Anheuser-Busch laying off hundreds across the US, up to 2% of workforce

DEI being forced down people's throats. A man pretending to be a woman, and the rub is that the "woman" is so dense and stupid she thinks "March Madness" is a really "hectic month". (And doesn't know what sport that corresponds to or whatever. Right, nevermind the ladies, we just sit in bubblebaths and don't worry our pretty heads about it!)

Aren't you a 70s hippie or whatever? How in the world is that any form of feminism or even basic non-misogyny? It's only okay because a dude in a dress said it.

Oh, I think sending the cans to Mulvaney was stupid. She's not the target market and neither are her followers.

But women have much bigger problems than if some fem-boy calls himself a woman. The assaults on equal pay, reproductive rights, affirmative action are all much bigger concerns.
Management was left with no other choice after you caused this situation. Again, you cant take responsibility for what you've done. Sad.
The corporations need to be smarter and stop pushing woke into everyone's face. Progs started the boycotts years ago. Republican voters usually follow after a while. For progs to take total control, just in religion, Fundamentalist and Christians taught not liberal must be dealt with. Conservative and Orthodox Jewish people must be dealt with, and a growing Islamic population must be dealt with. They are haters from Progressive Socialist Playbooks. However, Islamic people are protected currently. Orthodox Jewish people are attacked at times.
Hundreds of employees who had nothing to do with management’s decision to turn their brand name into a joke are without a job so management can still get their huge bonuses. Quickest way to make money and cook the books is to eliminate your workforce. Now management can say we met our target financials.

They’re trying to win their old customers back with a new ad campaign this time calling on former loyal customers to “get out of your trailers, bring your dogs, wives and girlfriends, grill some roadkill and swish it down with a cold Bud Light”
They’re trying to win their old customers back with a new ad campaign this time calling on former loyal customers to “get out of your trailers, bring your dogs, wives and girlfriends, grill some roadkill and swish it down with a cold Bud Light”

They actually did do a commercial appealing the good old boys...

Mulvaney is NOT a woman

She says she is... The question is, why do you care?
It's not the trannie that led to the job loss. That was merely the spark. It was budweisers insulting of their customer base as they chose to ignore what pissed those customers off in the first place.

And their continued blind responses that have made the situation far worse.

Yep, all they had to do was apologize and these workers would still be employed.

A fact the left kind of forgets.
They actually did do a commercial appealing the good old boys...

She says she is... The question is, why do you care?

That was a good commercial

They should just say, “we Schruted it. We’re sorry”

The Sun is hot, the sky is blue, Mulvaney is still a guy. Putting on a dress and acting like a CFI where C is for complete and I for idiot does NOT make him a woman
They actually did do a commercial appealing the good old boys...

She says she is... The question is, why do you care?

That corporation had it down right with the Clydesdale Commercials and anything associated with it. A lot of everything we live with is the comfort we get from even advertisements. All of us grew up with them. They sold a product with near all not offending. The VP who did this, is of equity. She is of a healthy percentage of people working in white collar employment that is not very good. All of these years telling us that with all of the diversity we would crush the world in our brilliance. The star has faded in a huge way though from the results. Except for those employed and receive the salaries and benefits for mediocre performance. And this is the same for blue collar also which is an insult to all who do great work.
What? What did Biden have to do with Anheuser-Busch putting a trannie on the Bud Light label? What did Biden have to do with the boycott of Budweiser? What did Biden have to do with the financial hits Anheuser-Busch taken because of their decision?

It is not Biden's economy that did this. It is the backlash from a bad decision, and a boycott that does harm to the workers.
That shithead Biden has been pushing this really destructive Woke culture. AB went along with it thinking a filthy ass trannie was an "influencer".
Really? Or is it the most important correlation? We have an entirely different attitude of business just coincidentally coinciding with going from one administration not at all for it to one suddenly, actively PROMOTING it?!!

You said "Welcome to the Biden Economy". But you can't tell me what the Biden economy has to do with the layoffs at A-B.
Wow. Cognitive Dissonance. Dude, Hello? I just spent the last severasl posts laying that all out in DETAIL.
Hundreds of employees who had nothing to do with management’s decision to turn their brand name into a joke are without a job so management can still get their huge bonuses. Quickest way to make money and cook the books is to eliminate your workforce. Now management can say we met our target financials.


Bet those laid off workers will vote REALLY carefully in 2024.

Nothing was 'organized', that was simply the natural reaction of millions of normal customers to having idiotic woke garbage shoved down their throats.
As long as I can pour my Budweiser down my throat, all is well. Those people who were laid off will collect taxpayer dollars until some of the workforce retires and they get their jobs back. Being a former steelworker, I`ve been there and done that. Some of the guys went to Florida and came back with evidence that they looked for work. Most employers won`t hire a person that they know will be recalled to their regular jobs. You`re spiking the ball about nothing.
As long as I can pour my Budweiser down my throat, all is well. Those people who were laid off will collect taxpayer dollars until some of the workforce retires and they get their jobs back. Being a former steelworker, I`ve been there and done that. Some of the guys went to Florida and came back with evidence that they looked for work. Most employers won`t hire a person that they know will be recalled to their regular jobs. You`re spiking the ball about nothing.

Yeah, get your ass drunk and don't worry about anybody else. That's your cult.


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