Ann Coulter Nails It Again....Great Job

It’s probably a coincidence, but I notice that as businesses go under, jobs are lost, careers are ended and trillions of dollars are drained from the economy, the people most avidly pushing the coronavirus panic are doing quite well.

No politician or government official has taken a salary cut. To the contrary, dusty bureaucrats now find the entire country transfixed by their every utterance. Cable news hosts still make millions of dollars -- and now they get to work from home!

Annoyingly, though, journalists can’t seem to relay the basic elements of a news story: who, what, where and why.

First, who’s dying? It appears to be mostly the old, people with specific medical conditions and vapers.

To be sure, that’s not as important as daily updates on Chris Cuomo’s personal battle with the coronavirus, but it might be kind of important to the 17 million Americans who’ve been thrown out of work, many of whom are not elderly, immunocompromised or vapers.


I love Ann C. She calls them very well.

You'd hope that the first casualty of this bullshit virus hoax would be our LSM. But alas, we are to glued to their bullshit.

God i hate when they crazy **** says something rational

It's ok i'm sure i can look into the full thing and see all the crazy other shit she said and sleep tonight.

She sounds so good on illegal immigration until you give her a couple extra minutes to hang herself.

Why do I have the sneaking suspicion you've never actually read her writing before now, and you're just parroting what you're "sure" she has said because you've been told to be "sure" she said it?

You paid for her books?


Authors talk dude, you don't need to buy their book to hear their arguments most of the time. Especially in Coulter's book

Woman does nothing but run her mouth

First of all, moron, she's been publishing syndicated columns for years, not just writing books . . . so thanks for proving my point that you're talking out of your ass.

Second of all, "dude", I don't even want to know about your life if you hang around with a lot of men named Cecilie, and/or if you really can't tell men from women.

Third, any time you want to stop parroting vague accusations you've been told to say about her and tell us something specific that she's said that you object to, please feel free. Until then, I'll just keep laughing at the dunce who thinks he's top of the class because he can parrot slogans.

It’s probably a coincidence, but I notice that as businesses go under, jobs are lost, careers are ended and trillions of dollars are drained from the economy, the people most avidly pushing the coronavirus panic are doing quite well.

No politician or government official has taken a salary cut. To the contrary, dusty bureaucrats now find the entire country transfixed by their every utterance. Cable news hosts still make millions of dollars -- and now they get to work from home!

Annoyingly, though, journalists can’t seem to relay the basic elements of a news story: who, what, where and why.

First, who’s dying? It appears to be mostly the old, people with specific medical conditions and vapers.

To be sure, that’s not as important as daily updates on Chris Cuomo’s personal battle with the coronavirus, but it might be kind of important to the 17 million Americans who’ve been thrown out of work, many of whom are not elderly, immunocompromised or vapers.


I love Ann C. She calls them very well.

You'd hope that the first casualty of this bullshit virus hoax would be our LSM. But alas, we are to glued to their bullshit.

God i hate when they crazy **** says something rational

It's ok i'm sure i can look into the full thing and see all the crazy other shit she said and sleep tonight.

She sounds so good on illegal immigration until you give her a couple extra minutes to hang herself.

Why do I have the sneaking suspicion you've never actually read her writing before now, and you're just parroting what you're "sure" she has said because you've been told to be "sure" she said it?

You paid for her books?


Authors talk dude, you don't need to buy their book to hear their arguments most of the time. Especially in Coulter's book

Woman does nothing but run her mouth

First of all, moron, she's been publishing syndicated columns for years, not just writing books . . . so thanks for proving my point that you're talking out of your ass.

Second of all, "dude", I don't even want to know about your life if you hang around with a lot of men named Cecilie, and/or if you really can't tell men from women.

Third, any time you want to stop parroting vague accusations you've been told to say about her and tell us something specific that she's said that you object to, please feel free. Until then, I'll just keep laughing at the dunce who thinks he's top of the class because he can parrot slogans.

You're tlaking like she has a column in the NY Times, and even if she did, what do I care

What have i got to pretend Bret Stephens is sane now too? Hhaahah

She's a backwards uppity anglo bitch who couldn't defend her ideas if you put a gun to her head. She'd start out great. But after 10 minutes you'd be compelled to pull the trigger

Any clip longer than 10 minutes, she'll hang herself.

I don't know how shipping in rich Asians and Africans is gonna turn us into the third Makes sense until she gets to legal immigration then she just goes off the rails. She even uses the excuse she cares about low wage black american laborers and that's why she doesn't want mexican illegals. Which i agree with, but she doens't really think that. She thinks Indians with much higher IQ's than her are going to turn us into the third world. Makes no sense


She's a talking
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