Anheuser-Busch laying off hundreds across the US, up to 2% of workforce

You voted for it, take responsibility, shitforbrains.
I didnt vote for you to get your feelings hurt because a tranny had some type of association with Bud Light. It's pretty comical that probably a lot of the people that got layed off were probably of your kind.
What? What did Biden have to do with Anheuser-Busch putting a trannie on the Bud Light label? What did Biden have to do with the boycott of Budweiser? What did Biden have to do with the financial hits Anheuser-Busch taken because of their decision?

It is not Biden's economy that did this. It is the backlash from a bad decision, and a boycott that does harm to the workers.

It's not the trannie that led to the job loss. That was merely the spark. It was budweisers insulting of their customer base as they chose to ignore what pissed those customers off in the first place.

And their continued blind responses that have made the situation far worse.
It's not the trannie that led to the job loss. That was merely the spark. It was budweisers insulting of their customer base as they chose to ignore what pissed those customers off in the first place.

And their continued blind responses that have made the situation far worse.

Finally, an answer that makes logical sense.
So another administration would have stopped AB from releasing the limited edition beer? Interferred with a private company in their marketing plans?
It wasn't a limited addition beer, it is the same beer they always sold. It was a dumbass marketing ploy to pander to degenerates for the woke agenda. That failed, because AB never once considered the opinions of their core customers.
Typical. Can't take responsibility for your actions.

I have never drunk buttwiper because I have taste, so your attempt to deflect really fails in an epic fashion, but good job ignoring that it was MANAGEMENT that caused this fiasco.

But hey, you ARE a leftoid....and if you didn't have a double standard....well, you know where I am headed.
I have never drunk buttwiper because I have taste, so your attempt to deflect really fails in an epic fashion, but good job ignoring that it was MANAGEMENT that caused this fiasco.

But hey, you ARE a leftoid....and if you didn't have a double standard....well, you know where I am headed.
Management was left with no other choice after you caused this situation. Again, you cant take responsibility for what you've done. Sad.
Hundreds of employees who had nothing to do with management’s decision to turn their brand name into a joke are without a job so management can still get their huge bonuses. Quickest way to make money and cook the books is to eliminate your workforce. Now management can say we met our target financials.

Wouldn't it be funny if they fired just the employees who had MAGA bumper stickers....

Sounds like the conservative boycott worked. It hit Anheuser-Busch in the wallet.

Does anyone actually believe that a boycott would cause mgmt to be laid-off?

To be fair, the person who sent Mulvany the Novelty cans was fired, and she probably should have been.

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