Ann Coulter Nails It Again....Great Job

If you believed for 3 years that Trump was a Russian spy, your opinion shouldn’t amount for shit.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January?


“If we have learned anything from the risks that new viruses pose to public health it is that a ‘stitch in time saves nine,’ and the more we can do to be proactive, the better off the public will be,” said U.S. Senator Charles Schumer. “The CDC has been doing a tremendous job so far at being proactive and working around the clock to protect public health, but if we are going to make sure they can sustain this pace and remain at-the-ready should the outbreak get worse, they will need immediate access to critical federal funds that at the present time they remain unable to access. That is why, today, I am urging HHS to follow the CDC’s proactive lead: declare a formal public health emergency for the coronavirus. In doing so, HHS will unlock tens of millions for the CDC to access.”
Mostly working on impeachment.
And Republicans and Trump and his pos lawyer in Ukraine trying to bash Biden
Biden brought out on his own, he shouldn't of threatened to withhold money if a prosecuter wasn't fired for investigating his sons company. Then the dummy bragged about it on t.v.
If asswipePINO acted back on January 23rd, we'd not be in this place today. I know of four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January? What are they doing now for americans?
View attachment 322469
Waiting for the President to lead. Still waiting...
original 2 million dead Americans, now 60,000 dead. That's leading, and the numbers are coming from a Hillary loving liberal.

So you’re okay that your blob missed the the case count by 600,000?

Quick, deflect to something else
Your loon at first said up to 2 million dead, now it's 60,000. Just a regular bad flu season. Thank you president Trump!
Ahh, deflection.

Your blob said there would be zero cases. Was he wrong? Do we have zero cases?

I’m sure you’re way too much of a pussy to give a direct answer. Why are you so afraid to criticize your master? What are you so scared of?
He didn't say zero cases, he stopped travel from china all the while you called him racist. The mayor of new york city just last month told new yorkers to go out and have a good time, so did Pelosi. Trump has done a great job as usual. The sad part in this whole thing is, you loons crashing the economy and putting millions out of work. Because you lost an election.
So you're saying Trump acted quickly and correctly in keeping America safe and the reason we had no virus fighting equipment for three years is Obamas fault?
I didn't blame obama for the swine flu, but i think Trump is doing a great job, he was putting things in place while you loons were to busy trying to impeach him.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January?


“If we have learned anything from the risks that new viruses pose to public health it is that a ‘stitch in time saves nine,’ and the more we can do to be proactive, the better off the public will be,” said U.S. Senator Charles Schumer. “The CDC has been doing a tremendous job so far at being proactive and working around the clock to protect public health, but if we are going to make sure they can sustain this pace and remain at-the-ready should the outbreak get worse, they will need immediate access to critical federal funds that at the present time they remain unable to access. That is why, today, I am urging HHS to follow the CDC’s proactive lead: declare a formal public health emergency for the coronavirus. In doing so, HHS will unlock tens of millions for the CDC to access.”
Mostly working on impeachment.
And Republicans and Trump and his pos lawyer in Ukraine trying to bash Biden
Biden brought out on his own, he shouldn't of threatened to withhold money if a prosecuter wasn't fired for investigating his sons company. Then the dummy bragged about it on t.v.
If asswipePINO acted back on January 23rd, we'd not be in this place today. I know of four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January? What are they doing now for americans?
View attachment 322469
Waiting for the President to lead. Still waiting...
original 2 million dead Americans, now 60,000 dead. That's leading, and the numbers are coming from a Hillary loving liberal.

So you’re okay that your blob missed the the case count by 600,000?

Quick, deflect to something else
Your loon at first said up to 2 million dead, now it's 60,000. Just a regular bad flu season. Thank you president Trump!
Ahh, deflection.

Your blob said there would be zero cases. Was he wrong? Do we have zero cases?

I’m sure you’re way too much of a pussy to give a direct answer. Why are you so afraid to criticize your master? What are you so scared of?
He didn't say zero cases, he stopped travel from china all the while you called him racist. The mayor of new york city just last month told new yorkers to go out and have a good time, so did Pelosi. Trump has done a great job as usual. The sad part in this whole thing is, you loons crashing the economy and putting millions out of work. Because you lost an election.
Here is the quote on 2/26/20...and how far he was off at the time of publishing. Keep in mind, this

View attachment 322547

so he did say zero.

How could he have been so far off?

Are you going to just keep on blaming every one else for what he said?
did he say when it was going to be zero?
In a couple of days.
No, but he has came out since then and taken care of it. Not the doom and gloom you were hoping for.

Taken care of what?

I was hoping he was right. That it would disappear like a miracle.

He was wrong about that too.
The liberal lie about the entire thing
View attachment 322611
you should feel giddy about collapsing a great economy and ruining millions of american lives. All because you're butthurt, because lost the election

Ahh deflection.

The blob said we’d have zero cases. We have like 600,000. You can try to change the subject but you can’t change the truth
The liberal Fauci came up with original death counts. How about those lies.

Again, you can change the subject, but you can't change the truth.

Your blob said we'd have zero cases; what happened to that?
Why so many deaths when we were supposed to have zero cases?

But since you bring up Fauci...if he's a liar....why is the blob listening to him still? Why is it that every one of the blob's advisors supposedly lie to him?

Let's check:
[News of the virus’ highly contagious nature didn’t surface publicly until Jan. 20, Human-to-human transmission confirmed in China coronavirus] …and it took Trump a whole 11 days to shut down travel with China.

“Trump already signed an order Jan. 31 barring entry to foreign nationals,…” Trump sets new travel restrictions over coronavirus, considering southern border shutdown

Eleven days….

February 29th, first American died of the virus. First American has died from coronavirus, health officials confirm

March 13th…Trump declared a national health emergency due to the virus. Trump declares national emergency over coronavirus outbreak

Took Hussein 6 months and 1,000 Americans dead to call for an H1N1 health emergency.

Senator Richard Burr (R), Senator Kelly Loeffler (R), Senator Diane Feinstein (D), and Senator Jim Inhofe (R), all had a HOLLY SHIT moment after attending a COVID-19 update meeting in January, prompting them to sell MILLION OF DOLLARS in stock.

Beyond golfing and attending rallies for his mentally retarded minions, what does asswipePINO do?

"WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday aimed at preventing counterfeit products from abroad from being sold to U.S. citizens who shop online using, or other eCommerce websites, the White House said."

IMO, one the four (R or D, don't care) should be the next POTUS, all are adults with brains!
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January?


“If we have learned anything from the risks that new viruses pose to public health it is that a ‘stitch in time saves nine,’ and the more we can do to be proactive, the better off the public will be,” said U.S. Senator Charles Schumer. “The CDC has been doing a tremendous job so far at being proactive and working around the clock to protect public health, but if we are going to make sure they can sustain this pace and remain at-the-ready should the outbreak get worse, they will need immediate access to critical federal funds that at the present time they remain unable to access. That is why, today, I am urging HHS to follow the CDC’s proactive lead: declare a formal public health emergency for the coronavirus. In doing so, HHS will unlock tens of millions for the CDC to access.”
Mostly working on impeachment.
And Republicans and Trump and his pos lawyer in Ukraine trying to bash Biden
Biden brought out on his own, he shouldn't of threatened to withhold money if a prosecuter wasn't fired for investigating his sons company. Then the dummy bragged about it on t.v.
If asswipePINO acted back on January 23rd, we'd not be in this place today. I know of four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January? What are they doing now for americans?
View attachment 322469
Waiting for the President to lead. Still waiting...
original 2 million dead Americans, now 60,000 dead. That's leading, and the numbers are coming from a Hillary loving liberal.

So you’re okay that your blob missed the the case count by 600,000?

Quick, deflect to something else
Your loon at first said up to 2 million dead, now it's 60,000. Just a regular bad flu season. Thank you president Trump!
Ahh, deflection.

Your blob said there would be zero cases. Was he wrong? Do we have zero cases?

I’m sure you’re way too much of a pussy to give a direct answer. Why are you so afraid to criticize your master? What are you so scared of?
He didn't say zero cases, he stopped travel from china all the while you called him racist. The mayor of new york city just last month told new yorkers to go out and have a good time, so did Pelosi. Trump has done a great job as usual. The sad part in this whole thing is, you loons crashing the economy and putting millions out of work. Because you lost an election.
So you're saying Trump acted quickly and correctly in keeping America safe and the reason we had no virus fighting equipment for three years is Obamas fault?
I didn't blame obama for the swine flu, but i think Trump is doing a great job, he was putting things in place while you loons were to busy trying to impeach him.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January?


“If we have learned anything from the risks that new viruses pose to public health it is that a ‘stitch in time saves nine,’ and the more we can do to be proactive, the better off the public will be,” said U.S. Senator Charles Schumer. “The CDC has been doing a tremendous job so far at being proactive and working around the clock to protect public health, but if we are going to make sure they can sustain this pace and remain at-the-ready should the outbreak get worse, they will need immediate access to critical federal funds that at the present time they remain unable to access. That is why, today, I am urging HHS to follow the CDC’s proactive lead: declare a formal public health emergency for the coronavirus. In doing so, HHS will unlock tens of millions for the CDC to access.”
Mostly working on impeachment.
And Republicans and Trump and his pos lawyer in Ukraine trying to bash Biden
Biden brought out on his own, he shouldn't of threatened to withhold money if a prosecuter wasn't fired for investigating his sons company. Then the dummy bragged about it on t.v.
If asswipePINO acted back on January 23rd, we'd not be in this place today. I know of four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January? What are they doing now for americans?
View attachment 322469
Waiting for the President to lead. Still waiting...
original 2 million dead Americans, now 60,000 dead. That's leading, and the numbers are coming from a Hillary loving liberal.

So you’re okay that your blob missed the the case count by 600,000?

Quick, deflect to something else
Your loon at first said up to 2 million dead, now it's 60,000. Just a regular bad flu season. Thank you president Trump!
Ahh, deflection.

Your blob said there would be zero cases. Was he wrong? Do we have zero cases?

I’m sure you’re way too much of a pussy to give a direct answer. Why are you so afraid to criticize your master? What are you so scared of?
He didn't say zero cases, he stopped travel from china all the while you called him racist. The mayor of new york city just last month told new yorkers to go out and have a good time, so did Pelosi. Trump has done a great job as usual. The sad part in this whole thing is, you loons crashing the economy and putting millions out of work. Because you lost an election.
Here is the quote on 2/26/20...and how far he was off at the time of publishing. Keep in mind, this

View attachment 322547

so he did say zero.

How could he have been so far off?

Are you going to just keep on blaming every one else for what he said?
did he say when it was going to be zero?
In a couple of days.
No, but he has came out since then and taken care of it. Not the doom and gloom you were hoping for.

Taken care of what?

I was hoping he was right. That it would disappear like a miracle.

He was wrong about that too.
The liberal lie about the entire thing
View attachment 322611
you should feel giddy about collapsing a great economy and ruining millions of american lives. All because you're butthurt, because lost the election

Ahh deflection.

The blob said we’d have zero cases. We have like 600,000. You can try to change the subject but you can’t change the truth
The liberal Fauci came up with original death counts. How about those lies.

Again, you can change the subject, but you can't change the truth.

Your blob said we'd have zero cases; what happened to that?
Why so many deaths when we were supposed to have zero cases?

But since you bring up Fauci...if he's a liar....why is the blob listening to him still? Why is it that every one of the blob's advisors supposedly lie to him?

Let's check:
[News of the virus’ highly contagious nature didn’t surface publicly until Jan. 20, Human-to-human transmission confirmed in China coronavirus] …and it took Trump a whole 11 days to shut down travel with China.

“Trump already signed an order Jan. 31 barring entry to foreign nationals,…” Trump sets new travel restrictions over coronavirus, considering southern border shutdown

Eleven days….

February 29th, first American died of the virus. First American has died from coronavirus, health officials confirm

March 13th…Trump declared a national health emergency due to the virus. Trump declares national emergency over coronavirus outbreak

Took Hussein 6 months and 1,000 Americans dead to call for an H1N1 health emergency.

Senator Richard Burr (R), Senator Kelly Loeffler (R), Senator Diane Feinstein (D), and Senator Jim Inhofe (R), all had a HOLLY SHIT moment after attending a COVID-19 update meeting in January, prompting them to sell MILLION OF DOLLARS in stock.

Beyond golfing and attending rallies for his mentally retarded minions, what does asswipePINO do?

"WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday aimed at preventing counterfeit products from abroad from being sold to U.S. citizens who shop online using, or other eCommerce websites, the White House said."

IMO, one the four (R or D, don't care) should be the next POTUS, all are adults with brains!
yep and everyone of those senators should be arrested for insider trading.
Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.
Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’
Anyone viewing the poster, and then reading your post, will recognized what a lying fool you are.
Is that empty statement the best you can do, Chickie?
Go ahead, tell us how i lied ... or STFU.
Simple....not as simple as you are, but simple nonetheless: Trump lost a fortune serving the country.
Yes, it’s simple to counter your trolling partisan BS :)

Donald Trump's family appears to have grown RICHER since he entered the White House. The wealth is coming in because Trump, unlike past presidents, handed control of his businesses over to his children instead of fully divesting from them

Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure, and has lost about $400 million since he assumed office ...
While the Great Recession that Obama inherited caused most Americans to suffer, the economic recovery in the Obama years did wonders for Trump's bottom line. The real estate developer reached his highest Forbes net worth in March 2016, an estimated $4.5 billion. It took just four years for Trump's net worth to go from a 10-year low of $1.6 billion in 2009 to $3 million, higher than before the recession hit.

his family isn't allowed to make money?
Of course they are, if legit.
PChickie was implying how Trump is losing lots of money as POTUS, but he & his family are doing very well overall, ESPECIALLY after the Obama administration inherited the 2008 meltdown mess from previous Republican administration.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January?


“If we have learned anything from the risks that new viruses pose to public health it is that a ‘stitch in time saves nine,’ and the more we can do to be proactive, the better off the public will be,” said U.S. Senator Charles Schumer. “The CDC has been doing a tremendous job so far at being proactive and working around the clock to protect public health, but if we are going to make sure they can sustain this pace and remain at-the-ready should the outbreak get worse, they will need immediate access to critical federal funds that at the present time they remain unable to access. That is why, today, I am urging HHS to follow the CDC’s proactive lead: declare a formal public health emergency for the coronavirus. In doing so, HHS will unlock tens of millions for the CDC to access.”
Mostly working on impeachment.
And Republicans and Trump and his pos lawyer in Ukraine trying to bash Biden
Biden brought out on his own, he shouldn't of threatened to withhold money if a prosecuter wasn't fired for investigating his sons company. Then the dummy bragged about it on t.v.
If asswipePINO acted back on January 23rd, we'd not be in this place today. I know of four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January? What are they doing now for americans?
View attachment 322469
Waiting for the President to lead. Still waiting...
original 2 million dead Americans, now 60,000 dead. That's leading, and the numbers are coming from a Hillary loving liberal.

So you’re okay that your blob missed the the case count by 600,000?

Quick, deflect to something else
Your loon at first said up to 2 million dead, now it's 60,000. Just a regular bad flu season. Thank you president Trump!
Ahh, deflection.

Your blob said there would be zero cases. Was he wrong? Do we have zero cases?

I’m sure you’re way too much of a pussy to give a direct answer. Why are you so afraid to criticize your master? What are you so scared of?
He didn't say zero cases, he stopped travel from china all the while you called him racist. The mayor of new york city just last month told new yorkers to go out and have a good time, so did Pelosi. Trump has done a great job as usual. The sad part in this whole thing is, you loons crashing the economy and putting millions out of work. Because you lost an election.
So you're saying Trump acted quickly and correctly in keeping America safe and the reason we had no virus fighting equipment for three years is Obamas fault?
I didn't blame obama for the swine flu, but i think Trump is doing a great job, he was putting things in place while you loons were to busy trying to impeach him.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January?


“If we have learned anything from the risks that new viruses pose to public health it is that a ‘stitch in time saves nine,’ and the more we can do to be proactive, the better off the public will be,” said U.S. Senator Charles Schumer. “The CDC has been doing a tremendous job so far at being proactive and working around the clock to protect public health, but if we are going to make sure they can sustain this pace and remain at-the-ready should the outbreak get worse, they will need immediate access to critical federal funds that at the present time they remain unable to access. That is why, today, I am urging HHS to follow the CDC’s proactive lead: declare a formal public health emergency for the coronavirus. In doing so, HHS will unlock tens of millions for the CDC to access.”
Mostly working on impeachment.
And Republicans and Trump and his pos lawyer in Ukraine trying to bash Biden
Biden brought out on his own, he shouldn't of threatened to withhold money if a prosecuter wasn't fired for investigating his sons company. Then the dummy bragged about it on t.v.
If asswipePINO acted back on January 23rd, we'd not be in this place today. I know of four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January? What are they doing now for americans?
View attachment 322469
Waiting for the President to lead. Still waiting...
original 2 million dead Americans, now 60,000 dead. That's leading, and the numbers are coming from a Hillary loving liberal.

So you’re okay that your blob missed the the case count by 600,000?

Quick, deflect to something else
Your loon at first said up to 2 million dead, now it's 60,000. Just a regular bad flu season. Thank you president Trump!
Ahh, deflection.

Your blob said there would be zero cases. Was he wrong? Do we have zero cases?

I’m sure you’re way too much of a pussy to give a direct answer. Why are you so afraid to criticize your master? What are you so scared of?
He didn't say zero cases, he stopped travel from china all the while you called him racist. The mayor of new york city just last month told new yorkers to go out and have a good time, so did Pelosi. Trump has done a great job as usual. The sad part in this whole thing is, you loons crashing the economy and putting millions out of work. Because you lost an election.
Here is the quote on 2/26/20...and how far he was off at the time of publishing. Keep in mind, this

View attachment 322547

so he did say zero.

How could he have been so far off?

Are you going to just keep on blaming every one else for what he said?
did he say when it was going to be zero?
In a couple of days.
No, but he has came out since then and taken care of it. Not the doom and gloom you were hoping for.

Taken care of what?

I was hoping he was right. That it would disappear like a miracle.

He was wrong about that too.
The liberal lie about the entire thing
View attachment 322611
you should feel giddy about collapsing a great economy and ruining millions of american lives. All because you're butthurt, because lost the election

Ahh deflection.

The blob said we’d have zero cases. We have like 600,000. You can try to change the subject but you can’t change the truth
The liberal Fauci came up with original death counts. How about those lies.

Again, you can change the subject, but you can't change the truth.

Your blob said we'd have zero cases; what happened to that?
Why so many deaths when we were supposed to have zero cases?

But since you bring up Fauci...if he's a liar....why is the blob listening to him still? Why is it that every one of the blob's advisors supposedly lie to him?

Let's check:
[News of the virus’ highly contagious nature didn’t surface publicly until Jan. 20, Human-to-human transmission confirmed in China coronavirus] …and it took Trump a whole 11 days to shut down travel with China.

“Trump already signed an order Jan. 31 barring entry to foreign nationals,…” Trump sets new travel restrictions over coronavirus, considering southern border shutdown

Eleven days….

February 29th, first American died of the virus. First American has died from coronavirus, health officials confirm

March 13th…Trump declared a national health emergency due to the virus. Trump declares national emergency over coronavirus outbreak

Took Hussein 6 months and 1,000 Americans dead to call for an H1N1 health emergency.

Senator Richard Burr (R), Senator Kelly Loeffler (R), Senator Diane Feinstein (D), and Senator Jim Inhofe (R), all had a HOLLY SHIT moment after attending a COVID-19 update meeting in January, prompting them to sell MILLION OF DOLLARS in stock.

Beyond golfing and attending rallies for his mentally retarded minions, what does asswipePINO do?

"WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday aimed at preventing counterfeit products from abroad from being sold to U.S. citizens who shop online using, or other eCommerce websites, the White House said."

IMO, one the four (R or D, don't care) should be the next POTUS, all are adults with brains!

Re-post without know, as if you were an adult.....and I may respond.
Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.
Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’
Anyone viewing the poster, and then reading your post, will recognized what a lying fool you are.
Is that empty statement the best you can do, Chickie?
Go ahead, tell us how i lied ... or STFU.
Simple....not as simple as you are, but simple nonetheless: Trump lost a fortune serving the country.
Yes, it’s simple to counter your trolling partisan BS :)

Donald Trump's family appears to have grown RICHER since he entered the White House. The wealth is coming in because Trump, unlike past presidents, handed control of his businesses over to his children instead of fully divesting from them

Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure, and has lost about $400 million since he assumed office ...
While the Great Recession that Obama inherited caused most Americans to suffer, the economic recovery in the Obama years did wonders for Trump's bottom line. The real estate developer reached his highest Forbes net worth in March 2016, an estimated $4.5 billion. It took just four years for Trump's net worth to go from a 10-year low of $1.6 billion in 2009 to $3 million, higher than before the recession hit.

his family isn't allowed to make money?
Of course they are, if legit.
PChickie was implying how Trump is losing lots of money as POTUS, but he & his family are doing very well overall, ESPECIALLY after the Obama administration inherited the 2008 meltdown mess from previous Republican administration.
Well the president is his own person, right?
his kids are themselves their own person, right?
what does one have to do with the other exactly?
you're acting confused again.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January?


“If we have learned anything from the risks that new viruses pose to public health it is that a ‘stitch in time saves nine,’ and the more we can do to be proactive, the better off the public will be,” said U.S. Senator Charles Schumer. “The CDC has been doing a tremendous job so far at being proactive and working around the clock to protect public health, but if we are going to make sure they can sustain this pace and remain at-the-ready should the outbreak get worse, they will need immediate access to critical federal funds that at the present time they remain unable to access. That is why, today, I am urging HHS to follow the CDC’s proactive lead: declare a formal public health emergency for the coronavirus. In doing so, HHS will unlock tens of millions for the CDC to access.”
Mostly working on impeachment.
And Republicans and Trump and his pos lawyer in Ukraine trying to bash Biden
Biden brought out on his own, he shouldn't of threatened to withhold money if a prosecuter wasn't fired for investigating his sons company. Then the dummy bragged about it on t.v.
If asswipePINO acted back on January 23rd, we'd not be in this place today. I know of four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January? What are they doing now for americans?
View attachment 322469
Waiting for the President to lead. Still waiting...
original 2 million dead Americans, now 60,000 dead. That's leading, and the numbers are coming from a Hillary loving liberal.

So you’re okay that your blob missed the the case count by 600,000?

Quick, deflect to something else
Your loon at first said up to 2 million dead, now it's 60,000. Just a regular bad flu season. Thank you president Trump!
Ahh, deflection.

Your blob said there would be zero cases. Was he wrong? Do we have zero cases?

I’m sure you’re way too much of a pussy to give a direct answer. Why are you so afraid to criticize your master? What are you so scared of?
He didn't say zero cases, he stopped travel from china all the while you called him racist. The mayor of new york city just last month told new yorkers to go out and have a good time, so did Pelosi. Trump has done a great job as usual. The sad part in this whole thing is, you loons crashing the economy and putting millions out of work. Because you lost an election.
So you're saying Trump acted quickly and correctly in keeping America safe and the reason we had no virus fighting equipment for three years is Obamas fault?
I didn't blame obama for the swine flu, but i think Trump is doing a great job, he was putting things in place while you loons were to busy trying to impeach him.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January?


“If we have learned anything from the risks that new viruses pose to public health it is that a ‘stitch in time saves nine,’ and the more we can do to be proactive, the better off the public will be,” said U.S. Senator Charles Schumer. “The CDC has been doing a tremendous job so far at being proactive and working around the clock to protect public health, but if we are going to make sure they can sustain this pace and remain at-the-ready should the outbreak get worse, they will need immediate access to critical federal funds that at the present time they remain unable to access. That is why, today, I am urging HHS to follow the CDC’s proactive lead: declare a formal public health emergency for the coronavirus. In doing so, HHS will unlock tens of millions for the CDC to access.”
Mostly working on impeachment.
And Republicans and Trump and his pos lawyer in Ukraine trying to bash Biden
Biden brought out on his own, he shouldn't of threatened to withhold money if a prosecuter wasn't fired for investigating his sons company. Then the dummy bragged about it on t.v.
If asswipePINO acted back on January 23rd, we'd not be in this place today. I know of four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January? What are they doing now for americans?
View attachment 322469
Waiting for the President to lead. Still waiting...
original 2 million dead Americans, now 60,000 dead. That's leading, and the numbers are coming from a Hillary loving liberal.

So you’re okay that your blob missed the the case count by 600,000?

Quick, deflect to something else
Your loon at first said up to 2 million dead, now it's 60,000. Just a regular bad flu season. Thank you president Trump!
Ahh, deflection.

Your blob said there would be zero cases. Was he wrong? Do we have zero cases?

I’m sure you’re way too much of a pussy to give a direct answer. Why are you so afraid to criticize your master? What are you so scared of?
He didn't say zero cases, he stopped travel from china all the while you called him racist. The mayor of new york city just last month told new yorkers to go out and have a good time, so did Pelosi. Trump has done a great job as usual. The sad part in this whole thing is, you loons crashing the economy and putting millions out of work. Because you lost an election.
Here is the quote on 2/26/20...and how far he was off at the time of publishing. Keep in mind, this

View attachment 322547

so he did say zero.

How could he have been so far off?

Are you going to just keep on blaming every one else for what he said?
did he say when it was going to be zero?
In a couple of days.
No, but he has came out since then and taken care of it. Not the doom and gloom you were hoping for.

Taken care of what?

I was hoping he was right. That it would disappear like a miracle.

He was wrong about that too.
The liberal lie about the entire thing
View attachment 322611
you should feel giddy about collapsing a great economy and ruining millions of american lives. All because you're butthurt, because lost the election

Ahh deflection.

The blob said we’d have zero cases. We have like 600,000. You can try to change the subject but you can’t change the truth
The liberal Fauci came up with original death counts. How about those lies.

Again, you can change the subject, but you can't change the truth.

Your blob said we'd have zero cases; what happened to that?
Why so many deaths when we were supposed to have zero cases?

But since you bring up Fauci...if he's a liar....why is the blob listening to him still? Why is it that every one of the blob's advisors supposedly lie to him?

Let's check:
[News of the virus’ highly contagious nature didn’t surface publicly until Jan. 20, Human-to-human transmission confirmed in China coronavirus] …and it took Trump a whole 11 days to shut down travel with China.

“Trump already signed an order Jan. 31 barring entry to foreign nationals,…” Trump sets new travel restrictions over coronavirus, considering southern border shutdown

Eleven days….

February 29th, first American died of the virus. First American has died from coronavirus, health officials confirm

March 13th…Trump declared a national health emergency due to the virus. Trump declares national emergency over coronavirus outbreak

Took Hussein 6 months and 1,000 Americans dead to call for an H1N1 health emergency.

Senator Richard Burr (R), Senator Kelly Loeffler (R), Senator Diane Feinstein (D), and Senator Jim Inhofe (R), all had a HOLLY SHIT moment after attending a COVID-19 update meeting in January, prompting them to sell MILLION OF DOLLARS in stock.

Beyond golfing and attending rallies for his mentally retarded minions, what does asswipePINO do?

"WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday aimed at preventing counterfeit products from abroad from being sold to U.S. citizens who shop online using, or other eCommerce websites, the White House said."

IMO, one the four (R or D, don't care) should be the next POTUS, all are adults with brains!
yep and everyone of those senators should be arrested for insider trading.

I need an 'agree' button!
Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.
Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’
Anyone viewing the poster, and then reading your post, will recognized what a lying fool you are.
Is that empty statement the best you can do, Chickie?
Go ahead, tell us how i lied ... or STFU.
Simple....not as simple as you are, but simple nonetheless: Trump lost a fortune serving the country.
Yes, it’s simple to counter your trolling partisan BS :)

Donald Trump's family appears to have grown RICHER since he entered the White House. The wealth is coming in because Trump, unlike past presidents, handed control of his businesses over to his children instead of fully divesting from them

Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure, and has lost about $400 million since he assumed office ...
While the Great Recession that Obama inherited caused most Americans to suffer, the economic recovery in the Obama years did wonders for Trump's bottom line. The real estate developer reached his highest Forbes net worth in March 2016, an estimated $4.5 billion. It took just four years for Trump's net worth to go from a 10-year low of $1.6 billion in 2009 to $3 million, higher than before the recession hit.

his family isn't allowed to make money?
Of course they are, if legit.
PChickie was implying how Trump is losing lots of money as POTUS, but he & his family are doing very well overall, ESPECIALLY after the Obama administration inherited the 2008 meltdown mess from previous Republican administration.
Well the president is his own person, right?
his kids are themselves their own person, right?
what does one have to do with the other exactly?
you're acting confused again.

Here's the problem and solution for that fool:

Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January?


“If we have learned anything from the risks that new viruses pose to public health it is that a ‘stitch in time saves nine,’ and the more we can do to be proactive, the better off the public will be,” said U.S. Senator Charles Schumer. “The CDC has been doing a tremendous job so far at being proactive and working around the clock to protect public health, but if we are going to make sure they can sustain this pace and remain at-the-ready should the outbreak get worse, they will need immediate access to critical federal funds that at the present time they remain unable to access. That is why, today, I am urging HHS to follow the CDC’s proactive lead: declare a formal public health emergency for the coronavirus. In doing so, HHS will unlock tens of millions for the CDC to access.”
Mostly working on impeachment.
And Republicans and Trump and his pos lawyer in Ukraine trying to bash Biden
Biden brought out on his own, he shouldn't of threatened to withhold money if a prosecuter wasn't fired for investigating his sons company. Then the dummy bragged about it on t.v.
If asswipePINO acted back on January 23rd, we'd not be in this place today. I know of four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January? What are they doing now for americans?
View attachment 322469
Waiting for the President to lead. Still waiting...
original 2 million dead Americans, now 60,000 dead. That's leading, and the numbers are coming from a Hillary loving liberal.

So you’re okay that your blob missed the the case count by 600,000?

Quick, deflect to something else
Your loon at first said up to 2 million dead, now it's 60,000. Just a regular bad flu season. Thank you president Trump!
Ahh, deflection.

Your blob said there would be zero cases. Was he wrong? Do we have zero cases?

I’m sure you’re way too much of a pussy to give a direct answer. Why are you so afraid to criticize your master? What are you so scared of?
He didn't say zero cases, he stopped travel from china all the while you called him racist. The mayor of new york city just last month told new yorkers to go out and have a good time, so did Pelosi. Trump has done a great job as usual. The sad part in this whole thing is, you loons crashing the economy and putting millions out of work. Because you lost an election.
So you're saying Trump acted quickly and correctly in keeping America safe and the reason we had no virus fighting equipment for three years is Obamas fault?
I didn't blame obama for the swine flu, but i think Trump is doing a great job, he was putting things in place while you loons were to busy trying to impeach him.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January?


“If we have learned anything from the risks that new viruses pose to public health it is that a ‘stitch in time saves nine,’ and the more we can do to be proactive, the better off the public will be,” said U.S. Senator Charles Schumer. “The CDC has been doing a tremendous job so far at being proactive and working around the clock to protect public health, but if we are going to make sure they can sustain this pace and remain at-the-ready should the outbreak get worse, they will need immediate access to critical federal funds that at the present time they remain unable to access. That is why, today, I am urging HHS to follow the CDC’s proactive lead: declare a formal public health emergency for the coronavirus. In doing so, HHS will unlock tens of millions for the CDC to access.”
Mostly working on impeachment.
And Republicans and Trump and his pos lawyer in Ukraine trying to bash Biden
Biden brought out on his own, he shouldn't of threatened to withhold money if a prosecuter wasn't fired for investigating his sons company. Then the dummy bragged about it on t.v.
If asswipePINO acted back on January 23rd, we'd not be in this place today. I know of four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January? What are they doing now for americans?
View attachment 322469
Waiting for the President to lead. Still waiting...
original 2 million dead Americans, now 60,000 dead. That's leading, and the numbers are coming from a Hillary loving liberal.

So you’re okay that your blob missed the the case count by 600,000?

Quick, deflect to something else
Your loon at first said up to 2 million dead, now it's 60,000. Just a regular bad flu season. Thank you president Trump!
Ahh, deflection.

Your blob said there would be zero cases. Was he wrong? Do we have zero cases?

I’m sure you’re way too much of a pussy to give a direct answer. Why are you so afraid to criticize your master? What are you so scared of?
He didn't say zero cases, he stopped travel from china all the while you called him racist. The mayor of new york city just last month told new yorkers to go out and have a good time, so did Pelosi. Trump has done a great job as usual. The sad part in this whole thing is, you loons crashing the economy and putting millions out of work. Because you lost an election.
Here is the quote on 2/26/20...and how far he was off at the time of publishing. Keep in mind, this

View attachment 322547

so he did say zero.

How could he have been so far off?

Are you going to just keep on blaming every one else for what he said?
did he say when it was going to be zero?
In a couple of days.
No, but he has came out since then and taken care of it. Not the doom and gloom you were hoping for.

Taken care of what?

I was hoping he was right. That it would disappear like a miracle.

He was wrong about that too.
The liberal lie about the entire thing
View attachment 322611
you should feel giddy about collapsing a great economy and ruining millions of american lives. All because you're butthurt, because lost the election

Ahh deflection.

The blob said we’d have zero cases. We have like 600,000. You can try to change the subject but you can’t change the truth
The liberal Fauci came up with original death counts. How about those lies.

Again, you can change the subject, but you can't change the truth.

Your blob said we'd have zero cases; what happened to that?
Why so many deaths when we were supposed to have zero cases?

But since you bring up Fauci...if he's a liar....why is the blob listening to him still? Why is it that every one of the blob's advisors supposedly lie to him?

Let's check:
[News of the virus’ highly contagious nature didn’t surface publicly until Jan. 20, Human-to-human transmission confirmed in China coronavirus] …and it took Trump a whole 11 days to shut down travel with China.

“Trump already signed an order Jan. 31 barring entry to foreign nationals,…” Trump sets new travel restrictions over coronavirus, considering southern border shutdown

Eleven days….

February 29th, first American died of the virus. First American has died from coronavirus, health officials confirm

March 13th…Trump declared a national health emergency due to the virus. Trump declares national emergency over coronavirus outbreak

Took Hussein 6 months and 1,000 Americans dead to call for an H1N1 health emergency.

Senator Richard Burr (R), Senator Kelly Loeffler (R), Senator Diane Feinstein (D), and Senator Jim Inhofe (R), all had a HOLLY SHIT moment after attending a COVID-19 update meeting in January, prompting them to sell MILLION OF DOLLARS in stock.

Beyond golfing and attending rallies for his mentally retarded minions, what does asswipePINO do?

"WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday aimed at preventing counterfeit products from abroad from being sold to U.S. citizens who shop online using, or other eCommerce websites, the White House said."

IMO, one the four (R or D, don't care) should be the next POTUS, all are adults with brains!
yep and everyone of those senators should be arrested for insider trading.

I need an 'agree' button!
I say the same thing.
Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.

Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’
Anyone viewing the poster, and then reading your post, will recognized what a lying fool you are.
Is that empty statement the best you can do, Chickie?
Go ahead, tell us how i lied ... or STFU.
Simple....not as simple as you are, but simple nonetheless: Trump lost a fortune serving the country.
Yes, it’s simple to counter your trolling partisan BS :)

Donald Trump's family appears to have grown RICHER since he entered the White House. The wealth is coming in because Trump, unlike past presidents, handed control of his businesses over to his children instead of fully divesting from them

Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure, and has lost about $400 million since he assumed office ...
While the Great Recession that Obama inherited caused most Americans to suffer, the economic recovery in the Obama years did wonders for Trump's bottom line. The real estate developer reached his highest Forbes net worth in March 2016, an estimated $4.5 billion. It took just four years for Trump's net worth to go from a 10-year low of $1.6 billion in 2009 to $3 million, higher than before the recession hit.

Why are you trying to pretend that this refers to during Obama's regime?

Is it because you are a low-life lying Liberal?

View attachment 322935
Hahaha, you can’t prove I’m lying and instead show that misleading poster again that confirms how RICH Trump is, ie, NOT suffering!

So, Obama made millions since he was elected ... while Trump made BILLIONS!
(“Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure”).
Boy, i feel sorry (NOT!) for Trump’s recent “loss” :)
** Why does Trump not reveal his Tax returns like every other POTUS in recent decades???
What is he hiding????????
Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.

Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’
Anyone viewing the poster, and then reading your post, will recognized what a lying fool you are.
Is that empty statement the best you can do, Chickie?
Go ahead, tell us how i lied ... or STFU.
Simple....not as simple as you are, but simple nonetheless: Trump lost a fortune serving the country.
Yes, it’s simple to counter your trolling partisan BS :)

Donald Trump's family appears to have grown RICHER since he entered the White House. The wealth is coming in because Trump, unlike past presidents, handed control of his businesses over to his children instead of fully divesting from them

Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure, and has lost about $400 million since he assumed office ...
While the Great Recession that Obama inherited caused most Americans to suffer, the economic recovery in the Obama years did wonders for Trump's bottom line. The real estate developer reached his highest Forbes net worth in March 2016, an estimated $4.5 billion. It took just four years for Trump's net worth to go from a 10-year low of $1.6 billion in 2009 to $3 million, higher than before the recession hit.

Why are you trying to pretend that this refers to during Obama's regime?

Is it because you are a low-life lying Liberal?

View attachment 322935
Hahaha, you can’t prove I’m lying and instead show that misleading poster again that confirms how RICH Trump is, ie, NOT suffering!

So, Obama made millions since he was elected ... while Trump made BILLIONS!
(“Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure”).
Boy, i feel sorry (NOT!) for Trump’s recent “loss” :)
** Why does Trump not reveal his Tax returns like every other POTUS in recent decades???
What is he hiding????????
dude, hahahahahahaha you are fking blind, that showed trump lost 1 billion in office. hahahhahhahahahaaha the fk!!!!
Last edited:
Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.

Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’
Anyone viewing the poster, and then reading your post, will recognized what a lying fool you are.
Is that empty statement the best you can do, Chickie?
Go ahead, tell us how i lied ... or STFU.
Simple....not as simple as you are, but simple nonetheless: Trump lost a fortune serving the country.
Yes, it’s simple to counter your trolling partisan BS :)

Donald Trump's family appears to have grown RICHER since he entered the White House. The wealth is coming in because Trump, unlike past presidents, handed control of his businesses over to his children instead of fully divesting from them

Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure, and has lost about $400 million since he assumed office ...
While the Great Recession that Obama inherited caused most Americans to suffer, the economic recovery in the Obama years did wonders for Trump's bottom line. The real estate developer reached his highest Forbes net worth in March 2016, an estimated $4.5 billion. It took just four years for Trump's net worth to go from a 10-year low of $1.6 billion in 2009 to $3 million, higher than before the recession hit.

Why are you trying to pretend that this refers to during Obama's regime?

Is it because you are a low-life lying Liberal?

View attachment 322935
Hahaha, you can’t prove I’m lying and instead show that misleading poster again that confirms how RICH Trump is, ie, NOT suffering!

So, Obama made millions since he was elected ... while Trump made BILLIONS!
(“Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure”).
Boy, i feel sorry (NOT!) for Trump’s recent “loss” :)
** Why does Trump not reveal his Tax returns like every other POTUS in recent decades???
What is he hiding????????

I did.
Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.
Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’
Anyone viewing the poster, and then reading your post, will recognized what a lying fool you are.
Is that empty statement the best you can do, Chickie?
Go ahead, tell us how i lied ... or STFU.
Simple....not as simple as you are, but simple nonetheless: Trump lost a fortune serving the country.
Yes, it’s simple to counter your trolling partisan BS :)

Donald Trump's family appears to have grown RICHER since he entered the White House. The wealth is coming in because Trump, unlike past presidents, handed control of his businesses over to his children instead of fully divesting from them

Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure, and has lost about $400 million since he assumed office ...
While the Great Recession that Obama inherited caused most Americans to suffer, the economic recovery in the Obama years did wonders for Trump's bottom line. The real estate developer reached his highest Forbes net worth in March 2016, an estimated $4.5 billion. It took just four years for Trump's net worth to go from a 10-year low of $1.6 billion in 2009 to $3 million, higher than before the recession hit.

his family isn't allowed to make money?
Of course they are, if legit.
PChickie was implying how Trump is losing lots of money as POTUS, but he & his family are doing very well overall, ESPECIALLY after the Obama administration inherited the 2008 meltdown mess from previous Republican administration.
Did you have any actual evidence to support your claims?
Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.

Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’
Anyone viewing the poster, and then reading your post, will recognized what a lying fool you are.
Is that empty statement the best you can do, Chickie?
Go ahead, tell us how i lied ... or STFU.
Simple....not as simple as you are, but simple nonetheless: Trump lost a fortune serving the country.
Yes, it’s simple to counter your trolling partisan BS :)

Donald Trump's family appears to have grown RICHER since he entered the White House. The wealth is coming in because Trump, unlike past presidents, handed control of his businesses over to his children instead of fully divesting from them

Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure, and has lost about $400 million since he assumed office ...
While the Great Recession that Obama inherited caused most Americans to suffer, the economic recovery in the Obama years did wonders for Trump's bottom line. The real estate developer reached his highest Forbes net worth in March 2016, an estimated $4.5 billion. It took just four years for Trump's net worth to go from a 10-year low of $1.6 billion in 2009 to $3 million, higher than before the recession hit.

Why are you trying to pretend that this refers to during Obama's regime?

Is it because you are a low-life lying Liberal?

View attachment 322935
Hahaha, you can’t prove I’m lying and instead show that misleading poster again that confirms how RICH Trump is, ie, NOT suffering!

So, Obama made millions since he was elected ... while Trump made BILLIONS!
(“Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure”).
Boy, i feel sorry (NOT!) for Trump’s recent “loss” :)
** Why does Trump not reveal his Tax returns like every other POTUS in recent decades???
What is he hiding????????
Trump wasn't elected until after Obama's tenure, moron. Money he made before he was elected is irrelevant to this discussion.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January?


“If we have learned anything from the risks that new viruses pose to public health it is that a ‘stitch in time saves nine,’ and the more we can do to be proactive, the better off the public will be,” said U.S. Senator Charles Schumer. “The CDC has been doing a tremendous job so far at being proactive and working around the clock to protect public health, but if we are going to make sure they can sustain this pace and remain at-the-ready should the outbreak get worse, they will need immediate access to critical federal funds that at the present time they remain unable to access. That is why, today, I am urging HHS to follow the CDC’s proactive lead: declare a formal public health emergency for the coronavirus. In doing so, HHS will unlock tens of millions for the CDC to access.”
Mostly working on impeachment.
And Republicans and Trump and his pos lawyer in Ukraine trying to bash Biden
Biden brought out on his own, he shouldn't of threatened to withhold money if a prosecuter wasn't fired for investigating his sons company. Then the dummy bragged about it on t.v.
If asswipePINO acted back on January 23rd, we'd not be in this place today. I know of four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January? What are they doing now for americans?
View attachment 322469
Waiting for the President to lead. Still waiting...
original 2 million dead Americans, now 60,000 dead. That's leading, and the numbers are coming from a Hillary loving liberal.

So you’re okay that your blob missed the the case count by 600,000?

Quick, deflect to something else
Your loon at first said up to 2 million dead, now it's 60,000. Just a regular bad flu season. Thank you president Trump!
Ahh, deflection.

Your blob said there would be zero cases. Was he wrong? Do we have zero cases?

I’m sure you’re way too much of a pussy to give a direct answer. Why are you so afraid to criticize your master? What are you so scared of?
He didn't say zero cases, he stopped travel from china all the while you called him racist. The mayor of new york city just last month told new yorkers to go out and have a good time, so did Pelosi. Trump has done a great job as usual. The sad part in this whole thing is, you loons crashing the economy and putting millions out of work. Because you lost an election.
So you're saying Trump acted quickly and correctly in keeping America safe and the reason we had no virus fighting equipment for three years is Obamas fault?
I didn't blame obama for the swine flu, but i think Trump is doing a great job, he was putting things in place while you loons were to busy trying to impeach him.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January?


“If we have learned anything from the risks that new viruses pose to public health it is that a ‘stitch in time saves nine,’ and the more we can do to be proactive, the better off the public will be,” said U.S. Senator Charles Schumer. “The CDC has been doing a tremendous job so far at being proactive and working around the clock to protect public health, but if we are going to make sure they can sustain this pace and remain at-the-ready should the outbreak get worse, they will need immediate access to critical federal funds that at the present time they remain unable to access. That is why, today, I am urging HHS to follow the CDC’s proactive lead: declare a formal public health emergency for the coronavirus. In doing so, HHS will unlock tens of millions for the CDC to access.”
Mostly working on impeachment.
And Republicans and Trump and his pos lawyer in Ukraine trying to bash Biden
Biden brought out on his own, he shouldn't of threatened to withhold money if a prosecuter wasn't fired for investigating his sons company. Then the dummy bragged about it on t.v.
If asswipePINO acted back on January 23rd, we'd not be in this place today. I know of four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January? What are they doing now for americans?
View attachment 322469
Waiting for the President to lead. Still waiting...
original 2 million dead Americans, now 60,000 dead. That's leading, and the numbers are coming from a Hillary loving liberal.

So you’re okay that your blob missed the the case count by 600,000?

Quick, deflect to something else
Your loon at first said up to 2 million dead, now it's 60,000. Just a regular bad flu season. Thank you president Trump!
Ahh, deflection.

Your blob said there would be zero cases. Was he wrong? Do we have zero cases?

I’m sure you’re way too much of a pussy to give a direct answer. Why are you so afraid to criticize your master? What are you so scared of?
He didn't say zero cases, he stopped travel from china all the while you called him racist. The mayor of new york city just last month told new yorkers to go out and have a good time, so did Pelosi. Trump has done a great job as usual. The sad part in this whole thing is, you loons crashing the economy and putting millions out of work. Because you lost an election.
Here is the quote on 2/26/20...and how far he was off at the time of publishing. Keep in mind, this

View attachment 322547

so he did say zero.

How could he have been so far off?

Are you going to just keep on blaming every one else for what he said?
did he say when it was going to be zero?
In a couple of days.
No, but he has came out since then and taken care of it. Not the doom and gloom you were hoping for.

Taken care of what?

I was hoping he was right. That it would disappear like a miracle.

He was wrong about that too.
The liberal lie about the entire thing
View attachment 322611
you should feel giddy about collapsing a great economy and ruining millions of american lives. All because you're butthurt, because lost the election

Ahh deflection.

The blob said we’d have zero cases. We have like 600,000. You can try to change the subject but you can’t change the truth
The liberal Fauci came up with original death counts. How about those lies.

Again, you can change the subject, but you can't change the truth.

Your blob said we'd have zero cases; what happened to that?
Why so many deaths when we were supposed to have zero cases?

But since you bring up Fauci...if he's a liar....why is the blob listening to him still? Why is it that every one of the blob's advisors supposedly lie to him?

Let's check:
[News of the virus’ highly contagious nature didn’t surface publicly until Jan. 20, Human-to-human transmission confirmed in China coronavirus] …and it took Trump a whole 11 days to shut down travel with China.

“Trump already signed an order Jan. 31 barring entry to foreign nationals,…” Trump sets new travel restrictions over coronavirus, considering southern border shutdown

Eleven days….

February 29th, first American died of the virus. First American has died from coronavirus, health officials confirm

March 13th…Trump declared a national health emergency due to the virus. Trump declares national emergency over coronavirus outbreak

Took Hussein 6 months and 1,000 Americans dead to call for an H1N1 health emergency.

Senator Richard Burr (R), Senator Kelly Loeffler (R), Senator Diane Feinstein (D), and Senator Jim Inhofe (R), all had a HOLLY SHIT moment after attending a COVID-19 update meeting in January, prompting them to sell MILLION OF DOLLARS in stock.

Beyond golfing and attending rallies for his mentally retarded minions, what does asswipePINO do?

"WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday aimed at preventing counterfeit products from abroad from being sold to U.S. citizens who shop online using, or other eCommerce websites, the White House said."

IMO, one the four (R or D, don't care) should be the next POTUS, all are adults with brains!
yep and everyone of those senators should be arrested for insider trading.

For being smarter than asswipePINO?
no, for having insider news before the public then trading on that news and that's called insider trading. look it up. they should have all been locked out.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January?


“If we have learned anything from the risks that new viruses pose to public health it is that a ‘stitch in time saves nine,’ and the more we can do to be proactive, the better off the public will be,” said U.S. Senator Charles Schumer. “The CDC has been doing a tremendous job so far at being proactive and working around the clock to protect public health, but if we are going to make sure they can sustain this pace and remain at-the-ready should the outbreak get worse, they will need immediate access to critical federal funds that at the present time they remain unable to access. That is why, today, I am urging HHS to follow the CDC’s proactive lead: declare a formal public health emergency for the coronavirus. In doing so, HHS will unlock tens of millions for the CDC to access.”
Mostly working on impeachment.
And Republicans and Trump and his pos lawyer in Ukraine trying to bash Biden
Biden brought out on his own, he shouldn't of threatened to withhold money if a prosecuter wasn't fired for investigating his sons company. Then the dummy bragged about it on t.v.
If asswipePINO acted back on January 23rd, we'd not be in this place today. I know of four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January? What are they doing now for americans?
View attachment 322469
Waiting for the President to lead. Still waiting...
original 2 million dead Americans, now 60,000 dead. That's leading, and the numbers are coming from a Hillary loving liberal.

So you’re okay that your blob missed the the case count by 600,000?

Quick, deflect to something else
Your loon at first said up to 2 million dead, now it's 60,000. Just a regular bad flu season. Thank you president Trump!
Ahh, deflection.

Your blob said there would be zero cases. Was he wrong? Do we have zero cases?

I’m sure you’re way too much of a pussy to give a direct answer. Why are you so afraid to criticize your master? What are you so scared of?
He didn't say zero cases, he stopped travel from china all the while you called him racist. The mayor of new york city just last month told new yorkers to go out and have a good time, so did Pelosi. Trump has done a great job as usual. The sad part in this whole thing is, you loons crashing the economy and putting millions out of work. Because you lost an election.
So you're saying Trump acted quickly and correctly in keeping America safe and the reason we had no virus fighting equipment for three years is Obamas fault?
I didn't blame obama for the swine flu, but i think Trump is doing a great job, he was putting things in place while you loons were to busy trying to impeach him.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January?


“If we have learned anything from the risks that new viruses pose to public health it is that a ‘stitch in time saves nine,’ and the more we can do to be proactive, the better off the public will be,” said U.S. Senator Charles Schumer. “The CDC has been doing a tremendous job so far at being proactive and working around the clock to protect public health, but if we are going to make sure they can sustain this pace and remain at-the-ready should the outbreak get worse, they will need immediate access to critical federal funds that at the present time they remain unable to access. That is why, today, I am urging HHS to follow the CDC’s proactive lead: declare a formal public health emergency for the coronavirus. In doing so, HHS will unlock tens of millions for the CDC to access.”
Mostly working on impeachment.
And Republicans and Trump and his pos lawyer in Ukraine trying to bash Biden
Biden brought out on his own, he shouldn't of threatened to withhold money if a prosecuter wasn't fired for investigating his sons company. Then the dummy bragged about it on t.v.
If asswipePINO acted back on January 23rd, we'd not be in this place today. I know of four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
Tell me, what were the democrats doing back in January? What are they doing now for americans?
View attachment 322469
Waiting for the President to lead. Still waiting...
original 2 million dead Americans, now 60,000 dead. That's leading, and the numbers are coming from a Hillary loving liberal.

So you’re okay that your blob missed the the case count by 600,000?

Quick, deflect to something else
Your loon at first said up to 2 million dead, now it's 60,000. Just a regular bad flu season. Thank you president Trump!
Ahh, deflection.

Your blob said there would be zero cases. Was he wrong? Do we have zero cases?

I’m sure you’re way too much of a pussy to give a direct answer. Why are you so afraid to criticize your master? What are you so scared of?
He didn't say zero cases, he stopped travel from china all the while you called him racist. The mayor of new york city just last month told new yorkers to go out and have a good time, so did Pelosi. Trump has done a great job as usual. The sad part in this whole thing is, you loons crashing the economy and putting millions out of work. Because you lost an election.
Here is the quote on 2/26/20...and how far he was off at the time of publishing. Keep in mind, this

View attachment 322547

so he did say zero.

How could he have been so far off?

Are you going to just keep on blaming every one else for what he said?
did he say when it was going to be zero?
In a couple of days.
No, but he has came out since then and taken care of it. Not the doom and gloom you were hoping for.

Taken care of what?

I was hoping he was right. That it would disappear like a miracle.

He was wrong about that too.
The liberal lie about the entire thing
View attachment 322611
you should feel giddy about collapsing a great economy and ruining millions of american lives. All because you're butthurt, because lost the election

Ahh deflection.

The blob said we’d have zero cases. We have like 600,000. You can try to change the subject but you can’t change the truth
The liberal Fauci came up with original death counts. How about those lies.

Again, you can change the subject, but you can't change the truth.

Your blob said we'd have zero cases; what happened to that?
Why so many deaths when we were supposed to have zero cases?

But since you bring up Fauci...if he's a liar....why is the blob listening to him still? Why is it that every one of the blob's advisors supposedly lie to him?

Let's check:
[News of the virus’ highly contagious nature didn’t surface publicly until Jan. 20, Human-to-human transmission confirmed in China coronavirus] …and it took Trump a whole 11 days to shut down travel with China.

“Trump already signed an order Jan. 31 barring entry to foreign nationals,…” Trump sets new travel restrictions over coronavirus, considering southern border shutdown

Eleven days….

February 29th, first American died of the virus. First American has died from coronavirus, health officials confirm

March 13th…Trump declared a national health emergency due to the virus. Trump declares national emergency over coronavirus outbreak

Took Hussein 6 months and 1,000 Americans dead to call for an H1N1 health emergency.

Senator Richard Burr (R), Senator Kelly Loeffler (R), Senator Diane Feinstein (D), and Senator Jim Inhofe (R), all had a HOLLY SHIT moment after attending a COVID-19 update meeting in January, prompting them to sell MILLION OF DOLLARS in stock.

Beyond golfing and attending rallies for his mentally retarded minions, what does asswipePINO do?

"WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday aimed at preventing counterfeit products from abroad from being sold to U.S. citizens who shop online using, or other eCommerce websites, the White House said."

IMO, one the four (R or D, don't care) should be the next POTUS, all are adults with brains!
yep and everyone of those senators should be arrested for insider trading.

For being smarter than asswipePINO?
Who is PINO?

Same as PMINO for you Canadians.
Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.
Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’
Anyone viewing the poster, and then reading your post, will recognized what a lying fool you are.
Is that empty statement the best you can do, Chickie?
Go ahead, tell us how i lied ... or STFU.
Simple....not as simple as you are, but simple nonetheless: Trump lost a fortune serving the country.
Yes, it’s simple to counter your trolling partisan BS :)

Donald Trump's family appears to have grown RICHER since he entered the White House. The wealth is coming in because Trump, unlike past presidents, handed control of his businesses over to his children instead of fully divesting from them

Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure, and has lost about $400 million since he assumed office ...
While the Great Recession that Obama inherited caused most Americans to suffer, the economic recovery in the Obama years did wonders for Trump's bottom line. The real estate developer reached his highest Forbes net worth in March 2016, an estimated $4.5 billion. It took just four years for Trump's net worth to go from a 10-year low of $1.6 billion in 2009 to $3 million, higher than before the recession hit.

his family isn't allowed to make money?
Of course they are, if legit.
PChickie was implying how Trump is losing lots of money as POTUS, but he & his family are doing very well overall, ESPECIALLY after the Obama administration inherited the 2008 meltdown mess from previous Republican administration.
Did you have any actual evidence to support your claims?
Which claim?
I have sources for nearly all my claims.
Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.
Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’
Anyone viewing the poster, and then reading your post, will recognized what a lying fool you are.
Is that empty statement the best you can do, Chickie?
Go ahead, tell us how i lied ... or STFU.
Simple....not as simple as you are, but simple nonetheless: Trump lost a fortune serving the country.
Yes, it’s simple to counter your trolling partisan BS :)

Donald Trump's family appears to have grown RICHER since he entered the White House. The wealth is coming in because Trump, unlike past presidents, handed control of his businesses over to his children instead of fully divesting from them

Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure, and has lost about $400 million since he assumed office ...
While the Great Recession that Obama inherited caused most Americans to suffer, the economic recovery in the Obama years did wonders for Trump's bottom line. The real estate developer reached his highest Forbes net worth in March 2016, an estimated $4.5 billion. It took just four years for Trump's net worth to go from a 10-year low of $1.6 billion in 2009 to $3 million, higher than before the recession hit.

his family isn't allowed to make money?
Of course they are, if legit.
PChickie was implying how Trump is losing lots of money as POTUS, but he & his family are doing very well overall, ESPECIALLY after the Obama administration inherited the 2008 meltdown mess from previous Republican administration.
Did you have any actual evidence to support your claims?
Which claim?
I have sources for nearly all my claims.
The ones you just made, dumbass.
"he & his family are doing very well overall"
Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.
Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’
Anyone viewing the poster, and then reading your post, will recognized what a lying fool you are.
Is that empty statement the best you can do, Chickie?
Go ahead, tell us how i lied ... or STFU.
Simple....not as simple as you are, but simple nonetheless: Trump lost a fortune serving the country.
Yes, it’s simple to counter your trolling partisan BS :)

Donald Trump's family appears to have grown RICHER since he entered the White House. The wealth is coming in because Trump, unlike past presidents, handed control of his businesses over to his children instead of fully divesting from them

Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure, and has lost about $400 million since he assumed office ...
While the Great Recession that Obama inherited caused most Americans to suffer, the economic recovery in the Obama years did wonders for Trump's bottom line. The real estate developer reached his highest Forbes net worth in March 2016, an estimated $4.5 billion. It took just four years for Trump's net worth to go from a 10-year low of $1.6 billion in 2009 to $3 million, higher than before the recession hit.

his family isn't allowed to make money?
Of course they are, if legit.
PChickie was implying how Trump is losing lots of money as POTUS, but he & his family are doing very well overall, ESPECIALLY after the Obama administration inherited the 2008 meltdown mess from previous Republican administration.
Did you have any actual evidence to support your claims?
Which claim?
I have sources for nearly all my claims.
The ones you just made, dumbass.
"he & his family are doing very well overall"
It looks like you’re spending too much time in front of your “dumbass” mirror ...

Donald Trump’s family appears to have grown RICHER since he entered the White House.

Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.
Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’
Anyone viewing the poster, and then reading your post, will recognized what a lying fool you are.
Is that empty statement the best you can do, Chickie?
Go ahead, tell us how i lied ... or STFU.
Simple....not as simple as you are, but simple nonetheless: Trump lost a fortune serving the country.
Yes, it’s simple to counter your trolling partisan BS :)

Donald Trump's family appears to have grown RICHER since he entered the White House. The wealth is coming in because Trump, unlike past presidents, handed control of his businesses over to his children instead of fully divesting from them

Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure, and has lost about $400 million since he assumed office ...
While the Great Recession that Obama inherited caused most Americans to suffer, the economic recovery in the Obama years did wonders for Trump's bottom line. The real estate developer reached his highest Forbes net worth in March 2016, an estimated $4.5 billion. It took just four years for Trump's net worth to go from a 10-year low of $1.6 billion in 2009 to $3 million, higher than before the recession hit.

his family isn't allowed to make money?
Of course they are, if legit.
PChickie was implying how Trump is losing lots of money as POTUS, but he & his family are doing very well overall, ESPECIALLY after the Obama administration inherited the 2008 meltdown mess from previous Republican administration.
Did you have any actual evidence to support your claims?
Which claim?
I have sources for nearly all my claims.
The ones you just made, dumbass.
"he & his family are doing very well overall"
It looks like you’re spending too much time in front of your “dumbass” mirror ...

Donald Trump’s family appears to have grown RICHER since he entered the White House.

that wasn't the original point. it was trump. and he lost 1 billion. you missed that as usual.

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