Ann Coulter is part of the problem.

Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Coulter is absolutely correct. It's a compromise, and giving those kids anything other than a direct flight back to their country of origin or a bullet to the head IS amnesty.
A bullet to the head.....


And no, she is not right. She is a radical far right angry bitch, nothing more.
Actually not.

Coulter has come to represent the bigotry, racism, and hate of Trump and his supporters, and far too many in the GOP.

The canard that bigots and racists are some sort of ‘outliers’ of the GOP and conservativism hasn’t been the case for quite some time.
Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Coulter is absolutely correct. It's a compromise, and giving those kids anything other than a direct flight back to their country of origin or a bullet to the head IS amnesty.
A bullet to the head.....


And no, she is not right. She is a radical far right angry bitch, nothing more.
Nope! She’s just another conservative voice! What? You think the left is not radical? Well then listen to them!
This thread isn't about the left. There are plenty of threads available to point out their bullshit.
Post on topic
That is the dumbest thing I've read today.. Education comes in all forms not just a classroom.

You're right, education does come from places other than a classroom. In fact, I find that most truly useful education comes from the places furthest from the classroom. I also find it the vast majority of it you either acquire by the time your'e 7 or 8 years old or you never acquire at all. I'm almost 45 at this point. I live a very closed and private life. I interact with a very small group of people, who think and live the same way I do. The only "education" that would be available to me is from a classroon, and I finished that 25 years ago this sprint. I am who and what I am. No power, no man, and no God will ever change that.

So you stopped growing as a man, as a human being, and you stopped learning at age 7-8?

If you know anything about this person, he's completely devoid of any kind of humanity at all. He claims to have a major birth defect but I think the biggest defect is in his brain. I can't see why he's agreeing with AC because he despises women like know, working, providing for herself and not relying on a man. She doesn't "know her place" as he thinks women should. I'd like to see some man try to smack her around if she didn't "obey" him. I don't like her at all, but she doesn't need a man to take care of her.
Well you know how it goes, he's obviously ok with using her as a token.
You might be right, but I think he likes what she said but still hates her for what she is.
I believe the President is simply trying to be the first to hold out a laurel branch to the errant DNC.

If they throw it back in his face, they will lose the good faith of the American people, who elected him and see that he is up against people who act like a cross between Fascist Germany of the early forties and Stalinists who'd rather kill off more than twenty million of their fellow countrymen than put forward an olive branch of good will toward their fellow Russians, which turned into the worst mass murder of people in European history. We need to get away from my-way-or-the-highway attitudes and work together. That's all President Trump is asking the two divergent sides to do. The consequences will be dire if the Democrats continue to party while their Federal employees go through the unthinkable--working for no recompense.

I rest my case, because the Democrats are being misled down the cruel road of intransigence in the face of simple working together for the common good, which President Trump is doing.

The american people have no good faith. It was drug out back and sodomized by "both" parties and the power structure/economic/political system itself over the past half century.
That is the dumbest thing I've read today.. Education comes in all forms not just a classroom.

You're right, education does come from places other than a classroom. In fact, I find that most truly useful education comes from the places furthest from the classroom. I also find it the vast majority of it you either acquire by the time your'e 7 or 8 years old or you never acquire at all. I'm almost 45 at this point. I live a very closed and private life. I interact with a very small group of people, who think and live the same way I do. The only "education" that would be available to me is from a classroon, and I finished that 25 years ago this sprint. I am who and what I am. No power, no man, and no God will ever change that.

So you stopped growing as a man, as a human being, and you stopped learning at age 7-8?

If you know anything about this person, he's completely devoid of any kind of humanity at all. He claims to have a major birth defect but I think the biggest defect is in his brain. I can't see why he's agreeing with AC because he despises women like know, working, providing for herself and not relying on a man. She doesn't "know her place" as he thinks women should. I'd like to see some man try to smack her around if she didn't "obey" him. I don't like her at all, but she doesn't need a man to take care of her.
Well you know how it goes, he's obviously ok with using her as a token.
You might be right, but I think he likes what she said but still hates her for what she is.
One does not embrace tokens, they are merely used.
Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Coulter is absolutely correct. It's a compromise, and giving those kids anything other than a direct flight back to their country of origin or a bullet to the head IS amnesty.
A bullet to the head.....


And no, she is not right. She is a radical far right angry bitch, nothing more.
Nope! She’s just another conservative voice! What? You think the left is not radical? Well then listen to them!
This thread isn't about the left. There are plenty of threads available to point out their bullshit.
Post on topic
I was on topic! You don’t like radical right bitches? Then listen to the radical left!
Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Agree or disagree with Trumps proposal MATURE ADULTS can debate it without lying and misrepresenting the facts.
The Pres, is smart he knows she is not going to except any offer. This puts the ball in her court and the reject without any response shows the public just what she is all about. This is a good move (Read the Act of War). Never attack the other side on the uphill side.
Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Agree or disagree with Trumps proposal MATURE ADULTS can debate it without lying and misrepresenting the facts.
All RWNJ media is the problem. In fact one of the biggest problems the world is facing right now. Disinformation can be extremely harmful far

LOL Trump is playing you fools. He knew Dem's would reject his offer, why do you think he made the offer.

Who do you think he's playing for fools again?

You need a long hard look in the mirror my conservitard friend.

You libs just aren't in Trump's league, its quite satisfying for Team Trump to watch you people flail around in all directions.

Don's Wall could have been a done deal; he had 2 years of majorities in both houses. Team Trump blew it, quite astoundingly.
RINOs would have blocked the vote.
Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Agree or disagree with Trumps proposal MATURE ADULTS can debate it without lying and misrepresenting the facts.

Coulter doesn't care. This is how the right wing vomit machine makes their living.

Trump already made his deal wit the devil, by allowing them to be part of his messaging apparatus.

This is why any deal that Pelosi agrees to, has to include the Dreamers getting full citizenship. Which means Coulter, Limbaugh, and Hannity lose.

With an election environment in 2020 where 57% polled say they won't vote for Trump again, Republicans having to defend 22 out of 33 Senate seats, and the Democrats likely to pick up more House seats, the right wing vomit machine is out of options.

Pelosi should submit the original bill again first thing Monday morning, and let the news report the Senate refused to vote on it again.

Trump nor the Republicans are bargaining from a position of strength.

It's only going to get harder for them to explain why they aren't voting on a bill they already passed a month ago.
Now I'm a leftwing male?

And I assume you actually consider yourself educated?

I am as educated as I need to be and not a bit more. You couldn't pay me enough money to sit in another college classroom and go through that waste of time again.

Actually I assume you're a waste of flesh and oxygen, like about 90% of humanity, but I was guessing about your gender from your comments.
Make sense to me. You can not just quit learning to do so is stupid. I just quit talking the listen sometimes other people are smarter then you are and you can learn.
Look, it's all bullshit. Don had 2 years with a majority in both houses. He coulda got-r-done. And didn't.

Kinda but not exactly. There was enough opposition in the Senate to stop much of what the Right wanted. But then, how convenient huh?
That said, I think it's ALL a sham and a scam. A Dog & Pony / Good Cop Bad Cop game the elites play on the masses most of whom eat it all up as expected like clock work.

I think the deep pockets aka deep state call the shots ultimately and it's been that way since the 40's.
Trump couldn't get a wall built if he paid for it himself because the real PTB won't allow it.

And "We The People" are collectively too scared and pussified to do anything about it. So as always, they win.

And to blame Ann Coulter is weak if not stupid. You didn't "really" do that did you?
She has her opinion and is not necessarily wrong. Keeping people who should never have been here is a long term mistake-the longer they stay, the harder it will be to get rid of them.
Oh he's playing someone alright.

Team Trump keeps winning while Dem's lose and throw a tantrum.

Trump's backed himself in a corner now

No sane leader would do this


LOL Trump is the POTUS the most powerful man on planet earth.
Nope, he's the "SCROTUS".

Did you work on that one all weekend? /mocking sarcastic tone
That's old and dusty at this point. Found it cleaning out my closet.
Look, it's all bullshit. Don had 2 years with a majority in both houses. He coulda got-r-done. And didn't.

Kinda but not exactly. There was enough opposition in the Senate to stop much of what the Right wanted. But then, how convenient huh?
That said, I think it's ALL a sham and a scam. A Dog & Pony / Good Cop Bad Cop game the elites play on the masses most of whom eat it all up as expected like clock work.

I think the deep pockets aka deep state call the shots ultimately and it's been that way since the 40's.
Trump couldn't get a wll built if he paid for it himself because the real PTB won't allow it.

And "We The People" are collectively too scared and pussified to do anything about it. So as always, they win.

Yes, kinda, revist the Powell Memorandum. I don't use the term "deep state", but does concentrated wealth and power subvert the will of the people and representative democracy through policy? Absolutely. And the re-rigging of the economic system is a half century on now.
Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Agree or disagree with Trumps proposal MATURE ADULTS can debate it without lying and misrepresenting the facts.
I think she's overreacting.

Trump has to know by now that none of them will accept anything with his name on it.....Now he can try to play the part the adult in the room.
Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Agree or disagree with Trumps proposal MATURE ADULTS can debate it without lying and misrepresenting the facts.
I think she's overreacting.

Trump has to know by now that none of them will accept anything with his name on it.....Now he can try to play the part the adult in the room.
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ......
Coulter doesn't care. This is how the right wing vomit machine makes their living.

Trump already made his deal wit the devil, by allowing them to be part of his messaging apparatus.

This is why any deal that Pelosi agrees to, has to include the Dreamers getting full citizenship. Which means Coulter, Limbaugh, and Hannity lose.

With an election environment in 2020 where 57% polled say they won't vote for Trump again, Republicans having to defend 22 out of 33 Senate seats, and the Democrats likely to pick up more House seats, the right wing vomit machine is out of options.

Pelosi should submit the original bill again first thing Monday morning, and let the news report the Senate refused to vote on it again.

Trump nor the Republicans are bargaining from a position of strength.

It's only going to get harder for them to explain why they aren't voting on a bill they already passed a month ago.

If you hate this country so much and those trying to save it, why not move somewhere where it's already EXACTLY what you crave? Venezuela calls.
Or maybe a shack in Communist Cuba is more your style?

Oh, because you're an equal opportunity misery spreading cockroach. Got it.

(Tried SO hard to remain civil...but see "Vomit" comment above)

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