little thing that used to be what a family provided.

Breitbart lost his head? That's because he knows exactly who funded, pushed, goaded, and got people out on the streets to listen to protests and grow more crazy than they already were. It was brainwashing at the highest echelon of society, telling people to hit the streets and make Republicans' business lives hell on this very earth.

If you listen to your own video, you will see Breitbart faced these people by himself, bravely, and they called him every rotten name in the book, fabricating hideous lies right there on the spot so they could brainwash people who don't know any better to be the disciples of killing the very essence of our freedom away

So Goddamn Nancy Pelosi can give another billion dollars in golden parachutes away to her goddamn brother in law.

I'm sick to death of the Nancy Pelosi's manipulating people around to do evil against America. She only rubberstamps stuff so she can get her hands on the taxpayer's money to give to her own craven brood who will never have to worry at all about where the next nickel is coming from.

It came from the TAXPAYERS.

And it's DIRTY MONEY she stole, pretending she didn't know? A billion dollars to her relatives two failing businesses and SHE DIDN'T KNOW?

She gnu. And Breitbart knew how corrupt these creeps from the deep are. He was just trying to make a statement so the dupes listening to these hawking pied pipers would realize it's not a good thing to destroy all America stands for in the name of partisan face-saving.

Breitbart stood for the truth. The truth is, OWS is a well-funded hate-the-founders-America community organization who got a thumbs up from the most corrupt administration this nation will ever see.
Breitbart was a Liberal who started to question what he was seeing and hearing, and used his God-Given powers of reason to question...He was one of millions who woke up...he got it...and never looked back.
He was a fucking lunatic.Maybe he offed himself ?
Andrew Breitbart Loses It At Occupy Protesters - YouTube

With all Due respect, Douger, Mr. Breitbart was an uncommon journalist who did his homework. He knows who started, funded, pushed, and encouraged the OWS--people who hate America, the winningest country that ever was.

Our founders debated every facet of society to determine how best human freedom could best be enjoyed--with a minimalist government, a free and open market, citizenship to those who need a good home and neighbors who would help them and even fight and die for them.

As a direct consequence of the American founders, human freedom and love for this great country was a beacon call to those who longed for their own home, freedom to say what they think, worship in a manner they see fit, working and getting to keep your wages to raise a family and save to take care of oneself.

There are powers who want to undo endowments of the founders, to do away with small government and bring a big government to solve all human issues. The only trouble is, there's always somebody up there using his or her congress seat to amass family security for herself or himself out of the payments Congress now cruelly extracts from the dead and their bereaved loved ones, who lose the family business that was hanging on by a thread because taxes determine a "fair price" for the estate, then take as much as they can get their filthy, dirty hands on to take away from the people and give to their own Congressional family, porkbarrels, etc.

They think of themselves now as the only people who count, not the people they steal money from.

No tax ever is enough to satisfy their lusts for power, privilege, and fortune. The modest income tax of 1914 was to help the government keep going. Not only has it never been enough, Congress now meets for a longer and longer year, trying to cram pork barrel spending up to the last minute before every holiday, holding Congresses overtime until the strongarm Congressional boss gets what he craves--more more more and more and more. Now, they're taking family businesses out with the imposition of the inheritance tax, but that was a short-lived step up on the heads of the American business community. Now they want to raise taxes to pay for every little item of every person for every little thing that used to be what a family provided.

Breitbart lost his head? That's because he knows exactly who funded, pushed, goaded, and got people out on the streets to listen to protests and grow more crazy than they already were. It was brainwashing at the highest echelon of society, telling people to hit the streets and make Republicans' business lives hell on this very earth.

If you listen to your own video, you will see Breitbart faced these people by himself, bravely, and they called him every rotten name in the book, fabricating hideous lies right there on the spot so they could brainwash people who don't know any better to be the disciples of killing the very essence of our freedom away

So Goddamn Nancy Pelosi can give another billion dollars in golden parachutes away to her goddamn brother in law.

I'm sick to death of the Nancy Pelosi's manipulating people around to do evil against America. She only rubberstamps stuff so she can get her hands on the taxpayer's money to give to her own craven brood who will never have to worry at all about where the next nickel is coming from.

It came from the TAXPAYERS.

And it's DIRTY MONEY she stole, pretending she didn't know? A billion dollars to her relatives two failing businesses and SHE DIDN'T KNOW?

She gnu. And Breitbart knew how corrupt these creeps from the deep are. He was just trying to make a statement so the dupes listening to these hawking pied pipers would realize it's not a good thing to destroy all America stands for in the name of partisan face-saving.

Breitbart stood for the truth. The truth is, OWS is a well-funded hate-the-founders-America community organization who got a thumbs up from the most corrupt administration this nation will ever see.
Breitbart was a Liberal who started to question what he was seeing and hearing, and used his God-Given powers of reason to question...He was one of millions who woke up...he got it...and never looked back.

Breitbart was a self engrandising asshole. Now he is a dead self engrandising asshole.

True story.
With all Due respect, Douger, Mr. Breitbart was an uncommon journalist who did his homework. He knows who started, funded, pushed, and encouraged the OWS--people who hate America, the winningest country that ever was.

Our founders debated every facet of society to determine how best human freedom could best be enjoyed--with a minimalist government, a free and open market, citizenship to those who need a good home and neighbors who would help them and even fight and die for them.

As a direct consequence of the American founders, human freedom and love for this great country was a beacon call to those who longed for their own home, freedom to say what they think, worship in a manner they see fit, working and getting to keep your wages to raise a family and save to take care of oneself.

There are powers who want to undo endowments of the founders, to do away with small government and bring a big government to solve all human issues. The only trouble is, there's always somebody up there using his or her congress seat to amass family security for herself or himself out of the payments Congress now cruelly extracts from the dead and their bereaved loved ones, who lose the family business that was hanging on by a thread because taxes determine a "fair price" for the estate, then take as much as they can get their filthy, dirty hands on to take away from the people and give to their own Congressional family, porkbarrels, etc.

They think of themselves now as the only people who count, not the people they steal money from.

No tax ever is enough to satisfy their lusts for power, privilege, and fortune. The modest income tax of 1914 was to help the government keep going. Not only has it never been enough, Congress now meets for a longer and longer year, trying to cram pork barrel spending up to the last minute before every holiday, holding Congresses overtime until the strongarm Congressional boss gets what he craves--more more more and more and more. Now, they're taking family businesses out with the imposition of the inheritance tax, but that was a short-lived step up on the heads of the American business community. Now they want to raise taxes to pay for every little item of every person for every little thing that used to be what a family provided.

Breitbart lost his head? That's because he knows exactly who funded, pushed, goaded, and got people out on the streets to listen to protests and grow more crazy than they already were. It was brainwashing at the highest echelon of society, telling people to hit the streets and make Republicans' business lives hell on this very earth.

If you listen to your own video, you will see Breitbart faced these people by himself, bravely, and they called him every rotten name in the book, fabricating hideous lies right there on the spot so they could brainwash people who don't know any better to be the disciples of killing the very essence of our freedom away

So Goddamn Nancy Pelosi can give another billion dollars in golden parachutes away to her goddamn brother in law.

I'm sick to death of the Nancy Pelosi's manipulating people around to do evil against America. She only rubberstamps stuff so she can get her hands on the taxpayer's money to give to her own craven brood who will never have to worry at all about where the next nickel is coming from.

It came from the TAXPAYERS.

And it's DIRTY MONEY she stole, pretending she didn't know? A billion dollars to her relatives two failing businesses and SHE DIDN'T KNOW?

She gnu. And Breitbart knew how corrupt these creeps from the deep are. He was just trying to make a statement so the dupes listening to these hawking pied pipers would realize it's not a good thing to destroy all America stands for in the name of partisan face-saving.

Breitbart stood for the truth. The truth is, OWS is a well-funded hate-the-founders-America community organization who got a thumbs up from the most corrupt administration this nation will ever see.
Breitbart was a Liberal who started to question what he was seeing and hearing, and used his God-Given powers of reason to question...He was one of millions who woke up...he got it...and never looked back.

Breitbart was a self engrandising asshole. Now he is a dead self engrandising asshole.

True story.

I have to be an asshole in my business and also am proud everytime I am.
True story.

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