Angelina Jolie Torches Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal: Sickening ‘Betrayal and Failure Impossible to Understand’


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
We have to remember that even Trump wanted to pull our troops out of Afghanistan, although he wanted to do it in a more orderly fashion.
I would have (as quietly as possible), pulled out all American civilians first, then all but a skeleton crew of American Embassy personnel, then pulled out any women that made it clear that they no longer wanted to live under Islamic rule and last, the interpreters and troops. Other allies could take their personnel, interpreters and as many Afghans as their planes could fly out, over time.
Professional politician and you think this is a good thing?
Wasn't that one of the Left's chief complaints about Trump, that he wasn't and didn't act presidential enough? Well, now they are getting the presidency that only 50 years in Washington sucking dick with filthy rich crooks doing dirty deals behind thick, solid walnut doors can buy you!

Whats the criteria for being a professional politician? Knowing how to take bribes the right way?
Apparently, it is wrecking the energy market and crashing the economy with soaring food and gasoline prices as you try to throw trillions at problems you created with money you don't have while pissing in the faces of your former allies as you sow fear, division and dissent at home with half the population convinced you are not even the legitimate president but you are not allowed to dare suggest out loud in public while wrecking another country in the Middle East releasing thousands of terrorists creating many thousands more as you waste untold billions of dollars arming your enemies with the very best free military gear you could afford to spend so that they can come back to assault you, your friends and allies with it as millions yet again flee the Middle East to escape the carnage of your policies and thousands upon thousands of dirty hoardes overrun your border just so long as you say all the right things to your base at home so that they can demagogue your incompetence as brilliant excellence.
Does anyone understand, including the soldiers themselves, the political role of the US military presence in Afghanistan? What was it?
As far as I know, in Afghanistan there is a pressure on the Hazaras from the Pashtuns. There is information that it is genocide. USA there were on the side of the Hazaras or Pashtuns?

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