Ann Coulter Nails It Again....Great Job

I love my American woman!
will you love your new woman vp?
And here I thought republicans only loved their dogs and guns You might be the exception
It’s not your fault what you don’t know,, autism sucks
I have a big brain Me and Trump Only diff is I take responsibility
Really? For what?
For the life I've led with the pitfalls and all For the life I've led married to the same lady for 42 years with 2 smart honest children Know anyone in the WH that takes responsibility ??
Why won’t you let poor Americans have the same life?
Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.

Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’
People know her name.
People know Stalin's name too. What's your point?

Let's see.....

Some nobody on a message board calls her a dumb blonde.

But that dumb blond has a significant following while the accuser has NOTHING.

If she is dumb, what does that make our moronic responder.

Now, you knew all this going in, but you simply can't contain your need to sound smart.

You are failing.

As usual.

Anne Coulter proves that there is a sucker born every minute.
If asswipePINO acted back on January 23rd, we'd not be in this place today. I know of four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.

I only know MOC as Management Of Change.


1. Explain what they are....on another thread. This one is about what Coulter's not about you.
2. We'll be the judge of what proves and what does not.......on another thread.
3. You are a fucking monday morning quarterback......just a real pile of brains.

OK, I'll answer Coulter. OLD AMERICANS AREN'T EXPENDABLE!!!!!!
When the people of our nation was sold on social security and then medicare, it was easy to sell us on everything else. We all get old. And we can easily be jettisoned from the payouts if things get ugly. And we can be shamed into being selfish by the elites.

The issue is that miketx's favorite tranny (Ann Coulter) takes the Dan Patrick approach to old folks........Expendable.
But , but its the Trump government, and you want to send them home with no paycheck. Sounds like a coup d'é·tat leaving Trump in charge and not even collecting a paycheck. His only advisers being his family and of course Barr who is thinking about a name change. Wow a dream come true for some. He could make decisions with no one talking behind his back or hiding under the whistle blower name. So Coulter complains , well its easy to sit on the bench and bitch about possibilities. Ask Trump who has has been doing it for 40 years and hinting about running. Until he finally made it by joining the only party that would support him. If coulter wants to get off that bench, she should get into running for political office.
Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.

Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’

Anyone viewing the poster, and then reading your post, will recognized what a lying fool you are.

It’s probably a coincidence, but I notice that as businesses go under, jobs are lost, careers are ended and trillions of dollars are drained from the economy, the people most avidly pushing the coronavirus panic are doing quite well.

No politician or government official has taken a salary cut. To the contrary, dusty bureaucrats now find the entire country transfixed by their every utterance. Cable news hosts still make millions of dollars -- and now they get to work from home!

Annoyingly, though, journalists can’t seem to relay the basic elements of a news story: who, what, where and why.

First, who’s dying? It appears to be mostly the old, people with specific medical conditions and vapers.

To be sure, that’s not as important as daily updates on Chris Cuomo’s personal battle with the coronavirus, but it might be kind of important to the 17 million Americans who’ve been thrown out of work, many of whom are not elderly, immunocompromised or vapers.


I love Ann C. She calls them very well.

You'd hope that the first casualty of this bullshit virus hoax would be our LSM. But alas, we are to glued to their bullshit.

These people are doing great!


3000 people died over the weekend from COVID-19 but hey, we should've gone to restraunts and churches on this Easter, so a million more can do just as well. :rolleyes:

Ann Coulter is an ass, always was, always will be.
Last edited:

It’s probably a coincidence, but I notice that as businesses go under, jobs are lost, careers are ended and trillions of dollars are drained from the economy, the people most avidly pushing the coronavirus panic are doing quite well.

No politician or government official has taken a salary cut. To the contrary, dusty bureaucrats now find the entire country transfixed by their every utterance. Cable news hosts still make millions of dollars -- and now they get to work from home!

Annoyingly, though, journalists can’t seem to relay the basic elements of a news story: who, what, where and why.

First, who’s dying? It appears to be mostly the old, people with specific medical conditions and vapers.

To be sure, that’s not as important as daily updates on Chris Cuomo’s personal battle with the coronavirus, but it might be kind of important to the 17 million Americans who’ve been thrown out of work, many of whom are not elderly, immunocompromised or vapers.


I love Ann C. She calls them very well.

You'd hope that the first casualty of this bullshit virus hoax would be our LSM. But alas, we are to glued to their bullshit.
/——/ The quality of my like has increased ten fold since I turned off the news- even Fox. Even Drudge has changed. I’m burned out from the non stop hysteria. Since I’m heavily invested in the market, I do follow the stock news, oil, gas and precious metals.

It’s probably a coincidence, but I notice that as businesses go under, jobs are lost, careers are ended and trillions of dollars are drained from the economy, the people most avidly pushing the coronavirus panic are doing quite well.

No politician or government official has taken a salary cut. To the contrary, dusty bureaucrats now find the entire country transfixed by their every utterance. Cable news hosts still make millions of dollars -- and now they get to work from home!

Annoyingly, though, journalists can’t seem to relay the basic elements of a news story: who, what, where and why.

First, who’s dying? It appears to be mostly the old, people with specific medical conditions and vapers.

To be sure, that’s not as important as daily updates on Chris Cuomo’s personal battle with the coronavirus, but it might be kind of important to the 17 million Americans who’ve been thrown out of work, many of whom are not elderly, immunocompromised or vapers.


I love Ann C. She calls them very well.

You'd hope that the first casualty of this bullshit virus hoax would be our LSM. But alas, we are to glued to their bullshit.
/——/ The quality of my like has increased ten fold since I turned off the news- even Fox. Even Drudge has changed. I’m burned out from the non stop hysteria. Since I’m heavily invested in the market, I do follow the stock news, oil, gas and precious metals.
I'm with you. I can't listen to goofballs any longer.

It’s probably a coincidence, but I notice that as businesses go under, jobs are lost, careers are ended and trillions of dollars are drained from the economy, the people most avidly pushing the coronavirus panic are doing quite well.

No politician or government official has taken a salary cut. To the contrary, dusty bureaucrats now find the entire country transfixed by their every utterance. Cable news hosts still make millions of dollars -- and now they get to work from home!

Annoyingly, though, journalists can’t seem to relay the basic elements of a news story: who, what, where and why.

First, who’s dying? It appears to be mostly the old, people with specific medical conditions and vapers.

To be sure, that’s not as important as daily updates on Chris Cuomo’s personal battle with the coronavirus, but it might be kind of important to the 17 million Americans who’ve been thrown out of work, many of whom are not elderly, immunocompromised or vapers.


I love Ann C. She calls them very well.

You'd hope that the first casualty of this bullshit virus hoax would be our LSM. But alas, we are to glued to their bullshit.

These people are doing great!


3000 people died over the weekend from COVID-19 but hey, we should've gone to restraunts and churches on this Easter, so a million more can do just as well. :rolleyes:

Ann Coulter is an ass, always was, always will be.
And you believe in abortion? Thats all I have to say about that massive brain fart that just went off in your head.
Why can’t you answer the question?

Oh I can take my time and carefully answer your retarded beating around the bush.

But I will not, because I'm not going to be wasting all that time on an idiotic, deflective question spawned by your massive failure at thought.

You want to address the fact that 3000 people have died over this weekend and it would have been A LOT worse without the shutdown? GO AHEAD, otherwise stop wasting everyone's time with your abortion bullshit.

It’s probably a coincidence, but I notice that as businesses go under, jobs are lost, careers are ended and trillions of dollars are drained from the economy, the people most avidly pushing the coronavirus panic are doing quite well.

No politician or government official has taken a salary cut. To the contrary, dusty bureaucrats now find the entire country transfixed by their every utterance. Cable news hosts still make millions of dollars -- and now they get to work from home!

Annoyingly, though, journalists can’t seem to relay the basic elements of a news story: who, what, where and why.

First, who’s dying? It appears to be mostly the old, people with specific medical conditions and vapers.

To be sure, that’s not as important as daily updates on Chris Cuomo’s personal battle with the coronavirus, but it might be kind of important to the 17 million Americans who’ve been thrown out of work, many of whom are not elderly, immunocompromised or vapers.


I love Ann C. She calls them very well.

You'd hope that the first casualty of this bullshit virus hoax would be our LSM. But alas, we are to glued to their bullshit.

These people are doing great!


3000 people died over the weekend from COVID-19 but hey, we should've gone to restraunts and churches on this Easter, so a million more can do just as well. :rolleyes:

Ann Coulter is an ass, always was, always will be.
And you believe in abortion? Thats all I have to say about that massive brain fart that just went off in your head.
Why can’t you answer the question?

Oh I can take my time and carefully answer it.

But I will not, because I'm not going to be wasting all that time on an idiotic, deflective question spawned by your massive failure at thought.
3,000 people didn't die due to wuhan 19. maybe, 3,000 people died who had traces of RNA in their systems, but the deaths were not a result of wuhan 19. The experts said so. anyone with traces of wuhan will be declared dead because of. That's just fked up. but you want people to die of it. And just exactly what are any of us going to do if 3,000 did die of wuhan? what? what are you doing? why is the number so important for you?

Here are some numbers, why aren't you commenting on them?

CDC estimates* that, from October 1, 2019, through April 4, 2020, there have been:
39,000,000 – 56,000,000
flu illnesses

person coughing icon

18,000,000 – 26,000,000
flu medical visits

doctor patient icon

410,000 – 740,000
flu hospitalizations

hospital room icon

24,000 – 62,000
flu deaths

flu virus icon

Fk dude, 39 million got the flu. hly fk huh? but that number is smaller than wuhan? is that what you think? just curious why those numbers don't do anything for you.


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Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.

Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’
Anyone viewing the poster, and then reading your post, will recognized what a lying fool you are.
Is that empty statement the best you can do, Chickie?
Go ahead, tell us how i lied ... or STFU.
Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.

Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’
Anyone viewing the poster, and then reading your post, will recognized what a lying fool you are.
Is that empty statement the best you can do, Chickie?
Go ahead, tell us how i lied ... or STFU.

Simple....not as simple as you are, but simple nonetheless: Trump lost a fortune serving the country.

It’s probably a coincidence, but I notice that as businesses go under, jobs are lost, careers are ended and trillions of dollars are drained from the economy, the people most avidly pushing the coronavirus panic are doing quite well.

No politician or government official has taken a salary cut. To the contrary, dusty bureaucrats now find the entire country transfixed by their every utterance. Cable news hosts still make millions of dollars -- and now they get to work from home!

Annoyingly, though, journalists can’t seem to relay the basic elements of a news story: who, what, where and why.

First, who’s dying? It appears to be mostly the old, people with specific medical conditions and vapers.

To be sure, that’s not as important as daily updates on Chris Cuomo’s personal battle with the coronavirus, but it might be kind of important to the 17 million Americans who’ve been thrown out of work, many of whom are not elderly, immunocompromised or vapers.


I love Ann C. She calls them very well.

You'd hope that the first casualty of this bullshit virus hoax would be our LSM. But alas, we are to glued to their bullshit.

These people are doing great!


3000 people died over the weekend from COVID-19 but hey, we should've gone to restraunts and churches on this Easter, so a million more can do just as well. :rolleyes:

Ann Coulter is an ass, always was, always will be.
And you believe in abortion? Thats all I have to say about that massive brain fart that just went off in your head.
Why can’t you answer the question?

Oh I can take my time and carefully answer your retarded beating around the bush.

But I will not, because I'm not going to be wasting all that time on an idiotic, deflective question spawned by your massive failure at thought.

You want to address the fact that 3000 people have died over this weekend and it would have been A LOT worse without the shutdown? GO AHEAD, otherwise stop wasting everyone's time with your abortion bullshit.
But why do you care? You killed 700,000 thousand blacks babies last year.. are you pretending to care for politics? Lol

Yep. This has been another fun espisode of trying to rationally engage with a rightwinger.
I’d answer question.. if you all want to win elections lol

It’s probably a coincidence, but I notice that as businesses go under, jobs are lost, careers are ended and trillions of dollars are drained from the economy, the people most avidly pushing the coronavirus panic are doing quite well.

No politician or government official has taken a salary cut. To the contrary, dusty bureaucrats now find the entire country transfixed by their every utterance. Cable news hosts still make millions of dollars -- and now they get to work from home!

Annoyingly, though, journalists can’t seem to relay the basic elements of a news story: who, what, where and why.

First, who’s dying? It appears to be mostly the old, people with specific medical conditions and vapers.

To be sure, that’s not as important as daily updates on Chris Cuomo’s personal battle with the coronavirus, but it might be kind of important to the 17 million Americans who’ve been thrown out of work, many of whom are not elderly, immunocompromised or vapers.


I love Ann C. She calls them very well.

You'd hope that the first casualty of this bullshit virus hoax would be our LSM. But alas, we are to glued to their bullshit.

These people are doing great!


3000 people died over the weekend from COVID-19 but hey, we should've gone to restraunts and churches on this Easter, so a million more can do just as well. :rolleyes:

Ann Coulter is an ass, always was, always will be.
Yeah, every dumbass hates people who tell the truth.

It's a safe bet that he has read none of Coulter's dozen scholarly best sellers.

Of course, the Left doesn't read books at all.....other than

Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.

Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’
Anyone viewing the poster, and then reading your post, will recognized what a lying fool you are.
Is that empty statement the best you can do, Chickie?
Go ahead, tell us how i lied ... or STFU.
Simple....not as simple as you are, but simple nonetheless: Trump lost a fortune serving the country.
Yes, it’s simple to counter your trolling partisan BS :)

Donald Trump's family appears to have grown RICHER since he entered the White House. The wealth is coming in because Trump, unlike past presidents, handed control of his businesses over to his children instead of fully divesting from them

Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure, and has lost about $400 million since he assumed office ...
While the Great Recession that Obama inherited caused most Americans to suffer, the economic recovery in the Obama years did wonders for Trump's bottom line. The real estate developer reached his highest Forbes net worth in March 2016, an estimated $4.5 billion. It took just four years for Trump's net worth to go from a 10-year low of $1.6 billion in 2009 to $3 million, higher than before the recession hit.

Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.

Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’
Anyone viewing the poster, and then reading your post, will recognized what a lying fool you are.
Is that empty statement the best you can do, Chickie?
Go ahead, tell us how i lied ... or STFU.
Simple....not as simple as you are, but simple nonetheless: Trump lost a fortune serving the country.
Yes, it’s simple to counter your trolling partisan BS :)

Donald Trump's family appears to have grown RICHER since he entered the White House. The wealth is coming in because Trump, unlike past presidents, handed control of his businesses over to his children instead of fully divesting from them

Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure, and has lost about $400 million since he assumed office ...
While the Great Recession that Obama inherited caused most Americans to suffer, the economic recovery in the Obama years did wonders for Trump's bottom line. The real estate developer reached his highest Forbes net worth in March 2016, an estimated $4.5 billion. It took just four years for Trump's net worth to go from a 10-year low of $1.6 billion in 2009 to $3 million, higher than before the recession hit.

his family isn't allowed to make money?
Coulter has found a very comfortable niche and farms it well. Like the telepreachers, she has a public that provides her a luxurious lifestyle.

Kinda like this.....

View attachment 322648
Another stupid partisan misleading post.
All Presidents earn lots of money after their terms, including Republicans. So what?

Trump loves power and ass-kissers working for him, so losing some wealth is the price for his egotistical entertainment.
Given a silver spoon, he can afford it.
Trump is the richest POTUS ever, and he had LOTS of help from his rich daddy, unlike the other two families.
‘Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to reimburse him, and had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime.’
Anyone viewing the poster, and then reading your post, will recognized what a lying fool you are.
Is that empty statement the best you can do, Chickie?
Go ahead, tell us how i lied ... or STFU.
Simple....not as simple as you are, but simple nonetheless: Trump lost a fortune serving the country.
Yes, it’s simple to counter your trolling partisan BS :)

Donald Trump's family appears to have grown RICHER since he entered the White House. The wealth is coming in because Trump, unlike past presidents, handed control of his businesses over to his children instead of fully divesting from them

Trump gained $2.9 billion during Obama's tenure, and has lost about $400 million since he assumed office ...
While the Great Recession that Obama inherited caused most Americans to suffer, the economic recovery in the Obama years did wonders for Trump's bottom line. The real estate developer reached his highest Forbes net worth in March 2016, an estimated $4.5 billion. It took just four years for Trump's net worth to go from a 10-year low of $1.6 billion in 2009 to $3 million, higher than before the recession hit.


Why are you trying to pretend that this refers to during Obama's regime?

Is it because you are a low-life lying Liberal?


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