Ann Coulter: Our Blacks are better than your Blacks

nice way to clip the quote to make it bullshit. You said

Well, in that context, she is correct.

It was funny how the title misleads from the context.

Then said

No I got it before. I didn't, as you do, claim she was right or wrong

You cant spin that no matter how many quotes you try to edit in your favor

I didn't edit anything I directly quoted your cut ups of my posts.

Once again.....since you don't understand the difference

I said she was correct that blacks face greater scruitny of their political views for being conservative than they do if they are liberal.

I didn't claim that her saying that this scruitny makes conservatives blacks "better" than liberal blacks was right or wrong.

2 different aspects of the you understand the difference in what each statement was talking about now?

One more time...she is correct that conservative blacks face greater scruitny for their political positions but I don't know if that really makes black conservatives "better" than black liberals even though it is her opinion that it does.
This thread is over!!! The board Nazi showed up!!! :eek:

I know that the hate sites tell to you scream "Nazi" at the infidels who have not accepted Barack as their personal lord and savior; but tell us sparky, what SPECIFICALLY makes me a "Nazi?"
You have to feel some sorta way about it or else you wouldnt be human. So stop pretending.

In general, I'm not sure I have to have some opinion on every subject in which I know nothing about it.

But in this case that every time a non-liberal black man starts to go somewhere he's lynched by the liberal media does in fact start to make me skeptical of all these stories. Particularly one for which they can produce no evidence and the story is told by a clearly left agenda source. Though I did already say it was the media, sorry for being redundant on that...

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