Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

I agree. Schumer was asked to put the bill up for a vote clean. He refused. Yet the rubes here scream at Republicans for even asking something like that be done. Seems the left thinks veterans are just props for their green wish list.
What the hell are you talking about? Schumer graciously allowed votes on all proposed amendments, from Toomey's bullshit to Blackburn's horseshit. They all failed to pass. But the bill, in damn near close to its original form and with all funding concepts as they were initially stated, PASSED. Look, if you are not intelligent enough to keep up with what is going on, independent of Facebook and stupid ass propaganda so-called news sites, then do us all a favor, and find a better use of your time.
What the hell are you talking about? Schumer graciously allowed votes on all proposed amendments, from Toomey's bullshit to Blackburn's horseshit. They all failed to pass. But the bill, in damn near close to its original form and with all funding concepts as they were initially stated, PASSED. Look, if you are not intelligent enough to keep up with what is going on, independent of Facebook and stupid ass propaganda so-called news sites, then do us all a favor, and find a better use of your time.
He did NOT the first time the bill passed and failed to do it the second time until the House made their changes, requiring a second vote.
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He did NOT the first time the bill passed and failed to do it the second time until the House made their changes, requiring a second vote.
Again dipshit, how hard is it to go to the link I provided that clearly directs you to all four versions of the bill and every proposed amendment, and not pull out the documentation to prove your point? Two changes from the House, a title change, and an elimination of a tax free buyout provision for doctors, period. That is it. No changes in the financials, no changes in the spending allocation. I mean go ahead, hit the link and document the changes you speak of, otherwise, STFU and go sit in the corner, DUMBASS.
Piss up a rope asshole. Lying again. Do everybody a favor and never speak again retard. Fuck off and stay under your bridge proven liar.
The only thing proven here is that you are dumber than a box of rocks and probably should not be allowed to vote.
No it was not. Republicans passed the bill when the fund was set up as mandatory and not discretionary. They just attempted to use that as an excuse for their obstruction, which was really an attempt to prevent any legislation being passed during the Biden administration. They also attempted to proclaim the bill created an additional 400 billion dollars in spending that did not concern the care of Vets. That was also false. By declaring the funding non-discretionary, or mandatory, it prevented the funding from being counted, or "scored" as they call it, against the pay-as-you-go Act and the Debt limit. While that may leave room for additional spending that is under the "scoring" of those acts, it does not create that spending. That would require another piece of legislation.

I mean there you go hoss. It ain't that hard. There are four versions of the bill listed, as well as every single proposed amendment. Show me one, just one version of the bill, where the spending was initially classified as discretionary. And I will even help you out, typically, in Congressional bills, the funding is always at the last. Second, copy and paste, from any version of the bill, spending that is not directed at Vets or their care.

For shits and giggles, I will tell you, there are several components within the bill that, while regarding the care of Vets, have nothing to do with burn pits. Identify any one of them and copy and paste the applicable part of the bill from your choice of versions.

Look, I don't expect many people to be as proficient as I am at analyzing pending legislation, or even passed legislation. Not many people, even in Congress and on their staff, can read in excess of 2500 words a minute. It is not unusual, that when those bills pertain to Health Care, and especially Medicare and Medicaid, that I get a call from someone in DC and am asked to go over the legislation. But what I do expect is that when yahoos like you make the claims that you make, well, that you repeat from some lying ass politician or some lame ass propaganda website because you sure ain't intelligent enough to make those claims independently. I expect you to back them up. Copy and paste ain't that hard to do, I like using Control V. But either take the time to back up your claims from the horses mouth as they say, or STFU. Failure to do so only makes you look extremely lame and patently stupid.
Why was it defined as a blue line issue ala COTUS?
What the hell are you talking about? Schumer graciously allowed votes on all proposed amendments, from Toomey's bullshit to Blackburn's horseshit. They all failed to pass. But the bill, in damn near close to its original form and with all funding concepts as they were initially stated, PASSED. Look, if you are not intelligent enough to keep up with what is going on, independent of Facebook and stupid ass propaganda so-called news sites, then do us all a favor, and find a better use of your time.
Going to cry to the mods again because your bullshit got debunked? Never allowed any votes on the single bill with no extra bullshit. Cry harder.
Going to cry to the mods again because your bullshit got debunked? Never allowed any votes on the single bill with no extra bullshit. Cry harder.
What extra bullshit, please, copy and paste from any of the four versions of the bill, but preferably from the one that passed the Senate last. Do you not realize that an amendment can be written to strike language from a bill? Nothing I have posted within this thread has been debunked. I have posted links to the bill, copied and pasted applicable portions of the bill, and posted links to all ten proposed amendments. In short, my contentions have been backed by the actual bill itself, and the amendments. That is not "debunked" by posting some caterwalling from some lying ass Senator on some Sunday morning news show.
What extra bullshit, please, copy and paste from any of the four versions of the bill, but preferably from the one that passed the Senate last. Do you not realize that an amendment can be written to strike language from a bill? Nothing I have posted within this thread has been debunked. I have posted links to the bill, copied and pasted applicable portions of the bill, and posted links to all ten proposed amendments. In short, my contentions have been backed by the actual bill itself, and the amendments. That is not "debunked" by posting some caterwalling from some lying ass Senator on some Sunday morning news show.
Cry harder bitch. Your shit has been debunked multiple times and you’re throwing a tantrum crybaby. No vote on the bill with no extras allowed by Schumer. Proven and undeniable. Keep lying and remain an ignorant buffoon.
Cry harder bitch. Your shit has been debunked multiple times and you’re throwing a tantrum crybaby. No vote on the bill with no extras allowed by Schumer. Proven and undeniable. Keep lying and remain an ignorant buffoon.
Whatever, dumbass.
The really crazy thing here is that even after this bill passed and Vets are celebrating, these scummy Republicans are still fighting it and lying about it
And Biden put off signing this important and much needed bill until sometime next week.

He's too weak to sign it.
Do snowflakes really believe there were no pork bargaining / deal making/arm twisting / selling out in this bill as we just saw in this latest bill when Manchin and Sinema sell out for personally-benefitting deals?

In the words of Joe Biden, 'C'mon, man!'

It happens in EVERY piece of legislation put forward.
He’ll sign it despite your protestations and lies
He put it off for over a week. I thought this was so important....he must not think so.

He's very ill......they won't let the WH doctor in front of a podium.
He put it off for over a week. I thought this was so important....he must not think so.

He's very ill......they won't let the WH doctor in front of a podium.
I think it’s wonderful that you keep bumping this thread…

Ya know… just to show what assholes the Republicans have become

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