Ann Coulter says GOP is craft immigration plan to ruin the country

Immigrants become Democrats after they discover the "American Dream" is a pipe dream for most of them.
Unfortunately, nobody does the right thing and creates a new party.
But I thought Repubs and TPers were the same? :confused:

Basically we are. The difference we have is how to go about implementing our ideology. Republicans seem to want to cater to the liberals by compromising, Tea Partiers want the liberals to compromise their principle and not us compromising ours.

Lonestar has "TP Hotel" printed on his forehead. An x-ray reveals two empty spaces in his skull. One is filled with TPM materials, the other has a sign "room for rent."

No, the TPM is a far right reactionary movement hiding behind slogans for smaller government and less taxes as screen for their hatred of immigrants, women's rights, civil rights, and people of color.

We in the GOP reject their negativism.

first, you are not "we" when it comes to the GOP. You are a dem/lib pretending to be a republican.

second, the tea party is not even close to what you claim. It is about freedom, low taxes, smaller govt, less intrusive govt, sane fiscal policy, sane international policy, individual accountability, minority equality, women's equality, fair and legal immigration policy.

the tea party is patriotic americans, a concept that is foreign to a far left "reactionary" like you.
Basically we are. The difference we have is how to go about implementing our ideology. Republicans seem to want to cater to the liberals by compromising, Tea Partiers want the liberals to compromise their principle and not us compromising ours.

Lonestar has "TP Hotel" printed on his forehead. An x-ray reveals two empty spaces in his skull. One is filled with TPM materials, the other has a sign "room for rent."

No, the TPM is a far right reactionary movement hiding behind slogans for smaller government and less taxes as screen for their hatred of immigrants, women's rights, civil rights, and people of color.

We in the GOP reject their negativism.

first, you are not "we" when it comes to the GOP. You are a dem/lib pretending to be a republican.

second, the tea party is not even close to what you claim. It is about freedom, low taxes, smaller govt, less intrusive govt, sane fiscal policy, sane international policy, individual accountability, minority equality, women's equality, fair and legal immigration policy.

the tea party is patriotic americans, a concept that is foreign to a far left "reactionary" like you.

Stop responding to him.

He does nothing to support any of his assertions.

He's been officially labeled.....a waste of time (skin and oxygen too).
Immigrants become Democrats after they discover the "American Dream" is a pipe dream for most of them.
Unfortunately, nobody does the right thing and creates a new party.

tell that to the vietnamese who came to this country and created a new industry (there is nail salon on every corner) through hard work.

BTW, they are overwhelmingly republicans. They hate welfare and intrusive government.
Lonestar has "TP Hotel" printed on his forehead. An x-ray reveals two empty spaces in his skull. One is filled with TPM materials, the other has a sign "room for rent."

No, the TPM is a far right reactionary movement hiding behind slogans for smaller government and less taxes as screen for their hatred of immigrants, women's rights, civil rights, and people of color.

We in the GOP reject their negativism.

first, you are not "we" when it comes to the GOP. You are a dem/lib pretending to be a republican.

second, the tea party is not even close to what you claim. It is about freedom, low taxes, smaller govt, less intrusive govt, sane fiscal policy, sane international policy, individual accountability, minority equality, women's equality, fair and legal immigration policy.

the tea party is patriotic americans, a concept that is foreign to a far left "reactionary" like you.

Stop responding to him.

He does nothing to support any of his assertions.

He's been officially labeled.....a waste of time (skin and oxygen too).

True, I had him on ignore for a few months, may be time to add him back to the list.

You do realize that jake and rightwinger are the same person.
Immigrants become Democrats after they discover the "American Dream" is a pipe dream for most of them.
Unfortunately, nobody does the right thing and creates a new party.

tell that to the vietnamese who came to this country and created a new industry (there is nail salon on every corner) through hard work.

BTW, they are overwhelmingly republicans. They hate welfare and intrusive government.

Nail salons!?
Do you know how much they charge?
They make like $20.00/hour.
I guess that's great compared to Vietnam.
Immigrants become Democrats after they discover the "American Dream" is a pipe dream for most of them.
Unfortunately, nobody does the right thing and creates a new party.

tell that to the vietnamese who came to this country and created a new industry (there is nail salon on every corner) through hard work.

BTW, they are overwhelmingly republicans. They hate welfare and intrusive government.

Nail salons!?
Do you know how much they charge?
They make like $20.00/hour.
I guess that's great compared to Vietnam.

$20/hr = 40K/yr. a whole lot better than vietnam. And when the entire family works in the same shop, they do quite well.

They are living the american dream.
Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and most of the Republican Party, as well as the entire Democratic Party, want a massive increase in business visas (see S744 and HR2131) in order to create a massive pool of cheap labor.

that pool is already here.

The NEW Immigration Reform creates 9 new categories of Business Visa.
Each category in this bill allows for a MINIMUM of 160,000 Business Visas per year.
All based on, according to Marco Rubio, the fact that most Americans "just can't cut it".

Try reading something before responding.
tell that to the vietnamese who came to this country and created a new industry (there is nail salon on every corner) through hard work.

BTW, they are overwhelmingly republicans. They hate welfare and intrusive government.

Nail salons!?
Do you know how much they charge?
They make like $20.00/hour.
I guess that's great compared to Vietnam.

$20/hr = 40K/yr. a whole lot better than vietnam. And when the entire family works in the same shop, they do quite well.

They are living the american dream.

Then I presume a CEO of an MNC can live on that?
You seem to have very low standards for success.
Nail salons!?
Do you know how much they charge?
They make like $20.00/hour.
I guess that's great compared to Vietnam.

$20/hr = 40K/yr. a whole lot better than vietnam. And when the entire family works in the same shop, they do quite well.

They are living the american dream.

Then I presume a CEO of an MNC can live on that?
You seem to have very low standards for success.

kind of a dumb statement. Do you assume that a CEO and a nail person have the same standard of living?

Why do you demean someone who comes here and works hard for a better life? And who comes her legally and plays by our immigration rules?
Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and most of the Republican Party, as well as the entire Democratic Party, want a massive increase in business visas (see S744 and HR2131) in order to create a massive pool of cheap labor.

that pool is already here.

The NEW Immigration Reform creates 9 new categories of Business Visa.
Each category in this bill allows for a MINIMUM of 160,000 Business Visas per year.
All based on, according to Marco Rubio, the fact that most Americans "just can't cut it".

Try reading something before responding.

the people that those rules will apply to are already in this country. I think you need to read before posting.

and, americans would take those jobs if welfare was not a better deal for them
But I thought Repubs and TPers were the same? :confused:

Basically we are. The difference we have is how to go about implementing our ideology. Republicans seem to want to cater to the liberals by compromising, Tea Partiers want the liberals to compromise their principle and not us compromising ours.

Lonestar has "TP Hotel" printed on his forehead. An x-ray reveals two empty spaces in his skull. One is filled with TPM materials, the other has a sign "room for rent."

No, the TPM is a far right reactionary movement hiding behind slogans for smaller government and less taxes as screen for their hatred of immigrants, women's rights, civil rights, and people of color.

We in the GOP reject their negativism.

You are not the GOP. You are the furthest thing from it.

Honestly I don't mind being labeled a Tea Partier, even though I don't have any ties the them I do share a lot of the same views as they do.

You have no idea what the Tea Party Movement is all about and your mischaracterization of them proves it.

Bottom line is, all you have are insults and attacks which I assume you gleaned from your Saul Alinsky book.
Immigrants become Democrats after they discover the "American Dream" is a pipe dream for most of them.
Unfortunately, nobody does the right thing and creates a new party.

tell that to the vietnamese who came to this country and created a new industry (there is nail salon on every corner) through hard work.

BTW, they are overwhelmingly republicans. They hate welfare and intrusive government.

THERE YOU GO! The GOP has a base in immigration. Now, if they can resist the urge to call the Vietnam women whores or tell them they can avoid getting pregnant when being raped, then they could be on to something! :clap2:
$20/hr = 40K/yr. a whole lot better than vietnam. And when the entire family works in the same shop, they do quite well.

They are living the american dream.

Then I presume a CEO of an MNC can live on that?
You seem to have very low standards for success.

kind of a dumb statement. Do you assume that a CEO and a nail person have the same standard of living?

Why do you demean someone who comes here and works hard for a better life? And who comes her legally and plays by our immigration rules?

I'd like to see your detailed calculation.
Please include taxes, utilities and various business expenses.
Are the children working the same hours or going to school?
Then I presume a CEO of an MNC can live on that?
You seem to have very low standards for success.

kind of a dumb statement. Do you assume that a CEO and a nail person have the same standard of living?

Why do you demean someone who comes here and works hard for a better life? And who comes her legally and plays by our immigration rules?

I'd like to see your detailed calculation.
Please include taxes, utilities and various business expenses.
Are the children working the same hours or going to school?

for what purpose? of course the kids are going to school, asians are some of the highest scoring students in our schools.

I don't know what point you are trying to make, are you saying the nail people should make the same as a corporate CEO? or vice versa?

maybe an enterprising nail person could open a chain of salons and become a CEO.
Immigrants become Democrats after they discover the "American Dream" is a pipe dream for most of them.
Unfortunately, nobody does the right thing and creates a new party.

tell that to the vietnamese who came to this country and created a new industry (there is nail salon on every corner) through hard work.

BTW, they are overwhelmingly republicans. They hate welfare and intrusive government.

THERE YOU GO! The GOP has a base in immigration. Now, if they can resist the urge to call the Vietnam women whores or tell them they can avoid getting pregnant when being raped, then they could be on to something! :clap2:

99% of the GOP does not use those terms, like the corrupt media, you are trying to claim that the 1% reflects the views of 99%.

yes, there are radical idiots on the far right, and there are more of them on the far left. Does Sheila Jackson-Lee represent the entire democrat party?
Ann is more worried about her political party than she is about the country. SHOCKED?

Her party is Americas last shot at avoiding disaster.

We saw the republican's last shot when they crashed the economy in 2008. Prior to that they allowed 9-11 to happen after many warnings of impending attacks. So I think the republicans have used up their shots.

Here is more eviidence to support your premise:

*Personal disposable income has grown nearly 6 times more under Democratic presidents

*Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has grown 7 times more under Democratic presidents

*Corporate profits have grown over 16% more per year under Democratic presidents (they actually declined under Republicans by an average of 4.53%/year)

* Average annual compound return on the stock market has been 18 times greater under Democratic presidents (If you invested $100k for 40 years of Republican administrations you had $126k at the end, if you invested $100k for 40 years of Democrat administrations you had $3.9M at the end)

*Republican presidents added 2.5 times more to the national debt than Democratic presidents

*The two times the economy steered into the ditch (Great Depression and Great Recession) were during Republican, laissez faire administrations

Want a Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat! - Forbes
tell that to the vietnamese who came to this country and created a new industry (there is nail salon on every corner) through hard work.

BTW, they are overwhelmingly republicans. They hate welfare and intrusive government.

THERE YOU GO! The GOP has a base in immigration. Now, if they can resist the urge to call the Vietnam women whores or tell them they can avoid getting pregnant when being raped, then they could be on to something! :clap2:

99% of the GOP does not use those terms, like the corrupt media, you are trying to claim that the 1% reflects the views of 99%.

yes, there are radical idiots on the far right, and there are more of them on the far left. Does Sheila Jackson-Lee represent the entire democrat party?

A true Texas embarrassment she is.

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