Ann Coulter makes a fool of herself on Bill Maher, says we 'bombed Egypt or something

I liked the part where she called Maher's azz for being an "enviornmentalist" and flying around on private jets.. She's good that one.. I love her. Now about those 57 states??? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: and the heavy artillary fire Hillary faced????:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:and obie doodle was born of Selma????:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

That now makes three Conservatives in this thread who have mentioned 57 states. Like I said, you guys need new material.

Don't you hate it that you aren't our boss?:lol::lol::lol:
Don't you hate it that you aren't our boss?:lol::lol::lol:

I'm not the one who's looking foolish because I'm using the same material from three years ago over and over again.

By the way, Coulter is still wrong.
Don't you hate it that you aren't our boss?:lol::lol::lol:

I'm not the one who's looking foolish because I'm using the same material from three years ago over and over again.

By the way, Coulter is still wrong.

That's your opinion ModMoron. We happen to disagree with you. Can you stand it" or what? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: was obie doodle wrong when he said he'd been to all 57 states??
This is a perfect example of why cons nearly always end up promoting failed policy.

They see the facts as not really mattering
you posted the video, if it had nothing to do with this thread then you might have considered not posting it.

You know exactly what I mean, but alas you'll defend Coulter which ever way you can. So Willow, when did we bomb Egypt?
when did we have 57 states? And he's the "leader" of the free world. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Why does the sissie left worry so munch about what Ann Coulter says? It was Bill Maher who lost his job on the ironically named show "Politically Incorrect" which was actually politically correct when he refered to the 9-11 terrorists as ...."heroes".
Why does the sissie left worry so munch about what Ann Coulter says? It was Bill Maher who lost his job on the ironically named show "Politically Incorrect" which was actually politically correct when he refered to the 9-11 terrorists as ...."heroes".

silly you,, they hate her cause she's white, she's thin,, and she's conservative..

I'll give her a pass on that. I wouldn't be surprised if half of Americans think we bombed Egypt too.

EDIT - I hadn't seen the end yet. She says at the end of the clip that we threatened to bomb Egypt.

It's pretty funny she says "I have to talk to people who all share the same facts."

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No! We see that "Truth Don't Matter" that's who we see?? Yuck Yuck.

Culter got the facts dead wrong and you are here defending her.

The facts dont matter to you or her

"Culter" got the facts dead wrong?

Error in fact doofus.

You don't seem too bright.

I'd rather see an error in geography than deliberate effort to congratulate the 9-11 terrorists for killing 3,000 Americans like Bill Maher did.

I find it hysterical there are people here who actually quote her....she's just a hack like any other journalist...feeding the sheeple what they want to hear.
Ann Coulter is an entertainer and nothing more. She is a curiosity and is not to be taken seriously. When viewed from that angle she can be funny to watch -- which is why Bill Maher likes her and has a one-comedian-to-another kind of affinity with her.

Her most saleable commodity is her tantalizingly questionable gender. Without that going for her she would be an obnoxiously redundant bore.

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