Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

How it's all about sexual imagery instead of how our vets have been screwed by Republicans.
Wrong as always, boredtoseeya. The impolite commentary is understood
I guess we need to see this again?

No pork. No changes.

Always was mandatory spending
But it was never supposed to be mandatory spending. Stop being such a liar, you hack.
Hey look! Another one that just believes whatever Republicans say.
Speaking of Dem LIARS and Dem LIES, Dems and Biden LIED about their so called inflation reduction bill. Non-partisan analysts are confirming this bill raises taxes on the middle class and produces no meaningful deficit reduction when gimmicks are removed and the full cost is accounted for.
The left forgets that this Bill was passed with enough republican votes before a democrat changed the
wording of the Bill, and then it had to be sent back for another vote.
I am sure that if it would have been a 'clean Bill', it again would have passed.
The left just pounds the drumbeat that republicans hate the military and veterans.
They do a good job with running the mantra sent to them by their masters in an
election year.
Don't believe me. CERTAINLY don't believe these lying right wing hacks

Believe the VFW

Speaking of Dem LIARS and Dem LIES, Dems and Biden LIED about their so called inflation reduction bill. Non-partisan analysts are confirming this bill raises taxes on the middle class and produces no meaningful deficit reduction when gimmicks are removed and the full cost is accounted for.
Large font doesn't make your lies any less lies.
The left forgets that this Bill was passed with enough republican votes before a democrat changed the
wording of the Bill, and then it had to be sent back for another vote.
I am sure that if it would have been a 'clean Bill', it again would have passed.
The left just pounds the drumbeat that republicans hate the military and veterans.
They do a good job with running the mantra sent to them by their masters in an
election year.
nope. No changes in funding ,

Meister knows that. he is lying

It was ALWAYS mandatory spending

The left just pounds the drumbeat that republicans hate the military and veterans.
Do they "hate" the military?

Hard to say but they certainly don't support or respect them aside from lip service and virtue signaling
The left forgets that this Bill was passed with enough republican votes before a democrat changed the
wording of the Bill, and then it had to be sent back for another vote.
I am sure that if it would have been a 'clean Bill', it again would have passed.
The left just pounds the drumbeat that republicans hate the military and veterans.
They do a good job with running the mantra sent to them by their masters in an
election year.
The comparative analysis was right above your last post idiot

It directly disputes everything you have said
At this point you fuckers are flat out lying. No more excuses

There is NO PORK IN THE BILLS… either versions

$400 billion slush fund with no accountability is not pork?

Only a stupid confused uneducated low information Moon Bat like you would say something that idiotic.

If taking care of the veterans is a priority for you Moon Bats like you claim then how about transferring some of that money you allocated to the filthy Illegals and stupid worthless Environmental Wacko projects? Instead of going into debt even more than the $30 trillion we already are?

Schumer got snagged. Schumer had to back down. It’s not even to his credit that he did back down. Nobody will ever trust that cocksucker again without complete verification anyway. But the good news is that with the Amendment, the PACT Act relief for those vets will proceed.
$400 billion slush fund with no accountability is not pork?

Only a stupid confused uneducated low information Moon Bat like you would say something that idiotic.

If taking care of the veterans is a priority for you Moon Bats like you claim then how about transferring some of that money you allocated to the filthy Illegals and stupid worthless Environmental Wacko projects? Instead of going into debt even more than the $30 trillion we already are?
Hey look! Another one that just believes whatever Republicans say. It’s an epidemic.
$400 billion slush fund with no accountability is not pork?

Only a stupid confused uneducated low information Moon Bat like you would say something that idiotic.

If taking care of the veterans is a priority for you Moon Bats like you claim then how about transferring some of that money you allocated to the filthy Illegals and stupid worthless Environmental Wacko projects? Instead of going into debt even more than the $30 trillion we already are?
There's no slush fund and no pork

Only a stupid uneducated low life Moon Bat would claim that.

Democrats are fucking this country right and left and you Moon Bats are too dumb to see and too immoral to give a shit.
You just quoted the VFW "saying that"

Are you saying they are "stupid uneducated low life Moon Bats"?
One thing the supporters of this action to defeat the bill should know. I don't EVER want to hear about how a kneeling athlete is spitting on our veterans and those who died serving. At least the athlete has the dignity to kneel quietly. He does not refuse them the care they were promised. He does not shit on their sacrifice by telling them they are on their own, despite that the illnesses are directly related to their service.

You either support our veterans or you don't. Those that voted 'No' on this don't.

You’ll hear it as long as the POS dems play politics with veterans benefits.

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