Andrew Yang telling New York City leaders he intends to run for mayor:

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
This is welcome news. New York City is in the worst state of disarray since the Dinkins administration. I think Yang is the kind of pragmatic individual who turn things around again and get the city back on track.

Don't know much about him but he HAS to be better than whats there now.
This is welcome news. New York City is in the worst state of disarray since the Dinkins administration. I think Yang is the kind of pragmatic individual who turn things around again and get the city back on track.

Not likely.....he is another soft headed left winger.......
Is Yang going to give everyone in NYC a thousand dollars?

That should keep them high for a couple days.
Is Yang going to give everyone in NYC a thousand dollars?

That should keep them high for a couple days.

New York needs another Guilliani......till they decide to actually vote in someone who will lock up criminals, cut taxes and stop demonizing business owners New York will be a S**thole...
Is Yang going to give everyone in NYC a thousand dollars?

That should keep them high for a couple days.

New York needs another Guilliani......till they decide to actually vote in someone who will lock up criminals, cut taxes and stop demonizing business owners New York will be a S**thole...

The days of good guys like Guilliani are past and gone. We're all Marxists now.
i regret to inform you Andrew Yang will never win political office, not even dog catcher

despite his likability and popularity, his politics are, at best, underdeveloped, and at worst, actually regressive.

he’s more likely to be the pro-developer, pro-cop second coming of Mike Bloomberg than a real alternative...Yang has done nothing to prove that he’s actually different than Bloomberg

On the campaign trail in 2020, he was actually outspoken in his opposition to Medicare for All.

besides, nearly eighty thousand New Yorkers are homeless...does Yang have a plan for that?
let me get this straight: someone from Las Vegas is supposed to tell us to vote for someone from California for NEW YORK Mayor

that's not the way it works! you know it, i know it, Yang knows it, THE WHOLE WORLD knows it!
He's a Progressive Lunatic. NYC is already in a Progressive death spiral, he's the last thing the City needs

Thats what I was thinking. The city is sinking into the abyss. Where's he planning on getting all that money to give everyone when no one has any money and everyone is out of business. This is retard think to the extreme.
With all due respect to the gentleman, Mr. Yang should not waste his time and money running for mayor.

He ain't gonna win.

The zeitgeist in this country is currently trending in another direction.

The next mayor of New York City will probably be a lady of color. Look at Chicago, Atlanta, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, etc.

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