Ann Coulter says GOP is craft immigration plan to ruin the country

Ann is feeding her troll base, a requirement in her profession.

Much fury signifying nothing.

if you are going to try to quote Shakespere at least get the quote correct

".... tis a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"

Jakey Fakey's knowledge of Shakespeare doesn't extend beyond fishing equipment...

:lol: Have you ever read Robert Travers on trout fishing: far more important than Ann Coulter's opinion to the future of mankind.
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Democrats want the end of republicans so bad, they can't see that immigration is going to mean the end of them too. Democrats have been successful by promising more and more paid for by the public treasury. Let hispanic immigrants become a majority and promises of more and more won't be enough. Hispanics will take their majority votes and vote only for hispanics leaving all those guilt ridden democrats as disenfranchised as they hope republicans to be.
Please don't blame the problems of the GOP solely on the Dems. The GOP House has been sitting on Immigration Reform for months. They should have come up with something that would not make them look like a bunch of racist in that time frame. They are hoping that the issue will magically go away....but alas I will not.
Republicans want control of the presidency, and immigration and reaching out to women and Hispanics is the route to it.

That will put Democrats and TeaPs out of power.


Immigrants -- all immigrants -- have always been the bulwark of the Democratic Party. For one thing, recent arrivals tend to be poor and in need of government assistance. Also, they're coming from societies that are far more left-wing than our own. History shows that, rather than fleeing those policies, they bring their cultures with them. (Look at what New Yorkers did to Vermont.)

This is not a secret. For at least a century, there's never been a period when a majority of immigrants weren't Democrats.

At the current accelerated rate of immigration -- 1.1 million new immigrants every year -- Republicans will be a fringe party in about a decade.

That woman cracks me up! She takes loony to new levels!....or is she right? :eek:

She is Political Chic's idol.

Vermont? I go to Vermont once a year, the part that is not liberal can be redneck and scary. Just go to the gun section of a Walmart in Vermont.
Not only is Coulter a Know Nothing racist, she also has her history wrong.

The Modern GOP Grew In Heavily Hispanic Parts of the United States – One of the reasons many national GOP leaders have been so supportive of immigration reform is that the modern GOP grew out of the Sun Belt, and the largest states in the Sun Belt – CA, FL, TX – have large immigrant and Hispanic populations.

The first true conservative GOP Presidential candidate, Barry Goldwater, hailed from Arizona. Nixon and Reagan came from California, the Bushes from Texas and John McCain from Arizona. All in all 11 of the last 14 GOP nominees have come from AZ, CA and TX, giving these nominees and their Party great familiarity and comfort with the growing US Hispanic populations.

This just in: Ex-speaker: Give undocumented immigrants legal status

The effort to give undocumented immigrants a shot at legal status got a boost Thursday from an influential Republican.

Former House speaker Dennis Hastert, the longest-serving GOP speaker in history, told the Wall Street Journal that his former colleagues should pass an immigration bill that would improve border security and give legal status to the estimated 11.5 million undocumented immigrants already in the USA.

“We need to give these people legal status,” Hastert said in the WSJ interview. “The live here. They work here. They raise families here. We need to recognize that they’re here.”

Hastert was speaker in 2006 when a major immigration bill passed the Senate but got nowhere in the House. Fast forward to today. The Democratic-controlled Senate passed an immigration bill last year, which includes a path to citizenship, but the GOP-controlled House has yet to consider the same legislation.

Immigrants -- all immigrants -- have always been the bulwark of the Democratic Party. For one thing, recent arrivals tend to be poor and in need of government assistance. Also, they're coming from societies that are far more left-wing than our own. History shows that, rather than fleeing those policies, they bring their cultures with them. (Look at what New Yorkers did to Vermont.)

This is not a secret. For at least a century, there's never been a period when a majority of immigrants weren't Democrats.

At the current accelerated rate of immigration -- 1.1 million new immigrants every year -- Republicans will be a fringe party in about a decade.

That woman cracks me up! She takes loony to new levels!....or is she right? :eek:
An immigrant, and an illegal infiltrator are two disperate things - that is the peeminent consideration. One is legal, the other is not! How we can supercede the law retroactively with policy ( amnesty ) is betrayal! Our policy should be to enforce our laws!
The dirty little secret that low information lefties fail to grasp is that republicans have no power to "wreck the Country". The problem is that the Country will be wrecked if they side with the radical left. Republicans hold a majority in 1/3 of the federal government but lefties consistently behave like losers. What Coulter is saying is that republicans can't win elections by pretending to be democrats. Chris Christie should have illustrated that point.

Immigrants -- all immigrants -- have always been the bulwark of the Democratic Party. For one thing, recent arrivals tend to be poor and in need of government assistance. Also, they're coming from societies that are far more left-wing than our own. History shows that, rather than fleeing those policies, they bring their cultures with them. (Look at what New Yorkers did to Vermont.)

This is not a secret. For at least a century, there's never been a period when a majority of immigrants weren't Democrats.

At the current accelerated rate of immigration -- 1.1 million new immigrants every year -- Republicans will be a fringe party in about a decade.

That woman cracks me up! She takes loony to new levels!....or is she right? :eek:

This is why they try so hard to keep these people from voting
Republicans want control of the presidency, and immigration and reaching out to women and Hispanics is the route to it.

That will put Democrats and TeaPs out of power.


But I thought Repubs and TPers were the same? :confused:
Republicans want control of the presidency, and immigration and reaching out to women and Hispanics is the route to it.

That will put Democrats and TeaPs out of power.


But I thought Repubs and TPers were the same? :confused:

Basically we are. The difference we have is how to go about implementing our ideology. Republicans seem to want to cater to the liberals by compromising, Tea Partiers want the liberals to compromise their principle and not us compromising ours.
She's right about ruining the country, but she's wrong about the GOP's reason for doing it. The GOP cares more about getting control than about what is good for the country. They are taking a page right out if the Democrat play book.

SOME of the GOP, not all.

But Anne is spot on.

Immigrants -- all immigrants -- have always been the bulwark of the Democratic Party. For one thing, recent arrivals tend to be poor and in need of government assistance. Also, they're coming from societies that are far more left-wing than our own. History shows that, rather than fleeing those policies, they bring their cultures with them. (Look at what New Yorkers did to Vermont.)

This is not a secret. For at least a century, there's never been a period when a majority of immigrants weren't Democrats.

At the current accelerated rate of immigration -- 1.1 million new immigrants every year -- Republicans will be a fringe party in about a decade.

That woman cracks me up! She takes loony to new levels!....or is she right? :eek:

they knew this was true so they started cheating voters of color out of their right to vote
Republicans want control of the presidency, and immigration and reaching out to women and Hispanics is the route to it.

That will put Democrats and TeaPs out of power.


But I thought Repubs and TPers were the same? :confused:

Basically we are. The difference we have is how to go about implementing our ideology. Republicans seem to want to cater to the liberals by compromising, Tea Partiers want the liberals to compromise their principle and not us compromising ours.

Lonestar has "TP Hotel" printed on his forehead. An x-ray reveals two empty spaces in his skull. One is filled with TPM materials, the other has a sign "room for rent."

No, the TPM is a far right reactionary movement hiding behind slogans for smaller government and less taxes as screen for their hatred of immigrants, women's rights, civil rights, and people of color.

We in the GOP reject their negativism.
Ann is feeding her troll base, a requirement in her profession.

Much fury signifying nothing.

if you are going to try to quote Shakespere at least get the quote correct

".... tis a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"

:lol: Redfish the Shakespeare scholar who did not finish the 11th grade.

I was referring to his thought, not quoting his lines.

OK, I'll give you that, but the quote, or the thought, applies very accurately to the dems and libs of today. even though Shakespere was talking about life in general.

I'll match my education and experience to yours any day, care to start?
Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and most of the Republican Party, as well as the entire Democratic Party, want a massive increase in business visas (see S744 and HR2131) in order to create a massive pool of cheap labor.

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