Ann Coulter is part of the problem.

LOL Trump is playing you fools. He knew Dem's would reject his offer, why do you think he made the offer.
Oh he's playing someone alright.

Team Trump keeps winning while Dem's lose and throw a tantrum.

your leader has taught you the art of projection quite well, grasshoppa.
Look Obama screwed us on the DACA kids, he knew bleeding heart Americans would never ship these kids back to some shithole country. The best we can do now is get something in return.

No. Hell No. Fucking Hell No.

It's time for people to stand up for what's RIGHT against what's WRONG, or maybe we need to deport/execute those who can't or won't stand for what's Right alongside the DACA people.

um- patriotic american people have been stepping up. that's why trump knows he's 'getting crushed'.
He's a leader, if not he would have already backed down.
Like a toddler, he flings his toys and whines via twitter.
Toddlers aren't posting of Twitter, liar. Perhaps if you cry babies don't like his tweets you can convince the media to stop misrepresenting him?
um- patriotic american people have been stepping up. that's why trump knows he's 'getting crushed'.

LOL. To even think that you would comprehend what Patriotism truly is makes me laugh. Unfortunately it's not just you, but large portions of this country's residents who have no clue what true Patriotism looks like. That's why this country is likely beyond hope of redemption and needs to be burned to the ground.
He's a leader, if not he would have already backed down.

he wouldn't have lied his ample orange ass off & tell you basket dwellers that mexico was paying for a wall. now he can't deliver & people are seeing right thru the facade that is president tribbles.
LOL Trump is playing you fools. He knew Dem's would reject his offer, why do you think he made the offer.
Oh he's playing someone alright.

Team Trump keeps winning while Dem's lose and throw a tantrum.

Trump's backed himself in a corner now

No sane leader would do this


LOL Trump is the POTUS the most powerful man on planet earth.
Nope, he's the "SCROTUS".


big fat liar of the united states.
He's a leader, if not he would have already backed down.

he wouldn't have lied his ample orange ass off & tell you basket dwellers that mexico was paying for a wall. now he can't deliver & people are seeing right thru the facade that is president tribbles.
Oh Mexico will pay thru the nose, Mr. Troll. Thru the nose.
He's a leader, if not he would have already backed down.

he wouldn't have lied his ample orange ass off & tell you basket dwellers that mexico was paying for a wall. now he can't deliver & people are seeing right thru the facade that is president tribbles.
Most people understand what that statement ment. A few may have taken it literally but those are the same type of people who believed that Obamacare would lower their premiums
um- patriotic american people have been stepping up. that's why trump knows he's 'getting crushed'.

LOL. To even think that you would comprehend what Patriotism truly is makes me laugh. Unfortunately it's not just you, but large portions of this country's residents who have no clue what true Patriotism looks like. That's why this country is likely beyond hope of redemption and needs to be burned to the ground.

He's a leader, if not he would have already backed down.

he wouldn't have lied his ample orange ass off & tell you basket dwellers that mexico was paying for a wall. now he can't deliver & people are seeing right thru the facade that is president tribbles.
Oh Mexico will pay thru the nose, Mr. Troll. Thru the nose.

troll? moi? shirley you jest.... ACK ACK!
Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Agree or disagree with Trumps proposal MATURE ADULTS can debate it without lying and misrepresenting the facts.
As already correctly noted: Coulter isn’t the problem – the problem is Trump’s ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate, and that of most of his supporters.

Whether or not Coulter ‘misrepresented’ Trump’s ‘proposal’ misses the point.
He's a leader, if not he would have already backed down.

he wouldn't have lied his ample orange ass off & tell you basket dwellers that mexico was paying for a wall. now he can't deliver & people are seeing right thru the facade that is president tribbles.
Most people understand what that statement ment. A few may have taken it literally but those are the same type of people who believed that Obamacare would lower their premiums

'cept big healthcorp screwed the pooch on that one. & deplorables came outa the woodwork when trump started that wall bullshit. it was a mantra & he fed them all on red meat racism.
That is the dumbest thing I've read today.. Education comes in all forms not just a classroom.

You're right, education does come from places other than a classroom. In fact, I find that most truly useful education comes from the places furthest from the classroom. I also find it the vast majority of it you either acquire by the time your'e 7 or 8 years old or you never acquire at all. I'm almost 45 at this point. I live a very closed and private life. I interact with a very small group of people, who think and live the same way I do. The only "education" that would be available to me is from a classroon, and I finished that 25 years ago this sprint. I am who and what I am. No power, no man, and no God will ever change that.

So you stopped growing as a man, as a human being, and you stopped learning at age 7-8?

If you know anything about this person, he's completely devoid of any kind of humanity at all. He claims to have a major birth defect but I think the biggest defect is in his brain. I can't see why he's agreeing with AC because he despises women like know, working, providing for herself and not relying on a man. She doesn't "know her place" as he thinks women should. I'd like to see some man try to smack her around if she didn't "obey" him. I don't like her at all, but she doesn't need a man to take care of her.
That is the dumbest thing I've read today.. Education comes in all forms not just a classroom.

You're right, education does come from places other than a classroom. In fact, I find that most truly useful education comes from the places furthest from the classroom. I also find it the vast majority of it you either acquire by the time your'e 7 or 8 years old or you never acquire at all. I'm almost 45 at this point. I live a very closed and private life. I interact with a very small group of people, who think and live the same way I do. The only "education" that would be available to me is from a classroon, and I finished that 25 years ago this sprint. I am who and what I am. No power, no man, and no God will ever change that.

So you stopped growing as a man, as a human being, and you stopped learning at age 7-8?

If you know anything about this person, he's completely devoid of any kind of humanity at all. He claims to have a major birth defect but I think the biggest defect is in his brain. I can't see why he's agreeing with AC because he despises women like know, working, providing for herself and not relying on a man. She doesn't "know her place" as he thinks women should. I'd like to see some man try to smack her around if she didn't "obey" him. I don't like her at all, but she doesn't need a man to take care of her.
Well you know how it goes, he's obviously ok with using her as a token.
Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Coulter is absolutely correct. It's a compromise, and giving those kids anything other than a direct flight back to their country of origin or a bullet to the head IS amnesty.
A bullet to the head.....


And no, she is not right. She is a radical far right angry bitch, nothing more.
Nope! She’s just another conservative voice! What? You think the left is not radical? Well then listen to them!
I believe the President is simply trying to be the first to hold out a laurel branch to the errant DNC.

If they throw it back in his face, they will lose the good faith of the American people, who elected him and see that he is up against people who act like a cross between Fascist Germany of the early forties and Stalinists who'd rather kill off more than twenty million of their fellow countrymen than put forward an olive branch of good will toward their fellow Russians, which turned into the worst mass murder of people in European history. We need to get away from my-way-or-the-highway attitudes and work together. That's all President Trump is asking the two divergent sides to do. The consequences will be dire if the Democrats continue to party while their Federal employees go through the unthinkable--working for no recompense.

I rest my case, because the Democrats are being misled down the cruel road of intransigence in the face of simple working together for the common good, which President Trump is offering without prejudice.

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