Ann Coulter Names the Jew

Not enough.

Were you trying to make a point, or something?

There aren't enough Jews in the United States. Or anywhere for that matter. The world needs more Jews.

And Swagger old chap, there shouldn't be a comma after "point." are an IDIOT AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN

Dude, just because you don't understand basic grammar doesn't make those who do idiots. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Its NOT the Grammar that means a thing...but your content that makes you such a Moron

What are you talking about?

Jews are very successful people. They are over represented in medicine and the professions. Heck, if you believe the nutters, they control finance, the media and the British crown. That's very impressive!

You might want to become Jewish. That may be your only way of becoming successful.

I doubt they'd have you though. They want winners.
Were you trying to make a point, or something?

There aren't enough Jews in the United States. Or anywhere for that matter. The world needs more Jews.

And Swagger old chap, there shouldn't be a comma after "point." are an IDIOT AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN

Dude, just because you don't understand basic grammar doesn't make those who do idiots. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Its NOT the Grammar that means a thing...but your content that makes you such a Moron

What are you talking about?

Jews are very successful people. They are over represented in medicine and the professions. Heck, if you believe the nutters, they control finance, the media and the British crown. That's very impressive!

You might want to become Jewish. That may be your only way of becoming successful.

I doubt they'd have you though. They want winners.

Most of that is bloated. Germans are the successful people, not Jews. Jobs and Gates were and are not jews. Jobs was Syrian and Lebanese. They are not winners if they need my tax dollars.
Ann Coulter serves a purpose. She is out there as the political version of a radio "shock jock". She says and writes things that no one else will. And that makes the hate-mongering idiots seem more moderate.

She ask a question 'How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?'

Which part of her question do you think is anti-Semitic? The part where she asks how man Jews the pols think there are in the US, or her use of the F word as an exclamation? Or is it anti-Semitic to even ask about anything about Jews?
Ann Coulter serves a purpose. She is out there as the political version of a radio "shock jock". She says and writes things that no one else will. And that makes the hate-mongering idiots seem more moderate.

She ask a question 'How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?'

Which part of her question do you think is anti-Semitic? The part where she asks how man Jews the pols think there are in the US, or her use of the F word as an exclamation? Or is it anti-Semitic to even ask about anything about Jews?

Please point out where I said she was anti-Semitic?
Ann Coulter serves a purpose. She is out there as the political version of a radio "shock jock". She says and writes things that no one else will. And that makes the hate-mongering idiots seem more moderate.

She ask a question 'How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?'

Which part of her question do you think is anti-Semitic? The part where she asks how man Jews the pols think there are in the US, or her use of the F word as an exclamation? Or is it anti-Semitic to even ask about anything about Jews?

Please point out where I said she was anti-Semitic?

My apologies for presuming you meant she was anti-Semitic. That seemed your implication.

Do you think she is anti-Semitic for twittering that? Most of the rest of the knee-jerk left here seems to think so.

Whatever the case, this will not be good for her career.
Ann Coulter serves a purpose. She is out there as the political version of a radio "shock jock". She says and writes things that no one else will. And that makes the hate-mongering idiots seem more moderate.

She ask a question 'How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?'

Which part of her question do you think is anti-Semitic? The part where she asks how man Jews the pols think there are in the US, or her use of the F word as an exclamation? Or is it anti-Semitic to even ask about anything about Jews?

Please point out where I said she was anti-Semitic?

My apologies for presuming you meant she was anti-Semitic. That seemed your implication.

Do you think she is anti-Semitic for twittering that? Most of the rest of the knee-jerk left here seems to think so.

Whatever the case, this will not be good for her career.

Considering the things this bitch has said before, I doubt this will effect her career at all.
Why do people hate Jews? I believe it to be ridiculous..

Ann Coulter serves a purpose. She is out there as the political version of a radio "shock jock". She says and writes things that no one else will. And that makes the hate-mongering idiots seem more moderate.

She ask a question 'How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?'

Which part of her question do you think is anti-Semitic? The part where she asks how man Jews the pols think there are in the US, or her use of the F word as an exclamation? Or is it anti-Semitic to even ask about anything about Jews?

Please point out where I said she was anti-Semitic?

My apologies for presuming you meant she was anti-Semitic. That seemed your implication.

Do you think she is anti-Semitic for twittering that? Most of the rest of the knee-jerk left here seems to think so.

Whatever the case, this will not be good for her career.

Considering the things this bitch has said before, I doubt this will effect her career at all.

Considering how Mel Gibson's drunken sips of anti-Semitic nonsense killed his career despite his wild success at putting out hugely profitable movies.... Coulter is toast.
Ann Coulter serves a purpose. She is out there as the political version of a radio "shock jock". She says and writes things that no one else will. And that makes the hate-mongering idiots seem more moderate.

She ask a question 'How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?'

Which part of her question do you think is anti-Semitic? The part where she asks how man Jews the pols think there are in the US, or her use of the F word as an exclamation? Or is it anti-Semitic to even ask about anything about Jews?

Please point out where I said she was anti-Semitic?

My apologies for presuming you meant she was anti-Semitic. That seemed your implication.

Do you think she is anti-Semitic for twittering that? Most of the rest of the knee-jerk left here seems to think so.

Whatever the case, this will not be good for her career.

Considering the things this bitch has said before, I doubt this will effect her career at all.

Considering how Mel Gibson's drunken sips of anti-Semitic nonsense killed his career despite his wild success at putting out hugely profitable movies.... Coulter is toast.

Gibson is an actor. Refer to my previous description of Coulter's job.
She ask a question 'How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?'

Which part of her question do you think is anti-Semitic? The part where she asks how man Jews the pols think there are in the US, or her use of the F word as an exclamation? Or is it anti-Semitic to even ask about anything about Jews?

Please point out where I said she was anti-Semitic?

My apologies for presuming you meant she was anti-Semitic. That seemed your implication.

Do you think she is anti-Semitic for twittering that? Most of the rest of the knee-jerk left here seems to think so.

Whatever the case, this will not be good for her career.

Considering the things this bitch has said before, I doubt this will effect her career at all.

Considering how Mel Gibson's drunken sips of anti-Semitic nonsense killed his career despite his wild success at putting out hugely profitable movies.... Coulter is toast.

Gibson is an actor. Refer to my previous description of Coulter's job.

the point is that how successful you have been before is irrelevant.

Once you have crossed certain lines, your career in major media is DEAD.
Ann Coulter serves a purpose. She is out there as the political version of a radio "shock jock". She says and writes things that no one else will. And that makes the hate-mongering idiots seem more moderate.

She ask a question 'How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?'

Which part of her question do you think is anti-Semitic? The part where she asks how man Jews the pols think there are in the US, or her use of the F word as an exclamation? Or is it anti-Semitic to even ask about anything about Jews?

Please point out where I said she was anti-Semitic?

My apologies for presuming you meant she was anti-Semitic. That seemed your implication.

Do you think she is anti-Semitic for twittering that? Most of the rest of the knee-jerk left here seems to think so.

Whatever the case, this will not be good for her career.

Considering the things this bitch has said before, I doubt this will effect her career at all.

Considering how Mel Gibson's drunken sips of anti-Semitic nonsense killed his career despite his wild success at putting out hugely profitable movies.... Coulter is toast.
Mel owns and produces his own movies, yet the drunken outburst has not hindered his profitability, nor did it influence his divorce...his drinking has done that...
Here are some quotes from Coulter.

"Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's moral decay." -Ann Coulter on American fans of World Cup soccer

"There is a growing body of evidence that radiation in excess of what the government says are the minimum amounts we should be exposed to are actually good for you and reduce cases of cancer." -Ann Coulter, on fears over the fallout from Japan's nuclear crisis, Bill O'Reilly interview, March 18, 2011

"I don't really like to think of it as a murder. It was terminating Tiller in the 203rd trimester. ... I am personally opposed to shooting abortionists, but I don't want to impose my moral values on others." --on the murder of Kansas abortion doctor George Tiller, FOX News interview, June 22, 2009

"If I'm going to say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot."

"These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by griefparrazies. I have never seen people enjoying their husband's deaths so much." -on 9/11 widows who have been critical of the Bush administration

"God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'"

"I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo."

If her comments were going to hurt her career, I think some of these would have. Especially the one where she claims that God said "Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours".
Ann Coulter serves a purpose. She is out there as the political version of a radio "shock jock". She says and writes things that no one else will. And that makes the hate-mongering idiots seem more moderate.

She ask a question 'How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?'

Which part of her question do you think is anti-Semitic? The part where she asks how man Jews the pols think there are in the US, or her use of the F word as an exclamation? Or is it anti-Semitic to even ask about anything about Jews?

Please point out where I said she was anti-Semitic?

My apologies for presuming you meant she was anti-Semitic. That seemed your implication.

Do you think she is anti-Semitic for twittering that? Most of the rest of the knee-jerk left here seems to think so.

Whatever the case, this will not be good for her career.

Considering the things this bitch has said before, I doubt this will effect her career at all.

Considering how Mel Gibson's drunken sips of anti-Semitic nonsense killed his career despite his wild success at putting out hugely profitable movies.... Coulter is toast.

You'd also have to show that Gibson's comments killed his career. He made those comments in 2008. Including one that will be released later this year, he has starred in 6 movies since then. If you consider starring in 6 movies in 7 years to be a failure, I guess I would question your standards for success.
If you say anything neg about jews as an actor or anyone associated with Hollywood , journalist, or politician, WATCH OUT. They seem to be very touchy about such things but boy they can degrade everyone else.
Look at Trump's popularity.

People are loving his bragging and self-aggrandizement even though he never answers a direct question on policy and is obviously nothing but a reality show tv personality, a shock jock with money.

I see the same kind of reaction to Coulter. Her whole schtick is to say outrageous and indefensible crap and, as with Trump, there's a segment of our population who actually think she's intelligent for saying them.

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