Ann Coulter calls Trump "abjectly stupid"


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Well, guess that honeymoon is over. :)

Ann Coulter called Trump "abjectly stupid" and accused him of "betraying" his base in a recent interview on The Dishcast with Andrew Sullivan.​
In a conversation about the former president on November 6, Coulter and Sullivan took turns bashing Trump — claiming he failed to deliver on campaign promises made to his right-wing base.​
"I had no idea how abjectly stupid the man is," Coulter said. "I didn't think he was a genius, but I didn't think he was that stupid."​
She characterized voters in his base as "these poor, left-behind Americans who were waiting their whole lives for someone to care about them. And he says he cares about them and he not only betrays them, but he lies to them."​

Well, guess that honeymoon is over. :)

Ann Coulter called Trump "abjectly stupid" and accused him of "betraying" his base in a recent interview on The Dishcast with Andrew Sullivan.​
In a conversation about the former president on November 6, Coulter and Sullivan took turns bashing Trump — claiming he failed to deliver on campaign promises made to his right-wing base.​
"I had no idea how abjectly stupid the man is," Coulter said. "I didn't think he was a genius, but I didn't think he was that stupid."​
She characterized voters in his base as "these poor, left-behind Americans who were waiting their whole lives for someone to care about them. And he says he cares about them and he not only betrays them, but he lies to them."​

Well, when it comes to stupid, Ann is an authority.

Also, what Honeymoon? She has always been a Never Trumper.
If a person can observe both his childish behaviors and his juvenile communication patterns without having significant doubts about his intellectual capacity, that's their own fault.

Ideology does tend to cloud perceptions and lower standards, and the adoration this man has received is a perfect example of that.
Well, when it comes to stupid, Ann is an authority.

Also, what Honeymoon? She has always been a Never Trumper.
Nah, not always. Maybe in the past couple of years after she realized what an idiot he is.
If a person can observe both his childish behaviors and his juvenile communication patterns without having significant doubts about his intellectual capacity, that's their own fault.

Ideology does tend to cloud perceptions and lower standards, and the adoration this man has received is a perfect example of that.

I think the draw to Trump is that the Establishment has been so much WORSE that basic, common-sense policies are squashed in replace of whatever it is they are trying to promote and who they are helping become rich at the expense of the Middle Class.

Confronting China? Defending your southern border? Making foreign nations pay their fair share in NATO and in trade? Becoming energy independent? Entering a Paris Accord that handcuffs your economy but not the greatest polluters and adversaries?

How could such the addressing of such simple and logical policies that ALL Americans should be able to get behind be so easily mishandled over 30 years? All of these reasons is why Trump is possible, viable and still popular. The slowest learners just shrug their shoulders ad repeat the same insanity as soon as they have power.
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Let's not overlook the embarrassing stupidity of Ann Coulter, here.

At what point did she realize that Trump does not give any fucks about any promises, or governing, or Afghanistan, or infrastructure, etc.?

Did she think Trump wanted to be reelected so that he could continue his "vision For America"?

Anne. You insufferable moron. Trump 9nly cared about reelection because the power of the presidency keeps him above the law.

And that's it. So who is the bigger moron, Anne? The Moron in Chief, or the morons like you who bought into the fantasy of him being a normal human being with actual ideology and vision for America?
If a person can observe both his childish behaviors and his juvenile communication patterns without having significant doubts about his intellectual capacity, that's their own fault.

Ideology does tend to cloud perceptions and lower standards, and the adoration this man has received is a perfect example of that.
Trumps intellectual challenges go beyond that
They include his limited reading skills, lack of interest in complex issues, inability to listen to experts and tendency to lie when challenged
Well, guess that honeymoon is over. :)

Ann Coulter called Trump "abjectly stupid" and accused him of "betraying" his base in a recent interview on The Dishcast with Andrew Sullivan.​
In a conversation about the former president on November 6, Coulter and Sullivan took turns bashing Trump — claiming he failed to deliver on campaign promises made to his right-wing base.​
"I had no idea how abjectly stupid the man is," Coulter said. "I didn't think he was a genius, but I didn't think he was that stupid."​
She characterized voters in his base as "these poor, left-behind Americans who were waiting their whole lives for someone to care about them. And he says he cares about them and he not only betrays them, but he lies to them."​

Wow, you KNOW Biden is having a bad week when the Robinettes post threads about Ann Coulter.

It's true.

Either, Trump is a dupe, and an idiot....ORRRRRRRRRR he was playing the rabble the whole time.


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