Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

The really crazy thing here is that even after this bill passed and Vets are celebrating, these scummy Republicans are still fighting it and lying about it
Piss off fatso. Your side shoved a bunch of extra crap in there and refused a straight vote. Showing how little fat morons like you care about vets.
The bill has passed despite the hatred for our vets on the Right. :heehee:

And I AM a vet, Karen.
"Mandatory" the Bill called "non-discretionary" was always there. In the first and the second version.

Read the fucking Bill
Miss this part?

This document was computer-generated in an effort to show how two versions of the
same legislative text differ and may not have been reviewed for accuracy.
What...some asshole misunderstanding or misrepresenting what he read?

Simple fix. Post the Bill.

Or keep lying and attacking care for sick Vets
It was a rules and payment one was attacking our vets.
Your MSM plays that and you and others follow their direction, quite well.
It was a rules and payment one was attacking our vets.
Your MSM plays that and you and others follow their direction, quite well.
The hell they weren’t

Holding up desperate needed legislation and funding IS attacking ( at the very least disrespecting and disregarding) Vets

Not to mention some of the heinous things said about them on this thread
The hell they weren’t

Holding up desperate needed legislation and funding IS attacking ( at the very least disrespecting and disregarding) Vets

Not to mention some of the heinous things said about them on this thread
30 day lag to becoming law is not desperate.Stop being a MSM lackey.
30 days mean a lot to a cancer victim asshole...

And had it gone too long Congress would have adjourned without passing it

Fuck Vet hating pricks
Right out of the dem playbook.....Drama queen.
That's what Republicans think about sick and dying Vets

Drama Queens

Nuff said.

Vote republican and this is what you get
I see what happens when you vote for Biden.......
When you were in the service, were you only protecting and defending democrats?
It was a rules and payment one was attacking our vets.
Your MSM plays that and you and others follow their direction, quite well.
No it was not. Republicans passed the bill when the fund was set up as mandatory and not discretionary. They just attempted to use that as an excuse for their obstruction, which was really an attempt to prevent any legislation being passed during the Biden administration. They also attempted to proclaim the bill created an additional 400 billion dollars in spending that did not concern the care of Vets. That was also false. By declaring the funding non-discretionary, or mandatory, it prevented the funding from being counted, or "scored" as they call it, against the pay-as-you-go Act and the Debt limit. While that may leave room for additional spending that is under the "scoring" of those acts, it does not create that spending. That would require another piece of legislation.

I mean there you go hoss. It ain't that hard. There are four versions of the bill listed, as well as every single proposed amendment. Show me one, just one version of the bill, where the spending was initially classified as discretionary. And I will even help you out, typically, in Congressional bills, the funding is always at the last. Second, copy and paste, from any version of the bill, spending that is not directed at Vets or their care.

For shits and giggles, I will tell you, there are several components within the bill that, while regarding the care of Vets, have nothing to do with burn pits. Identify any one of them and copy and paste the applicable part of the bill from your choice of versions.

Look, I don't expect many people to be as proficient as I am at analyzing pending legislation, or even passed legislation. Not many people, even in Congress and on their staff, can read in excess of 2500 words a minute. It is not unusual, that when those bills pertain to Health Care, and especially Medicare and Medicaid, that I get a call from someone in DC and am asked to go over the legislation. But what I do expect is that when yahoos like you make the claims that you make, well, that you repeat from some lying ass politician or some lame ass propaganda website because you sure ain't intelligent enough to make those claims independently. I expect you to back them up. Copy and paste ain't that hard to do, I like using Control V. But either take the time to back up your claims from the horses mouth as they say, or STFU. Failure to do so only makes you look extremely lame and patently stupid.
It's what happens with every single important bill.

'So you want to vote against the bull for saving American orphans caught up in foreign wars just because $20 million was added to build a windmill in Talkeetna, AK that will be named after Nancy Pelosi's cat. The bill is too important to vote down....'

And they successfully get the rubes to get mad at the ones fighting against the extra spending and bullshit instead.

All bills should be 'clean' - vote on the straight issue & no adding to it, especially other issues that have nothing to do with the original bill.
I agree. Schumer was asked to put the bill up for a vote clean. He refused. Yet the rubes here scream at Republicans for even asking something like that be done. Seems the left thinks veterans are just props for their green wish list.
The bill has passed despite the hatred for our vets on the Right. :heehee:

And I AM a vet, Karen.
Sure you are. Your “leader” refused to even allow a vote without the left’s extra bullshit added. And you support the using of actual veterans as props by Schumer and the Dems.

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